


ThePirateBay.org = Host Everything - Status: Runnin - Type: Free To use - Language: Multilanguage

BTefNet.net = TV Shows - Status: Runnin - Type: Have to register - Language: English

FileList.org = Host Everything - Status: Runnin - Type: Register for free - Language: English

isoHunt.com = ISO Files - Status: Runnin - Type: Free To use - Language: English

BitSoup.org = Host Everything - Status: Runnin - Type: Register for free - Language: English

TorrentBox.com = Host Everything - Status: Runnin - Type: Free To use - Language: English

TorrentSpy.com = Host everything - Status: Runnin - Type: Free to use - Language: English

Demonoid.com = Host Everything - Status: Runnin - Type: Register for free - Language: English

TorrentReactor.net = Host everything - Status: Runnin - Type: Free to use - Language: English

NewTorrents.info = Host Everything - Status: Runnin - Type: Free to use - Language: English

DigitalDistractions.org = Host everything - Status: Runnin - Type: Free to use - Language: English

ByteNova.org = Host everything - Status: Runnin - Type: Free to use - Language: English

PWTorrents.net = Host everything - Status: Runnin - Type: Register for free - Language: English

www.torrentreactor.net- all sorts of files

www.warezcorps.com- all sorts of files

www.empornium.us- the sexy site (ahem)


Everything (German)




LegalTorrents is a collection of legally downloadable, freely distributable creator-approved files, from electronic/indie music to movies and books.

#digitaldistractions | no register

TVtorrents | no register

Suprnova mirror | no register

MMA tracker | must register | User limit 10.000

PWTorrents | must register

TVtorrents.co.uk | no register

The Pirate Bay | no register


ed2k Sites:

The-RealWorld.de = TV Shows - Status: Runnin - Type: Free To use - Language: English

ShareProvider.com = Host Everything - Status: Runnin - Type: Free To use - Language: English

ShareReactor.ru = Host Everything - Stauts: Runnin - Type: Free To use - Language: Russian

ShareVirus.com = Host everything - Status: Runnin - Type: Forum - Language: English

ShareHeaven.net = Host everything - Status: Runnin - Type: Free - Langugage: English

DrunkenDonkey.net = Host everything - Status: Runnin - Type: Forum, Register for free - Language:

DivXNorway.com = Host everything - Status: Runnin - Type: Forum, Register for free - Language: Norweign

YourRips.org = Host everything - Status: Runnin- Type: Forum - Language: English

ShareTurk.com = Host everything - Status: Runnin - Type: Site/Forum, Register for free - Language: Turkish

ZionReloaded = Host everything - Status: Runnin - Type: Forum, Register for free - Language: English


Zion File Share Forums

666 File Sharing Forum





News Sites:

Slyck.com = News - Status: Runnin - Language: English

FreeReactor.com = News - Status: Runnin - Language: English

AfterDawn.com = News - Status: Runnin - Language: English

ZeroPaid.com = News - Status: Runnin - Language: English

p2pNet.net = News - Status: Runnin - Language: English

Info Sites:

NFOrce.nl = NFO files - Status: Runnin - Language: English

SweDupe.com = NFO files - Status: Runnin - Language: English

ThroughPut.de = Searchs in a p2p Site Database - Status: Runnin - Language:English

BT-GM.com = Games & Movies - Status: Runnin - Language: English

VCDQuality.com = NFO and picture samples - Status: Runnin - Language: English
Not Working at this time

Club2Share.com = Host Everything - Status: No site showing - Type: Unknown - Language: English
A lot more, but they arent on the list



Down for good

ShareReactor.com - Language: English

ShareConnector.com - Language: English

SuprNova.org - Language: English

tvtorrents.tv - Language: English


BT Site:


eMule Site:

FuckTheInter.net Type: WebSite&Forum, Register for free - Language:English

ShareVirus.com Type:Forum, Register for free - Language:English[/hide]

[hide=50]1 666forums.TK http://www.666forums.tk/ X X
2 Asia Team http://www.asia-team.net/ X X
3 BajateTodo http://www.bajatetodo.com/ X X
4 CDMSShare http://www.cdmsshare.org/ X X
5 Descargatorrent http://descargatorrent.webcindario.com/ X X
6 eChule.NET http://www.echule.net/ X X
7 EliteFreak http://www.elitefreak.net/ X X
8 EliteVCD http://www.elitevcd.com/ X X
9 ElMejorDance http://www.elmejordance.tk/ X X
10 eMulea http://www.emulea.com X X
11 EmuleSur http://www.emulesur.com/ X X
12 EmuleTorrent.tk http://www.emuletorrent.tk/ X X
13 Fixmul http://www.fixmul.com/index.php X X
14 FuLLToRReNtS http://www.full-torrents.com/ X X
15 IndiceMule http://www.indicemule.net/ X X
16 InfoMilenio http://www.infomilenio.com/ X X
17 NaiaDaDonkey http://www.naiadadonkey.com/ X X
18 Peer-Peer World http://www.xxx-peer2peer-world.cx.la/ X X
19 Pleasuredome 101 http://forum.pleasuredome101.com/index.php? X X
20 PlusBR http://www.japasoft.com.br/ X X
21 PortalDivX.orG http://www.portaldivx.org/index.php X X
22 Portalpirata http://www.portalpirata.com/ X X
23 Ps2Rip.net http://www.ps2rip.net/ X X
24 Rianhe.com http://www.rianhe.com/ X X
25 SERVERTT http://www.servertt.com/ X X
26 The LioNetwork http://www.lionetwork.net/ X X
27 Todo P2P http://www.todop2p.com/ X X
28 TodoElinks http://www.todoelinks.net/ X X
29 Todorrent http://www.todorrent.tk/ X X
30 TusWarez http://www.tuswarez.com/ X X
31 WareZcorpS http://www.warezcorps.com/ X X
32 WebMundoElinks http://webmundoelinks.gratishost.com/ X X
33 XvooM http://www.xvoom.co.il/ X X
34 ZonaDown http://www.zonadown.com/ X X
35 ZonePSX http://www.zonepsx.net/web/home.php X X
36 La Guia Warez http://www.laguiawarez.net/ X X
37 PELETASH.COM http://www.peletash.com/ X X
38 FINREACTOR http://forum.finreactor.com/ X X
39 eMucine http://www.emucine.net/ X X
40 EselFilme http://www.eselfilme.com/ X X
41 ZOOZLE http://www.zoozle.de/ X X
42 United-Community-Board http://united-community.no-ip.com/ X X
43 CarteleraDIVX.TK http://www.carteleradivx.tk/ X X
44 EMulERippErS http://www.emulerippers.tk/ X X
45 eNLaCeMuLe http://www.enlacemule.com/ X X
46 ESPALPS2 http://www.espalps2.net/ X X
47 AbAnDoMoViEz http://www.abandomoviez.tk/ X
48 aKniga.COM http://akniga.com/ X
49 Anime Tengoku http://www.animetengoku.com/ X
50 AnimeReactor http://animereactor.ath.cx/forum/index.php X
51 Audio-Esel http://www.audio-esel.com/ X
52 BajaloTodo http://www.bajalotodo.com/web/index.php X
53 BajandoDivX http://www.bajandodivx.com/ X
54 BajarYA http://www.bajarya.com/ X
55 BallRoomDancing http://www.ballroomdancing.tk/ X
56 Best of British Links http://members.lycos.co.uk/bestofbritishlinks/ X
57 BronHaman http://www.bronhaman.com/ X
58 Burradas.com http://www.burradas.com/ X
59 C A N A L Q U O http://www.canalquo.com/edonkey/top.asp X
60 Canal Break Beat http://www.canalbreakbeat.com/ X
61 CaXoPeRrOs http://caxoperros.net/ X
62 China Mule http://www.cmule.com/phpbb/ X
63 Cinedonkey http://www.cinedonkey.net/ X
64 Club Donkey http://www.clubdonkey.com/ X
65 Comic-Central http://www.comic-central.cc/ X
66 Cover Rock http://www.coverrock.net/ X
67 CrystalShare http://crystalshare.com/ X
68 cvcdGo.COM http://www.cvcdgo.com/ X
69 Dead-Donkey http://www.dead-donkey.com/ X
70 DesiReactor http://www.desireactor.com/index.php X
71 DivX Clasico http://www.divxclasico.com/ X
72 DivX On WEB http://www.divxonweb.fr.st/ X
73 Divx Release http://www.divxrelease.com/ X
74 Divx4Arab http://www.divx4arab.com/ X
75 DivX-City http://www.divx-city.com/ X
76 DivX-Overnet http://www.divx-overnet.com/ X
77 DivXovore.COM http://www.divxovore.com/ X
78 Donkey Welt http://www.donkey-welt.de/ X
79 DonkeyHot.NET http://donkeyhot.net/ X
80 DragonPort http://www.dragonport.net/principal.php X
81 E S H O C K eD2K http://www.eshock.cc/index.php X
82 ED2KBrasil http://www.ed2kbrasil.org/ X
83 ed2k-it http://www.ed2k-it.com/forum/portal.php X
84 Ed2kMagazine http://ed2kmagazine.com/ X
85 eDonkers http://www.edonkers.org/ X
86 Edonkey Argentina http://www.edonkeyargentina.com.ar/ X
87 Edonkey-Armata http://edonkey-armata.com/ X
88 ElBuscaElinks http://www.elbuscaelinks.com/ X
89 eliteDivX http://www.elitedivx.com/ X
90 Elitemusic EMG http://www.elitemusic.org/index.php X
91 eMoogle eMule Search http://www.emoogle.de/ X
92 eMule 24 Horas http://www.emule24horas.com/ X
93 Emule Mexico http://www.emulemexico.com/ X
94 eMule Reactor http://www.emulereactor.6x.to/ X
95 eMule.NL http://www.emule.nl/ X
96 eMuleBoard http://emuleboard-saarland.com/ X
97 EmuleChile http://www.emulechile.cl/ X
98 emuleEspa?±a http://www.emulespana.net/ X
99 EmuleFuturuX http://www.emulefuturx.com/ X
100 EMULE-GALICIA http://www.emule-galicia.com/ X
101 eMuleitor http://www.emuleitor.com/ X
102 eMulek.NET http://www.emulek.net/ X
103 eMuleMP3 http://www.emulemp3.com/ X
104 eMulenfer.COM http://www.emulenfer.com/ X
105 eMule-Porno http://www.hackjers.com/ X
106 Emule-Singles http://www.emule-singles.com/ X
107 EmuleSoft http://www.emulesoft.com/ X
108 endstufe.TO http://www.endstufe.t3.to/ X
109 EsDonkey http://www.esdonkey.com/ X
110 EselFarm http://www.eselfarm.com/ X
111 EselKULT.de http://www.eselkult.de/index.php X
112 EselPsychos.to http://www.eselpsychos.to/ X
113 EselStar http://www.eselstar.com/ X
114 Espadonkey.Com http://www.espadonkey.com/ X
115 Feed the Mule http://www.feedthemule.net/ X
116 FileDonkey http://www.filedonkey.com/ X
117 Files You Need http://www.filesyouneed.com/ X
118 Friends-Forum http://www.friends-forum.com/ X
119 fucktheinter.net http://www.fucktheinter.net/ X
120 Funtitanio http://www.funtitanio.com/ X
121 Game Donkey http://www.gamedonkey.net/ X
122 GLOBALEMULE http://www.globalemule.com/ X
123 GoldEsel.DE http://www.goldesel.6x.to/ X
124 Gueb_ON http://www.guebon.tk/ X
125 GuiaMP3 http://www.guiamp3.com/ X
126 Hell Spawn Inc. http://hell-spawn-inc.nl/index.php X
127 HispaShare http://www.hispashare.net/ X
128 Imperio DiVX http://www.imperiodivx.com/ X
129 IndiceDonkey 2000 http://www.indicedonkey.com/ X
130 IsoHeaven http://www.isoheaven.com/ X
131 JAM Tv Films http://www.jamtvfilms.com/ X
132 JonaSoft http://www.jonasoft.net/index.php X
133 JuegoseMule http://www.juegosemule.com/ X
134 KoolMonkey http://koolmonkey.netfirms.com/ X
135 Les Forums Evile http://www.forum-evile.net/ X
136 LeTouteDonkey http://www.letoutedonkey.com/ X
137 LinkoManija http://linkomanija.net/ X
138 Manga Reactor http://www.mangareactor.tk/ X
139 Mature-P2P http://www.mature-p2p.tk/ X
140 Max-Emule http://www.max-emule.com/ X
141 MejorGratis http://www.mejorgratis.com/ X
142 MeTaLMaDNeSS http://www.metal-madness.tk/ X
143 MightyVibes http://www.mightyvibes.com/ X
144 MP3-es http://www.mp3-es.com/ X
145 MPC Donkey http://www.mpc-donkey.net/ X
146 Mula da Cooperativa http://max-pt.com/forum2/ X
147 MusicAngel http://www.musicangel.de/ X
148 MusicDonkey http://www.musicdonkey.top-servers.net/ X
149 MusicMule http://forum.musicmule.com/ X
150 Musik4All.com.BR http://www.musik4all.com.br/ X
151 NetLab.RU http://netlab.e2k.ru/ X
152 Nocilla.TV http://nocillatv.com/ X
153 NOiZeMuLe http://noizemule.zik.mu/ X
154 NOSOLOGORE http://www.nosologore.com/ X
155 OnlyHouseMusic http://www.onlyhousemusic.org/ X
156 Os Iluminados http://therobinbr.webcindario.com/scripts/portal.php X
157 OsiOLek http://www.osiolek.com/ X
158 Osloskop http://www.osloskop.net/ X
159 OverNetWorld http://www.overnetworld.com/ X
160 Pasatelo http://www.pasatelo.com/ X
161 PNP-POWER http://www.pnp-power.com/ X
162 Pootz.ORG http://www.pootz.org/ X
163 Porno Donkey http://www.pornodonkey.net/ X
164 Portal osiol.Net http://www.osiol.net/ X
165 Portal RipperShare http://www.rippershare.org/ X
166 PortalEdonkey http://www.portaledonkey.net/ X
167 Power-Portal http://www.power-portal.warez.to/ X
168 Projeto Democratiza?§?£o da Leitura http://www.portaldetonando.com.br/ X
169 PSpain2Full-DVD TEAM http://ps2fulldvd.tk/ X
170 PsyReactor http://www.psyreactor.com/ X
171 PsyRusDVD http://www.rusdvd.tk/ X
172 QueTeQuemas http://www.quetequemas.com/ X
173 Recurso Latino http://www.recursolatino.net/ X
174 Redfiles.NET http://www.redfiles.net/ X
175 Releases4U http://releases4u.com/ X
176 RussiaNet http://www.russianet.com.br/ X
177 RutaDelPlacer.com http://rutadelplacer.com/ X
178 Saugstube http://www.saugstube.to/ X
179 Schwa Video Media http://www.ed2k.dyndns.info/index.shtml X
180 SDG.es http://www.sdg-es.com/ X
181 SGTeam http://www.sgteam.com/ X
182 Share Provider http://www.shareprovider.com/ X
183 ShareBrasil http://share.coloniabrasil.com/ X
184 ShareConnector http://www.shareconnector.com/ X
185 ShareForum.NET http://shareforum.net/ X
186 SharElita http://sharelita.com/ X
187 ShareReactor.ru http://www.sharereactor.ru/ X
188 ShareTheFiles http://sharethefiles.com/ X
189 ShareTV http://www.sharetv.net/index.php X
190 SoLoELiNks http://www.soloelinks.com/ X
191 Spanishare http://www.spanishare.com/ X
192 SuperCerdas.COM http://www.supercerdas.com/ X
193 Superesel http://www.superesel.com/ X
194 SVCDPlaza http://www.svcdplaza.com/ X
195 The Realworld http://www.the-realworld.de/ X
196 ThePornoDivX.COM http://www.thepornodivx.com/ X
197 TitanEsel.RU http://www.titanesel.com.ru/ X
198 TomaDivX http://www.tomadivx.com/tomadivx.html X
199 TreiSAT http://www.treisat.com/index.php X
200 TvRip-Br http://www.tvripbr.cjb.net/ X
201 UnitedShare http://www.unitedshare.us/ X
202 V Group Network http://www.vgroup.com.ar/ X
203 VeryCD http://www.verycd.com/ X
204 WarezFaw.COM http://www.warezfaw.com/ X
205 ZeVeL.RU http://www.zevel.ru/ X
206 ZoNaeMule http://www.zonaemule.com/ X
207 Porno Elinks http://www.pornoelinks.com/ X
208 Grupo eMusica http://grupoemusica.com/ X
209 AmorFlamenco http://amorflamenco.com/ X
210 Pequeware http://pequeware.tk/ X
211 Jmsquall.TK http://jmsquall.tk/ X
212 MarvinZONE http://www.marvinzone.com/ X
213 Arribilak.NET http://www.arribilak.net/ X
214 NuestroPuntoDeEncuentro http://www.nuestropuntodeencuentro.com/ X
215 eDonkeyWorld http://edonkeyworld.tk/ X
216 BajatePorno http://bajateporno.com/ X
217 VCD eMule http://www.vcd-es.com/ X
218 Breakbeatz.DE http://www.breakbeatz.de/phpBB/ed2k.php X
219 EliteCINE http://www.elitecine.com/ X
220 DescargaseDonkey http://www.descargasedonkey.com/ X
221 Emulestrenos http://emulestrenos.com/ X
222 Emuland http://emuland9.free.fr/ X
223 FoRuM Ed2k-DivX http://ed2k-divx.net/ X
224 Le Site Kissifrot http://www.kissifrot.com/ X
225 RaRe-MoViE-BoArD http://www.r-m-b.org/ X
226 Asian Virus (PT) http://asian-virus.com/ X
227 DonkeyDownload http://www.donkeydownload.com/ X
228 Legendas DivX Tugas http://www.divertidos.net/LegendasDivX/ X
229 eMuleNL http://www.emulenl.com/ X
230 MM Net http://www.mmnet.got.to/ X
231 NederEzel http://www.nederezel.nl/ X
232 Shift http://www.shift.co.il/ X
233 ShareMule http://www.sharemule.com/ X
234 Classicos de Seculo XX http://classic-movies.org/forum/index.php X
235 DonkeyMule http://www.donkeymule.com/ X
236 Astroteam Release Group http://www.astroteamrg.net/ X
237 INFEKTOR http://ciberia.ya.com/netbalam/ X
238 SubdissidenTeam http://www.subdissidenteam.com.ar/ X
239 Newz.TO http://www.newz.to/emule X
240 Julias Eselstall http://www.julias-eselstall.com/ X
241 Edokus http://www.edokus.de/ X
242 KrautMovies http://krautmovies.c4.to/ X
243 Eselfarm Board http://www.eselfarm.info/ X
244 CthragSardius http://www.cthragsardius.co.uk/ X
245 Leeching Station http://www.kingrene.de/ X
246 Black eMule http://members.lycos.co.uk/r3k69/ X
247 NoNaMe::Movies http://www.nnm.ru/moviez/ X
248 NetLab http://www.netlab.e2k.ru/ X
249 TodoEdonkeY http://orbita.starmedia.com/todoedonkey/ X
250 P2PHispano http://www.lanzadera.com/P2PHispano/ X
251 Sharemule http://www.sharemule.cjb.net/ X
252 Emulecine http://www.emulecine.com/ X
253 Computers Magazine http://www.computers-magazine.com/ X
254 ServerJuegos http://juegos.portalreset.com/ X
255 GameDonkey http://www.game-donkey.com/ X
256 Emulinks http://www.emulinks.net/ X
257 EsPal-Tracker http://www.espal-tracker.com/ X
258 RinconGratis http://www.rincongratis.com/ X
259 LAENERGIA.NET http://www.laenergia.net/ X
260 TodoMP3.NET http://www.todomp3.net/ X
261 MP3sBEER http://www.mp3sbeer.com/ X
262 Animersion http://www.animersion.net/ X
263 Bittorrent Source http://www.bittorrent-source.com/ X
264 DescargasWeb http://www.descargasweb.net/ X
265 Divx-Es http://www.divx-es.com/ X
266 DivxPort.com http://www.divxport.com/ X
267 E-bookz.dl.am http://www.e-bookz.dl.am/ X
268 EliteTorrent http://www.elitetorrent.net/ X
269 FullPS2 http://www.fullps2.com/php/index.php X
270 IntercambioDigital http://www.intercambiodigital.net/ X
271 KerrazY Torrents http://www.kerrazy-torrents.com/ X
272 laPeonza http://www.lapeonza.com/ X
273 LiMiTeDiVx http://www.limitedivx.com/ X
274 LimiteMP3 http://www.limitemp3.com/ X
275 LimiteTorrent http://www.limitetorrent.com/ X
276 Loki Torrent http://www.lokitorrent.com/ X
277 Mc-Torrent http://www.mc-torrent.ath.cx/ X
278 PCToRRenT http://www.pctorrent.com/ X
279 ShareAdicTos http://www.shareadictos.com/ X
280 ShareXextreme http://www.sharextreme.com/php/ X
281 SpeedTorrent http://www.speedtorrent.dl.am/ X
282 SuprNova.ORG http://search.suprnova.org/ X
283 The Pirate Bay http://thepiratebay.org/ X
284 TodoCVCD http://www.todocvcd.com/home.php X
285 Torrent Hispania http://www.torrent-hispania.com/ X
286 Torrent.TO http://www.torrent.to/ X
287 TORRENTAZOS http://www.torrentazos.com/ X
288 TorrentBase http://www.torrent-base.dl.am/ X
289 Torrenteros http://www.torrenteros.com/ X
290 TorrentES http://www.torrentes.com/ X
291 Torrentz.ar http://www.torrentz.com.ar/ X
292 TuTorrent http://www.tutorrent.com/ X
293 VIPBittorrent http://www.vip-bittorrent.com/ X
294 XtremeWarez http://www.xtremewarez.net/ X
295 ZoNaDiVX http://www.zonadivx.com/ X
296 YOTOSHI http://yotoshi.com/ X
297 Empornium http://www.empornium.us/ X
298 UKNova http://www.uknova.com/ X
299 Hawkies World http://www.hawkies-world.org/ X
300 MONXU http://www.monxu.com X
301 BTEfnet http://m1.btefnet.net/ X
302 Filesoup http://www.filesoup.com/ X
303 Throughput.DE http://throughput.de/ X
304 isoHunt http://isohunt.com/ X
305 AnimeSuki http://www.animesuki.com/ X
306 TorrentBox.COM http://www.torrentbox.com/ X
307 CRAZYMAZEYs http://crazymazey.kicks-ass.org/forum/ X
308 Torrent-ES http://www.torrent-es.com/ X
309 HispaTorrent http://www.hispatorrent.com/ X
suprnova.org - DOWN
http://www.torrents.co.uk/new_bt/ Tv episodes, movies, music Up
http://www.torrentse.cx/ Tv episodes, movies, games, music, apps, pron, misc + tracker Up
http://newsisfree.com/sources/info/5355/ Tv episodes Up
http://www.bytemonsoon.com/ Tv episodes, movies, games, music, apps, anime Down
http://www.sharelive.com/changezone.php?...=index.php All types of torrents + request section Up
http://www.streamload.com/khongcuong Backupserver for alot of torrents (movies,games,anime,tv) Up
http://www.tvtorrents.com/ Tv episodes Up
http://bittorrent.bounceme.net Tv episodes, movies, games, music, apps, comics, anime, misc + tracker Up
http://torrents.chilledcore.com/index.php All types + tracker (upload your own file) Up
http://www.downloadparadise.tk/ Movies, games, console, apps Up
http://www.torrentzone.com/ All types. NOTE: you have to signup to porn sites to get access! Up
http://preterhuman.net/~fdirge/torrent.html Movies, Tv episodes Up
http://efibt.sytes.net/torrents.php Movies, music, other Up
http://btfiles.no-ip.com/ DVD-r and Mac torrents Up
http://www.wowz0rs.tk/ all types Up
http://www.torrentialbits.tk Movies and apps Up
http://buffyverse.co.uk/ Buffy and Angel torrents + info Up
http://www.sci-fi-site.no-ip.com/hidden_torrent/ Tv episodes, Sliders and Andromeda, Lois & Clark Up
http://knowbuddy.dyndns.org/torrent/ Tv episodes, Alias and the 2 first Animatrix movies Up
http://cumorah.net/english-man/home1.htm Tv episodes, Harsh Realm and Ultraviolet Up
http://warewolf.no-ip.org/xfiles/ Tv episodes, X-files Up
http://warewolf.no-ip.org/ Tv episodes, Enterprise Up
http://nx01.us/index.php?page=torrent Tv episodes, Enterprise Up
http://homepages.nildram.co.uk/~crosses/eyesonly/ Tv episodes, Dark Angel Up
http://www.sci-fi-site.no-ip.com/hidden_torrent/ Tv episodes Up
http://www.base0.net/bt/ Tv episodes Up
http://home.no.net/mrtwig/ South Park Tv episodes Up
http://www.superbit.ugcentral.com/ Movies, music, games Up
http://avirtuos.topcities.com/bit.html SuprNova clone Up
http://turbobricks.ath.cx/torrents/ Movies Up
http://www.orsysnetwork.tk/ Movies Up
http://www.softwarehole.com/ All types Up
http://www.sharingthegroove.org/ Games, movies, apps Up
http://btfiles.no-ip.com/ Games, movies, apps, music Up
http://metzia.hypermart.net/eps.shtml Tv episodes Up
http://episodes-first.cjb.net Tv episodes, use search to find torrents Up
http://www.watchen.tv/ Tv episodes, use search to find torrents Up
http://www.german-torrents.de.vu/ German Movies, music, games, apps Up
http://www.german-torrents.de Tv episodes, movies, games, music, apps (in german) Up
http://www.darkgamefreaks.de German stuff, movies, music and games Up
http://www.torrentfilme.com/ German stuff, movies, music and games Up
http://www.babasboard.de Movies, music, games (in german) Up
http://bittorrents.de/ Movies, music, games, anime (site is in german, but torrents are mainly of english spoken files) Up
http://www.cafeyoyo.fr.st French movies and info Up
http://www.gamesir.com:81/ Chinese site Up
http://www.torrentfiles.com/ Tv episodes, movies, music, apps Up
http://bittorrent.frozen-layer.net/ spanish language anime and other movies site Up
http://www.adictobt.dynu.com/ spanish movies,tv episodes and apps Up Asian tv drama Up
http://www.digitaldistractions.org/torrents.php Food TV, some Star Trek, Britcoms and documentaries Up
http://knowbuddy.dyndns.org/torrent/knowbuddy.cgi TorrentSpy, sometimes movies Up
http://f.moya.scarywater.net/ Animatrix 3, Matrix reloaded trailer, Redhat and some more Up
http://www.southparkx.net/index.php?vo=7 Southpark bittorrent and ftp Up
http://www.20two.net/comics/ Comics Up
http://rsn.no-ip.com/ Movies Up
http://www.ozion.tk/ Movies Up
http://www.angelinc.org/torrent.php Tv episodes Up
http://www.pornstarjacqui.com/links.html Porn Up
http://www.pleasure-torrent.com/ Porn and Hentai Up
http://www.gay-torrents.net.ms/ Gay Porn Up
http://fry.is-a-geek.com/ Futurama episodes Up
http://www.wrestlingtorrents.tk/ American Wrestling Up
http://bt.eastgame.net/ Anime, games, music, software, other (chinese site) Up
http://yisitu.hk.st/ Games(chinese site) Up
http://orf.cx/torrent/ Music (concerts of Greatful Dead and Jefferson Airplane) Up
http://rpmfind.net/BitTorrent/ Mandrake, RedHat Linux and utils Up
http://www.aaronsw.com/weblog/000635 RedHat 8 (Psyche) Up
http://www.lnx-bbc.org/download.html LNX-BBC isos Up
http://rpmfind.net/BitTorrent/ Isos of different Linux versions Up
http://www.bstark.pp.se/bittorrent/ Only statistics on torrents, no downloads Up
http://frogfood.dyndns.org:6969/ Only statistics on torrents, no downloads Up
http://torrents.slash0.org/ Tv episodes, movies, games, misc (also tracker, upload your own file!) Down
http://candystore.tk Tv episodes, movies, games, apps Down
http://torrent.milfclan.com/ Tv episodes Down
http://wnh.dyndns.tv/torrent.php Tv episodes Down
http://scifi-epz.com Tv episodes, Enterprise and Tremors Down
http://premier69.cjb.net/ Tv episodes, X-files and Farscape Down
http://www.torrent-vision.tk/ Tv episodes, movies, games, music, apps, pron (also tracker, upload your own file!) Down
http://bitconjurer.org/BitTorrent/download.html Official Bittorrent site, download windows installer here, last version 3.2.1 download
http://ei.kefro.st/projects/btclient/ Experimental Bittorrent client with extra options download
http://krypt.dyndns.org:81/torrent/ Experimental Bittorrent client, has Torrentspy build in and more options download
Only TV episodes
http://newsisfree.com/sources/info/5355/ Tv episodes
http://metzia.hypermart.net/eps.shtml Tv episodes
http://www.tvtorrents.com/ Tv episodes
http://www.buffy.nu/ Buffy
http://homepages.nildram.co.uk/~crosses/eyesonly/ Dark Angel
http://www.southparkx.net/index.php?vo=7 Southpark BT and ftp
http://yourmom.dhs.org/zim/download.php3 Invader Zim BT and ftp
http://fry.is-a-geek.com Futurama
http://nx01.us/index.php?page=torrent Enterprise
http://scifi-epz.com Enterprise and Tremors
http://warewolf.no-ip.org/ Enterprise
http://warewolf.no-ip.org/xfiles/ (temp) X-files
http://www.premier69.cjb.net/ Babylon 5 added 23-06
http://mymacgyver.tk/ McGyver
http://knowbuddy.dyndns.org/torrent/ Alias and the 2 first Animatrix movies
http://www.digitaldistractions.org/torrents.php Food tv, Monty Python, Blackadder
Bigger sites with more kinds of torrents
http://preterhuman.net/~fdirge/torrent.html Tv episodes, movies
www.hotfire.net/" target="_blank">http://wwww.hotfire.net/ Tv episodes, movies, games (aka Groundzero)
http://themexicanelvis.cjb.net/ Tv episodes, movies, games, music, apps added 15-06
http://www.softwarehole.com/torrents/ Tv episodes, movies, games, music, apps, misc (tracker)
http://www.sharelive.com/index.php Tv episodes, movies, games, music, apps, and more
http://www.bytemonsoon.com/ Tv episodes, movies, games, music, apps, anime, pron, comics
http://candystore.tk (mirror for bytemonsoon) Tv episodes, movies, games, music, apps, anime, pron, comics
http://www.filesoup.com/ (torrents hosted by bytemonsoon) Tv episodes, movies, games, music, apps, anime, pron, comics
http://torrentreactor.com/ (new url for torrents.chilledcore.com/) Tv episodes, movies, games, music, apps, misc (tracker)
http://www.moviezone.breezeland.com/ Tv episodes, movies, games, music, apps, misc (forum,also ftp, need login)
http://www5.streamload.com/khongcuong Tv episodes, movies, games, music, apps, anime, misc, pron added 19-06
http://torrenttrader.tk (merged with http://www.torrentwatcher.tk/) Tv episodes, movies, games, music, apps, misc (forum, need login, tracker) changed 16-06
www.SuprNova.org (temp) (mirror) Tv episodes, movies, games, music, apps, misc, DVD (tracker)
http://www.hawkie.org.uk Tv episodes, movies, games, music, apps, pron changed 21-06
http://rsanctuary.no-ip.com/ Tv episodes, movies, games, music, apps, pron
http://www.digital-update.com/forums/ Tv episodes, movies, games, music, apps, anime (forum with login, tracker)
http://www.0-mile.com/ Tv episodes, movies, games, music, apps, pron, comics, anime (tracker)
www.bittorrent.bounceme.net or www.bitetorrent.com (temp) Tv episodes, movies, games, music, apps, comics, anime, misc (tracker)
http://torrent-talk.org/ Tv episodes, movies, games, music, apps (forum, no login)
http://rabbithole.ath.cx/ Tv episodes, movies, games, apps, mac (forum, need login)
http://www.packeting.tk or http://debian.toxic.pl/sci3nc3/eletrex/ Tv episodes, movies, games, apps (tracker)
http://www.OrSysNetwork.tk (temp) Movies
http://www.ozion.tk/ Movies
http://www.torrentialbits.tk/ Movies, apps
http://btfiles.no-ip.com/ Movies, games, apps
http://warez-heaven.8m.com/ Movies, games, music (new url for www.freewebs.com/warez-heaven/) changed 19-06
http://www.downloadparadise.tk/ Movies, games, music, apps
http://www.btrocks.com/ Movies, games, music, apps (new url for http://www.bittorrentkickass.org) changed 24-06
http://www.wowz0rs.tk/ Movies, games, music, apps, ps2, xbox
http://bittorent.file-sharers.com/ Games and apps
http://bittorrent.kicks-ass.net/ DVD-R and Mac
http://www.bit-torrent.org/ New forum just started, needs you to post torrents (need login) changed 18-06
http://www.intimidated.f2s.com (tracker for sharelive.com) New site just started, has a tracker set up and needs you to post torrents
The sites below recently went down and may come back, sites that seem to be down for good will be moved to the Removed sites page.
http://www.sci-fi-site.no-ip.com/ Tv episodes, movies, games, music, apps, misc down? 20-06
http://efibt.sytes.net/torrents.php Tv episodes, movies, games, music, apps down? 19-06
http://mrtwig.net/ Southpark down? 19-06
http://turbobricks.ath.cx/torrents/ Movies down? 18-06
http://www.torrents.co.uk/new_bt/ Tv episodes, movies, music down? 18-06
http://torrents.noneleft.bm/24/ 24 down? 18-06
http://torrentindex.6x.to or mitglied.lycos.de/abelanda/torrentindex Tv episodes, movies, games, music, apps, pron down? 17-06
http://www.torrentse.cx/ Tv episodes, movies, games, music, apps, pron, misc (tracker) down? 11-06
http://buffyverse.co.uk Tv episodes, Buffy and Angel
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