【Burges98】 C. Burges. "A tutorial on support vector machines for pattern recognition", Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining 2(2), 1998. (available online at [1]).
LIBSVM - A Library for Support Vector Machines. By Chih-Chung Chang and Chih-Jen Lin ([2])
class CvSVM : public CvStatModel //繼承自基類CvStatModel{public:// SVM typeenum { C_SVC=100, NU_SVC=101, ONE_CLASS=102, EPS_SVR=103, NU_SVR=104 };//SVC是SVM分類器,SVR是SVM回歸// SVM kernel typeenum { LINEAR=0, POLY=1, RBF=2, SIGMOID=3 }; //提供四種核函數(shù),分別是線性,多項式,徑向基,sigmoid型函數(shù)。CvSVM();virtual ~CvSVM();CvSVM( const CvMat* _train_data, const CvMat* _responses,const CvMat* _var_idx=0, const CvMat* _sample_idx=0,CvSVMParams _params=CvSVMParams() );virtual bool train( const CvMat* _train_data, const CvMat* _responses,const CvMat* _var_idx=0, const CvMat* _sample_idx=0,CvSVMParams _params=CvSVMParams() );virtual float predict( const CvMat* _sample ) const;virtual int get_support_vector_count() const;virtual const float* get_support_vector(int i) const;virtual void clear();virtual void save( const char* filename, const char* name=0 );virtual void load( const char* filename, const char* name=0 );virtual void write( CvFileStorage* storage, const char* name );virtual void read( CvFileStorage* storage, CvFileNode* node );int get_var_count() const { return var_idx ? var_idx->cols : var_all; }protected:...};
struct CvSVMParams{CvSVMParams();CvSVMParams( int _svm_type, int _kernel_type,double _degree, double _gamma, double _coef0,double _C, double _nu, double _p,CvMat* _class_weights, CvTermCriteria _term_crit );int svm_type;int kernel_type;double degree; // for polydouble gamma; // for poly/rbf/sigmoiddouble coef0; // for poly/sigmoiddouble C; // for CV_SVM_C_SVC, CV_SVM_EPS_SVR and CV_SVM_NU_SVRdouble nu; // for CV_SVM_NU_SVC, CV_SVM_ONE_CLASS, and CV_SVM_NU_SVRdouble p; // for CV_SVM_EPS_SVRCvMat* class_weights; // for CV_SVM_C_SVCCvTermCriteria term_crit; // termination criteria};
degree, gamma, coef0:都是核函數(shù)的參數(shù),具體的參見上面的核函數(shù)的方程。
C, nu, p:在一般的SVM優(yōu)化求解時的參數(shù)。
class_weights: Optional weights, assigned to particular classes. They are multiplied by C and thus affect the mis-classification penalty for different classes. The larger weight, the larger penalty on mis-classification of data from the certain class.
term_crit: Termination procedure for iterative SVM training procedure (which solves a partial case of constrained quadratic optimization problem) The structure needs to be initialized and passed to the training method of CvSVM
bool CvSVM::train( const CvMat* _train_data, const CvMat* _responses,const CvMat* _var_idx=0, const CvMat* _sample_idx=0,CvSVMParams _params=CvSVMParams() );
The method trains SVM model. It follows the conventions of generic train "method" with the following limitations: only CV_ROW_SAMPLE data layout is supported, the input variables are all ordered, the output variables can be either categorical (_params.svm_type=CvSVM::C_SVC or _params.svm_type=CvSVM::NU_SVC) or ordered (_params.svm_type=CvSVM::EPS_SVR or _params.svm_type=CvSVM::NU_SVR) or not required at all (_params.svm_type=CvSVM::ONE_CLASS), missing measurements are not supported.
int CvSVM::get_support_vector_count() const;const float* CvSVM::get_support_vector(int i) const;