




Deeplinking is a methodology for launching a native mobile application via a link.

Deeplinking connects a unique url to a defined action in a mobile app, seamlessly linking users to relevant content.

In addition to guidelines and best practices, this document also contains links to open source software development kits (SDKs) so developers can implement effective deeplinking strategies as simply as possible.

This guide provides context and recommendations based on the collective experiences of its authors so you can make informed decisions about implementing deeplinking in your mobile apps.

Please direct any questions to help@mobiledeeplinking.org.


This document as well as the SDKs associated with the Mobile Deeplinking projectare licensed under the Simplified BSD License.


The Mobile Deeplinking project is a collaborative industry effort to provide aconsistent, high-quality source of documentation, sample code, and SDKs to helpmobile app publishers create effective, seamless cross-media user experiencesand marketing campaigns.

We value contributions by individuals and organizationswho share this mission, and we recommend using GitHub's pull request mechanism forsubmitting changes.


This document is broken up into two parts:

Part 1 provides an introduction and overview of mobile applicationdeeplinking and facilitates the thinking, design, communication andplanning that the marketing, product, and technology team members mustdo to ensure a successful implementation.

Part 2 is intended for developers and provides implementation details aswell as a deeplinking framework intended make it easier to get started.

Part 1: Introduction and Overview

1.1 Deeplinking Introduction and Benefits

Enabling deeplinking for a mobile application will allow you to invokedeeplinks that open an app and launch specific, defined screens within the app, such as the homepage,product pages, and shopping cart, much as you would on a website.

For example, just as you might link to a particular product on yourwebsite –


You can link to a product screen in your mobile app –


Deeplinking is especially useful for promotional efforts because itallows you and any third party to open the app when a link is clicked,rather than driving to a website or to your app’s listing on the iOS AppStore or Google Play.

1.2 Deeplink Structure

A deeplink functions much like a traditional hyperlink on a webpage. It is composedof separate elements that make up what is referred to as a UniformResource Identifier (URI). The URI contains all the information that,when invoked, launches a mobile application with a specific screen.

When thinking about deeplink structure, the best practice is toimplement a URL with a unique scheme name and routing parameters (path and query strings) that represent custom actions to take in the app.Unless you have very specific needs, we recommend using a simple URLstructure as shown in the example below:


Where mobiledeeplinkingprojectdemo is the scheme name and path andquery string are the routing parameters used to further route the userto a particular experience in the app.

For the scheme name:

  • When choosing a scheme name, it is essential to choose a name uniqueto your brand to avoid conflicting schemes across differentapplications
  • There is currently no central authority to manage conflicts withscheme names
  • The best practice is to have the scheme name reference your brand(e.g. mobiledeeplinkingprojectdemo). Another suggested pattern forscheme names is to use reverse domain name notation (e.g.org.mobiledeeplinking), but this is not widely followed

For the routing parameters (path and query string):

  • Routing parameters are optional, but are highly recommended. Routingparameters provide you with further control for routing the user tospecific screens of the application or passing in additionalparameters
  • The query string is optional, and might be used if you need to passspecific parameters, like a product ID
  • Third parties may append additional metadata to the routingparameters, so it’s important that your app can handle this use case(the iOS and Android libraries discussed in Part 2 account for this)
  • If the mobile app has a corresponding website, it is recommendedthat the routing parameters syntax for the mobile app match the URLstructure on the website

1.3 Examples

Here are a few examples of deeplinks for popular apps on iOS:

DeveloperDeeplink – e.g.Purpose
Twittertwitter://timelineOpens the Twitter app and links to the user’s timeline
Facebookfb://profileOpens the Facebook app and links to the user’s profile
Yelpyelp://Opens the Yelp app (note: this example does not include any routing parameters)

1.4 Use Cases and Examples by Vertical

See below for a few examples of deeplinking for the e-commerce andtravel verticals:

Deeplink – e.g.Purpose
ecommercebrand://Open the app
ecommercebrand://checkoutOpen the app to the shopping cart checkout screen
ecommercebrand://product/123Open the app to a particular product ID
Deeplink – e.g.Purpose
travelbrand://Open the app
travelbrand://registrationOpen the app to the user registration screen
travelbrand://hotel/123Open the app to a particular hotel ID

Part 2: Implementation Details for Developers

2.1 Developer Introduction

What follows is a developer-focused overview for implementingdeeplinking in your app. To ease the development burden, we created aMobileDeepLinking library that provides a framework for implementingmobile app deeplinking for both iOS and Android (outlined starting inPart 2.3).

We also provide guidance for those that want to implementmobile deeplinking without leveraging our library (outlined in Part2.2).

Regardless of whether you choose to use the MobileDeepLinking library,implementing deeplinking requires you to:

  • Select the URI scheme you’ll be using, and declare it in the app’smanifest (discussed in more detail below). As discussed in Part 1.2,the scheme name must be unique to your app, otherwise conflicts withother apps may occur
  • Define the actions you want to launch by using a deeplink. Make surethese actions are in accordance with the URI syntax you chose. Asmentioned in Part 1.2, the use of the URL syntax is highlyrecommended (e.g. schemename://path?query_string)

Once that’s done, you can start implementing the code that will handlethe path and query string sections of the URL to launch the intendedaction.

2.2 Implementing Without the MobileDeepLinking Library

It is recommended that you utilize the MobileDeepLinking libraries, butif you wish to implement mobile deeplinking directly, the high levelprocess is as follows –


iOS apps are self-contained entities. There is only one point of entryin the app: the AppDelegate. When a deeplink to your app is initiated,it will call the AppDelegate with the deeplinking metadata.

It is important to maintain a consistent state in your app whileproviding the desired experience. A deeplink may be fired at any timein any app state, and it is your responsibility to keep the app in astable state.

For example, this can mean allowing the user to return tothe main screen of your app. To accomplish this, you must push theappropriate view controllers to send the user to the desired part ofyour app while still maintaining the correct view hierarchy.

When the app is opened, you can recover the URL that was used to launchit and process it according to your needs.

You can find reference documentation on the AppDelegate here.


Android apps are composed of a set of Activities. Each of theseActivities can be called by other apps if configured as such. Dependingon how your app and deeplinks are structured, you can choose to use onecentral endpoint or many.

It is important to maintain a consistent state in your app whileproviding the desired experience. An Android Activity will launch on topof the current context and it is your responsibility to ensure theappropriate view hierarchy is maintained. Additionally, it is importantto have the necessary data ready for the Activity when it is loaded forthe user.

When the app is opened, you can recover the URL that was used to launchit and process it according to your needs.

You can find reference documentation on Android deeplinking here.

2.3 MobileDeepLinking Library

To make implementation easier, we created a MobileDeepLinking librarythat provides a framework for implementing mobile app deeplinking forboth iOS and Android.

The basic implementation setup is the same for both platforms:

  • Create a deeplinking URL scheme (e.g.mobiledeeplinkingprojectdemo://)
  • Update the MobileDeepLinking library JSON configuration file withthe appropriate URL and parameter mappings
  • Update the app code to call the MobileDeepLinking library when theapp is launched from a deeplink

This spec is accompanied by libraries for both iOS and Android. Bothlibraries include a JSON file that configures the deeplink mapping.

2.4 JSON Configuration

Both the Android and iOS libraries are configured through a JSON filenamed MobileDeepLinkingConfig.json.

This file provides the ability to mapincoming deeplink URLs to specific screens in an app, as well asconfigure additional features in the library such as custom callbackhandlers, validation, and logging.

NOTE: Android is typically configured through XML and iOS istypically configured through plists. We opted to use a JSONconfiguration to minimize source code updates and to allow for onestandard deeplinking methodology across both Android and iOS.

This allows you to use an identical configuration format when developingcross platform. The library also allows for custom client logic throughthe use of callback handlers which are defined in subsequent sectionsof this document.

Below are two sample JSON configuration files. The first represents abasic configuration for an Android hotel reservation app withreservations feed, reservation details, and account screens.

The seconddemonstrates additional functionality of the library for an iOSe-commerce app with sale details and add to cart screens. More detailsabout the JSON properties can be found after the sample files.

Sample JSON Configuration File – Android
{  "defaultRoute": {    "class": "com.myorg.myapp.DefaultActivity"  },  "routes": {    "reservations": {      "class": "com.myorg.myapp.ReservationFeedActivity"    },    "reservations/:reservationId": {      "class": "com.myorg.myapp.ReservationDetailsActivity"    },    "account/:userId": {      "class": "com.myorg.myapp.AccountActivity"    }  }}

In the above example, the deeplinkmobiledeeplinkingprojectdemo://reservations/1234 would route to theReservationDetailsActivity and pass on the path parameterreservationId=1234 to this Activity class. Further details on theseconfigurations are below.

Sample JSON Configuration File – iOS
{  "logging": "true", /* must be a string data type */  "storyboard": {    "iPhone": "MainStoryboard_iPhone",    "iPad": "MainStoryboard_iPad"  },  "defaultRoute": {    "class": "DefaultViewController",    "identifier": "defaultViewController"  },  "routes": {    "sales/:saleId": {      "storyboard": {        "iPhone": "SaleStoryboard_iPhone",        "iPad": "SaleStoryboard_iPad"      },      "class": "SaleViewController",      "identifier": "saleViewController",      "handlers": [        "logAnalytics"      ],      "routeParameters": {        "saleId": {          "required": "true",          "regex": "[0-9]"        },        "utmSource": {        }      }    },    "addToCart/:productId": {      "handlers": [        "authenticate",        "logAnalytics",        "addProductToCart"      ]    }  }}

2.5 JSON Attribute Breakdown

Top Level JSON
Attribute NameTypeComments
logging (optional, default to false)booleanBoolean that controls logging to the console
storyboard (iOS Only, optional)Storyboard ObjectDefault storyboard to be used by the routes
defaultRouteDefault Route ObjectJSON Object that defines default route to use if no matching route can be found or if validation fails
routesRoutes ObjectJSON Object that maps routes to screens and/or handlers in the app
Storyboard Object

Contains a list of key value pairs. If creating a universal app, thisobject should have both iPhone and iPad attributes. If it is aniPhone-only or iPad-only app, it can simply have one of the attributes.

Attribute NameTypeComments
KeystringiPhone or iPad.
ValuestringThe appropriate storyboard name for iPhone or iPad.
Default Route Object
Attribute NameTypeComments
storyboard (iOS Only, optional)Storyboard ObjectOverrides the default storyboard to use for this route
class (optional)stringController/Activity Class. Android requires fully qualified Activity class name.
identifier (iOS Only, optional)stringViewController Storyboard identifier. If not included, the library will look for an identifier with the same name as the class except with the first letter in lowercase. Example: Class: MyViewController, Identifier: myViewController
handlers (optional)arrayArray of custom handler functions to be run before, or in lieu of, class routing
Routes Object

Contains a list of key-value pairs.

Attribute NameTypeComments
KeystringThe route to be matched, e.g. sales/:saleId. :saleId signifies that this route will match any string in this position on the path and expose it to the handlers and view.
ValueRoute ObjectJSON Object that defines how to handle the route
Route Object
Attribute NameTypeComments
storyboard (iOS Only, optional)Storyboard ObjectOverrides the default storyboard to use for this route
class (optional)stringController/Activity Class (Android requires fully qualified class name)
identifier (iOS Only, optional)stringViewController Storyboard identifier. If not included, the library will look for an identifier with the same name as the class except with the first letter in lowercase. Example: Class: MyViewController, Identifier: myViewController
handlers (optional)arrayArray of custom handler functions to be run before, or in lieu of, class routing
routeParameters (optional)Route Parameters ObjectJSON object that sets expected Path Parameters (sales/:saleId) or URL Query Parameters (?userId=1234&utmSource=campaignABC). Path parameters are prefixed with a colon in the path pattern.
Route Parameters Object

Contains a list of key-value pairs.

KeystringPath or Query Parameter name, e.g. saleId
ValueRoute Parameter ObjectJSON Object that defines how to handle the route parameter.
Route Parameter Object
Attribute NameTypeComments
required (optional, default to false)booleanSpecifies whether parameter is required
regex (optional)stringRegex to utilize as validation for this parameter value, e.g. [0-9]

2.6 Path Matching

The MobileDeepLinking library allows for flexible and powerful matchingon incoming deeplinks. On each Route Definition (e.g. sale/:saleId),you have the ability to either specify a wildcard that matches anythingin the path component, or a regular expression that allows for morerestrictive set of accepted inputs.

Wildcard Example:

Definition: sales/:saleId

Accepted Inputs: sales/3, sales/123456, sales/my-sale-id

Prefix a colon to a path component to mark it as a wildcard. Any matcheswill be passed to the View or Handlers with a key of the same namewithout the preceding colon (in this example, saleId).

Regular Expression Example:

Definition: sales/:saleId

Route Parameter Regex: [0-9]

Accepted Inputs: sales/2

Rejected Inputs: sales/11, sales/my-sale-id

Fallback Strategy

To account for deeplinks in the wild, the MobileDeepLinking libraryprovides a robust fallback strategy for deeplink routing. The strategy,inspired by the JSR-315 Java Servlet Specification, is as follows:

  • The library will try to find an exact match of the host and path inthe deeplink. If successful, the user will be routed to that route.If no route was found or validation (parameter regex, required,etc.) failed, then the below fallbacks will be taken.
  • The library will recursively try to match the longest path. This isdone by trimming the trailing path component and running a match onthe resulting path. For example, if sales/5 did not match a route,the library would then fall back to matching on sales.
  • The library will attempt to match on each level of the path until itreaches the beginning of the URL. At that point it will route to thedefaultRoute defined on the top level of the MobileDeepLinking.jsonfile. If no defaultRoute was specified or it is unable to launch,the app will simply launch its normal app launch screen.

2.7 Routing To View Classes and Custom Handlers

The MobileDeepLinking library was created to allow you to quickly getset up while also providing added functionality through the use of custom callback handlers.

When specifying the defaultRoute or the routes properties in theJSON Configuration, you may choose to do the following:

  • Route to a screen class (an Android Activity or iOS ViewController)without custom handlers.
  • Route to custom handlers without a screen class. You can thenexecute custom logic to launch a screen or execute otherfunctionality.
  • Route to a screen class with custom handlers. The custom handlerswill be executed first and then the user will be routed to thespecified screen.

These three options allow you full flexibility on how you want to handledeeplinks, while preserving simplicity for more straightforwarduse-cases.

Both path and query parameters that are extracted from the deeplink will be set on the iOS View Controller through theKey-Value-Coding mechanism.

For example:

  • Route Definition: sales/:saleId
  • Deeplink: scheme://sales/3?userId=42 (Note, query parameter mustexist on the Route Parameters Object for this route).
  • The view controller would be instantiated with property saleId setto 3 and property userId set to 42.

NOTE: Custom Handlers are callback functions that are registeredwith the library and are called when the appropriate route is matched.They are provided with a dictionary/map of the incoming routeparameters. These handlers allow an easy mapping for a developer toexecute custom code on incoming deeplinks.

Below is how you would configure the above three route options in theJSON configuration for iOS and Android routes.


Screen Class Only:

  • Using Storyboards: Specify the storyboard and identifier names.
  • Using Nibs: Specify the class and identifier (insert nib name asidentifier)
  • Not using storyboards or nibs: Specify the class.

Custom Handlers Only: omit the class, storyboard, and identifierproperties. Specify one or more handler functions to be utilized.

Screen Class and Custom Handlers: specify the ViewController class,storyboard, identifier, and handler values.

  • Screen Class Only: specify the Activity class.
  • Custom Handlers Only: omit the class property. Specify one or morehandler functions to be utilized.
  • Screen Class and Custom Handlers: specify the Activity class andhandler values.

2.8 Registering Handlers

Custom callback handlers (if needed) should be registered on applicationstartup. The handler names specified when registering must be thevalues utilized in the JSON configuration.

The order in which thehandlers are defined in the JSON configuration is the order in whichthey will be executed. Additionally, any modifications made to a handler's NSDictionary/Map will be persisted to the next handler in the chain. Handlers can be re-used across multiple routesthat require the same functionality (authentication, analytics, etc).


Custom handlers should be registered in the below method in theAppDelegate class.

- (BOOL)application:(UIApplication *)application didFinishLaunchingWithOptions:(NSDictionary *)launchOptions{    [[MobileDeepLinking sharedInstance] registerHandlerWithName:@"logAnalytics" handler:^(NSDictionary *properties)    {        NSLog([properties objectForKey:@"saleId"]);    }];}

Custom handlers should be registered in the onCreate method in theApplication class. The Handler interface class is supplied in theMobileDeepLinking library.

public class MyApplication extends Application{    @Override    public void onCreate()    {        super.onCreate();        MobileDeepLinking mobileDeepLinking = MobileDeepLinking.getInstance();        mobileDeepLinking.registerHandler("logAnalytics", new Handler()        {            @Override            public void handle (Map<String, String> properties)            {                Log.d(properties.get("saleId"));            }        });    }}

2.9 URL Parameter Forwarding

The MobileDeepLinking library will forward on URL parameters andnecessary context objects to the associated route classes and handlers.


Controller classes can access the URL parameters through class variablesset on the class. The MobileDeepLinking library will map therouteParameters to properties of the same name in your ViewControllers.

@implementation MyViewController@synthesize saleId;- (void)viewDidLoad{    [super viewDidLoad];    NSLog(saleId);}

Handler functions can access the URL parameters through an NSDictionarysent to the handler function.

[properties objectForKey:@"saleId"]

Activity classes can access the URL parameters through the Intent sentto the Activity.

public class MyActivity extends Activity{    @Override    protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState)    {        super.onCreate(savedInstanceState);        String saleId = getIntent().getStringExtra("saleId");    }}

Handler functions can access the URL parameters through a Map sent tothe handler function.


2.10 Installation


The MobileDeepLinking library for iOS is available on GitHub and throughCocoaPods.

Update the MobileDeepLinkingConfig.json with the appropriate routes and classnames.

Configure the Custom URL Scheme (skip below if you already have thisconfigured)

  • Click on your project root in the Project Navigator to view theProject Properties
  • Click on your project under Targets
  • Go to Info -> URL Types
  • Click the plus icon to add a URL Type
  • For the Identifier field, input your app’s Bundle Identifier value(e.g. mobiledeeplinkingprojectdemoDemoApp)
  • For the URL Schemes field, input your desired deeplink scheme.

Drop the MobileDeepLinking.framework file and MobileDeepLinkingConfig.json intoXcode.

Import MobileDeepLinking.h in your AppDelegate class.

Register custom function handlers if needed in the AppDelegate class.

Place the following line of code into the below method in yourAppDelegate.m:

- application:(UIApplication *)application openURL:(NSURL *)url sourceApplication:(NSString *)sourceApplication annotation:(id)annotation{    [[MobileDeepLinking sharedInstance] routeUsingUrl:url];}
  • Try out a deeplink!

The MobileDeepLinking library for Android is available on GitHub andMaven Central. It is available for standalone download or use throughMaven or Gradle.

  • Update the MobileDeepLinkingConfig.json with the appropriate routes and classnames.
  • Drop the library and MobileDeepLinkingConfig.json into your project andreference it in your settings.
  • Place the following XML snippet into your AndroidManifest.xml:
<activity android:name="com.mobiledeeplinking.MobileDeepLinking"     android:theme="@android:style/Theme.NoDisplay">    <intent-filter>        <data android:scheme="<YOUR_URL_SCHEME>"/>        <action android:name="android.intent.action.VIEW"/>        <category android:name="android.intent.category.VIEW"/>        <category android:name="android.intent.category.DEFAULT"/>        <category android:name="android.intent.category.BROWSABLE"/>    <intent-filter><activity>
  • Register custom function handlers if needed in the Applicationclass.
  • Try out a deeplink!

Part 3: Implementing the Spec

You can find the MobileDeepLinking libraries on github. These libraries implement the recommended spec laid out in this document.

3.2 iOS

The iOS Library can be found here.

3.2 Android

The Android Library can be found here.

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