



Excel VBA提供了一些方法和對象,能夠調用Excel內置對話框來進行文件操作。

object.GetOpenFilename (FileFilter,FilterIndex,Title,ButtonText,MultiSelect)


"All Files (*.*),*.*"

該字符串的第一部分(All Files (*.*))是顯示在“文件類型”下拉列表中的文本,第二部分(*.*)實際上確定要顯示哪些文件。

Filt = "Text Files (*.txt),*.txt," & _         "Lotus Files (*.prn),*.prn," & _         "Comma Separated Files (*.csv),*.csv," & _         "ASCII Files (*.asc),*.asc," & _         "All Files (*.*),*.*"


Sub GetImportFileName()    Dim Filt As String    Dim FilterIndex As Integer    Dim Title As String    Dim FileName As Variant     '創(chuàng)建文件篩選列表    Filt = "Text Files (*.txt),*.txt," & _         "Lotus Files (*.prn),*.prn," & _         "Comma Separated Files (*.csv),*.csv," & _         "ASCII Files (*.asc),*.asc," & _         "All Files (*.*),*.*"     '默認顯示*.*    FilterIndex = 5     '設置對話框標題    Title = "Select a File to Import"     '獲取文件名    FileName = Application.GetOpenFilename _        (FileFilter:=Filt, _         FilterIndex:=FilterIndex, _         Title:=Title)     '如果取消對話框則退出    If FileName = False Then        MsgBox "No file was selected."        Exit Sub    End If     '顯示文件的完整路徑和名稱    MsgBox "You Selected " & FileNameEnd Sub


Sub GetImportFileName2()    Dim Filt As String    Dim FilterIndex As Integer    Dim Title As String    Dim FileName As Variant    Dim i As Integer    Dim Msg As String     '創(chuàng)建文件篩選列表    Filt = "Text Files (*.txt),*.txt," & _         "Lotus Files (*.prn),*.prn," & _         "Comma Separated Files (*.csv),*.csv," & _         "ASCII Files (*.asc),*.asc," & _         "All Files (*.*),*.*"     '默認顯示*.*    FilterIndex = 5     '設置對話框標題    Title = "Select a File to Import"     '獲取文件名    FileName = Application.GetOpenFilename _        (FileFilter:=Filt, _         FilterIndex:=FilterIndex, _         Title:=Title, _         MultiSelect:=True'如果取消對話框則退出    If Not IsArray(FileName) Then        MsgBox "No file was selected."        Exit Sub    End If     '顯示文件的完整路徑和名稱    For i = LBound(FileName) To UBound(FileName)        Msg = Msg & FileName(i) & vbCrLf    Next i    MsgBox "You Selected: " & vbCrLf & MsgEnd Sub


object.GetSaveAsFilename (InitialFilename,FileFilter,FilterIndex,Title,ButtonText)

FileDialog對象允許通過指定InitialFileName屬性的值來指定起始目錄,但是只能在Excel 2002或更高版本的Excel中使用FileDialog對象。
提示:因為FileDialog對象是在Excel 2002中才引入的,因此只能在Excel 2002及以后的Excel版本中使用該對象。

Sub GetAFolder()    '僅適用于Excel 2002或更高版本    With Application.FileDialog(msoFileDialogFilePicker)        .InitialFileName = Application.DefaultFilePath & "\"        .Title = "Please select a location for the backup"        .Show        If .SelectedItems.Count = 0 Then            MsgBox "Canceled"        Else            MsgBox .SelectedItems(1)        End If    End WithEnd Sub

代表“文件”菜單中“打開”對話框的功能。使用FileSearch屬性可以返回FileSearch 對象。

本示例創(chuàng)建一個FoundFiles對象,該對象代表My Documents文件夾中的所有Microsoft Excel工作簿。

With Application.FileSearch    .LookIn = "c:\my documents"    .FileType = msoFileTypeExcelWorkbooks    .ExecuteEnd With


With Application.FileSearch    If .Execute() > 0 Then        MsgBox "There were " & .FoundFiles.Count & _            " file(s) found."        For i = 1 To .FoundFiles.Count            MsgBox .FoundFiles(i)        Next i    Else        MsgBox "There were no files found."    End IfEnd With


With Application.FileSearch    .NewSearch    .LookIn = "C:\My Documents"    .SearchSubFolders = True    .FileName = "Run"    .MatchTextExactly = True    .FileType = msoFileTypeAllFilesEnd With

返回或設置文件搜索過程中要查找的文件名。文件名中可以包含 *(星號)或 ?(問號)通配符。問號通配符可以匹配任意一個單個字符。如鍵入“gr?y”可以匹配“gray”和“grey”。星號通配符可以匹配任意個字符。如鍵入“*.txt”可以查找到所有帶.TXT擴展名的文件。String 類型,可讀寫。
本示例搜索My Documents文件夾中所有以“cmd”開頭的文件,并顯示查找到的每一個文件的名稱和位置。

Set fs = Application.FileSearchWith fs    .LookIn = "C:\My Documents"    .FileName = "cmd*.*"    If .Execute > 0 Then        MsgBox "There were " & .FoundFiles.Count & _            " file(s) found."        For i = 1 To .FoundFiles.Count            MsgBox .FoundFiles(i)        Next i    Else        MsgBox "There were no files found."    End IfEnd With

返回或設置文件搜索過程中要查找的文件類型??勺x寫,MsoFileType常量。MsoFileType 可為以下 MsoFileType 常量之一:msoFileTypeAllFiles、msoFileTypeBinders、msoFileTypeCalendarItem、msoFileTypeContactItem、msoFileTypeCustom、msoFileTypeDatabases、msoFileTypeDataConnectionFiles、msoFileTypeDesignerFiles、msoFileTypeDocumentImagingFiles、msoFileTypeExcelWorkbooks、msoFileTypeJournalItem、msoFileTypeMailItem、msoFileTypeNoteItem、msoFileTypeOfficeFiles、msoFileTypeOutlookItems、msoFileTypePhotoDrawFiles、msoFileTypePowerPointPresentations、msoFileTypeProjectFiles、msoFileTypePublisherFiles、msoFileTypeTaskItem、msoFileTypeTemplates、msoFileTypeVisioFiles、msoFileTypeWebPages。
msoFileTypeWordDocuments常量msoFileTypeOfficeFiles包含以下任意擴展名的文件:*.doc、*.xls、*.ppt、*.pps、* obd、*.mdb、*.mpd、*.dot、*.xlt、*.pot、*.obt、*.htm 或 *.html。
本示例可實現(xiàn)的功能為:搜索位于“My Documents”文件夾中的所有“活頁夾”文件,然后在消息框中顯示找到的每個文件的文件名及其所在位置。

Set fs = Application.FileSearchWith fs    .LookIn = "C:\My Documents"    .FileType = msoFileTypeBinders    If .Execute > 0 Then        MsgBox "There were " & .FoundFiles.Count & _            " Binder file(s) found."        For i = 1 To .FoundFiles.Count            MsgBox .FoundFiles(i)        Next i    Else        MsgBox "There were no Binder files found."    End IfEnd With

FileTypes 屬性
本示例搜索 C:\ 驅動器上的所有 HTML 和 Microsoft Excel 文件。

Sub SearchForFiles()    'Declare a variable to act as a generic counter.    Dim lngCount As Long    'Use a With...End With block to reference the    'FileSearch object.    With Application.FileSearch        'Clear all the parameters of the previous searches.        'This method doesn't clear the LookIn property or        'the SearchFolders collection.        .NewSearch        'Setting the FileType property clears the        'FileTypes collection and sets the first        'item in the collection to the file type        'defined by the FileType property.        .FileType = msoFileTypeWebPages        'Add a second item to the FileTypes collection.        .FileTypes.Add msoFileTypeExcelWorkbooks        'Display the number of FileTypes objects in the collection.        MsgBox "You are about to search for " & .FileTypes.Count & _            " file types."        'Set up the search to look in all subfolders on the C:\ drive.        .LookIn = "C:\"        .SearchSubFolders = True        'Execute the search and test to see if any files        'were found.        If .Execute <> 0 Then            'Display the number of files found.            MsgBox "Files found: " & .FoundFiles.Count            'Loop through the list of found files and            'display the path of each one in a message box.            For lngCount = 1 To .FoundFiles.Count                If MsgBox(.FoundFiles.Item(lngCount), vbOKCancel, _                    "Found files") = vbCancel Then                    'Break out of the loop                    lngCount = .FoundFiles.Count                End If            Next lngCount        Else            MsgBox "No files found."        End If    End WithEnd Sub

FileTypes 集合

Set ft = Application.FileSearch.FileTypes

本示例在FileTypes集合中循環(huán),并刪除所有非Microsoft Word或Microsoft Excel文件的文件類型(通常,清除FileTypes集合再從頭開始更簡便)。

Sub RemoveFileTypeFromCollection()    'Define an integer to use as a counter    'when iterating through the FileTypes collection.    Dim intFileIndex As Integer    'Use a With...End With block to reference the FileSearch object.    With Application.FileSearch        'Loop through all of the items in the FileTypes collection.        intFileIndex = 1        Do While intFileIndex <= .FileTypes.Count            Select Case .FileTypes.Item(intFileIndex)                Case msoFileTypeWordDocuments, msoFileTypeExcelWorkbooks                Case Else                    'If the file type isn't a Microsoft Word or                    'Microsoft Excel file, remove it.                    .FileTypes.Remove intFileIndex                    'Decrement the counter so that no file types are missed.                    intFileIndex = intFileIndex - 1            End Select            'Increment the counter to test the next file type.            intFileIndex = intFileIndex + 1        Loop    End WithEnd Sub

FoundFiles 屬性

With Application.FileSearch    For i = 1 To .FoundFiles.Count        MsgBox .FoundFiles(i)    Next iEnd With

LastModified 屬性
返回或設置一個表示指定文件自上次修改和保存以來的時間量的常量。 默認值為msoLastModifiedAnyTime。MsoLastModified類型,可讀寫。
本示例可實現(xiàn)的功能為:為文件查找過程設置選項。該查找過程返回的是“C:\My Documents”文件夾或其子文件夾中,昨天修改過的文件。

Set fs = Application.FileSearchWith fs    .LookIn = "C:\My Documents"    .SearchSubFolders = True    .LastModified = msoLastModifiedYesterdayEnd With

LookIn 屬性
MatchAllWordForms 屬性
說明 該屬性只有在安裝并注冊文件“Mswds_en.lex”后才有效。注意:在“典型”安裝過程中不會安裝該文件。
本示例可實現(xiàn)的功能為:返回所有在文件正文或文件屬性中包含單詞“run”、“running”、“runs”或“ran”的文件。TextOrProperty 屬性設置需匹配的單詞,并將查找范圍限制在文件正文或文件屬性中。

With Application.FileSearch    .NewSearch    .LookIn = "C:\My Documents"    .SearchSubFolders = True    .TextOrProperty = "run"    .MatchAllWordForms = True    .FileType = msoFileTypeAllFilesEnd With

MatchTextExactly 屬性
本示例可實現(xiàn)的功能為:搜索“C:\My Documents”文件夾并返回所有在文件正文或文件屬性中包含單詞“Run”的文件。

With Application.FileSearch    .NewSearch    .LookIn = "C:\My Documents"    .TextOrProperty = "Run"    .MatchTextExactly = True    .FileType = msoFileTypeAllFilesEnd With

PropertyTests 屬性

With Application.FileSearch.PropertyTests(1)    myString = "This is the search criteria: " _      & " The name is: " & .Name & ". The condition is: " _      & .Condition    If .Value <> "" Then        myString = myString & ". The value is: " & .Value        If .SecondValue <> "" Then            myString = myString _            & ". The second value is: " _            & .SecondValue & ", and the connector is" _            & .Connector        End If    End If    MsgBox myStringEnd With

PropertyTests 集合對象



Set fs = Application.FileSearchfs.NewSearchWith fs.PropertyTests    .Add Name:="Files of Type", _        Condition:=msoConditionFileTypeAllFiles, _        Connector:=msoConnectorOr    .Add Name:="Last Modified", _        Condition:=msoConditionAnytimeBetween, _        Value:="1/1/96", SecondValue:="6/1/96", _        Connector:=msoConnectorAndEnd WithIf fs.Execute() > 0 Then    MsgBox "There were " & fs.FoundFiles.Count & _        " file(s) found."        For i = 1 To fs.FoundFiles.Count            MsgBox fs.FoundFiles(i)        Next iElse        MsgBox "There were no files found."End If

SearchFolders 屬性

MsgBox "Number of ScopeFolder objects in the SearchFolders collection: " & _    Application.FileSearch.SearchFolders.Count

SearchFolders 集合

Set sfs = Application.FileSearch.SearchFolders

本示例搜索本地計算機上每個名為”1033″的文件夾,查找所有HTML和Microsoft Excel文件。本示例使用SearchFolders集合、SearchScopes集合和ScopeFolders集合。本示例由兩個例程組成。SearchEveryFolder例程為要運行的例程。OutputPaths例程獨立于主例程,因為它將遞歸調用自身以瀏覽本地計算機的整個目錄結構。

Sub SearchEveryFolder()    'Declare variables that reference a    'SearchScope and a ScopeFolder object.    Dim ss As SearchScope    Dim sf As ScopeFolder    'Declare a variable to act as a generic counter.    Dim lngCount As Long    'Use a With...End With block to reference the    'FileSearch object.    With Application.FileSearch        'Clear all the parameters of the previous searches.        'This method doesn't clear the LookIn property or        'the SearchFolders collection.        .NewSearch        'Specify the type of file for which to search.        'Use the FileType property to specify the first type        'and then add additional types to the FileTypes collection.        .FileType = msoFileTypeWebPages        .FileTypes.Add msoFileTypeExcelWorkbooks        'Clear the SearchFolder collection by        'looping through each ScopeFolder object        'and removing it.        For lngCount = 1 To .SearchFolders.Count            .SearchFolders.Remove lngCount        Next lngCount        'Loop through the SearchScopes collection to find        'the scope in which you want to search. In this        'case the scope is the local machine.        For Each ss In .SearchScopes            Select Case ss.Type                Case msoSearchInMyComputer                    'Loop through each ScopeFolder in                    'the ScopeFolders collection of the                    'SearchScope object.                    For Each sf In ss.ScopeFolder.ScopeFolders                        'Call a function that loops through all                        'of the subfolders of the root ScopeFolder.                        'This function adds any folders named "1033" to the                        'SearchFolders collection.                        Call OutputPaths(sf.ScopeFolders, "1033")                    Next sf                Case Else            End Select        Next ss        'Test to see if any ScopeFolders collections were added to        'the SearchFolders collection.        If .SearchFolders.Count > 0 Then            'Set the LookIn property to the path of            'the first ScopeFolder object in the SearchFolders            'collection. This is here so that any previous            'setting of the LookIn property doesn't affect            'the search.            .LookIn = .SearchFolders.Item(1).Path            'Execute the search and test to see if any files            'were found.            If .Execute <> 0 Then                'Display the number of files found.                MsgBox "Files found: " & .FoundFiles.Count                'Loop through the list of found files and                'display the path of each one in a message box.                For lngCount = 1 To .FoundFiles.Count                    If MsgBox(.FoundFiles.Item(lngCount), vbOKCancel, _                        "Found files") = vbCancel Then                       'Break out of the loop                        lngCount = .FoundFiles.Count                    End If                Next lngCount            End If        End If    End WithEnd Sub'This subroutine loops through all of the ScopeFolders collections'in a given ScopeFolders collection. It adds any folder'that has the same name as the value of strFolder'to the SearchFolders collection.Sub OutputPaths(ByVal sfs As ScopeFolders, _    ByRef strFolder As String)    'Declare a variable as a ScopeFolder object    Dim sf As ScopeFolder    'Loop through each ScopeFolder object in the    'ScopeFolders collection.    For Each sf In sfs        'Test to see if the folder name of the ScopeFolder        'matches the value of strFolder. Use LCase to ensure        'that case does not affect the match.        If LCase(sf.Name) = LCase(strFolder) Then            'Add the ScopeFolder to the SearchFolders collection.            sf.AddToSearchFolders        End If        'Include a DoEvents call because there is the potential for this        'loop to last a long time. The DoEvents call allows this process to        'continue handling events.        DoEvents        'Test to see if the ScopeFolders collection in the        'current ScopeFolder is empty. If it isn't empty, then        'that means that the current ScopeFolder object contains subfolders.        If sf.ScopeFolders.Count > 0 Then            'This subroutine recursively calls itself so that            'it can add the subfolders of the current ScopeFolder object            'to the SearchFolders collection.            Call OutputPaths(sf.ScopeFolders, strFolder)        End If    Next sfEnd Sub

SearchScopes 屬性

Sub DisplayAvailableScopes()    'Declare a variable that references a    'SearchScope object.    Dim ss As SearchScope    'Use a With...End With block to reference the    'FileSearch object.    With Application.FileSearch        'Loop through the SearchScopes collection        For Each ss In .SearchScopes            Select Case ss.Type                Case msoSearchInMyComputer                    MsgBox "My Computer is an available search scope."                Case msoSearchInMyNetworkPlaces                    MsgBox "My Network Places is an available search scope."                Case msoSearchInOutlook                    MsgBox "Outlook is an available search scope."                Case msoSearchInCustom                    MsgBox "A custom search scope is available."                Case Else                    MsgBox "Can't determine search scope."            End Select        Next ss    End WithEnd Sub

SearchScopes 集合

Dim sss As SearchScopesSet sss = Application.FileSearch.SearchScopes

SearchSubFolders 屬性
TextOrProperty 屬性
返回或設置在查找文件的過程中要搜索的單詞或短語,它們可位于一個文件的正文或文件屬性中。該單詞或短語可包含 *(星號)或 ?(問號)通配符。String類型,可讀寫。
本示例可實現(xiàn)的功能為:搜索“C:\My Documents”文件夾及其子文件夾,并返回所有這樣的文件,該文件在文件正文或文件屬性中包含以“San”開頭的單詞。TextOrProperty屬性設置要查找的單詞,并將搜索范圍限制在文件正文或文件屬性中。

With Application.FileSearch    .NewSearch    .LookIn = "C:\My Documents"    .SearchSubFolders = True    .TextOrProperty = "San*"    .FileType = msoFileTypeAllFilesEnd With

Execute 方法

expression.Execute(SortBy, SortOrder, AlwaysAccurate)

其中,expression必需。該表達式返回一個 FileSearch 對象。
參數(shù)SortBy,MsoSortBy 類型,可選。該方法用于對返回的文件進行排序。MsoSortBy 可以為下列 MsoSortBy 常量之一。 msoSortByFileName 默認值、msoSortByFileType、msoSortByLastModified、msoSortByNone、msoSortBySize。
參數(shù)MsoSortOrder,可以為下列 MsoSortOrder 常量之一。 msoSortOrderAscending,默認值、msoSortOrderDescending。
本示例在My Documents文件夾中搜索以擴展名 “.doc” 結尾的所有文件,然后顯示找到的每個文件的位置和名稱。本示例還以字母升序排序返回的文件名稱。

Set fs = Application.FileSearchWith fs    .LookIn = "C:\My Documents"    .FileName = "*.doc"    If .Execute(SortBy:=msoSortByFileName, _            SortOrder:=msoSortOrderAscending) > 0 Then        MsgBox "There were " & .FoundFiles.Count & _            " file(s) found."        For i = 1 To .FoundFiles.Count            MsgBox .FoundFiles(i)        Next i    Else        MsgBox "There were no files found."    End IfEnd With

NewSearch 方法

With Application.FileSearch    .NewSearch    .LookIn = "C:\My Documents"    .SearchSubFolders = True    .FileName = "run"    .TextOrProperty = "San*"    .MatchAllWordForms = True    .FileType = msoFileTypeAllFiles    If .Execute() > 0 Then        MsgBox "There were " & .FoundFiles.Count & _        " file(s) found."        For i = 1 To .FoundFiles.Count            MsgBox .FoundFiles(i)        Next i    Else        MsgBox "There were no files found."    End IfEnd With

RefreshScopes 方法
刷新當前可用ScopeFolder對象的列表。下面的示例將顯示“我的電腦”C:\ 驅動器上所有當前可用的ScopeFolder對象,并說明在對文件夾列表進行更改時需要使用RefreshScopes方法。

Sub TestRefreshScopesMethod()' Displays what happens before and after the RefreshScopes' method is called when a new folder is added to the list' of scope folders.    ' List before the folder is created.    Call ListFolderNames    ' Create a new folder on the C:\ drive in My Computer.    ' An error will occur if this folder already exists.    MkDir Path:="C:\Delete_After_Using"    ' List after the folder is created.    ' The newly-created folder does not appear in the list.    Call ListFolderNames    ' Refresh the list of folders.    Application.FileSearch.RefreshScopes    ' The newly-created folder now appears in the list.    Call ListFolderNamesEnd SubSub ListFolderNames()    Dim i As Integer    Dim strResults As String    ' Loop through all the top-level folder names on the C:\ drive    ' in My Computer and report the results.    ' .SearchScopes.Item(1) = "My Computer"    ' .ScopeFolders.Item(2) = "C:\"    With Application.FileSearch.SearchScopes.Item(1). _        ScopeFolder.ScopeFolders.Item(2)        For i = 1 To .ScopeFolders.Count            strResults = strResults & .ScopeFolders. _                Item(i).Name & vbCrLf        Next i        MsgBox "Folder Names on C:\...." & vbCrLf & strResults    End WithEnd Sub
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