









Economy and politics:

The 32nd president of the United States. He served twelve years, longer than any other presidents in history of America; the 22nd amendment to the constitution, passed after his death, denies the right of any person to be elected president more than twice.

He held office during two of the greatest crises ever faced by the United States: the Great Depression of 1930s, followed by WWII. His domestic program, known as the New Deal, introduced far-reaching reforms within the free enterprise system and prepared the way for what is often called the welfare state.

Both in peacetime and in war, his impact on office of president is enormous. Although there are many strong presidents before him, they are exceptions. In his 12 years in office, strong executive leadership became the basis of United States government, and he made president the center of diplomatic initiative and focus of domestic reforms.


When struck by a serious illness in 1921, Roosevelt was always plagued by sorts of illness. In great agony and completely unable to walk, he seems reach the end of his politics career. Despite the fact he was never again able to walk unaidedly, he still persisted in returning to work as soon as possible. He spent most of his working time on wheelchair and can only walk with canes and others’ help.

Keep secret

Nuclear bomb, the explosive device which can release the nuclear energy on a large scale was first tested in 1945. It is researched, constructed by the Manhattan project, which was top military secret in war. As a new type of weapon, nuclear bomb related to the destiny of country and the result of WWII. After bombing two cities with nuclear bombs in 1945, United States gave the last fatal blow to Japan and ensured the end of the war.


Bill Clinton(丑聞與功績(jī)=>人無完人,對(duì)任何人都需客觀評(píng)價(jià))

As the 42nd president of the United States, Bill Clinton became one of the most popular presidents of 20th century, but the second president to be impeached.

During his presidency, the country enjoys the longest period of economic growth in its history. Growing personal income and continuing business growth in 1997 and into 1998 increased government tax receipts made it possible in 1998 for Clinton to propose the first balanced federal budget since 1969. Despite financial and economic tsunami besetting Japan, North Korea, Thailand, and Brazil, the U.S. economy was strong with lower unemployment and less inflation. The U.S. stock market was also booming, reaching unprecedented high point.

In social security, his Family and Medical Leave Act, which offers workers more time to cope with family concerns, helps parents balance work and family.

But there are lees to every wine. Clinton also destroyed his reputation when admitting his improper affinity with a white house intern; therefore he had to meet the impeachment of the Senate. With a remarkable ability to connect with people, he was able to bounce back from defeats, scandals and even impeachment. Moreover, he left office with the highest voter approval rating of all modern presidents.


Based on the predecessor(前輩的重要性;科學(xué)過程的艱苦性)

As the last greatest astronomer before the appearance of telescope, Tycho specifically observed and recorded the movement of planets, which maybe the unprecedented description showing many details of planets. After more than 20 years’ research in his own observatory, large amounts of statistics almost filled his working place. But lacking enough perception and mathematic skills, he missed a significant theory under the phenomena and also left the breakthrough to his assistant, Kepler.

With a preeminent talent in mathematics and geometry, Kepler successfully proved sun-centered theory and got the position of Tycho’s assistant. As a result, he had the access to the large number of data Tycho discovered, and carried out a deep research on them after Tycho’s death. He took these data to thorough mathematical analysis and did much complex and tedious calculations; gradually, he found that the orbit of the planets is not a circle, like most predecessor thought, but an ellipse. Moreover, all planets also obeyed the same principles, which are later known as Kepler’s theory of planet’s movement, an initial discovery that almost changed our ideas of universe.

After the appearance of Kepler’s theory, another scientific giant stepped on the stage of history. That’s Newton. Having a deep understanding of Kepler’s research and adding his own excellent ideas, Newton developed the theory to a higher position, and established a system including all things, known as Law of Gravity. And the gravity is a widespread connection between any two subjects, whatever large like planets or small like apples. This theory offered a solid foundation for the further development of science and advance of technology; even our present satellites or shuttles are also base on the simple principles. Mentioning his great discoveries, Newton had said, “If I have seen further it is by standing on the shoulders of giants”. Surely we can conclude that Tycho and Kepler are included among these giants.


Wave-particle Duality(權(quán)威的錯(cuò)誤;反對(duì)者的不公平待遇;新手(de broglie)的優(yōu)勢(shì);人類舊知識(shí)的局限性)

In the process of cognition of light, human beings have got through more than 400 years’ discussion and suspicion, and even at present we do not get a perfect way to explain the overall properties of light.

At the end of 17th century, Newton firstly offered the assertion that light is some kind of particle, and combined it with his particle mechanics which acted as a solid foundation of this theory. Admitting his hypotheses, the phenomenon like reflection and refraction could be easily understood and explained. Although Huygens soon propounded his original idea in the wave property of light which can successfully accord with some other things like interference and diffraction, his explanation got no acceptance of most scientists; since prestige of Newton at that time was so high that people had no reason to doubt the giant they respected. Similarly, even in the subsequent whole 18th century, no scientist doubted Newton’s particle theory and did research further on the property of light. This condition got changed until the liberation of thought happened at the end of 18th and the beginning of 19th century. T.Young, a famous English physician, began to doubt Newton’s theory and published his advanced discovery on light with his significant experiment of interference of light. At first, his theory also received strong disputation and aspersion from people who supported Newton, and even political critics claimed that his discovery was ridiculous. But this objection also encouraged Newton’s supporter to do more discoveries on light. With sufficient experiments and better cognition of light, people gradually realize that we cannot simply treat light as normal particle or wave, which was too difficult for people to understand. At 1923, when De Broglie first proffered that light not only have particle property, but also wave property, namely particle-wave duality, the phenomenon got a relatively complete explanation. 


Tomas Edison(興趣的重要性;失敗是成功之母;改變世界的發(fā)明)

Tomas Edison, not one of but the greatest inventor of all time, had owned the patent for more than one thousand inventions, including electric light, phonograph, and the motion-picture camera, which gave rise to giant industries, thus changing the work and leisure habits of people throughout the world. Among his variety of inventions, the incandescent lamp may be only a small and ordinary one, but it is the lamp that lights up the cities throughout the world and makes it possible for us to read or write things at night. In the process of the invention of light, Edison had tried more than hundreds of times to find the proper filament, made of substance that could endure high temperature without fusing, melting or burning out. What’s the motivation of the almost impossible work? It is certainly the hobby rather than any other factors that gave him continuous inspiration and courage to defeat any drawbacks in the work and the way of life, as Edison said in an interview of a local paper in 1921.



Not one of but the greatest navigator in history, Columbus were devoted to finding shortcut connecting Europe and Asia, while reached America continent instead.

Despite being the son of a spinner, Columbus gradually developed deep interests in navigation and boats sailing on oceans when he was young. Strongly affected by Marco Polo’s description of the experience in China and Japan, he expected the mysterious land in the east and the great amounts of wealth there. As a result, he gave up the quiet and comfortable life he might have inside the country, and became a sailor to challenge any threats on oceans. Although he did not receive any normal education in childhood, he still taught himself much knowledge needed, like astronomy and navigation, and accumulated experience during some process of expedition. To fulfill the dreams to explore the east, he also sought patronage in many countries. But because of the limits of knowledge and suspicion about the shape of earth, this process of seeking lasted more than ten years, until finally he got appreciation of Spain. Even if many people might be scoffing his unrealistic dreams, and too many refusal were offered to him, he also persisted in what he thought was right. Finally, he could step-step approach his goals.

He in all conducted four voyages, and at the third time, he stepped on the North America. When compared with his initial ambition to go to Asia, his exploration may be absolutely a failure; but if taken into further consideration, the discovery is one of the most significant achievements which may nearly affects the overall development in universal history. They led directly to the opening of the western hemisphere to European colonization; and to large-scale exchanges of plants, animals, cultures and ideas between the two worlds. Only with the lagging technology and apparatus, we can deduce that how many difficulties he and his crew might meet during the long-term voyage on oceans where changes, including some fetal threats, were too common.


U.S.-Iraq War(反對(duì)的聲音=>民主權(quán)利(知情權(quán))的重要性;科技發(fā)展是進(jìn)步還是倒退)

Arguing that Saddam’s regime posed a grave threat to U.S. security and peace in this region because of its alleged pursuit of weapons of mass destruction and links to the international terrorism, Bush, the president of U.S., launched the war against Iraq to overthrow the regime. But from the beginning of the war, a large-scale antiwar demonstration appeared throughout the world especially in U.S. And approval rating of George Bush was continuously falling since he took military activities towards Iraq. Up to now, more than four thousand American soldiers and about forty thousand civilians in Iraq lost their lives in the long-term war. Is it such a justified war? No one can ensure. Although we indeed ended the governing of a despotic leader, is it simply meaning that we improve the condition of people’s life there? And is it worthy to sacrifice the lives of young soldiers to achieve a result they cannot see? No wars are beneficial, even if the excuses seems.


Financial crisis(合作的重要性;全球化的危害;處理問題的短期性與長(zhǎng)期性;舊體制與新問題的矛盾=>需要改革)

With the subprime mortgage crisis in 2007 and spate of the financial derivatives, the market of America met infrequent crisis, which gradually became a financial storm, sweeping Wall Street. Three of the five top investment banks have became the history, automobile industry meet the coldest winter in history, thus many great international companies has turned to government for help. As the biggest economy, the condition of America’s economy strongly affects the whole world. If it rains in American market, we can also not expect the sun in other countries. Many related market like Europe and Japan, or some emerging economies who closely relying on export, like China, India, all have a difficult way to advance. In a word, no countries can get rid of the financial tsunami. So they can only combine a unit, thus all the efforts and intelligence will also be gathered to defeat the crisis of the whole world. What’s more, the union can also contribute to the share of information and policies, which will make them more useful and not contradict with each other. At the same time, we can also see the unique policy put up by every country, like seven hundred billion dollars’ project to save the market in U.S or the four thousand billion RMBs’ project to stimulate the economy in China. They can solve the exigent problems every governments meet. But because of the exposure of some problems in old global financial system, a new system is also needed to be developed, which is also the theme of some international conferences on financial crisis, like G20 summit next month.



European Organization for Nuclear Research, often known as CERN, is the largest experimental organization throughout the world. Consisting of 13 members, the center is devoted to offering fundamental and purely scientific cooperation for European countries and regularly publishes their results to share with all scientists. They construction and technical support of CERN comes from its member countries; thus it have access to large amounts of resource in wealth, apparatus, and intelligence, which cannot be achieved by any single country. Scientists from different countries can easily exchange their ideas, plans, and results there; as the result, problems can be solved effectively and clearly. Moreover CERN also offers the largest machine we can build for the initial minds to try their hypotheses out and get more information. Surely different members may have contradiction and disputation when the project is carried out. But with sufficient discussion and cooperation, this great project of humanity is advancing normally and has already achieved significant achievements in high-energy physics like the discovery of Z and W particle.



It is short for Human Genome Project firstly proffered by American scientists, and now consists of six member countries. This project is devoted to accurately measuring subsequence of the three billion bases in DNA of human beings, so as to get all genetic information of humanity. If so, we have sufficient data to understand the reason of many fatal diseases like AIDS and cancers, and therefore probably find the way to treat them. As one of the biggest worldwide scientific projects, HGP demands sufficient money and intelligence to finish. Moreover, large amounts of experiments are also needed. That leads to the fact this significant but huge project cannot be made by a single country. The only way we have to choose is to cooperate.


Share of information under the globalization(信息共享;當(dāng)今社會(huì)的發(fā)展速度問題)

SCI: Science Citation Index. It is the largest retrieval system in the world, which constitutes a significant proportion of the results we have got in academic fields. The data bank of this system collects more than five thousand important journals especially in natural science; thus it offers researchers a global platform to gather information they need and keep up with the latest development in particular areas. As a result, with large amounts of raw material and former discoveries, people can save much time and focus on a new idea; surely the progress is becoming faster and more effective. Just take the headway of organic synthesis as an example. Before 1880, only about ten thousand organic substances were known to people, but during 21st century, more than one million new kinds of organic compounds are composed by scientists each year.


Global Warming(科技的危害;全球化)

At present, Earth appears to be facing a rapid warming, which most scientists believe results, at least in part, from human activities. The chief cause of this warming is thought to be burning of fossil fuels, such as coal, oil, and natural gas, which releases into atmosphere carbon dioxide and other substances known as greenhouse gases. With the increase of these gases in atmosphere, the earth becomes a large insulator, retaining more heat provided to the planet by the Sun. As a result, the glacier in Antarctica will gradually thaw and more water is entering ocean. If so, the level of ocean will rise and therefore some island country or some cities near sea, like New York and Hong Kong may be swallowed and submerged by the water. Moreover, the global climate is also fatally destroyed by the rise of the sea, which may lead to extreme weather we never meet. So some species may disappear due to this change; therefore whole environment may face a disaster.


Deforestation in Amazon(科技的危害;人類的貪欲)

As the largest rain forest on earth, Amazon constitutes more than half of the total tropic rain forest. There used to be rich natural resources, a large variety of wildlife, and complex ecological systems; thus it was often known as the “paradise of biologists”. But such situation was beginning to change since human beings stepped into this intact land. To achieve great amounts of woods and therefore wealth, forest was crazily developed and destroyed. During only five years from 1970 to 1975, the total proportion of Amazon had decreased by more than one hundred thousand sq.km. which is bigger than South Korea. As the result of the rapid deforestation, global climate is further destroyed. It is known to all that Amazon is a big machine which can absorb large amounts of carbon dioxide and produce oxygen for earth; thus without enough trees and plants in it, carbon dioxide cannot effectively reduced and the global warming is the natural consequence. Moreover, the rain forest could receive much water by the roots of plants. If they are destroyed, the soil has no way to be solidified and nutrients within it can easily rush away in heavy rains. As a result, the ever lush forests may become a desert finally.


Tibetan Antelope(荒原的重要性;科技帶來進(jìn)步還是倒退;人的貪欲)

Only living in the wideness areas or deserted grassland of high altitude which is almost the forbidden area due to the extreme situation, Tibetan antelope used to lead a comfortable life like their ancestors until person’s step appeared in this intact ground. Because of the great value and popularity of their fell in European market and among some rich men, more and more slaughters came into being and as a result, the total number of antelopes sharply decreased: it is about one million before 1990, but less than one hundred thousand in 1995. Despite establishment of some reserves to protect the endangering species, the hunting of them and wealth cannot be avoided. Many protectors even sacrificed their lives in the fight against the hunters.


Civil Rights Act of 1964(法律改變風(fēng)俗,觀念;平等的重要)

Because of the civil rights movement at early 1960s, an act which deeply affects American history and culture was passed by the Senate even if some contradictory voice did exist. That is the Civil Rights Act of 1964. The appearance of new act significantly improves the status of African American, women and minority; and it also diminishes the discrimination towards these people. As an act in law, people’s activity is restrictively regulated by the government; thus any one who discriminate others and bereave others’ civil rights may go against the law and therefore be impleaded. As a result, unfairness is gradually eliminated and contradiction between different social groups gets relieved. With the cognition of Civil Rights Act in the later 40 years, residents more or less accept the idea of equality and treat any one as their compatriot rather than minority or someone else, which follows the change of ethics and culture. It also contributes to the success of first black president, Obama.


Justice is not absolute, but relative(沒有絕對(duì)的公平,法律有其地方性:在有些地方合法,有些地方違法,as the follows

Homosexual: ethics V.S freedom of choice

Euthanasiaethics(go against the rights of survival) V.S law(freedom of choice)

Abortion: control the increase of population or other conditions V.S the legal rights to life of fetus


Importance of imagination(想象力的重要性)

The pursuit of flying like a bird in the sky: Wanhu------ Wright brothers


Yuan longping(為社會(huì)貢獻(xiàn)而取得成就的人)

Yuan Longping (born September 7, 1930) is a Chinese agricultural scientist and educator, known for developing the first hybrid rice varieties in the 1970s. His "hybrid rice" has since been grown in dozens of countries in Africa, America, and Asia —providing a robust food source in high famine risk areas.

Mr. Yuan won the State Preeminent Science and Technology Award of China in 2000, the Wolf Prize in agriculture and the World Food Prize in 2004. He is currently is Director General of the China National Hybrid Rice R&D Center and has been appointed as Professor at Hunan Agricultural University, Changsha. He is a member of the Chinese Academy of Engineering, foreign associate of the US National Academy of Sciences (2006) and the 2006 CPPCC.

Mr. Yuan was born in Beijing, China. He loves playing Majong and the Erhu (Chinese violin), swimming and motorcycling.



Van Gogh, not one of but the greatest painter in 19th century, almost changed people’s idea about the world and left us large amounts of precious artistic wealth which we have never owned. Among his many famous works, sunflower is a representative one. By using deep and bright of yellow color, artist tried to express his ambitions with life and the world. The strong ability of life bursting out from the sunflower can probably give people hope and encouragement especially for ones in sorrow. The warm color also offers people a feeling like sitting in a comfortable house. Another work is the starry night, which was finished at 1889. It is a complex and abstruse image where you can see burning tree and wry sky.

Beethoven, not one of but the greatest composer in 18th century, is often known as “music sage”. His Symphony no.5 often known as fate symphony expresses the determination to fight with the failures in life.

Shakespeare: Venice Merchant. Sherlock, the usury businessman.


Good luck to every Greers!

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