




英文名稱: English Linguistics



















周次學時數教 學 主 要 內 容教學環(huán)節(jié)備注
12Chapter I Introduction (I)講授 
22Chapter I Introduction (II)講授 
32Chapter II Speech Sounds (I)講授 
42Chapter II Speech Sounds(II)講授 
52Chapter III Morphology講授 
62Chapter III Syntax (I)講授 
72Chapter IV Syntax (II)講授 
82Chapter V Semantics (I)講授 
92Chapter V Semantics (II)講授 
102Chapter V Semantics (III)講授 
112Chapter VI Pragmatics (I)講授 
122Chapter VI Pragmatics (II)講授 
132Chapter VI Pragmatics (III)講授 
142Chapter VII Language Change講授 
152Chapter VIII Language and Society (I)講授 
162Chapter VIII Language and Society (II)講授 
172Chapter IX Language Acquisition(I)講授 
182Chapter IX Language Acquisition(II)講授 


Chapter 1 Introduction to Linguistics

Teaching aims: let the students have the general idea about language and linguistics.

Teaching difficulties: design features of language ; some important distinctions in linguistics

Teaching procedures:

1. Language

1.1 What is language

1.2 Design features of language

1.3 Functions of language

2. Linguistics

2.1 What is linguistics

2.2 Main branches (scope) of linguistics

2.2.1 phonetics

2.2.2 phonology

2.2.3 morphology

2.2.4 syntax

2.2.5 semantics

2.2.6 pragmatics

3. Important distinctions in linguistics

3.1 Descriptive vs. prescriptive

3.2 Synchronic vs. diachronic

3.3 Langue & parole

3.4 Competence and performance

3.5 Traditional grammar and modern linguistics

Further reading

[1]Read“A New Concise Course On Linguistics For Students Of English”

Chapter 2 Speech Sounds

Teaching aims: Let the students have the general idea about phonetics and phonology.

Focal points: description of consonants and vowels; basic knowledge about phonology

Teaching difficulties: phoneme; allophone; minimal pair; complementary distribution

Teaching procedure:

1. Phonetics

1.1 Speech production and perception

1.2 Speech organs (vocal organs)

1.2.1 The pharyngeal cavity

1.2.2 The oral cavity

1.2.3 The nasal cavity

1.3 phonetic transcription

1.3.1 Broad transcription

1.3.2 Narrow transcription

1.4 English speech sounds

Consonants: Parameters to identify a consonant:

①place of articulation: place in the mouth where obstruction occurs

②manners of articulation: ways in which articulation can be accomplished

③state of vocal cords: voiced VS. voiceless

Vowels: Criteria (parameters) of vowel description

①the position of highest part of the tinge :front, central, back

②the height of tongue raising: high, middle, low

③the shape of the lips (the degree of lip-rounding ) : rounded, unrounded

④the length or tenseness of the vowel : tense vs. lax or long vs. short

2. phonology

2.1 phonology and phonetics

2.2 Phones, phonemes, allophones

phones: They are the speech sounds we use when speaking a language. It’s a phonetic unit or segment (any linguistic unit which can be isolated from the rest). Phones do not necessarily distinguish meaning. Usually phones of different phonemes distinguish meaning.

phoneme: It is an abstract unit that is of distinctive value. It’s a basic unit in phonological analysis. It is not any particular sound, but rather it’s represented or realized by a certain phone in a certain phonetic context.

allophones: The different phones which can represent a phoneme in different phonetic environments are called the allophones of that phoneme

distinctive features: The features that a phoneme possesses, making it different from other phonemes, are its distinctive features.

2.3 The phoneme theory

2.3.1 Minimal pairs

2.3.2 Complementary distribution

2.3.3 Free variation

Further reading

[1]Read “Modern Linguistics” by He Zhao-xiong

Chapter 3 Morphology

Teaching aims: Let the students have a brief knowledge about morphemes and the basic word-formation methods

Focal points: definition and classification of morphemes; major word-formation methods

Teaching procedure:

1. Word

1.1 lexicon

1.2 vocabulary

1.3 Definition of “word”

1.4 Classification of word

2. Morpheme

2.1 Free morpheme:

2.2 Bound morpheme:

3. Word formation

3.1 Compounding

3.2 Derivation

3.3 Blending

3.4 Clipping

3.5 Shortening or abbreviation

3.6 Initialism

3.7 Acronym

3.8 Back-formation

3.9 Borrowing

Further reading

[1]Adams,V. 1973, An Introduction to Modern English Word-Formation

[2]Hu Zhuanglin,2001A Course On Linguistics

Chapter 4 Syntax

Teaching aims: enable the students to understand and describe the internal structures of sentences

Focal points: different treatment of sentence structure by different linguistic schools

Teaching difficulties: IC analysis, deep structure, surface structure, tree diagram

Teaching procedure:

1. The traditional approach

2. The structural approach

2.1 Syntagmatic and paradigmatic relations

2.2 Immediate constituent analysis (IC analysis)

3. The generative approach

3.1 Deep and surface structures

3.2 PS-rules and T-rules

Further reading

[1]Chomsky, N. ,1957,Syntactic Structures

[2]He Zhao-xiong ,1999 ,Modern Linguistics

Chapter 5 Meaning

Teaching aims: enable the students to have a better understanding of semantics and wording meaning.

Focal points: Leech’s seven classifications of meaning, semantic triangle, sense relations between words and sentences

Teaching difficulties: sense relations between sentences, different types of antonymy

Teaching procedure:

1. What’s semantics

1.1 Definition

1.2 A short history

2. What’s meaning (Meanings of “meaning”) P158

2.1 Denotation

2.2 Connotation: some additional, esp. emotive meaning.

2.3 Some views concerning the study of meaning

2.3.1 Naming theory

2.3.2 Conceptualism

2.3.3 Contextualism

2.3.4 Behaviorism

3. Sense & reference

3.1 Sense

3.2 Reference

4. Sense relations between words

4.1 synonymy

4.2 Antonymy

4.2.1 Gradable antonymy (mainly adj.)

4.2.2 Complementary antonymy

4.2.3 Converse antonymy (relational opposites)

4.3 Hyponymy

5. Sense relations between sentences

5.1 A entails B ( A is an entailment of B )

5.2 Presupposition (A presupposes B)

5.3 A is inconsistent with B

5.4 A is synonymous with B

5.5 A is a contradiction

5.6 A is semantically anomalous

6. Componential analysis

6.1 Basic principles of componetial analysis

6.2 Advantages:

6.3 Disadvantages

7. Sentence meaning

Further reading

[1]Read Chapter 5 Semanticsin “ Modern Linguistics” by He Zhao-xiong

Chapter 6 Pragmatics

Teaching aims: enable the students to have a better understanding of pragmatics and its two important theories.

Focal points: Speech act theory, the theory of conversational implicature

Teaching difficulties: Speech act theory, the cooperative principle and its four maxims

Teaching procedure:

1. An introduction to pragmatics

1.1 Sentence meaning vs. utterance meaning

1.2 Pragmatics

2. Speech act theory

2.1 Performatives and constatives

2.2 A theory of the illocutionary act

2.3 Searle’s classification of speech acts

2.3.1 Representatives

2.3.2 Directives

2.3.3 Commisives

2.3.4 Expressives

2.3.5 Declarations

3. The theory of conversational implicature

3.1 The co-operative principle (CP )

3.2 The four maxims

3.2.1 Quality maxim

3.2.2 Quantity maxim

3.2.3 Relation maxim

3.2.4 Manner maxim

3.3 Violation of the maxims and implicature

3.4 Characteristics of implicature

4. The politeness principle (PP)

Further reading

[1]Leech, G. N. ,1983,Principles ofPragmatics.London: Longman

[2]Dai Wei-dong ,2002,A New Concise Course on Linguistics for Students of English


Chapter 7 Language Change

Teaching aims: enable the students to have a general understanding of changes of language

Focal points: nature of language changes, changes of English language, causes of language change

Teaching difficulties: Causes of language change, historical development of English, language family

Teaching procedure:

1. The purpose and significance of the historical study of Language

2. The nature of language change

3. The historical development of English

3.1 Major periods in the history of English

3.1.1 Old English

3.1.2 Middle English

3.1.3 Modern English

3. 2 Linguistic changes of English

3.2.1 Sound change

3.2.1 1 Vowel sound change Sound loss Sound addition Sound movement

3.2.2 Morphological change

3.2.3 Syntactic change Rule loss Rule addition Rule change

3. 2. 4 Lexical change Lexical loss Lexical addition

3.2.5 Semantic change Semantic broadening Semantic narrowing Semantic shift

4. The causes of language change

4. 1 Sound assimilation

4. 2 Rule simplification and regularization

4. 3 Internal borrowing

4. 4 Elaboration

4. 5 Sociological triggers

4. 6 Cultural transmission

4. 7 Children’s approximation toward the adult grammar

Further reading



Chapter 8 Language and Society

Teaching difficulties: Differences between bilingualism and diaglosia, differences between pidgin and creole, social variation

Teaching procedure:

1. The relatedness between language and society

2. Speech community

3. Speech varieties

     3.1 Regional variation

     3.2 Social variation

     3.2.1 Social class dialect

     3.2.2 Genderlect

     3.2.3 Age dialect

     3.2.4 Ethnic dialect

     3.3 Register

 4. Standard and nonstandard languages

      4.1 Standard language

      4.2 Non-standard languages

      4.2.1 Pidgins

      4.2.2 Creoles

      4.2.3 Lingua francas

 5. Diglossia and bilingualism

    5.1 Diglossia

    5.2 Bilingualism

[1]祝畹瑾,1992 ,社會語言學概論


Chapter 9 Language Acquisition

Teaching aims: 1) enable the students to understand the basic distinctions between learning and acquisition, language transfer, the influence of linguistic input on second language acquisition, the effect of individual factors on SLA.

2) enable the students to understand language testing assessment

Focal points: Learning vs acquisition;positive transfer vs negative transfer; roles of linguistic input and formal classroom education in SLA; learner factors; assessment criteria

Teaching difficulties: Transfer; the influence of individual learner factors on SLA; assessment criteria

Teaching procedure:

1. Second Language Acquisition

l.1 Acquisition vs. learning

1.2 Transfer and interference

1.3 The roles of input and formal instruction in SLA

1.4 Individual learner factors

2. Language testing assessment

2.1 Grading rubrics

2.2 Common scales of DWA

2.3 Assessment criteria: Basic functions

Further reading 主要參考書目

[1]Akmajian,A. Demers, R. A.Farmer,A. K. & Harnish,R. M. An Introduction to Language and Communication[M], Cambridge, Mass.: MIT Press,1995

[2]Atkinson, M. Kilby, D. & Roca,I. Foundations of General Linguistics[M],London: Unwin Hyman,1988

[3]Brown,H. D. Principles of Language Learning and Teaching[M],Prentice Hall Regents,1987

[4]Gee,J. P. An Introduction to Human Language---Fundamental Concepts in Linguistics[M],New Jersey: Prentice Hall. 1993

[5]Harley,T. The Psychology of Language: From Data to Theory[M],East Susex,1995

[6]Hartley,A. F. Linguistics for Language Learners[M], Kent: Multiplex Techniques Ltd,1982

[7]Napoli,D. J. Linguistics[M],New York: Oxford University,1996

[8]Sampson,G. Schools of Linguistics: Competition and Evolution[M],London: Hutchinson,1980






[14]劉潤清,西方語言學流派[M], 北京,外語教學與研究出版社,1995



[17]朱躍, 英語與社會[M],合肥,安徽大學出版社,1999
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