February 2, 2012 | 11:01 am
Posted by Ilana Angel
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Goodman and his new daughter.
John Goodman is very wealthy. He was a child of privilege, but as wealthy as he was growing up, he’s richer now. He founded the International Polo Club and is a billionaire. That’s with a B. He is not only a billionaire, but also a pig, coward, and disgusting.
Two years ago, while drunk, Goodman ran a stop sign and killed 23 year old Scott Wilson. While the Wilson family mourned the loss of their beloved son, Goodman posted a $100K bond and checked into the Miami Four Seasons, while he waited to be arrested.
The Wilson family is suing Goodman for the wrongful death of their son. Goodman is a billionaire on paper, but one can assume when you have that much money, there is even more hidden offshore, in protected trusts, and in other people’s names. Punitive damages are involved so this matters.
In order to protect his money, Goodman did something so unbelievable I can’t wrap my head around it. Goodman’s girlfriend, Heather Hutchins, is now his daughter. That is correct folks. 48 year old Goodman adopted his 42 year old girlfriend so he could transfer his wealth to her.
By transferring the money to his “daughter” before the trial, it is safe and cannot be touched. He is allowed to give her 1/3 of his wealth, which when you are talking about billions of dollars, is not a small amount of money. That money cannot be touched by any judgment against him.
The legal papers read: “The adoption declares Ms. Hutchins to be Mr. Goodman’s child and legal heir, entitled to all of the rights and privileges of Mr. Goodman’s natural born children. While there is nothing unusual about an adult adoption, the critical fact here is that Ms. Hutchins is Mr. Goodman’s 42-year-old girlfriend.”
Goodman’s criminal trial starts March 6 when he will be charged with DUI, vehicular manslaughter and leaving the scene of a crash. He could face up to 30 years in prison. He was drunk, ran a red light, killed a boy, and then he left. 30 years doesn’t seem like enough time to me.
Goodman claims the adoption was a way to protect his children, but what about the Wilson’s child? Was he concerned with his well being when he killed him and left him alone to die? While I appreciate that what Goodman is doing is legal, it is not decent. Shame on him.
Goodman hit Wilson so hard that his crumpled car went airborne and landed in a canal, on its roof, and immediately began sinking. Scott Wilson was a recent graduate of the University of Central Florida with a degree in mechanical engineering. Let’s not forget about this boy.
As a mother, I cannot imagine ever losing a child, and for this boy to have his life taken, after he was just starting to live it, is unforgiveable to me. I hope Mr. Goodman remembers that his killed someone’s child each time he has sex with his daughter. I also hope he rots in hell.
Too harsh? Maybe. By maybe of course I mean no. Goodman left a young man to die because he was selfish and stupid. He then scrambled to hide money so he does not have to give it to that child’s family. They don’t care about the money you douchebag. They want their son back.
I find this story upsetting for a lot of reasons. There is clearly a creepy factor, but it’s more than that. He killed a man and then showed no decency by leaving him alone to die. He is now disrespecting his memory because of money. It’s all rather horrific and heartbreaking.
I am sending my condolences to the Wilson family. I am sorry for your loss and I hope Scott gets peace at trial with a conviction of the man who killed him. As for Mr. Goodman, he is a despicable human being and when it comes to his getting the maximum sentence, I am keeping the faith