Will Madonna Tie the Knot With Brahim Zaibat?...
Mar 5, 2012 8:30am
Will Madonna Tie the Knot With Brahim Zaibat?
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PrintArnaldo Magnani
Madonna’s boyfriend, 24-year-old Brahim Zaibat, pop the question to the 53-year-old pop music icon?
report in the British publication, “The Daily Mail,” claims the French dancer asked Madonna to marry him three weeks ago at a Kabbalah center in New York City. He has reportedly been waiting for an answer since then.
The Material Girl has apparently asked for time to consider the proposal.
The two have been dating for two years, making it work despite their 29-year age gap and differences in religion.
“We knew things were getting serious when he introduced Madonna to his mom, who is eight years younger,” Erika Souter of US Weekly magazine told
ABC News. ”There are reports that there are conflicts with his family because he is Muslim and she of course follows Kabbalah.”
Madonna was previously married to actor Sean Penn and film director Guy Ritchie. Both marriages ended in divorce, and she has said she would not remarry.
But she has acknowledged missing certain aspects of marriage. In an
interview with ABC News in January, Madonna opened up, revealing that she wants a partner in life, and revealing that she missed “being part of a family unit.”
“I don’t want to live my life on my own,” she said. “I love being a mother. My children fill me up in many ways, and inspire me in many ways, but I need a partner in my life and I think most people feel that way. I’ve never really lived a conventional life, so I think it’s quite foolish for me or anyone else to start thinking that I am going to start making conventional choices