Announcing MongooseDaemon, an objective-c wrapper for the wonderful mongoose http server.
It can be indispensable to be able to explore your iPhone appsdirectory structure when developing and debugging iPhone applications.You may also want to serve up content from your iPhone application viahttp.
Erica Sadun’s cookbook has an example of a hand rolled http server.However, it is only an example and is incomplete. I recently needed ahttp server in an iPhone app and after playing with Erica’s example Iquickly realized I didn’t want to be in the business of creating acomplete http server.
So I started looking for an existing http server I could embed in my app. I quickly found moongoose.
With just a few minutes of coding, I was able to get mongooseworking in my iPhone application. To make it even easier for thenext developer, I extracted my wrapper into the MongooseDaemon class andam offering it under a BSD license.
Here is some example code taken directly from one of my apps I am debugging:
Add the following to one of your projects classes .h (MyAppDelegate.h for this example): 1 | #import "MongooseDaemon.h" |
1 | ... |
Now you can surf to your application. For example, if your iPhones IP onwifi is (sorry a helper method for determining your iPhonesIP will be coming soon), then you could surf to
Serve files in good health!