ssroom2.0 - Presentation Transcript
Interactive ePortfoliosWeb 2.0 tools toImprove/ShowcaseStudent Learning
Dr. Helen Barrett
Newbie question: What are ePortfolios?
e= Using Technology to create…
Portfolio = Purposeful Collections of Student Work
What is a Portfolio?
Dictionary definition: a flat, portable case for carrying loose papers, drawings, etc.
Financial portfolio: document accumulation of fiscalcapital
Educational portfolio: document development of humancapital
What is a Portfolio in Education?
A portfolio is a purposeful collection of student work that exhibits the student's efforts, progress and achievements in oneor more areas[over time].
(Northwest Evaluation Association, 1990)
Most of those documents began as digital documents!
What is in an Education Portfolio?
The collection must include:
student participation in selecting contents
the criteria for selection
the criteria for judging merit
evidence of student self-reflection
(Northwest Evaluation Association, 1990)
Today’s Technology Choices
Slow Internet Access?
Microsoft Office
Other Options:
Adobe Acrobat
Apple iLife06 (iDVD, iWeb)
Web Page Editors
Front Page
Publish on CD or DVD
Fast Internet Access?
Open Source Tools
Most require a server
Commercial Services
Web 2.0 Tools (Free!)
Google Tools
Interactivity is KEY
Publish online
Review the philosophy behind ePortfolios and levels/strategies for implementation in a Web 2.0 world
Review a few technology strategies for scaffolding reflection
Review strategies for implementing ePortfolios using a blogging platform (WordPress/EduBlogs) and Google tools
Electronic Portfolios Now?
New Framework for 21st Century Skills
Enhancing students' computer & multimedia skills through ePortfolios
International Trends in ePortfolio Development
Personalized Learning
‘Choice’ and ‘Voice’
Self-Directed Learning
Reflective Practice
Constructing Deep Learning
Digital Identity Development & Personal Branding
Student Engagement!
CQ + PQ > IQ (Friedman, 2006)[Curiosity + Passion]
Learners find their voice and passions through choice and personalization!
Portfolio as Story
Positive Digital Identity Development - Branding
“Academic MySpace”
Six technologies with the power to transform K-12 teaching and learning
One year or less:
collaborative environments
online communication tools
Two to three years:
mobile devices
cloud computing
Four to five years:
smart objects
the personal web
New Media Centers
Multiple Purposes from Hidden Assumptions
“The Blind Men and the Elephant”Thanks to Alan Levine
The e-portfolio is the central and common point for the student experience… It is a reflection of the student as a person undergoing continuous personal development, not just a store of evidence.-Geoff Rebbeck, e-Learning Coordinator, Thanet College, quoted in JISC, 2008, Effective Practice with e-Portfolios
Portfolio Processes
+ Technology
E-Portfolio Components
Multiple Portfolios for Multiple Purposes-Celebrating Learning-Personal Planning-Transition/entry to courses-Employment applications-Accountability/Assessment
Multiple Tools to Support Processes-Capturing & storing evidence-Reflecting-Giving & receiving feedback-Planning & setting goals-Collaborating-Presenting to an audience
Digital Repository
(Becta, 2007; JISC, 2008)
… is the “Heart and Soul” of a Portfolio… NOT the Technology!
A Reminder…
Technology & Reflection
Two Themes across the Lifespan with ePortfolio Development
Digital Archive (for Life) Supports Lifelong & Life-wide Learning
Personalizing & Goal Setting
Social Learning
How can we integrate ePortfolios with what we know about social learning and interactivity?
How can you leveragethe technologies learners own?
Accessibility from “net books” and home computers
Connectivity with cell phones
Audio (podcasts) and Video (digital stories)
How is social networking impacting ePortfolio development?
It is having a huge impact on our social and political world!
What are the engagement factors that drive the use of social networks and how can we incorporate those factors into ePortfolios?
Balancing the 2 Faces of e-Portfolios
Some Basic Concepts
“ePortfoliois both process and product”
Process: A series of events (time and effort) to produce a result- From Old French proces(“‘journey’”)
Product: the outcome/results or “thinginess” of an activity/process- Destination
Level 1 – Collection: Begins with technology integration across curriculum
Level 2 -- Primary Purpose: Learning/Reflection/Metacognition
Less abouttellingMore about talking!
- Julie Hughes, University of Wolverhampton
Take advantage of Web 2.0 strategies in ePortfolio development
Level 3: Primary Purpose: Showcase/Accountability
Architecture of InteractionArchitecture of Participation(Web 2.0)
allows a
Pedagogyof Interaction
(ePortfolio 2.0)
Why Web 2.0 for e-portfolios?
Access from Anywhere!
Lifelong Skills!
Mostly FREE!
Web 2.0 Technologies
Free, often open-source tools on the WWW
“Me Publishing (blog and wiki)
Shared Writing (GoogleDocs)
Web Publishing(Google Sites)
May require higher technology competency
Mostly not secure websites
“Small Pieces, Loosely Joined”
Process & Web 2.0 Tools
All you need is… an <Embed> Code!
Hall Davidson
Quickly, easily create a learning journal, documenting growth over time with entries that are date-stamped.
WordPress allows additional pages and sub-pages.
Interactivity is maintained through RSS feeds and Comments that can be added.
WordPress file limit 3 GB!
WordPress blogs can be password-protected (as well as individual entries).
Prescribed order (reverse-chronological) of entries.
Does not allow organizing attached files into folders.
Limited attachments in Blogger.
Blogger does not allow passwords, often blocked in schools
Developing ePortfolios using WordPress or Movable Type blogging software (with pages)
Free (for education) online system.
Wikispaces allows 2 GB online storage (PBWiki limits 50 MB).
Page can be edited by approved members.
Discussion link on top of every page.
Saves draft pages and keeps versions.
Allows embedding media and building tables on pages.
Set up own system for managing the feedback on student work.
Does not allow organizing files into folders.
Archived version does not save navigation menu.
Documents, presentations or spreadsheets can be edited
Maintains a record of all revisions, with identity of author.
Interactivity is maintained through comments and co-authoring.
Easily embed presentations into blog.
Convert all documents to Microsoft Office or OpenOffice or PDF.
Set up own system for managing the feedback on student work.
Requires full time high speed Internet access.
No attachments, only hyperlinks to documents.
Google Pages NOW Google Sites
Free website builder
Flexibility and creativity in portfolio authoring.
Helps students build technology skills.
Automatically store pages online.
100 MB limit on uploaded attachments
No Interactivity
Set up own system for managing the feedback on student work.
More of a web page builder than a portfolio program.
Follow changes by eMail
Public Google Tools vs. GoogleApps for Education?
Public Google Tools (Gmail account)
Student owns the account for life (must be over 13)
Student has complete control of access
FREE for anyone
No uploading to Google Video (must use YouTube to embed videos)
Start immediately
Google Apps for Education
Protected environment (school assigns account)
School can control access (limit to members)
FREE for education
Limited use of Google Video (2 GB)
Need some advanced set-up time
Move beyond text-only artifacts
Encourage development of multimedia artifacts
Introduce alternative strategies for reflection
Digital storytelling (audio & video)
Blogging (including Twitter)
Do Your e-Portfolios have VOICE?
Individual Identity
Meaning Making
21st Century Literacy
“When words are infused by the human voice, they come alive.”
- Maya Angelou
Portfolio tells a Story
"A portfolio tells a story. It is the story of knowing. Knowing about things... Knowing oneself... Knowing an audience... Portfolios are students' own stories of what they know, why they believe they know it, and why others should be of the same opinion.” (Paulson & Paulson, 1991, p.2)
Portfolios tell a Story
“A portfolio is opinion backed by fact... Students prove what they know with samples of their work.”(Paulson & Paulson, 1991, p.2)
Review Examples of Scaffolding for Reflection
Digital Tools for Reflection
Digital Storytelling and Engagement
Invitation to Collaborate
Help me write a book for ISTE on Interactive Portfolios for Learning
Need K-12 teachers familiar with portfolios and comfortable with technology
Use primarily Web 2.0 tools (blog, wiki, GoogleApps)
Send me an email
New Google Sitesinvitation for collaborators
Reflection for Learning
ePortfolio Survey Instruments
Assessment for Learning
CIC Websites due in the fall: Multimedia Records of Practice, Electronic Portfolios & Digital Storytelling
More Learning Resources
MOre Self-Esteem with my ePortfolio (European Study & Tutorial)
Don’t double your learning!Consider Cognitive Overload!
When learning new tools, use familiar tasks;
When learning new tasks, use familiar tools.
Barrett, 1991
My Final Wish…
May all yourelectronic portfolios become dynamic celebrations and stories of deep learningacross the lifespan.
Dr. Helen Barrett
Researcher & ConsultantElectronic Portfolios & Digital Storytelling for Lifelong and Life Wide Learning