Xming is the leading
X Window Server for Microsoft
XP/Vista/Windows7.It is fully featured, lean, fast, current, simple to
install and because it is standalone native Microsoft Windows?, easily transported portable as a pocket X server.
Xming is totally secure when used with SSH and optionally includes an enhanced PuTTY Link SSH client and a portable PuTTY replacement package. Xming can work completely independent of the Window's registry when used with Xming-portablePuTTY.
Interactive 3D graphics capability is provided compatible with OpenGL/GLX.
Xming is cross-compiled on Linux for Microsoft Windows (32-bit x86), using MinGW, mainly from the canonical X.Org source code with my patches applied. It is kept current and secure with frequent updates from X.Org, XKB, FreeType2, Pthreads-Win32, Mesa, PuTTY and Freedesktop Bugzilla.
When released Public Domain, Xming can be distributed and used without restriction.
| -multiwindow mode on Microsoft Windows 7 with five clients including a remote ParaView. |
| XDMCP on one X server, and an xlogo X client on another. |
| Using -multiwindow mode to select Linux kernel build options remotely. |
Xming installers make it child's play to quickly install project components, interactively, with a few mouse clicks.They will also
uninstall, silently, using command line parameters.
This essential installer includes
the XLaunch wizard. Optional extras are the
PuTTY Link for Xming SSH client and
Tools and clients.
If you intend to use PuTTY: make sure you correctly pick the PuTTY LinkSSH client (plink), either for use with standard PuTTY orXming-portablePuTTY i.e. there are two different plink's in theinstaller.
You should associate XLaunch.exe with the .xlaunch file extension (aninstaller option, that is enabled by default) to get the X serverquickstart feature (i.e. just one click runs Xming, the way you want,via a saved .xlaunch configuration file).
Xming uses either
Mesa or
Microsoft WGL OpenGL for rendering 3D graphics.
The Xming executable has an absolute minimum of fonts; the so-called built-ins.X clients usually need extra fonts to supplement these...
This additional installer provides standard core X fonts (which areusually required) and optional extended Bitstream Vera replacement fontsfrom
DejaVue. You should install Xming-fonts in the same directory you installed Xming.
I separated these fonts from the Xming installer, above, since they havea high installed footprint, don't change very often and modern Xapplications use client side fonts instead via fontconfig.
Xming-fonts are however needed by traditional X applications e.g. emacs . Also if you have an
X font server on your network you can
use it instead of this package.
Since these standard X Window fonts tend to be ugly, you could
use better TrueType fonts from your Microsoft system like this.
This optional installer provides a fully portable replacement for
PuTTY. You don't have to install portablePuTTY in the same directory you installed Xming as it is completely autonomous.
Xming-portablePuTTY works without requiring access to the Windows registry. The portable plink executable also incorporates the changes from the
PuTTY Link for Xming SSH client.
| Most operating systems have an X Window Server, why not Microsoft Windows? |
| |
Note this website convention: Window = X Window Windows = Microsoft Windows?
All the normal
X Window Server functions and some you might not have thought of
- 'Project' your favourite X Window GUI applications onto a Microsoft Desktop.
- Use your Windows machine as just a thin client to Linux/Unix .
- Extend server-side X fonts to include any TrueType fonts on your Windows machine. These high quality fonts can be accessed, in situ, and added to the X server font list.
- Use Xming with portablePuTTY as a pocket X server by copying both to a USB flash drive etc. Once made portable; no installed software or access to the Windows registry is needed.
- Use as a KVM substitute. No need for expensive hardware or a tangle of cables.
- Headless a Linux/Unix machine by removing its keyboard, mouse, monitor and video card. Redirect the BIOS console and then access terminals via minicom (using a serial port) or PuTTY, and GUI's via Xming (using an ethernet).
- You can display remote X clients directly on a Windows Desktop without running a remote Display Manager and so free up the system resources used by that DM. Note however that use of XDMCP mode needs a remote DM running!
- You can use the Xming X server, just locally, together with coLinux, Cygwin, SFU (Microsoft Services for Unix) / SUA or UWIN.
- Use SSH and X-Forwarding in -multiwindow mode, instead of VNC, to reclaim precious resources (including desktop space) and facilitate cut-and-paste between windows.
- If you want focus-follows-mouse: use Microsoft's PowerToy TweakUI to enable X-Mouse for -multiwindow mode. On Windows 7 this is equivalent: "Ease of Access Center" > "Make the mouse easier to use" > check "Activate a window by hovering over it with the mouse".
- You can run Xming on multiple monitors in many ways, e.g. if you have two monitors on a Windows machine, you could put the full remote Linux/Unix session on the second monitor using
>Xming -query <IP of remote host> -nodecoration -screen 0 @2 -clipboard
Xinerama could be used to create one large virtual display, e.g. with two monitors >Xming -query <IP of remote host> -nodecoration -screen 0 @1 -screen 1 @2 +xinerama -clipboard
- Configure a Linux kernel on a remote machine, 'make xconfig' i.e. using the convenient GUI method.
- Update remote machines via the distribution's GUI tools e.g. for Mandriva use mcc, rpmdriva and MandrivaUpdate.
- Install the Enlightened Sound Daemon, EsounD, to have sound with remote X applications.
On the Xming machine start
>esd.exe -tcp -public Note: this is not secure
On the remote Linux/Unix machine
$ export ESPEAKER=<IP of Xming PC>
PulseAudio is an EsounD replacement, free of cygwin1.dll, that can also be used as a sound server. Note: only an old version of PulseAudio is available as a Windows binary and EsounD is no longer developed. - Xming can be used with external Windows window managers, such as xwinwm (via -mwextwm), openbox or twm (via -rootless). I test xwinwm with this script and twm with this script (xwinwm and openbox are available in Cygwin/X, twm is in Xming tools and clients). However using an alternative window manager on the Windows desktop is just daft, use -multiwindow mode, run virtual machines or install Linux instead .
Using X servers can be difficult and complex, so if you want to use Xming "quick and easy" start it with
XLaunch.The learning curve for seamlessly combining X, Microsoft Windows, SSHand Linux/Unix can be pretty steep for novices. Documentation here justscratches the surface of many topics so be prepared to read moreelsewhere and to try options out. Also this documentation is constantlybeing updated and
may be incorrect for old versions .
Xming Manual.This doesn't contain any X server commands. You could view these with -help or run this XLaunch file. These online X.Org Manual pages also give more detail on X server and X client options.(Note: not all generic options are logical for Windows or honoured by Xming.)
Manuals are also available for XLaunch, Xmingrc, portablePuTTY, Xmon, the Run Utility and command line use of Xming's install and uninstall programs. All thirty-two Tools and clients also have Xming manuals.
To simply start Xming in -multiwindow mode, with no access control, from Command Processor (the Windows cmd.exe console)...
>"C:\Program Files\Xming\Xming.exe" -ac -multiwindow -clipboard or on a 64-bit system...
>"C:\Program Files (x86)\Xming\Xming.exe" -ac -multiwindow -clipboard
Notes: -ac is totally unsafe but simplifies X server startup.
If you now need a Command Processor: run it from Xming's notification area icon menu.
Many useful variables will then be inherited e.g. %CD% and %DISPLAY%
This gives you a multiwindow X server on display-number 0 (the default),with an integrated Windows window manager, in its easiest to use form.This is as simple as it gets, but is totally
unsafe (see
Access control), so start the X server without using
-ac and only use X-Forwarding to display remote clients. Note...
- You cannot run two X servers with the same display-number; use the :display-number option if you want multiple instances.
- On recent Windows versions: in order to easily use Xming's notification area icon(s) you should set 'Show icon and notifications', for the Xming X Server icon.
If you have installed
portablePuTTY or
PuTTY,have a configured SSH server on your remote Linux/Unix machine, andhave then tested and saved some PuTTY sessions: you could display anxterm like this
>Xming :0 -multiwindow -clipboard start Xming Server:0.0, then run
>plink -ssh -X -pw <password> <user@host> xterm either, plink using <user@host>
>plink -pw <password> -load <sessname> xterm or, plink using a PuTTY saved session <sessname>
Note: -pw <password> is not recommended for security; pre-empt -pw with PuTTY's pageant key manager
>plink -ssh -X <user@host> xterm plink is safer used with an authentication agent
>plink -load <sessname> xterm
or use a Windows SSH client, like
Cygwin's OpenSSH, to do the same
>Xming :0 -multiwindow -clipboard start Xming Server:0.0, then run
>C:\cygwin\bin\ssh -Y <user@host> xterm ssh using <user@host> (no saved sessions possible)
Note: pre-empt getting a password/passphrase entry prompt by using keychain and a Cygwin shell
XLaunch makes using Xming with PuTTY's plink and generic Windows ssh clients easy...
XLaunch is a wizard for simplifying the startup of an Xming X server.Its re-usable XML configuration files also act as mini-session managers.One X client can be selected for concurrent display from a local orremote machine. When remote, the X client is accessed securely via
PuTTY (e.g. via the
PuTTY Link for Xming SSH client) or
SSH (e.g. using
Cygwin OpenSSH) with plink.exe or ssh.exe respectively.
Remote login using XDMCP is also provided as well as a host finder and chooser via the -find command and XPing button...
Also use XLaunch to just simply start the X server and then run several X clients later by hand, or from Xmingrc menu entries.
Example .xlaunch configuration files for a remote xterm via PuTTY, a remote login via XDMCP and a remote xcalc via SSH.
Using the wizard to get a remote xcalc via PuTTY in -multiwindow mode...
You can select the windowing mode, the way sessions are started and savethe configuration for later reuse. An XLaunch configuration file can bejust clicked to rerun saved settings without having to go through the wizard pages . Also automatic validation of configuration files against the XLaunch XML Schema Definitionis selectable when starting the wizard. Additionally, automaticdisplay-number (i.e. X server) allocation is provided for the firsttwenty instances.
XLaunch Help pages...
Display settings Session type Start program XDMCP settings Additional parameters Finish configuration
You can configure the X toolbar icon menu (i.e. the right-click menu onXming's notification area icon), Windows icons, styles and system menus(i.e. the right-click menu on a Window's title bar) using an
Xmingrcfile. Additionally, on the icon menu, a Host Finder is provided forlisting, choosing and then accessing any responding XDMCP hosts on yournetwork, as well as a log file viewer. I use
this Xmingrc fileto open X Window clients (singly or combined in session files), PuTTY,Cygwin or Command Processor terminals and EsounD, and to control accessto the X server.
Most local Windows programs or remote Linux/Unix X clients can be run simply from Xmingrc menu items.
Xmingrc is a structured text file, so to avoid errors, study the installed example_Xmingrc file and my example and read the Xmingrc Manual.
Many X.Org tools and clients have been ported to Microsoft Windows console (CUI) applications and built modular using MinGW...
Use the links in the table above to view Xming manuals for each entry.
- xkbcomp is built without a Windows console (GUI), and always installed, as it is used by Xming during X server startup.
- Xmon for Windows is sourced here, not from X.Org.
In addition to the tools and clients tabled above: these are also supplied in the Xming installer...
- The simple xroot CUI tool provides a clickable swatch of root window for use when -rootless to access window manager root menus which otherwise maybe hidden.
- follow is a simple CUI Windows text following tool like Linux/Unix 'tail -f'. I use it from my Xmingrc to monitor Xming log files.
- glxgears and glxinfo (+ seventeen more GLX clients) are available separately via installer component 'GLX test clients'.
Examples, from Command Processor
>set DISPLAY=:0
>xsetroot -cursor_name left_ptr -fg white -bg black -solid SteelBlue
>setxkbmap de -model pc105
>xkill -frame useful in -multiwindow mode to close any client
>xroot -geometry 50x50+500+50 -color SteelBlue useful with -rootless and some window managers
Xmon example
>xmonui | xmond Xmonui graphics front-end piped to an xmond console providing trace,
for display 1 clients, while an X server is running display 0.
>xclock -display :1
>xcalc -display :1 Monitoring two clients started from separate Command Processor windows...
These Windows X clients are not the complete X.Org set. Since MinGW doesnot provide a POSIX API some clients just can't compile (e.g. xterm),also a few need client-side fonts or are useless on Windows. Theirabsence is not really significant, and most users don't need to install'Tools and clients' anyway. Using PuTTY with Xming is however highlyrecommended as it provides SSH for Windows, xterm emulation and plink isespecially useful...
PuTTY Link (plink) is a connection tool, similar to Linux/Unix ssh, that is built as a Windows console (CUI) application.
The Xming plink SSH client is made with MinGW from patched PuTTYcode.These modifications substitute Windows prompts for many console onesbecause XLaunch and Xming are built console free (GUI) and sostdout/stderr messages are hidden when plink.exe is spawned from XLaunch or Xmingrc.
Get help on using Xming PuTTY Link by clicking the plink.exe file. Also debug using plink via XLaunch with this XLaunch file i.e. a test is triggered by the tags ClientStart="PuTTY" + Program="testplink" + PW="test" that outputs...
The Run Utility is an autonomous tool used to start Windows applicationswith a hidden attached console command window. This is the
Manual for run.Its
binary and
source code are supplied separately from Project Xming; and licensed
Here is an
example Desktop Shortcut using run and plink to display a remote konsole.
You could, alternatively, just use this code in a .js script file instead of the Run Utility...
//Konsole.js - alternative to the Run Utility example provided above.
//JavaScript to display a remote konsole without a local Command Processor...
var wshell = new ActiveXObject('WScript.Shell');
wshell.Run('"C:\\Program Files\\Xming\\plink.exe" -load colin konsole --ls',0);
Without updating equipment my Xming development can't continue or advance, hence this hardware funding initiative...
Note: PayPal's site needs cookies enabled.
By donating you will get a
Donor Password sent by return email, enabling access to
Xming Website Releases and
Development Snapshots for
private individuals .This will be sent to the email address in the PayPal payment history;so please make sure it works and that you are not blocking my ISP'smailservers (
zen.co.uke.g. smarthost01.mail.zen.net.uk). If you have contributed in otherways (e.g. code or patches), or not received your password: contact me.Also if you can't use PayPal, again contact me by email(colin<dot>harrison<at>virgin<dot>net) foralternatives. The suggested PayPal donation is £10 since less has a highpercentage loss due to transfer charges. Note:
You don't need a PayPal account to use PayPal from the button above, but the link does need cookies enabled.
I greatly appreciate contributions towards improving Xming's developmentand hosting resources. Plus, if you found Xming useful, a little thanksgives me the motivation to make it even better.
Xming Website Builds include...
- Many Enhancements, Changes and Bugfixes not in the Public Domain Release.
- The latest Website Releases and regularly updated Development Snapshots.
- Modular executables and most libraries from X11R7.5, and beyond, plus latest keyboard and locale databases.
- Extra Windows X clients including GLX demonstrators and Xmon.
- Support for dual-stack IP hosts (IPv4 and IPv6) in most modes.
- OpenGL enabled rendering via either Mesa or Microsoft WGL (the latter provides experimental accelerated OpenGL).
- XCB ported to the Windows platform without the performance degradation of a POSIX API translation layer.
- The XPing XDMCP host finder/chooser integrated into XLaunch also with quick and simple activation from Xmingrc.
- The latest development snapshot PuTTY code, used as the baseline for both Xming's plink and portablePuTTY.
Other projects also benefit from Xming developments. These are freelyavailable for their use when correctly cited in accordance with
I get so much email that I literally do not have time to answer it all. Iregret this, but there's nothing I can do about it. So if you canpossibly avoid sending mail to me, I recommend you do so. In particular,support requests are probably better sent to newsgroups, or passed to alocal expert if possible.
Problem reports will ALWAYS be ignored by me if your
complete Xming log file is not attached (plus a full Dr. Watson
Drwtsn32.log if a crash report) and the report lacks
detail and clarity . If a plink problem I need the plink command line used or a copy of your
config.xlaunchfile. Failing to follow instructions, or answer questions, will quicklyloose any interest in your problem. I do however appreciate wellformulated reports and suggestions.
Many difficulties, outside the scope of the Manuals, can be resolved by consulting the Trouble with Xming? documentation.
URL links to the Terms and Conditions including
component licenses and
clarifications.These may change or be updated from time to time. It remains yourresponsibility to check them whenever you access this website or installXming software.