2016-10-16 鮑勃?迪倫 刑事網(wǎng)
11.To win the Nobel Prize is not aninglorious thing,in fact it’s an encouraging thing,for if a pop singer couldwin it,then everyone could. 獲得諾獎不是一件丟人的事,事實上這是一件很勵志的事,因為如果一個流行歌手能夠獲獎,就是說所有人都能獲獎。
22.Scholars,preofessors and Dlitts will nowargument that I’m not a singer but a poet,but what I wanna say to them is:if Iwere really a poet 50 years ago,I would starve to death in your sight and yoursilence.
33.I don’t know what R&R really is now,Ithought it’s a prograss of Human civilization,but it might be adegeneration,for there are so many dancing hairy ape on the R&R stagenowadays. 我現(xiàn)在不知道搖滾到底是什么,我曾經(jīng)認(rèn)為那是人類文明的進步,但它也可能是退化,因為如今搖滾舞臺上盡是些會跳舞的長毛猿。
44.The best way to kill a Rebel is to awardhim a prize,at least better than to use jails and tanks,like those happeningsomewhere at this time on the same globe of ours.Yet glory will forever belongsto those resisiting people,for the long-live freedom.