佛教 Buddhism
三大語(yǔ)系佛教 Three languages of Buddhism:
漢語(yǔ)系佛教 Chinese Language Buddhism
藏語(yǔ)系佛教 Tibetan Language Buddhism
巴利語(yǔ)系佛教 Pali Language Buddhism
大乘佛教 Mahayana Buddhism
上座部佛教 Theravada Buddhism
金剛乘/密宗 Vajrayana Buddhism(Lamaism)
中國(guó)佛教 Chinese Buddhism
佛經(jīng) Sutra
經(jīng)、律、論 Sutras, Vinaya, Sastra
大藏經(jīng) Tripitaka Sutra
三寶(佛、法、僧) Triratna (Buddha, Dharma,Sangha)
“三寶”加被 May “Triratna”bless
法師 Master/Venerable
長(zhǎng)老 Thero/Venerable
大長(zhǎng)老 Mahathero/ Most Venerable
方丈/主持 Abbot
佛教宗派 Buddhist School
佛教儀式: Buddhist Ceremony/Buddhist Service for
和平祈禱法會(huì) Buddhist Praying Ceremony for World Peace
禮佛 pay respect for Buddha
頌經(jīng) Sutra Chanting
香爐 Incense burner
上香 To offer incense to Buddha
因果 Cause and effect
成道/成佛 To obtain the Buddha-hood
覺(jué)悟 To get enlightenment
三皈五戒 The ceremony for lay Buddhists to go to the Buddha for refuge, go to the Dharma for refuge, go to the Sangha for refuge and to follow the five commandments of Buddhism(no killing,no stealing,no sexual misconduct,no lying,no intoxicant)
“To do no evil, to do only good, to purify the will, is the
doctrine of all Buddhas”
做功德 To make contribution to
普渡終生 To save all living beings from sufferings
四諦 Four noble truths
八正道 Eight noble paths
善哉 Sadhu (good or excellent)
佛教寺院 Monastery/Buddhist Temple
山門 The Front Gate
大雄寶殿 The Main Shrine Hall
圓通殿 The Hall of Universal Understanding
觀音殿 The Hall of Avalokitesvara Buddhisatva
藏經(jīng)閣 The Tripitaka Sutra Pavilion
羅漢堂 The Hall of Arhan
祖師殿 The Hall of Patriarch
四大天王 Four deva-kings, the protectors of Buddhism
韋馱 Vitasoka/Vigatasoka, the protector of Buddhism
齋堂 Monastic Dinning Hall
客堂 Monastic Reception
四大名山: Four holy mountains of Chinese Buddhism
五臺(tái)山 Wutai Mountain is the Holy Place of Manjusri Buddhisattva
峨嵋山 Ermei Mountain is the Holy Place of Mahasthama Buddhisattva
九華山 Jiuhua Mountain is the holy place of Ksitigarbha Buddhisattva
普陀山 Putuo Mountain is the holy place of Avalokitesvara Buddhisattva
佛像 Buddha statue
釋迦牟尼佛 Shakyamuni Buddha
彌勒佛 Maitreya Buddha
迦葉佛 Kasyapa Buddha
阿彌陀佛 Amitaba Buddha
毗廬舍那佛 Vairocana Buddha
藥師佛 Bhaisajya Buddha/medicine Buddha
三世佛 Buddhas of Three Periods:
Kasyapa Buddha of the past
Shakyamuni Buddha of the present,
Maitrya Buddha of the future
菩薩 Buddhisattva
觀世音菩薩 Avalokitesvara Buddhisattva
菩賢菩薩 Samandhabatra Buddhisattva
大勢(shì)智菩薩 Mahasthamaprapta Buddhisattva
文殊菩薩 Manjusri Buddisattva
地藏菩薩 ksitigahba Buddhisattva
善財(cái)童子 Sudhana
羅漢 Arhan
Amitaba Buddha
Avalokitesvara Buddhisattva
Mahasthamaprapta Buddhisattva
達(dá)摩 Budhidharma
摩騰 Kasyapa Matanga
竺法蘭 Gobharana/Dharmaraksa
佛學(xué)院 Buddhist College
僧伽 Sangha
僧、尼(比丘、比丘尼) monk、nun /Bhiksu, Bhiksuni
方丈/主持 Abbot
首座 Chief monk
監(jiān)院/當(dāng)家 Monastic Manger
侍者 Assistant
中國(guó)佛教協(xié)會(huì) The Buddhist Association of China
中國(guó)佛學(xué)院 The Buddhist Academy of China