


Top 10 Online Note Taking Applications

Many of us prefer using online note taking applications forresearch, bookmarking sites, or quickly jotting down ideas. While thereare many online note taking applications, we searched around the Weband compiled a list of those we felt were richer in features andusability. Here are the top ten, in no particular order.

Which note taking applications do you use and why? Let us know in the comments.


Evernoteis one of the most talked about online note taking applications. Onespecial feature here is the drag-and-drop desktop version that allowsyou to see your notes and clips offline. You can use the Evernotemobile application for your Windows Mobile phone or iphone to capturepictures and record audio to send to your Evernote account. You canalso email notes to Evernote using a secret email address.

Google Notes

Google Noteshas some nice features including collaboration among multiple users, apublishing feature, integration with Google Bookmarks, the ‘Unfiledbookmarks’ link on the left sidebar of the Google Notes Web interfacethat sorts and displays all the urls you have saved, quick clippings ofWeb pages with the ’star’ button, and the export to Google Docs feature.


UberNoteworks in the same manner as Google Notes. However, one neat featurehere is that you can add your tasks in any note that you are workingon. Later, you can view the ‘Open Tasks’ link on the sidebar of theUberNote interface to open all notes with incomplete tasks. Similarly,you can integrate your bookmarks with any note and find it later withthe ‘Bookmarks’ link. Other nice things to know about UberNote are thatit runs on AJAX and has a history feature that will save all therevisions you make on your notes. You can clip notes with the UberNoteonline dashboard, with the browser extension, email your notes to apersonal email address, or from an AOL IM application.


Springnoteis an OpenID enabled online note taking application that takes adifferent approach than the ones mentioned above. This one is not forwriting short notes and clipping websites, but longer notes, and comesout just a bit different than an average online office suite. TheSpringnote note editor is feature rich and you can choose from avariety of templates, plugins , and insert video and audio to enhanceyour notes. You can collaborate, share your notes with friends, or postthem on your blog.

WebAsyst Notes

WebAsyst Notescomes with features for including attachments to your notes. You cansort the notes into specific folders and share the folders with yourcontacts. WebAsyst also has features to add files, photos, contacts,mail, projects, an issue tracker, pages, and a shopping cart.


Luminotes,apersonal wiki notebook, as the site describes itself, is an easy to usewiki that lets you create notes. You can attach files to your wiki, andshare them with your friends. Features such as automatic saving andrevision tracking are very useful. Once you have completed your wiki,you can download it as well. This is not one of the conventional onlinenotebooks but a key reason why you might want to use this is because ofone feature that allows you to hyperlink one word or sentence in anotebook to another.


Stikkitwants to be a smart application without being clever. What it does ispick up specific terms from your notes and arrange your notes as to-dolists, calendars, contacts (peeps), bookmarks and tags list. Now isthat smart enough? You can also choose to share your Stikkit notes withyour contacts and receive comments. For quick Web clippings, itprovides a bookmarklet for Firefox and Safari, and a right click menuoption for Internet Explorer users.


Fruitnotesallows you to create notes by calling a specific phone number, thoughcurrently they have only listed a US and UK number. It also allows youto create your own profile and view others’, thus doubling up as asocial networking platform. The note editor is feature rich and letsyou upload images and videos. Once done, you can publish your note foreveryone to see.


Notefishis a simple online note taking application that allows you to drag anddrop your notes, resize them, color them, tag them, and share withcontacts. You can also move one note from a particular project toanother easily. There is a Firefox addon that you can use to clip Webpages conveniently.

Zoho Notebook

Zoho Notebook is the most sophisticated and most feature-laden online note application of the bunch.Zoho Notebook provides you a palette where you can type and add image,audio, video, html, urls, RSS, files, sheets, and more. There are alsovarious tools like the Line tool, Freehand tool, Select tool, Handtool, and Shapes. There is a rich text editor with export, publish, andshare features. You can record video and audios directly into thenotebooks, integrate them with Skype for chats and IP telephony, or usethe Firefox plugin to add Web clips easily. If you are the advancedonline notebook user type, then you will find Zoho Notebook providingthe solutions to almost all your requirements. I said ‘almost,’ as Icouldn’t find a mobile phone support for Zoho.

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