Question5:Since installing EndNote 6, Microsoft Word XP is running slowly orfreezing periodically. Word is reporting error messages such as"Unknown Error 0x800A1007" or messages which indicate there are toomany edits or not enough resources/memory. Memory usage graduallyincreases and the CPU usage climbs to 100% and stays there. I cannotsave my document and I have to use the Task Manager in order to quitWord.
There is a knownproblem that occurs with Word XP where the use of certain smart tags inWord triggers a memory leak. Note that this problem was fixed inEndNote 7, but here are the steps to resolve the problem in EndNote 6:
InWord go to Tools / Options / File Locations, select Startup, and clickthe Modify button. Note the path to the Word Startup folder asindicated under the Look In dropdown box at the top of the window.
在word中工具/選項(xiàng)/文件位置,選擇啟動(dòng)(Startup)點(diǎn)擊調(diào)整,注意在查找下拉列表窗口頂部的指示的 Word Startup文件夾的位置。
Nowcancel out of this window, close Word (and Outlook, if running), andnavigate to this folder through Windows Explorer or My Computer. (Note:If you cannot find the specified folder, your windows preferences maybe set to hide the folder.
InWindows Explorer go to Tools / Folder Options / View tab and make surethat "Show hidden files or folders" is selected). You should see atleast two files in this folder: EN6Cwyw.WordXP.wll & you do not see the .wll and .dot file extensions, go to the Toolsmenu and select Folder Options / View tab. Uncheck the box that reads"Hide file extensions for known file types" and click OK. RemoveEN6Cwyw.WordXP.wll and place it in the Recycle Bin.
Nownavigate to the EndNote 6 program folder (typically C:\ProgramFiles\EndNote) and locate a file called EN6Cwyw.wll. Make a copy ofthis file and paste it into the Word Startup folder.
Nowstart Word again and you should be able to insert citations and workwith EndNote 6 and Word XP without it slowing down, freezing, orcrashing.While not strictly necessary, it is also a good idea to makesure you have the latest updates from Microsoft installed
Question6:When trying to export citations from a website in my web browser Ialways get a "File not found" error and the records do not appear in myWindows EndNote library. How can I fix this?
Answer:If you get a "File not Found" error when you try to direct export, yourcache of temporary internet files is probably full and needs to becleared.
1、Open Internet Explorer and go to Tools / Internet Options. 2、Under Temporary Internet Files click on the Delete Files button. When it finishes deleting the files click OK. 3、Try the export again and you should have better results.
Ifyou have a lot of Temporary Internet Files, deleting them may takequite a while. But once this is done you should no longer experiencethis error when you try to direct export. This can also happen withNetscape / Mozilla. To clear temporary internet files in Netscape /Mozilla, click on Edit>Preferences>Advanced>Cache. There willbe options for clearing the disk cache and the memory cache.
Answer:The Macintosh version of EndNote 5/6/7 cannot directly convert aProCite database. If you have access to a Windows machine, you can usethe Windows version of EndNote 5/6/7 (including the Demo version) toconvert a ProCite database as outlined below. If you do not have accessto a Windows machine, contact Technical Support for assistance with theconversion.
EndNote 5, 6, and 7 for Windows can directly convert a ProCite database as follows: In EndNote select File / Open / Open Library. Under files of Type?select all Files (*.*)? Find the ProCite database that you wish to convert, and select it as the library to open. ClickOpen and a dialog box will appear. Click Convert to begin the creatingan EndNote library without customizing the field and reference typemappings. If you click Customize you can select the destinationReference Types for the ProCite workforms, as well as set thedestination EndNote fields for the fields in the ProCite database. After clicking Convert enter a name for the EndNote library and click Save. Thiswill create an EndNote library using the data from your ProCitedatabase; the original ProCite database files will not be affected.
支持Windows的EndNote 5, 6, and 7可以直接按下面的方法實(shí)現(xiàn)從ProCite的數(shù)據(jù)庫轉(zhuǎn)換。
Answer:You can directly convert a Reference Manager 8.x/9.x database toEndNote for Windows version 4.01, 5.x, 6.x, or 7 as follows:
從Reference Manager 8.x/9.x數(shù)據(jù)庫可以依下面的方法直接轉(zhuǎn)到Endnote 4.01, 5.x, 6.x, or 7
In EndNote select File / Open / Open Library. Under files of Type?select all Files (*.*)? Find the Reference Manager database that you wish to convert and select it as the Library to open. ClickOpen and a dialog box will appear. Click Convert to begin the creatingan EndNote library without customizing the field and reference typemappings. If you click Customize you can select the destinationReference Types for the Reference Manager reference types, as well asset the destination EndNote fields for the fields in the ReferenceManager database. After clicking Convert, enter a name for the EndNote library and click Save.
Notethat this process creates a new EndNote library from your ReferenceManager database; your original Reference Manager database files willnot be affected.
1、Export the data from Reference Manager to a plain text file in the RISformat. To bring this data into EndNote, create a new EndNote libraryand then import the text file using the "Reference Manager (RIS)"import option.
2、If you have access to an installation of Reference Manager version 8.xor 9.x, you can rebuild the version 10.x database using the olderversion of Reference Manager so that EndNote can directly convert thedatabase... 1)Close the database in version 10. 2)Using Windows Explorer, go to the folder where the database files reside. Locate the *.rmd file of the database and copy and paste it to another location such as your desktop. 3)Now open Reference Manager 8.x/9.x, go to the Tools menu and chooseRebuild Database. Select the *.rmd file on your desktop and rebuild it.You will get a message reminding you to make a backup of your databasebefore rebuilding. Since you are rebuilding a copy of the *.rmd file,you can click Yes to this message and proceed with the rebuild. Thiswill create a new *.rmx file on your desktop when the rebuild iscomplete. You should now be able to open and convert this database using EndNote as outlined above.