Online game infrastructures, Part 4: Address community requirements, game upgrades, and account maintenanceAn architectural approach to providing online game infrastructures ![]() | ![]() |
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Level: Introductory Veronika Megler (, Senior IT Architect, IBM Sales & Distribution 27 Jul 2004 The business of the online gaming industry is a complex one, requiring the input and integration of many variables -- people, business conditions, product goals, and more -- to create, implement, and distribute a successful online game. In the fourth of five articles in this series, IBM® Senior IT Architect Veronika Megler offers some patterns-based solutions to handle community interaction needs, to address adding new content for users of the game environment, and to provide assistance when users want it. It's been an in-depth journey getting to this point, but you're almost finished with your project -- establishing the groundwork so game providers can implement an online game environment. In Part 1, you learned to:
In Part 2, you learned to:
In Part 3, you learned how to:
Find, also, the key design concepts discussed in this series in this handy chart. In this installment, you'll tackle the how-to issues that arise when gamers want to interact with other gamers in a variety of ways, when you want to introduce new content to the game, and when gamers want assistance from the environment. Community: friends and enemies Of course, your game has to be fun and your content fresh, but these attributes are not enough in themselves to ensure success after the first few months of the game's availability. You know from the experiences of other game providers that gamers continue to play a game -- and pay the access fees -- if a feeling of community develops among them. It is in your interest to foster this sense of community in any way you can. You need to provide a set of information for the players to access:
You also want to provide information about service availability, upcoming maintenance, new downloads, and so on. Given the quantity of information you want to provide, you understand the value of using portal technology. While this material can clearly be part of creating a community, some industry watchers believe the most effective communities occur when gamers are given the basic tools to create their own communities. How can you help make this happen? Take a look at the following scenario. A number of self-regulating communities, each associated with a specific in-game guild, have spontaneously formed around your game. One of the most popular was started by Ken. It is a Star Trek-themed guild that holds its chat sessions and updates its news board in Klingon. To make it a little more accessible to guild members, they use an English-alphabet interpretation of Klingon rather than the Klingon character set -- except in special cases. You are considering adding text-to-speech capabilities, to include a Klingon reader. Ken and other members of this guild get an extra kick out of playing tournaments against an opposing Star Wars-themed guild. For the quorums of each guild to compete against each other, they regularly schedule times using the calendaring functions you've made available. To make the game more accessible to new players and build a community around the more casual, less hard-core players, you've created a Newbies' Guild, which features a little extra hand-holding, more basic information, and more structured quests. One way you provide the hand-holding is by creating videos for newbies that show some of the tricks of the game. The Newbies' Guild is where Barbie and her friends hang out. People can graduate from this guild and join the other guilds, giving the more committed players an in-game career path. You provide some information that allows players to choose their new guild intelligently, such as average play-time by guild members, average score, seniority of the characters, and so on. This way, the game can allow self-selecting communities of every level of commitment, from casual gamer to the hard-core aficionado. Oh, and whenever Barbie's playing, she tries to locate Ken in the game. She gets extra enjoyment from appearing where he is and teasing or interfering with his character, much to his frustration. She's also recently started flirting with another gamer, Blaine. Now, if only she can track him down in the game! The new, community-oriented requirements You've just identified a number of collaboration- and community-oriented requirements, including:
Look more closely at this diverse set of community-related activities. Many of them are standard portal-based functions you've already provided -- personalization of content, content aggregation, and so on.
Several products available today allow portal members to administer, manage, and update a set of pages. (For example, IBM Lotus® QuickPlace® that works with IBM WebSphere® Portal server, provides such a capability.) Since the Klingon guild is maintaining its own set of pages in an English alphabet, they can provide the content in Klingon without any technical concerns on your part. You can allow the guild to provide links between their own pages with Klingon labels; they can choose to add images that contain special embedded characters, without requiring additional support from you. You can use available Klingon pronunciation guides to create the Klingon text-to-speech reader, if you choose to do so. In some cases, today's portals also provide chat capabilities [in the case of WebSphere Portal server, through Lotus Instant Messaging and Web Conferencing (Sametime®) portlets]. Once you provide access to chat, noting whether someone is present is a small step since many chat products already provide online awareness capability. If you create this chat infrastructure external to the game, you could potentially use the same infrastructure to support chat inside the game. For example, Lotus Instant Messaging and Web Conferencing (Sametime) provides a toolkit that can be used from inside application code to provide chat functions. If these functions are being called from your game code, you can manage the representation of the chat window and even filter or modify the chat traffic. In theory, this will let you also use the chat infrastructure from a nontraditional device, such as a game console. Can Barbie locate Ken in the game? You could certainly provide an indicator of whether or not someone on a gamer's buddy list is currently playing the game. It's technically possible to add a game location indicator to someone's presence indication in the chat program; however, this is something that gamers might not want to divulge (like Ken, after the first time Barbie disrupted him). Consider adding an indicator that gives a rough idea of what sector in the overall game map the buddies are in. This at least helps Barbie identify in which direction to head, while not making it too easy to find Ken. Many groupware products provide group calendaring capabilities you want to use and allow each guild to maintain their own calendar. Many groupware products (Lotus Notes®, for example) can be integrated with portals. So, providing this capability with off-the-shelf components is a straightforward task. Matchmaking is a little more difficult. This is a common function in the game industry, and it is possible to purchase off-the-shelf applications (generally, collections of APIs) that provide this functionality. To collect and process game statistics that inform the matchmaking component, you'll add a data-analysis package to your game zone. Figure 1. Adding community functions to the game infrastructure ![]()
Now add another twist to upgrade the game and let gamers access new content. Here your'e moving into a new set of functions: functions that exist outside the basic applications, but are important to maintaining and managing your business. Ken has heard a patch is available for the game. He accesses your Web site and searches for the upgrade. When he finds it, he downloads and installs it. He decides, in a moment of goodwill, to upgrade the game on Barbie's computer, too. He notices that it's been a long time since she upgraded her version of the game. That's OK, though, because the download site automatically detects the current version of the game and download all required fixes. On her cell phone/hybrid device, Barbie receives a notification that a new version is available, and she clicks Accept to install it. She's excited because she's heard that this version contains a completely new set of customizations she can play with. Here is the list of requirements just added in this scenario:
As games get larger and more complex, the size of the patch files also increases. For example, Anarchy Online had a 75MB patch on day one; for someone with a PC on a slow dial-up connection, downloading a patch this size becomes an impossible challenge. Even for someone on a broadband connection, it's a huge annoyance. Since many of the changes provided in patch files are required to improve game play, the patch file is something that most gamers are likely to download. The bandwidth required by thousands (or, hopefully, tens of thousands) of gamers downloading the file in a fairly short period of time is quite large.
While you cannot help with the last mile (the speed of individual gamer's access), you can ensure the only constraint the gamer encounters is their connection speed and not one created by bottlenecks in your infrastructure. Well-understood methods can reduce the strain that large downloads create on the core network, even if they do not help with the last mile. Caching the patch files at the edge of the network is a simple approach to reducing the load inside the infrastructure. You can also work with a service provider that specializes in providing caches in points of presence close to concentrations of your gamers. From your side, you need to create a patch file or upgrade file that is internally consistent and serially upgradeable. This means:
To manage patches and upgrades on an ongoing basis, it is important that adequate problem-management and version-control capabilities are implemented in your development processes. You need to:
A gamer finds few things more frustrating than downloading patches and upgrading software, only to discover that he still has the same problem. Then, he calls the help desk and someone tells him that it's a known problem that has not been fixed yet. Generally, you should plan to group the patches into a bundle, and give them a consistent number such as V1.8.11. When a gamer connects and requests a download of a patch but has not previously downloaded all prerequisite patches, you should identify the list of patch files he requires to upgrade his current level to his desired level, and then automatically download all of them. A complementary approach -- one that may be particularly appropriate for pervasive devices such as cell phones -- is to use a managed provisioning system to provide download capabilities. For example, a new patch becomes available for a specific device type or class of devices (when, say, just the game version for the N-Gage has a problem). The administrator creates a job that will notify all devices of this type that a new patch is available when the user next connects to the site. The provisioning system keeps track of which devices have successfully downloaded the patch and which have not. As a result, if a gamer connects after having missed several patch notifications, the provisioning system can notify the user of the full set of patches they should download, ensure that they are applied in the correct order and that the next one is not started until the previous one has been successful. This kind of functionality has become popular for enterprise systems during the past few years because of the difficulty of ensuring that large numbers of PCs and laptops receive security patches for the most recent worm or virus. It is becoming more popular in consumer software, too; for example, the upgrade capability in Quicken or the operating system fixes downloaded by Dell. IBM also has an off-the-shelf component called Tivoli® Device Manager, which is designed to manage this kind of environment. You can add content to the game using a different method. In the game, Buffboy approaches a ferry at the bank of a river. The ferry requires a toll. Paying the toll will let Buffboy take the ferry to a new land, complete with new challenges and quests. This is a content upgrade of a different kind; it gives you a nice, neat way to expand and refresh the content available to the gamer. You can easily place locations around the game that act as entry points to additional content. Whether someone has the right to pass into the new section of the game needs to be checked only when their character arrives at the entry point and attempts to enter. Once they are in the new section of the map, you can assume that they have the right to enter. Implementing the toll is also simple, using mechanisms similar to those discussed in the Creating a barter/exchange system section in part three of this series. The right to access the new content could be listed as a catalog item external to the game for the gamer to purchase. In reality, paying the purchase price alters a setting in the gamer's directory entry. Once the character reaches the toll bridge, your software can check the gamer's directory entry to establish whether they've already paid. In addition, you can set a price in scrip and the gamer can make a purchase from inside the game when his character approaches the toll gate. At that point, a download is triggered if changes are required on the game client. If the new part of the game content merely reuses existing code on the client, then no download may be required. This scenario adds quite a few functions here. However, if you look at the services that your infrastructure needs to support, you'll discover that these functions are already provided -- including portal functions and several forms of collaboration, such as chat, e-mail, and presence. What you have done is reused this same infrastructure to provide new capabilities.
Access to customer service is also a key part of creating the community. Expect customer service needs to vary in many ways, from resetting access passwords to getting a player unstuck, from handling account disputes to fielding complaints about the behavior of other players. And of course, collecting information about bugs. For a large game, customer service can be a significant expense. Automation is critical. A useful rule of thumb: Individual contacts with your gamer base can easily equal the total number of subscribers you have. These contacts range from technical support requests, billing and account management issues, e-mails, and in-game help requests. Now, add one last set of meta-level functions. Ken needs to pay his bill. He thinks he's earned enough from weapon and spell sales to purchase the new version of the game that is about to become available. He wants to check whether the new graphics are at a sufficient resolution to exploit a new, high-definition screen he plans to purchase. Meanwhile, Barbie has got herself into a predicament. Whenever she tries to play, the game tells her someone else is already playing her character. She needs to call on one of the game gods to get her going again. The new customer-service requirements You are adding the following functions (plus some obvious extensions):
You must strike a balance: you need to provide easy access to appropriate assistance without drowning under the volume of requests. You can move in this direction by providing useful self-service mechanisms to gamers. In situations in which this is not sufficient, you can provide access to customer service personnel through chat. As a last resort, or when the gamer cannot get access at all, you can provide a telephone number. In this situation, a voice response unit can reduce the cost of customer service by providing information and simpler or more common transactions. Automate simple transactions and provide personalized responses by using Voice over IP (VoIP) technology combined with a VXML browser. Recent advances have enabled the movement from fixed, preprogrammed responses and inflexible programming models requiring specialized skills to technologies that are easy to program and integrate. If you add these components into our Runtime pattern overlay, you'll end up with the following updated diagram. Figure 2. Final overlay of Runtime patterns ![]()
In this article, I discussed needed community-issue functions such as:
When it comes to upgrade issues, I discussed:
For customer-assistance issues, you examined self-service user account management that would allow registered gamers to renew their subscription, check their account status and balance, and additional functions. You learned when to use customer service over multiple mechanisms such as e-mail, chat, and telephone. For all of the new functions covered, I offered pattern advice and helped start the process of matching the functions with real-world products to meet those requirements. In the next (and last) installment in this series, I'll recap the entire process and describe how to put the game environment to work. I'll deliver a revised build-buy-borrow outline, complete with some real-world product solutions, and offer some ideas about further potential functions for the environment you may want to consider.