


Parsing C++ at nobugs.org

Parsing C++

(andy@nobugs.org, March 2001)


I recently became interested in parsing C++. It‘s taken me quite a while to gather together various resources from the web, so I thought I‘d share my findings with the world in the hope that it saves someone else a bit of time.

Note: Since I wrote this, Mike Dimmick posted an overview of his attempt to parse C++, which is well worth reading. Also, there‘s a really good page at the VFiasco project.


I‘ve been interested in writing a semi-automated refactoring tool for C++. When I‘m developing software, I often have a simple refactoring idea, like "I should rename this class", which turns out to be very fiddly and time-consuming to actually make happen. It would involve renaming all uses of the class, renaming files, updating project files and documentation. Other refactoring tend to get done by moving code around in a flurry of cut and pasting. These are all error-prone.

So, I looked for a refactoring tool. There‘s one for the Smalltalk language called the Refactoring Browser. There‘s Xref-Speller which extends emacs to allow some refactoring of C, Java and YACC (along with code completion and browsing). There‘s Source Navigator, which is a source browsing tool not a refactoring tool, but it does generate a useful symbol table.

So, it looks like there isn‘t a C++ refactoring tool already out there. However, applying refactoring transformations isn‘t tricky once you can parse the source. Refactorings are described well in Martin Fowler‘s Refactoring book. They are also described in a more formal way, useful for implementing them, in William Opdyke‘s PhD thesis. Donald Robert‘s PhD thesis also covers the Smalltalk Refactoring Browser.

So, if we can parse C++ then refactoring is a Simple Matter Of Programming (ha!). Let‘s find out how to parse C++.

(Incidentally, the refactoring tool won‘t have to deal with some of the issues which make source-to-source transformations tricky - things like preserving comments and indentation structure. The refactoring tool will internally produce a set of ed-like commands which are then used to patch the original files. They could also produce the inverse set of commands to allow a refactoring to be undone later. The refactoring tool needn‘t reparse the change files, since it will know what changes have taken place and can update it‘s internal state directly).

Parsing C++

For general compiler/parsing information, I‘d recommend reading Andrew Appel‘s Modern Compiler Implementation (in three different flavours - C, Java and ML. I got the ML version because it‘s easier to see the wood for the trees in a declarative language). The Dragon Book is the classic compiler reference, but it‘s not the best book in the world. The first few chapters of the online PCCTS book make for a good introduction to parsing. Finally, Ian Kaplan has a page which describes various options for writing parser.

The first obvious place to look for C++ parsing is in gcc. It‘s a C++ compiler, so it must be able to parse C++. However, it‘s not the best documented code in the world, and the various stages of parsing (lexical, syntactic and semantic analysis) are fairly tangled together. It‘s also written in C, which is not the best language for a large, complicated program. On the plus side, it definitely parses stuff fine, it‘s got good performance and it generates a symbol table.

Source Navigator operates by parsing the source code and entering a whole load of information into various database tables. A source browser GUI then accesses these database tables to allow the user to browser the code. The C++ parser in source navigator is quite scary and not very educational.

A few web searches turned up an YACC-compatible LALR grammar written Jim Roskind which parses an early version of C++ (before namespaces, exceptions, templates and the bool type were added into the language). This is accompanied by a very useful discussion of the ambiguities in the C++ language, and how various conflicts in the grammar were resolved. This is just a grammar, and so doesn‘t build a full symbol table. It also uses a ‘hack‘ to help the parsing -- enough semantic information is fed back to the lexer to allow the lexer to classify identifiers as either plain identifiers or typedef names, which makes parsing a bit easier at the expense of tangling the implementation a bit.

The next thing I came across was a C++ grammar for ANTLR. ANTLR is a parser generator which works on predicated LL(k) grammars. A predicated LL(k) grammar differs from an LL(1) grammar in the following respects. Firstly, it uses k symbols of lookahead. Theoretically, this would make the parser much slower, but in practise it doesn‘t slow things down much. Secondly, the choice of which production to use can be based on the next k terminals, and additionally, some syntactic predicate and/or a semantic predicate (such as ‘lookup the identifier in the symbol table and if it‘s a type then use this production‘).

John Lilley‘s C++ grammar for ANTLR (actually, a modified version of ANTLR) supports all C++ features except namespaces. It builds a symbol table as it parses, but it doesn‘t output an AST. It‘s quite cleanly written, and the supporting code is readily understandable. However, the grammar isn‘t particularly understandable - particularly when ambiguities are resolved by fiddling around with the grammar.

(Along the way, I came across the paper which proposed a different syntax for C++. It still expresses the same language (ie. there‘s a 1-1 correspondance between traditional C++ source code and source code using the suggested syntax), but it‘s much much easier to parse. For example, C declarations mimic their use ("int *a;" is a declaration and the type of the expression "*a" is int) but this makes it hard for a parser to decide whether a sequence of tokens is a declaration or an expression. The proposed syntax avoids this problem by adding the new ‘type‘ keyword to all declarations, and having an entirely new way of describing types. Somewhere in a parallel universe, all C++ is written in this way.)

The most useful bit of information which I‘ve found is Edward Willink‘s "Meta-Compilation for C++" PhD thesis. While the main focus is on providing meta-compilation support for C++, a lot of the thesis concentrates on the difficulty of parsing C++. Willink creates a useful tool for looking at grammars by extending regular expressions with a functional operator which allows you to express recursion. Normally, you describe languages using a context-free grammar written in BNF. However, it‘s not very easy to glance at a grammar and work out what‘s going on. It‘s certainly quite difficult to work out if two parts of the grammar can generate identical strings (which can make parsing difficult if it happens). Using the extended regular expressions you can come up with a concise and easy to read description of parts of the language (which typically fits on a single line) which is easy to compare with other parts of the language. This gives Willink a tool to examine the C++ language to find out which areas are ambiguous.

The other nice bit about this thesis is that it describes a way of parsing C++ which doesn‘t require the use of semantic information (symbol tables etc) in either the lexer or the syntax parsing stage. All semantic analysis is delayed until a separate phase which is performed on the AST‘s generated by the syntax parsing stage. This makes for a conceptually tidier implementation. To do this, Willink doesn‘t actually parse for C++ in the syntax stage, he parses for a somewhat larger language of which C++ is a subset. So, the syntactic parsing stage will accept all valid C++ programs, plus some additional programs which are not valid C++. These ‘extra‘ programs are easily detected during semantic analysis. This split has two benefits. Firstly, the implementation is cleaner since the lexer just lexes, the syntax analysis stage just analyses syntax, and the semantic analysis stage deals with all the semantic issues. Compare this with gcc, where the lexer gets enough semantic information fed back to it to classify identifiers into seven classes, and where the syntax analysis stage has to therefore gather semantic information to feed back to the lexer. There‘s a second benefit to delaying all semantic checks until after all parsing has been done - you have more information by this stage and so will be able to give more helpful error messages to the user if the parser encounters a badly formed program.

Finally, I‘ll mention one commercial C++ front end because they appear to be quite friendly towards non-commercial research. The Edison Design Group sell a C++ front end which generates an intermediate representation, along with optional cross-reference information. This is used in various research projects, including the Program Database Toolkit project.


I‘ve had a few emails recently asking about parsing C++, so I thought I‘d update this page rather than repeat myself in private emails.

After lots of investigation, I decided that writing a parser/analysis-tool for C++ is sufficiently difficult that it‘s beyond what I want to do as a hobby. Additionally, it didn‘t feel like a worthwhile task in some respect. Parsing a language doesn‘t need to be hard per se. It‘s just that C++ inherited a whole lot of syntactic issues from C, such as the "failed experiment" of deliberately choosing to have declarations of variables look really like usages of these variables (eg. "int *a[10]" is a declaration, and therefore "*a[1]" is an int). Dennis Ritchie talks about this in the critique section of his article, but to be fair to him, hindsight is 20/20 and probably had little idea that his pet project would end up being so successful!

Having said that, syntactic parsing of C++ isn‘t particularly difficult. The above difficulties mean that your C++ parser won‘t be a shiny perfectly-elegant parser like you see in computer science textbooks, but they don‘t add too much difficulty to the process. It‘s just a bit fiddly.

In contrast, other languages are dead easy to parse the syntax. They have LALR (or similar) grammars and no fiddly extra cases. You feed the grammar into yacc/antlr and, hey presto, you have an AST. This is always present in my mind when think about C++. It is C++ which make things difficult. Why not code in another language which is more elegant and easier to parse. Why struggle with Herculean labours against C++ when it‘s crippled by not being easily machine-processable. We‘re programmers! We write programs to do things for us! If C++ itself isn‘t amenable to being manipulated by programs, then why allow it to reside in your toolbox?

Okay, I know that there are reasons. For most of the last six years, I‘ve spent every weekday working on large C++ applications. I would love automated tools to analyze and refactor my applications. There are clearly lots of pragmatic reasons (not to mention financial ones!) why being able to parse C++ is a good idea. But do I want to spend years picking over tiny details in order to write a parser? The world will move on, and C++ will be a footnote in history. There are some "real" problems out there in the field of programming languages, and these problems are much more attractive to me.

Back to the subject. Parsing the syntax of C++ is the easy part of the problem. Once you have an abstract syntax tree, you need to do semantic analysis to figure out which functions are being called and which variables are being referenced at each point in your program. A call to "foo" somewhere in the application could refer to a top-level function called "foo", or a method within the current class, or one of its (possibly multiple) base classes. There could be several overloaded versions of "foo" with different argument types, possibly with some default parameters, in each of these places. There may be some other "foo"‘s available which take arguments which are subtypes of the supplied arguments. And on top of that, C++ allows implicit coercion between types, so the types of the arguments could get totally changed. Your semantic analysis stage has to codify all of these rules, in the right order.

These rules are stated in the C++ language spec using English. English isn‘t a great language for being precise in. Again, other language choose a different route. Denotational semantics are a way of formally defining the meaning of a programming language. They‘re not as easy to read as an English description, but they do give a formal unambiguous description of the language, which is very very useful when you‘re writing or testing a compiler. Again, this is me writing with the benefit of hindsight. Dennis Ritchie probably didn‘t anticipate that his useful little language would be held up to such high standards. But that‘s kind of my point. A language written in the 70‘s is bound to have flaws, when perceived from 2005. We‘re tried out lots of stuff in the intervening years, and we know more. A car build in the 70‘s might have a certain charm, but it‘s not going to be as fast/efficient/good as one built now.

Enough rambling. I spent quite a lot of time looking at parsing C++ and decided, for mostly ideological reasons, that it wasn‘t the kind of problem that I wanted to spend (potentially) years of my life working on. However, before I stopped I did contact EDG, who are a small commercial company who do nothing but sell language front-ends, mostly to the big players like Intel. These guys have spent years writing these front-ends, poring over the standard documents and even making them work with vendor-specific language extensions. The front end does parsing and syntax analysis. They‘ve done all the hard work, so you don‘t have to. They have created something with great value, and quite reasonably charge money for it. Unfortunately, they want a one-off lump sum upfront for commercial users of their parser, rather than per-sale royalties. And obviously, it wouldn‘t be much use for an open source project.

However, Xref-tech clearly had the same idea around the same time. They‘ve bought in the EDG frontend and are using it to extend their C refactoring tool so that it supports C++. I admire them for going the EDG route. Parsing C++ is not an exciting problem. EDG have done it already. So buy EDG‘s product. The end.

Open-source? Well, the EDG option isn‘t available to you. Richard Stallman would argue that the EDG option is bad, because we can‘t read their source code and learn from it. Well, I think you probably don‘t want to read their source code. It‘s going to be full of special cases and warts, all of which are caused by the C++ language design itself. It‘s not interesting code solving a Real problem, it‘s mostly noise. If you want to read source code, pick something which solves an interesting problem and read that.

Unlike on commercial projects, where management and existing culture often impose a choice of tools and language on the development team, an open-source project has a free choice of language. If you‘re working on stuff in your free time, why endure the pain of C++ and the lack of good tools? You won‘t lie on your deathbed wishing that you‘d spent more time tracking down dangling pointer errors. There are lots of other languages out there which are more fun to use and much easier to parse. When I was younger, I used to enjoy all the little details of C++. It felt like useful knowledge, and to a certain extent it was, in that it lead to jobs. But when I‘m programming for fun, I‘m not interested in the programming language. It‘s a means to an end. For me, the difficulty of parsing C++ is yet another nail in the coffin for a flawed language. I choose to use other languages for my "fun programming" now.

But, having said all that, on Monday morning I‘ll be sitting on front of a 200 (or so) KLOC C++ application, cursing the historical accidents which lead to the popularity of such a hard-to-parse language. So, please ignore all my above criticisms of the language and, if you are brave and persistent enough to write an open-source C++ parser and semantic analyzer, then I commend you!

The other interesting route is the Harmonia project. They are actually solving a much harder problem - incremental parsing and semantic analysis of several languages. But they do advertise that they‘ll support C++ Real Soon Now. They presumably aren‘t buying in EDG‘s frontend, since I don‘t think it‘ll meet their "incremental" criteria. Their parser is a GLR parser (yay, sensible choice! Yacc is a historical artifact! Let‘s move out of the 70‘s). However, they still have to solve the semantic side of the coin. I‘ll be interested to see how they manage that. If you are thinking of writing a C++ parser yourself, then use a GLR parser generator such as Elkhound and you‘ll save yourself lots of hassle. The guy who wrote Elkhound is also writing a C++ parser (including semantic analysis) called Elsa, which can parse everything except STL headers it seems. If you‘re interested in C++ parsing, it‘d be good to have a long look at this project.

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