BitLet is a cute web-based Java applet that allows you to download.torrent files on a computer that doesn’t have a BitTorrent clientinstalled. Very useful if you want to share a torrent with yourBitTorrent illiterate friends, or if you’re on a computer that doesn’thave a BitTorrent client installed.
I’ve tried it with a couple of torrents and it seems to be workingquite well, just enter the url of the .torrent file and you’re good togo. The download speeds are decent and doesn’t require anyconfiguration, so it’s pretty much idiot-proof.
BitLet also has a very useful code generatorso you can offer BitTorrent downloads on your blog or website so thatpeople can easily download, even when they don’t have a BitTorrentclient installed. If people click on the link a popup window willappear, and the download starts immediately. Here’s an example downloadlink:
If everything works like it should you’ll get a popup window similarto the screenshot below, it currently shows the download speed,percentage completed, and even a status led that signals potential problems (green is good). BitLet uses the Sun Java platform, if you encounter any problems, try installing the latest Java Virtual Machine plugin from Sun.
Personally I think that BitLet is a great way to make BitTorrentavailable to the occasional downloader who is not familiar with it atall. It could also be very helpful if you want to download a torrent ona PC that doesn’t have a BitTorrent client installed, like work orschool for some people. It’s not a replacement for the regularBitTorrent client, but it sure is a great addition.