摘自:國際貿(mào)易實務 北京大學出版社
accountee 開證人(記入該賬戶下)
advising bank 通知行
advanced payment 預付貨款
air waybill 航空運單
air transportation risk 航空運輸險
acceptance 承兌、接受
acceptance letter of credit (acceptance l/c) 承兌信用證
accepting bank 承兌行
acceptor 承兌人
advanced b/l 預借提單
Ad. val 從價(運費)
advanced payment預付貨款
agent 代理商
agency 代理
agreement 協(xié)議書
agreement of consignment 寄售協(xié)議
air express 快件
all risks 一切險
all risks for shipment of frozen products 冷藏貨物運輸一切險
anticipatory letter of credit (anticipatory l/c) 預支信用證
anti-dated bill of lading 倒簽提單
applicant 開證申請人
applicant for credit 開證申請書
arbitration 仲裁
arbitration agreement 仲裁協(xié)議
arbitration clause 仲裁條款
arbitration application 仲裁申請
arrival contract 到達合同
article no. 貨號
assembling with customer’s parts 來件裝配
assortment list 花色搭配單
at seller’s option 由賣方?jīng)Q定
at buyer’s option 由買方?jīng)Q定
auction 拍賣
auctioneer 拍賣人
automatic revolving lettle of credit (automatic revolving l/c) 自動循環(huán)信用證
available by negotiation 議付兌現(xiàn)
available by payment 付款兌現(xiàn)
as per 根據(jù)
applicant 開證申請人
amount 金額
at sight 即期
accompanied 隨附
all risks 一切險
available 有效的
amendment 修改
back to back letter of credit (back to back l/c) 對背信用證
bank credit card 信用卡
bank guarantee 銀行保證函
banker’s acceptance letter of credit (banker’s acceptance l/c) 銀行承兌信用證
banker’s bill 銀行匯票
banker’s cheque 銀行支票
barter trade 易貨貿(mào)易
base port 基本港
beneficiary 受益人
benefit of insurance 保險利益
bid 遞盤
bill of exchange 匯票
bill of lading 提單
blank endorsement 空白背書
bonafide holder 善意持有人
book 訂購
booking note 托運單
breach of condition 違反要件
breach of contract 違反合同
bulk cargo 散裝貨物
bunker adjustment factor (baf) 燃油附加費
business negotiation 交易磋商
buyback 回購
buyer’s sample 買方樣品
buying hedging 買期保值
buying offer 購貨發(fā)盤
by negotiation against presentation of the documents 憑提交單據(jù)議付
by parcel post 郵包運輸
by train 鐵路運輸
by air 航空運輸
by sea 海洋運輸
cable address 電掛
cable credit 電開信用證
call for tender 招標
canceling date 解約日
cancel 取消
cargo in bulk 散裝貨物
cargo manifest 貨物艙單
cargo plan 積載圖
cargo receipt 承運貨物收據(jù)
carrier 承運人
carton 紙箱
cash against documents 憑單付款
cash discount 現(xiàn)金折扣
cash in advance (c.i.a) 預付現(xiàn)款
cash in order (c.i.o) 訂貨時付款
cash on delivery (c.o.d) 交貨付款
cash with order (c.w. o) 隨訂單付現(xiàn)
certificate for despatce of documents 寄單證明
certificate for despatce of shipment samples 寄樣證明
certificate in regard to handlooms textile handcrafts and traditional textile products of the cottage industry 手工制紡織品產(chǎn)地證
certificate of age of vessel 船齡證明書
certificate of classification 船級證明書
certificate of delivery 交貨證明書
certificate of vessel’s nationality 船籍證明
certificate of origin 產(chǎn)地證明書
certificate for textile products 紡織品產(chǎn)地證
cfr ex ship’s hold cfr 艙底交貨
cfr ex tackle cfr 吊鉤下交貨
cfr landed cfr 卸到岸上
cfr liner terms cfr 班輪條件
cfs to cfs (集裝箱運輸)站到站
cfs to cy (集裝箱運輸)站到場
cfs to door (集裝箱運輸)站到門
cif ex ship’s hold cif 艙底交貨
cif ex tackle cif 吊鉤下交貨
cif landed cif 卸到岸上
cif liner terms cif 班輪條件
claim 索賠
clash and breakage risks 碰損、破碎險
class rate freight tariff 等級運價表
classification of commodities 貨物分級表
clean bill 光票
clean bill of lading (clean b/l) 清潔提單
clean letter of credit (clean l/c) 光票信用證
collecting bank 代收行
collection 托收
collection advice 托收委托書
colour sample 色彩樣品
combined bill of landing (combined b/l) 聯(lián)合提單;并提單
combined certificate 聯(lián)合憑證
combined transport bill of lading (c.t.b/l) 聯(lián)合運輸提單
commercial acceptance bill 商業(yè)承兌匯票
commercial bill 商業(yè)匯票
commercial documents 商業(yè)單據(jù)
commercial invoice 商業(yè)發(fā)票
commission 傭金
commission agency 傭金代理
commodity exchange 商品交易所
commodity inspection 商品檢驗
commodity inspection corporation (c.i.c) 商檢公司
compensation trade 補償貿(mào)易
complete(full) set bill of lading (complete set b/l) 全套提單
complete(full) set clean on board bill of lading 全套清潔已裝船提單
conciliation 調解
company 公司
conditioned weight 公量
confirm 保兌
confirmation 確認書
confirmed letter of credit (confirmed l/c) 保兌信用證
confirming bank 保兌行
confirming sample 確認樣品
consignee 收貨人
consignment 寄售
consignor 寄售人
constructive total loss 推定全損
consular invoice 領事發(fā)票
consular visa領事簽證
container bill of lading (container b. l) 集裝箱提單
container load 集裝箱裝載
container load plan (c. l. p) 裝箱單(集裝箱)
container number (container no.) 集裝箱號
container freight station (c. f. s) 集裝箱貨運站
container yard (cy) 集裝箱堆場
contract 合同
counter purchase 互購
counter sample 對等樣品
counter trade 對等貿(mào)易
counter card 信用卡
currency adjustment factor (caf) 貨幣貶值附加費
customary packing 習慣包裝
customary tare 習慣皮重
customs invoice 海關發(fā)票
cy to cfs(集裝箱)場到站
cy to cy(集裝箱)場到場
cy to door(集裝箱)場到門
cost and freight (—named port of destination) (cfr) 成本加運費付至(—指定目的港)
cost,insurance and freight (—named port of destination)(cif)成本加運保費付至(—指定目的港)
counter offer 還盤
cancel 取消
carrier 承運人
date of issue 出票日期
dead freight 空艙費
deffered payment 延期付款
deffered payment letter of credit 延期付款信用證
delivered at frontier (—named place) 邊境交貨(—指定地點)
delivered duty paid (—named place of destination ) 完稅后交貨(—指定目的港)
delivered duty unpaid( )未完稅交貨(—指定目的地)
delivered ex quay (—named port of destination ) 目的港碼頭交貨(—指定目的地)
delivered ex ship (—named port of destination) 目的港船上交貨(—指定目的港)
delivery 交貨
delivery order (d/r) 提貨單
demand draft (d/d) 票匯
demurrage money 滯期費
description of goods 貨物說明
desk to desk express service 桌到桌快遞服務
dispatch money 速譴費
destination of discharge 目的地
detail airmail 詳見航郵件
detail invoice 詳見發(fā)票
detail packing list 詳見裝箱單
direct additional 直航附加費
direct barter 直接易貨
direct bill of lading (direct b/l) 直運提單
discount 貼現(xiàn)
discrepancy and claim clause 異議與索賠條款
dishonour 拒付
disinfection inspection certificate 消毒檢驗證書
disponent owner 船東
dock receipt (d/r) 場站收據(jù)
documentary bill 跟單匯票
documentary letter of credit (documentary l/c) 跟單信用證
documents against acceptance (d/a) 承兌交單
documents against payment (d/p) 付款交單
documents against payment with trust receipt (d/p. t/r) 付款交單憑信托收據(jù)借單
door to cfs (集裝箱)門到站
door to cy (集裝箱)門到場
door to door (集裝箱) 門到門
d/p at —days after sight 遠期付款交單
d/p at sight 即期付款交單
draft 匯票
drawee 受票人、付款人
drawee bank 付款行
drawer 出票人、收款人
duplicate sample 復樣
duplicate 一式二份
duty paid value 完稅價格
electronic date interchange (edi) 電子數(shù)據(jù)交換系統(tǒng)
enclosure 附件
enquiry 詢盤
equipment lease 設備租賃
errors and omissions excepted (e. &o. e) 有錯當查,錯誤或遺漏不在此限
establishing bank 開證行
estimated time of arrival (e. t. a) 預定到達時間
estimated time of departure (e. t. d) 預定開航時間;預定離港時間
ex works (—named place ) (exw) 工廠交貨(—指定地點)
except as otherwise noted (e. a. o. n) 除非另有記載
exclusive agency 獨家代理
exclusive agency agreement 獨家代理協(xié)議
exclusive agent 獨家代理商
exclusive distributor 包銷商
exclusive license 獨家許可
exclusive sale 包銷
exclusive sale agreement 包銷協(xié)議
expected time of finishing discharging (e. t. f. d) 預計卸完時間
expected time of finishing loading (e. t. f. l) 預計裝完時間
export declaration (e/d) 出口申報書
export manifest 出口載運清單
export licence 出口許可證
export licence of textile products 紡織品出口許可證
export freight manifest 出口載貨運費清單
exporter 出口商
extraneous risks 外來風險
failure to deliver risk 交貨不到險
fair average quality (f. a. q) 良好平均品質
fixed price 固定價格
fob liner terms fob班輪條件
fob stowed (fobs) fob包括理艙
fob trimmed (fobt) fob包括平艙
fob stowed and trimmed (f. o. b.st) fob包括平艙和理艙
fob under tackle fob吊鉤下交貨
fob vessel (—named port of shipment) fob指定裝運港船上交貨
food and drugs administration (fda)美國食品及藥品管理局
for reference only 僅供參考
force majeure 不可抗力
force majeure clause 不可抗力條款
fortuitous accidents 意外事故
forward price 期貨價格
forwarding agents 貨運代理
franchise 相對免賠率
free alongside ship (—named port of shipment) (fas) 船邊交貨(—指定裝運港)
free carrier (—named place) (fca) 貨交承運人(—指定地點)
free from particular average (f. p. a) 平安險
free in (f. i) 船方管卸不管裝
free out (f. o) 船方管裝不管卸
free in and out (f. i. o) 船方不管裝和卸
free in and out,stowed and trimmed (f. i. o. s. t) 船方不管裝卸,理艙和平艙
free on board (—named port of shipment) fob裝運港船上交貨(—指定裝運港)
freight agent 貨運代理人
freight bill 運費帳單
freight manifest 運費艙單
freight prepaid 運費已付
freight to collect 運費到付
freight ton 運費噸
fresh water and/or rain damage (f. w. r. d) 淡水雨淋險
fresh water load line 淡水載重線
frustration of contract 合同落空
full container load (f. c. l) 整箱貨
full set bill of lading (full set b/l) 全套提單
full set of clean on board bill of lading made out to order and endorsed in blank 全套清潔的已裝船、作成憑指示抬頭和空白背書的提單
futures transaction 期貨交易
general additional 一般附加險
general agency 總代理
general agent 總代理人
general average (g. a) 共同海損
general average contribution 共同海損分攤
general terms and conditions 一般交易條件
generalized system of preference certificate of origin form a (g. s. p. form a) 普惠制產(chǎn)地證格式a
good merchantable quality (g. m. q) 上好可銷品質
goods quality 商品品質
grade of goods 商品等級
gross for net 以毛作凈
gross terms 船方負擔裝卸費
grounded 擱淺
guarantee letter of credit (guarantee l/c) 擔保信用證
guarantor 保證人
gunny bags 麻袋
Hague rules 海牙規(guī)則
Hamburg rules 漢堡規(guī)則
hard ware 硬件
heavy lift additional 超重附加費
heavy weather 惡劣氣候
hedging 套期保值
hook damage 鉤損險
house airway bill (hawb)航空分運單
house bill of lading (house b/l)場站提單或分提單
immediate shipment 立即裝運
importer 進口人
indent 訂單
indicative marks 指示性標志
injured party 受害方
inland depot 內陸貨運站
inland extended cover 內陸附加險
inspection and claim clause 檢驗與索賠條款
inspection certificate of origin 產(chǎn)地檢驗證書
inspection certificate of quality 品質檢驗證書
inspection certificate of quantity 數(shù)量檢驗證書
inspection certificate of value 價值檢驗證書
inspection certificate of weight 重量檢驗證書
inspection of goods 貨物檢驗
institute cargo clauses a (icc(a)) 協(xié)會貨物(a)險條款
institute cargo clauses b (icc(b)) 協(xié)會貨物(b)險條款
institute cargo clauses c (icc(c)) 協(xié)會貨物(c)險條款
institute strikes clauses-cargo 協(xié)會罷工險條款
institute war clauses-cargo 協(xié)會戰(zhàn)爭險條款
insurance interest 保險利益;可保權益
insurance certificate 保險憑證
insured 投保人;被保險人
insured amount 保險金額
insurer 承保人;保險人
International Chamber of Commerce (ICC) 國際商會
international combined transport 國際多式聯(lián)運
international express mail service (ems) 國際特快專遞
international railway through transport 國際鐵路貨物聯(lián)運
international rules for the interpretation of trade terms (Incoterms) 《國際貿(mào)易術語解釋通則》
International Standard Organization (ISO) 國際標準化組織
intrinsic quality 商品內在品質
invitation to make offer 邀請發(fā)盤
invitation to tender 招標
irrevocable letter of credit (irrevocable l/c) 不可撤銷信用證
issue 出票
issuing bank 開證行
insurance policy 保險單
insurance value 保險價值
land bridge transport 大陸橋運輸
landed quality and weight 以到岸品質、重量為準
landed weight 到岸重量
last pay certificate 最后付款證明書
late acceptance 逾期接受
law and practice 法律慣例
lay time 裝卸時間
lay days 受載時間
leakage risk 滲漏險
lease trade 租賃貿(mào)易
less than container load (lcl) 拼箱貨
lessor 出租人
letter of credit (l/c) 信用證
letter of guarantee (l/g) 銀行保函
licensing 許可證貿(mào)易
licensing agreement 許可證協(xié)議
liner 班輪
liner shipping 班輪運輸
liner terms 班輪條件
liner’s freight tariff 班輪運價表
liquidated damages 預定損害賠償
litigution 訴訟
loading list 裝貨清單
local freight agent 當?shù)剡\輸代理
log book 航行日志
long form bill of lading (long form b/l) 全式提單
long length additional 超長附加費
loss and/or damage caused by breakage of packing 包裝破裂險
lowest price limit 最低售價
mail credit 信開信用證
mail transfer (m/t) 信匯
major casualties 重大意外事故
malicious damage clauses 惡意損害險條款
manufacture’s certificate of origin 生產(chǎn)商原產(chǎn)地證明書
manufacture’s invoice 廠商發(fā)票
marine bill of lading (marine b/l) 海運提單
marine insurance policy 水運保險單
master airway bill 航空主運單
mate’s receipt 大副收據(jù)
measurement ton 尺碼噸
memorandum 備忘錄
method of reimbursement 索匯方法
minimum freight 起碼運費
minimum premium 最低保險費
minimum rate 起碼費率
mode of shipment 運輸方式
money of account 計價貨幣
money of payment 支付貨幣
more or less clause 溢短裝條款
multimodal transport documents (mtd) 多式聯(lián)運單據(jù)
multimodal transport operator (mto) 多式聯(lián)運經(jīng)營人
name of commodity 品名
nature calamity 自然災害
negotiating bank 議付行
negotiation letter of credit 議付信用證
net weight 凈重
neutral invoice 中性發(fā)票
neutral packing 中性包裝
no mark (n/m) 無嘜頭
non-acceptance (n/a) 拒絕承兌
non-automatic revolving letter of credit 非自動循環(huán)信用證
non-vessel operating common carrier 無船承運人
notice of abandonment 委付通知
notice of readiness 備裝通知
notify party 被通知人
notifying bank 通知行
nuded cargo 裸裝貨物
ocean marine insurance frozen products 海洋運輸冷藏貨物保險
ocean waybill 海運單
off set 抵銷貿(mào)易
offer 發(fā)盤
offer without engagement 不受約束的發(fā)盤
omnibus bill of lading (omnibus b/l) 并提單
on board bill of lading (on board b/l) 已裝船提單
on deck risk 艙面險
once on demurrage always on demurrage 一旦滯期,永遠滯期
open bidding 公開招標
open by airmail 信開
open by telecommunication 電開
open policy 預約保單
open negotiation letter of credit 公開議付信用證
opening bank 開證行
optional port 選擇港
optional fees 選卸附加費
order 訂單
order bill of lading (order b/l) 指示提單
original mark 原產(chǎn)地標志
overland common points (o.c.p) 內陸地區(qū); 內陸公共點
overland transportation all risks 陸運一切險
overland transportation risks 陸運險
packing list 裝箱單
packing 包裝
paper bags 紙袋
partial loss 部分損失
partial shipment 分批裝運
partial average 單獨海損
pay by instalments 分期付款
payee 受款人
payer 付款人
paying bank 付款行
payment 付款
payment in advance 預付貨款
perils of the sea 海上風險
physical delivery 實際交貨
place of departure 啟運點
place of issue 出票地點
place of payment 付款地點
place of receipt 收款地點
port congestion surcharge 港口擁擠附加費
port of destination 目的港
port of discharge 卸貨港
port of loading 裝貨港
port of transshipment 轉運港
presentation for acceptance 承兌提示
presentation for payment 付款提示
presenting bank 提示行
price terms 價格條件,價格貿(mào)易術語
principal 委托人
processing with customer’s materials 來料加工
product buyback 產(chǎn)品返銷
proforma invoice 形式發(fā)票
progression payment 分期付款
promissory note 本票
prompt shipment 即期裝運
protest 拒付證書
purchase order 購貨定單
purchase confirmation 購貨確認書
purchase contract 購貨合同
quality latitade 品質機動幅度
quality of goods 商品品質
quality to be about equal to the sample 品質與樣品大致相同
quality tolerance 品質公差
quote 報價
receipt for goods 貨物收據(jù)
received for shipment bill of lading 備運提單
reciprocal letter of credit 對開信用證
reference sample 參考樣品
regular shipping liner 班輪
reimbursing bank 償付行
reissuing bank 轉開行
related product 相關產(chǎn)品
remittance 匯付
remittance against documents 憑單付匯
remitting bank 托收行
repayment guarantee 還款保函
representative sample 代表性樣品
restricted negotiation letter of credit 限制議付信用證
return sample 回樣
return voyage charter 來回程航次租船
revocable letter of credit (revocable l/c) 可撤消信用證
revolving letter of credit 循環(huán)信用證
revolving around time letter of credit 按時間循環(huán)信用證
revolving around value letter of credit 按金額循環(huán)信用證
right of recourse 追索權
right of subrogation 代位追償權
risk for shipment of frozen products 冷藏險
risk of intermixture and contamination 混雜、玷污險
risk of odour 串味險
risk of shortage 短量險
risks covered 承保范圍
risk of strides, riot and civil commotion (srcc) 罷工、暴動、民變險
running days 連續(xù)日
running working days 連續(xù)工作日
rusting risk 銹損險
sailing date 開航日期
sale by brand name or trade mark 憑品牌或商標銷售
sale by buyer’s sample 憑買方樣品銷售
sale by description 憑文字說明銷售
sale by grade 憑等級銷售
sale by seller’s sample 憑賣方樣品銷售
sale by specification 憑規(guī)格銷售
sales confirmation 銷售確認書
sales contract 銷售合同
sanitary inspection certificate 衛(wèi)生檢驗證書
scheduled airline 班機運輸
sea water damage (s.w.d) 海水損失險
sea waybill 海運單或海上運輸單
seal numble(seal no. ) 封號
seaworthy packing 適合海運包裝
seller’s sample 賣方樣品
seller’s usual packing 賣方慣用包裝
selling hedging 賣方保值
selling offer 售貨發(fā)盤
semi knock down (s.k.d) 半拆卸
semi-automatic revolving credit 半自動循環(huán)信用證
separate bill of lading 分提單
settlement of exchange 結匯
shipment 裝運
shipment as soon as possible 盡快裝運
shipment certificate 裝船證明
shipment contract 裝運合同
shipped bill of lading 已裝船提單
shipper 托運人
shipping advice 裝船通知
shipping agent 船務代理
shipping mark 運輸標志,嘜頭
shipping note 裝船通知單
shipping order 裝貨單
shipping package 運輸包裝
shipping quality, weight or quantity as final 以離岸品質、重量或數(shù)量為準
shipping sample 裝船樣品
ship’s classification 船級
short delivery 短交
short form bill of lading (short form b/l) 略式提單
sight 見票
sight draft 即期匯票
sight letter of credit 即期信用證
sight payment letter of credit 即期付款信用證
signature of the drawer 出票人簽字
single voyage charter 單程航次
soft ware 軟件
sole agency 獨家代理
sole agent 獨家代理商
sole license 排他許可
special additional 特殊附加險
special drawing rights (sdrs) 特別提款權
specification list 規(guī)格明細單
specification of goods 商品規(guī)格
standby letter of credit 備用信用證
stowage factor 積載圖
straight bill of lading 記名提單;直運提單
strikes risk 罷工險
survey report 檢驗報告
sweat and heating risks 受潮受熱險
switch bill of lading 交換提單
symbolic delivery 象征性交貨
technology transfer transaction 技術貿(mào)易
telegraphic transfer 電匯
the doctrine of strict compliance 嚴格符合的原則
the people’s insurance company of china (PICC) 中國人民保險公司
theft, pilferage and non-delivery 偷竊,提貨不著險
theoretical weight 理論重量
through bill of lading (through b/l) 聯(lián)運提單
time charter定期租船
time draft 遠期匯票
time letter of credit (time l/c) 遠期信用證
time policy 定期保險單
to draw 出票
to order 憑指定
to order of 憑××指定
to order of ××bank 憑××銀行指定
to order of shipper 憑托運人指定
total amount 總值
total loss 全部損失
trade discount 貿(mào)易折扣
trade mark 商標
transferable letter of credit 可轉讓信用證
transferring bank 轉讓行
transshipment bill of lading 轉船提單
transshipment risk 轉運險
transshipment surcharge 轉船附加費
transshipment to be allowed 允許轉船
transport document 運輸單據(jù)
trip charter 定程租船
trust receipt 信托收據(jù)
t/t reimbursement clause 電報索償條款
twenty-foot equivalent unit (teu) 20英尺(集裝箱)等量單位
unclean bill of lading 不清潔提單
unconfirmed letter of credit 不保兌信用證
unit price 單價
usance credit 遠期信用證
value added tax 增值稅
Visby ruler 維斯比規(guī)則
voyage charter 定程租船
war risk 戰(zhàn)爭險
warehouse to warehouse clause “倉至倉”條款
warning marks 警告性標志
Warsaw-Oxford rules 1932 《1932年華沙—牛津規(guī)則》
waterproof packaging 防雨包裝
weather working days 晴天工作日
weather working days of 24 consecutive hours 連續(xù)24小時晴天工作日
weather working days of 24 hours 24小時晴天工作日
weight certificate 重量證書
weight list 重量單
weight ton (w/t)重量噸
with particular average(w.a)水漬險
withdraw 撤回
without engagement 不受約束
without recourse 不受追索
wooden cakes 木桶
wooden case 木箱
working days 工作日