Hey ,buddy,Here is something I wanna tell you.I should have told you all these things face to face,but for some reason,I haven't done that.
Ok,The thing I wanna tell you is how to fight.
I know you are good kids,both of you.You will never provoke others.But that doesn't mean other people won't do that to you.So when you encounter with such people or such thing,what should you do ?
I think you can try as what I said.
Firstly,you should make a judgement whether or not he/she was intend to affend you.But how?You can tell him by saying "you just hurt me and I think you should apologize to me " or "I don't like the way you play with me".If he cares about you,then he will apologize and you should pardon him.Because everyone would make mistakes.
But what if he won't stop?
If he keeps annoying you or hurting you,you may give him your warning calmly and slowly like "If you keep doing this then I will fight back".
When you say this, do stare at his eyes and do tell him very seriously .
But ,what if he won't stop?What if he even make a forward step?
Ok,Young man,It's time to show him that you are a man who can never be affend arbitrarily.
Beat him,just beat him as you want.You should let him remember that never and ever treat me like that.
Go,tigers go.