Imports System
Imports System.Data.SqlClient
Namespace TeamWork.Modules.CoreCode
‘this class is used for the Connnection to the database
Public Class Connection
Dim str As String = ConfigurationSettings.AppSettings("Connstr")
Public Conn As New SqlConnection(str)
End Class
End Namespace
Imports System.Data.SqlClient
Public Class ControlBind
Dim myconndb As New TeamWork.Modules.CoreCode.Connection
Dim myfunctiondb As New OperateFunction
Public Function ReturnReader(ByVal myp As PublicPara) As SqlDataReader
Dim Cmd As SqlCommand = myfunctiondb.ReturnCmd(myp)
Dim MyDtr As SqlDataReader = Cmd.ExecuteReader(CommandBehavior.CloseConnection)
Return MyDtr
End Function
Public Sub DataControlDataReaderBinding(ByVal myp As PublicPara)
myp.DataControl.DataSource = ReturnReader(myp)
If TypeOf (myp.DataControl) Is DataList Or TypeOf (myp.DataControl) Is DataGrid Then
If myp.DataKeyField <> "" Then
myp.DataControl.DataKeyField = myp.DataKeyField
End If
ElseIf TypeOf (myp.DataControl) Is DropDownList Then
myp.DataControl.DataTextField = myp.DataTextField
myp.DataControl.DataValueField = myp.DataValueField
End If
End Sub
Public Function DataBindAspNetPager(ByVal myp As PublicPara)
myp.pager.RecordCount = myfunctiondb.ReturnCount(myp.strCountItem)
‘Dim cmd As New SqlCommand(myp.ProcedureName, myconndb.Conn)
Dim cmd As SqlCommand = myfunctiondb.ReturnCmd(myp)
Dim adp As New SqlDataAdapter(cmd)
Dim ds As New DataSet
adp.Fill(ds, myp.pager.PageSize * (myp.pager.CurrentPageIndex - 1), myp.pager.PageSize, "data")
myp.DataControl.DataSource = ds.Tables("data")
If myp.DataKeyField <> "" Then
myp.DataControl.DataKeyField = myp.DataKeyField
End If
If ds.Tables("data").Rows.Count > 0 Then
End If
End Function
End Class
Imports System.Data
Imports System.Data.SqlClient
Imports Microsoft.ApplicationBlocks.Data
Public Class OperateFunction
Dim myconndb As New TeamWork.Modules.CoreCode.Connection
#Region "給存儲過程備用的命令對象"
Public Function ReturnCmd(ByVal myp As PublicPara) As SqlCommand
Dim Cmd As SqlCommand = New SqlCommand(myp.ProcedureName, myconndb.Conn)
Cmd.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure
If Not myp.UserAccount Is Nothing Then
Cmd.Parameters.Add("@UserAccount", myp.UserAccount)
End If
If Not myp.UserPassword Is Nothing Then
Cmd.Parameters.Add("@UserPassword", myp.UserPassword)
End If
If Not myp.UserID Is Nothing Then
Cmd.Parameters.Add("@UserId", myp.UserID)
End If
If Not myp.UserEmail Is Nothing Then
Cmd.Parameters.Add("@UserEmail", myp.UserEmail)
End If
If Not myp.UserAddDate Is Nothing Then
Cmd.Parameters.Add("@UserAddDate", myp.UserAddDate)
End If
If myp.UserPath <> "~\UserFaces\myface.png" Then
Cmd.Parameters.Add("@UserPath", myp.UserPath)
End If
If Not myp.UserSign Is Nothing Then
Cmd.Parameters.Add("@UserSign", myp.UserSign)
End If
If Not myp.UserInstruction Is Nothing Then
Cmd.Parameters.Add("@UserInstruction", myp.UserInstruction)
End If
If Not myp.UserGoldCoin Is Nothing Then
Cmd.Parameters.Add("@UserGoldCoin", myp.UserGoldCoin)
End If
If Not myp.UserCopperCoin Is Nothing Then
Cmd.Parameters.Add("@UserCopperCoin", myp.UserCopperCoin)
End If
If Not myp.UserGrade Is Nothing Then
Cmd.Parameters.Add("@UserGrade", myp.UserGrade)
End If
If Not myp.UserRoleID Is Nothing Then
Cmd.Parameters.Add("@UserRoleID", myp.UserRoleID)
End If
If myp.IsUpload <> -1 Then
Cmd.Parameters.Add("@IsUpload", myp.IsUpload)
End If
If Not myp.UserRoleName Is Nothing Then
Cmd.Parameters.Add("@UserRoleName", myp.UserRoleName)
End If
If Not myp.TagID Is Nothing Then
Cmd.Parameters.Add("@TagID", myp.TagID)
End If
If Not myp.TagName Is Nothing Then
Cmd.Parameters.Add("@TagName", myp.TagName)
End If
If Not myp.TagClickTimes Is Nothing Then
Cmd.Parameters.Add("@TagClickTimes", myp.TagClickTimes)
End If
If myp.AddDate <> "" Then
Cmd.Parameters.Add("@AddDate", myp.AddDate)
End If
If myp.TeamID <> "" Then
Cmd.Parameters.Add("@TeamID", myp.TeamID)
End If
If myp.TeamName <> "" Then
Cmd.Parameters.Add("@TeamName", myp.TeamName)
End If
If myp.TeamLeader <> "" Then
Cmd.Parameters.Add("@TeamLeader", myp.TeamLeader)
End If
If myp.TeamFacePath <> "" Then
Cmd.Parameters.Add("@TeamFacePath", myp.TeamFacePath)
End If
If myp.TeamAffiche <> "" Then
Cmd.Parameters.Add("@TeamAffiche", myp.TeamAffiche)
End If
If myp.TeamIntro <> "" Then
Cmd.Parameters.Add("@TeamIntro", myp.TeamIntro)
End If
If myp.TeamAddDate <> "" Then
Cmd.Parameters.Add("@TeamAddDate", myp.TeamAddDate)
End If
If myp.TeamClickTimes <> "" Then
Cmd.Parameters.Add("@TeamClickTimes", myp.TeamClickTimes)
End If
If myp.TopicID <> "" Then
Cmd.Parameters.Add("@TopicID", myp.TopicID)
End If
If myp.TopicTitle <> "" Then
Cmd.Parameters.Add("@TopicTitle", myp.TopicTitle)
End If
If myp.TopicAddDate <> "" Then
Cmd.Parameters.Add("@TopicAddDate", myp.TopicAddDate)
End If
If myp.TopicContent <> "" Then
Cmd.Parameters.Add("@TopicContent", myp.TopicContent)
End If
If myp.TopicReadTimes <> "" Then
Cmd.Parameters.Add("@TopicReadTimes", myp.TopicReadTimes)
End If
If myp.TopicAuthorID <> "" Then
Cmd.Parameters.Add("@TopicAuthorID", myp.TopicAuthorID)
End If
If myp.IsGlobal <> 0 Then
Cmd.Parameters.Add("@IsGlobal", myp.IsGlobal)
End If
If myp.TopicStyle <> 2 Then
Cmd.Parameters.Add("@TopicStyle", myp.TopicStyle)
End If
If myp.IsFinished <> 0 Then
Cmd.Parameters.Add("@IsFinished", myp.IsFinished)
End If
If myp.IsElite <> 0 Then
Cmd.Parameters.Add("@IsElite", myp.IsElite)
End If
If myp.ReplyID <> 0 Then
Cmd.Parameters.Add("@ReplyID", myp.ReplyID)
End If
If Not myp.ReplyContent Is Nothing Then
Cmd.Parameters.Add("@ReplyContent", myp.ReplyContent)
End If
If Not myp.ReplyDate Is Nothing Then
Cmd.Parameters.Add("@ReplyDate", myp.ReplyDate)
End If
If Not myp.ReplyerID Is Nothing Then
Cmd.Parameters.Add("@ReplyerID", myp.ReplyerID)
End If
If myp.MessageID <> "" Then
Cmd.Parameters.Add("@MessageID", myp.MessageID)
End If
If Not myp.MessageTitle Is Nothing Then
Cmd.Parameters.Add("@MessageTitle", myp.MessageTitle)
End If
If myp.MessageContent <> "" Then
Cmd.Parameters.Add("@MessageContent", myp.MessageContent)
End If
If Not myp.MessageAddDate Is Nothing Then
Cmd.Parameters.Add("@MessageAddDate", myp.MessageAddDate)
End If
If myp.FromUserID <> "" Then
Cmd.Parameters.Add("@FromUserID", myp.FromUserID)
End If
If myp.ToUserID <> "" Then
Cmd.Parameters.Add("@ToUserID", myp.ToUserID)
End If
If myp.IsReaded <> "" Then
Cmd.Parameters.Add("@IsReaded", myp.IsReaded)
End If
If myp.LinkID <> "" Then
Cmd.Parameters.Add("@LinkID", myp.LinkID)
End If
If myp.LinkText <> "" Then
Cmd.Parameters.Add("@LinkText", myp.LinkText)
End If
If myp.LinkAddDate <> "" Then
Cmd.Parameters.Add("@LinkAddDate", myp.LinkAddDate)
End If
If myp.AttachmentSize <> "" Then
Cmd.Parameters.Add("@AttachmentSize", myp.AttachmentSize)
End If
If myp.WebAffiche <> "" Then
Cmd.Parameters.Add("@WebAffiche", myp.WebAffiche)
End If
If myp.UpFileStyle <> "" Then
Cmd.Parameters.Add("@UpFileStyle", myp.UpFileStyle)
End If
If myp.IntroOfWeb <> "" Then
Cmd.Parameters.Add("@IntroOfWeb", myp.IntroOfWeb)
End If
If myp.ProtocolOfWeb <> "" Then
Cmd.Parameters.Add("@ProtocolOfWeb", myp.ProtocolOfWeb)
End If
If myp.MaxUserNumPerTeam <> "" Then
Cmd.Parameters.Add("@MaxUserNumPerTeam", myp.MaxUserNumPerTeam)
End If
If myp.AttchmentID <> "" Then
Cmd.Parameters.Add("@AttchmentID", myp.AttchmentID)
End If
If myp.AttchmentName <> "" Then
Cmd.Parameters.Add("@AttchmentName", myp.AttchmentName)
End If
If myp.AttchmentStyle <> "" Then
Cmd.Parameters.Add("@AttchmentStyle", myp.AttchmentStyle)
End If
If myp.AttachmentAddDate <> "" Then
Cmd.Parameters.Add("@AttchmentAddDate", myp.AttachmentAddDate)
End If
If myp.AttachmentPath <> "" Then
Cmd.Parameters.Add("@AttachmentPath", myp.AttachmentPath)
End If
If myp.MyFavorID <> "" Then
Cmd.Parameters.Add("@MyFavorID", myp.MyFavorID)
End If
If myp.BelongToWhoID <> "" Then
Cmd.Parameters.Add("@BelongToWhoID", myp.BelongToWhoID)
End If
If myp.MyFavorText <> "" Then
Cmd.Parameters.Add("@MyFavorText", myp.MyFavorText)
End If
If myp.MyFavorUserID <> "" Then
Cmd.Parameters.Add("@MyFavorUserID", myp.MyFavorUserID)
End If
If myp.MyFavorAddDate <> "" Then
Cmd.Parameters.Add("@MyFavorAddDate", myp.MyFavorAddDate)
End If
If myp.User_TeamID <> "" Then
Cmd.Parameters.Add("@User_TeamID", myp.User_TeamID)
End If
‘If Not myp.ReturnValue Is Nothing Then
‘ Cmd.Parameters.Add("@ReturnValue", myp.ReturnValue)
‘End If
If myp.AlarmContent <> "" Then
Cmd.Parameters.Add("@AlarmContent", myp.AlarmContent)
End If
If myp.CommentID <> "" Then
Cmd.Parameters.Add("@CommentID", myp.CommentID)
End If
If Not myp.TabType Is Nothing Then
Cmd.Parameters.Add("@TabType", myp.TabType)
End If
If Not myp.LinkUrl Is Nothing Then
Cmd.Parameters.Add("@LinkUrl", myp.LinkUrl)
End If
Return Cmd
End Function
#End Region
#Region "各種數(shù)據(jù)操作函數(shù)"
‘更新數(shù)據(jù)(不返回數(shù)據(jù))(Update,insert,delete 三種Sql語句共同使用)
Public Function UpdateData(ByVal myp As PublicPara)
Dim Cmd As SqlCommand = ReturnCmd(myp)
End Function
Public Function DataChange(ByVal Str As String)
Dim Cmd As SqlCommand = New SqlCommand(Str, myconndb.Conn)
End Function
Public Function SelectQuery(ByVal Str As String) As SqlDataReader
Dim Cmd As SqlCommand = New SqlCommand(Str, myconndb.Conn)
Cmd.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure
Dim MyDtr As SqlDataReader = Cmd.ExecuteReader(CommandBehavior.CloseConnection)
Return MyDtr
End Function
Public Function SelectData(ByVal Str As String) As DataSet
Dim MyDad As SqlDataAdapter = New SqlDataAdapter(Str, myconndb.Conn)
Dim MyDst As New DataSet
MyDad.Fill(MyDst, "table1")
Return MyDst
End Function
Public Function ReturnDataTable(ByVal myp As PublicPara) As DataTable
Dim MyDad As New SqlDataAdapter
MyDad.SelectCommand = ReturnCmd(myp)
Dim MyDst As New DataSet
Return MyDst.Tables(0)
End Function
Public Function ReturnCount(ByVal Str As String) As Integer
Dim Cmd As SqlCommand = New SqlCommand(Str, myconndb.Conn)
Dim i As Integer
i = Convert.ToInt32(Cmd.ExecuteScalar())
Return i
End Function
Public Function ReturnOneValue(ByVal myp As PublicPara) As String
Dim Cmd As SqlCommand = New SqlCommand(myp.ProcedureName, myconndb.Conn)
Dim i As String = Convert.ToString(Cmd.ExecuteScalar())
Return i
End Function
Public Function ReturnOneData(ByVal Myp As PublicPara) As Object
Dim Cmd As SqlCommand = New SqlCommand(Myp.Str1, myconndb.Conn)
Dim Data As Object
Data = Cmd.ExecuteScalar()
Return Data
End Function
Public Function ReturnCmd(ByVal Str As String) As SqlCommand
Dim Cmd As SqlCommand = New SqlCommand(Str, myconndb.Conn)
Cmd.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure
Return Cmd
End Function
Public Function ReturnOneNvarchDataFromProduce(ByVal Myp As PublicPara) As String
Dim Cmd As SqlCommand = ReturnCmd(Myp)
Dim OutputValue As SqlParameter = Cmd.Parameters.Add("@OutPutValue", SqlDbType.NVarChar, 255)
OutputValue.Direction = ParameterDirection.Output
If TypeOf (OutputValue.Value) Is DBNull Then
Return 0
Return OutputValue.Value
End If
End Function
Public Function ReturnOneDataFromProduce(ByVal myp As PublicPara) As Integer
Dim Cmd As SqlCommand = ReturnCmd(myp)
Dim ReturnValue As SqlParameter = Cmd.Parameters.Add("@ReturnValue", SqlDbType.Int, 4)
ReturnValue.Direction = ParameterDirection.ReturnValue
Return ReturnValue.Value
End Function
#End Region
#Region "各種字符串操作函數(shù)"
Public Function GetTopWords(ByVal str As String, ByVal strlen As Integer)
Dim l, t, c, i As Integer
l = Len(str.Trim())
t = 0
For i = 1 To l
c = Math.Abs(Asc(Mid(str, i, 1)))
t = t + 1
If t >= strlen Then
GetTopWords = Left(str, i) & "..."
Exit For
GetTopWords = str & " "
End If
End Function
#End Region
#Region "從DAAB里綁定數(shù)據(jù)用sqlhelper,呵呵,這個好"
‘使用 SqlHelper 類執(zhí)行命令
‘SqlHelper 類提供了五種 Shared (Visual Basic) 或 static (C#) 方法,它們是:ExecuteNonQuery、ExecuteDataset、
‘ExecuteReader、ExecuteScalar 和 ExecuteXmlReader。
‘實現(xiàn)的每種方法都提供一組一致的重載。這提供了一種很好的使用 SqlHelper 類來執(zhí)行命令的模式,同時為開發(fā)人員選擇
‘Function ReturnDataSetBySqlHelper(byval strProcedureName as String,byval )
‘ Dim myconndb As TeamWork.Modules.CoreCode.Connection
‘ Dim ds As DataSet = SqlHelper.ExecuteDataset( _
‘ myconndb.Conn, _
‘ CommandType.StoredProcedure, _
‘ "strProcedureName", _
‘ New SqlParameter("@CategoryID", categoryID))
‘End Function
#End Region
#Region "datagrid分頁代碼"
Dim ds As DataSet
Dim dad As SqlDataAdapter
Private Function ReturnBindingAdapter(ByVal Myp As PublicPara) As SqlDataAdapter
Dim Cmd As SqlCommand = ReturnCmd(Myp)
Dim MyDapter As New SqlDataAdapter
MyDapter.SelectCommand = Cmd
Return MyDapter
End Function
Public Sub PageLoad(ByVal Myp As PublicPara)
dad = ReturnBindingAdapter(Myp)
ds = New DataSet
dad.Fill(ds, "data")
Myp.Int1 = ds.Tables("data").Rows.Count
If Myp.Int1 <> 0 Then
If Myp.Int1 Mod Myp.Int2 <> 0 Then
Myp.Int3 = Myp.Int1 \ Myp.Int2 + 1
Myp.Int3 = Myp.Int1 \ Myp.Int2
End If
If Myp.Int4 > Myp.Int3 Then
Myp.Int4 = Myp.Int3
End If
If Not Myp.MyDrop Is Nothing Then
For i As Integer = 1 To Myp.Int3
Myp.MyDrop.Items.Add("第" + CStr(i) + "頁")
Myp.MyDrop.Items(0).Selected = True
End If
End If
If Myp.Int4 = 1 Or Myp.Int4 = 0 Then
Myp.Int4 = 1
Myp.Int4 = Myp.Int4
End If
End Sub
Public Sub DataBind(ByVal myp As PublicPara)
dad = ReturnBindingAdapter(myp)
ds = New DataSet
dad.Fill(ds, (myp.Int4 - 1) * myp.Int2, myp.Int2, "data")
myp.DataControl.DataSource = ds.Tables("data")
myp.DataControl.DataKeyField = myp.DataKeyField
myp.lbl1.Text = myp.Int1
myp.lbl2.Text = myp.Int4
myp.lbl3.Text = myp.Int3
myp.lbl4.Text = myp.Int2
If myp.Int3 < 2 Then
myp.lbtn1.Enabled = False
myp.lbtn3.Enabled = False
myp.lbtn2.Enabled = False
myp.lbtn4.Enabled = False
If myp.Int4 > 1 Then
If myp.Int4 < myp.Int3 Then
myp.lbtn1.Enabled = True
myp.lbtn3.Enabled = True
myp.lbtn2.Enabled = True
myp.lbtn4.Enabled = True
myp.lbtn1.Enabled = True
myp.lbtn3.Enabled = True
myp.lbtn2.Enabled = False
myp.lbtn4.Enabled = False
End If
myp.lbtn1.Enabled = False
myp.lbtn3.Enabled = False
myp.lbtn2.Enabled = True
myp.lbtn4.Enabled = True
End If
End If
End Sub
Public Sub lbtn1(ByVal myp As PublicPara)
myp.Int4 = 1
End Sub
Public Sub lbtn2(ByVal myp As PublicPara)
myp.Int4 = myp.Int4 + 1
End Sub
Public Sub lbtn3(ByVal myp As PublicPara)
myp.Int4 = myp.Int4 - 1
End Sub
Public Sub lbtn4(ByVal myp As PublicPara)
myp.Int4 = myp.Int3
End Sub
Public Sub GoToPage(ByVal myp As PublicPara)
End Sub
‘********************datagrid 分頁操作結(jié)束**********************
#End Region
End Class
Public Class PublicPara
Public ProcedureName As String ‘存儲過程名
Public Str1 As String
Public StrDataKeyField As String
Public StrDataSource As String
Public StrDataValueField As String
Public StrDataTextField As String
Public strCountItem As String
Public UserID As String
Public UserAccount As String
Public UserPassword As String
Public UserEmail As String
Public UserAddDate As String
Public UserPath As String = "~\UserFaces\myface.png"
Public UserGoldCoin As String
Public UserCopperCoin As String
Public UserGrade As String
Public UserSign As String
Public UserInstruction As String
Public UserRoleID As String
Public IsUpload As Integer = -1
Public UserRoleName As String
Public TagID As String
Public TagName As String
Public TagClickTimes As String
Public AddDate As String
Public TeamID As String
Public TeamName As String
Public TeamLeader As String
Public TeamFacePath As String
Public TeamAffiche As String
Public TeamIntro As String
Public TeamAddDate As String
Public TeamClickTimes As String
Public TopicID As String
Public TopicTitle As String
Public TopicAddDate As String
Public TopicContent As String
Public TopicReadTimes As String
Public TopicAuthorID As String
Public IsGlobal As Integer
Public TopicStyle As Integer = 2
Public IsFinished As Integer
Public IsElite As Integer
Public ReplyID As Integer
Public ReplyContent As String
Public ReplyDate As String
Public ReplyerID As String
Public MessageID As String
Public MessageTitle As String
Public MessageContent As String
Public MessageAddDate As String
Public ToUserID As String
Public FromUserID As String
Public IsReaded As String
Public LinkID As String
Public LinkText As String
Public LinkAddDate As String
Public LinkUrl As String
Public AttachmentSize As String
Public WebAffiche As String
Public UpFileStyle As String
Public IntroOfWeb As String
Public ProtocolOfWeb As String
Public MaxUserNumPerTeam As String
Public AttchmentID As String
Public AttchmentName As String
Public AttchmentStyle As String
Public AttachmentAddDate As String
Public AttachmentPath As String
Public MyFavorID As String
Public BelongToWhoID As String
Public MyFavorText As String
Public MyFavorUserID As String
Public MyFavorAddDate As String
Public User_TeamID As String
Public AlarmID As String
Public AlarmContent As String
Public CommentID As String
Public ReturnValue As String
Public lbl As Label
Public MyDgrd As DataGrid
Public MyDlst As DataList
Public MyDrop As DropDownList
Public DataValueField As String
Public DataKeyField As String
Public DataTextField As String
‘Public myDataSource As DataSet
Public TabType As String
Public DataControl As Object
Public pager As Wuqi.Webdiyer.AspNetPager
Public Int1 As Integer
Public Int2 As Integer
Public Int3 As Integer
Public Int4 As Integer
Public Int5 As Integer
Public Int6 As Integer
Public Int7 As Integer
Public Int8 As Integer
Public Int9 As Integer
Public lbl1 As Label
Public lbl2 As Label
Public lbl3 As Label
Public lbl4 As Label
Public lbl5 As Label
Public lbl6 As Label
Public lbl7 As Label
Public lbl8 As Label
Public lbtn1 As LinkButton
Public lbtn2 As LinkButton
Public lbtn3 As LinkButton
Public lbtn4 As LinkButton
End Class