National Hydrogen and Fuel Cell Day
還記的初中時候背過的“氫氦鋰鈹硼,碳氮氧氟氖……” 嗎?元素周期表中每一個元素下面的數字代表了這個元素的相對原子質量,氫的相對原子質量是自然界中最小的,只有1.008,這也是為什么美國政府選擇了10月08日這個特別的日子。
Whereas hydrogen, which has an atomic mass of 1.008, is the most abundant chemical substance in the universe;
Whereas hydrogen fuel cells played an instrumental role in the United States space program, helping the United States achieve the mission of landing a man on the moon;
Whereas stationary fuel cells are being placed in service for continuous and backup power to provide business and energy consumers with reliable power in the event of grid outages;
Whereas, October 8, 2015, would be an appropriate date to designate as “National Hydrogen and Fuel Cell Day”:
Now, therefore, be it resolved, That the House of Representatives supports the designation of “National Hydrogen and Fuel Cell Day”.