初相識:她真美,如同天使。 (First Met: She's sooo beautiful, pretty much the same as an angel.)
戀愛時:她是世界上最好的姑娘,我一定要娶她! (In a Relationship: She's the best girl on Earth, i have to make her my wife!)
結(jié)婚1年:我的媳婦還不錯,稱得上是賢內(nèi)助,只不過有些小毛病,偶爾也耍耍脾氣。 (Married for 1 Year: Not bad as a wife, can pretty much take care of everything around the house. However, have some little problems,where she would get mad from time to time.)
結(jié)婚5年:她開始變得越來越俗不可耐,越來越蠻不講理。 (Married for 5 Years: She's becomming more and more unreasonable.)
結(jié)婚10年:她是世界上最丑最不近人情最不講道理的女人,當初我怎么會娶她? (Married for 10 Years: She's the ugliest, most insensitive and most unreasonable woman on Earth, why did i marry her in the 1st place?)
結(jié)婚20年:不計較那些缺點,除去脾氣太糟糕,她還勉強可以容忍。 (Married for 20 years: Forget her bad points, other than her terrible mood swings, i could still stand her.)
結(jié)婚30年:有時候她也挺明白事理,挺懂感情,挺會料理生活的。 (Married for 30 Years: She's quite understanding sometimes, understands my feelings, and can quite manage our lives.)
結(jié)婚40年:老伴真是不錯,持家有方,在外可獨擋一面,來世一定還要娶她。 (Married for 40 Years: Good'ol partner is really not bad, not just cuz she could manage the family well, and can face problems on her own, I HAVE to marry her again in the next life.)
她去世了:我真是說不出的難過,因為我失去了世界上最好的女人。 (She passed Away: How unfortunate of me, because i've lost the most wonderful woman in the world.)
女人回味愛情: (How Women Look Back On Their Love Life:)
初相識:又笨又呆,真是十足的傻小子! (First Met: Dumb & Stupid, just like a 100% dummy =] )
戀愛時:他太老實了,不過還挺聽話,讓人可憐,我會嫁給他嗎? (In a Relationship: He's too honest, but he really does listens to me, make me feel bad for him, will i marry him?)
結(jié)婚1年:我的他還不錯,知書達理,又會體貼人,還有一點點魅力。 (Married for 1 Year: My hunnie isn't that bad, knowledgeable, and also cares about me, and can be quite attractive sometimes.)
結(jié)婚5年:才發(fā)現(xiàn)他聰明絕頂,才華橫溢,超凡脫俗,非同一般。 (Married for 5 Years: Just discovered that he's actually a genius, IQ goes through the roof, extremely unique from other normal guys.)
結(jié)婚10年:他是世界上最好的人,真不知道如果沒有他,我該如何生活? (Married for 10 Years: He's the best person on Earth, how could i possibly live without him by my side?)
結(jié)婚20年:他可以稱道可以炫耀的地方真是越來越少了,充其量只能算是個男人。 (Married for 20 Years: Points that can be seen as special is really becomming less and less, to a certain extent, he can only be called a man.)
結(jié)婚30年:他的毛病越來越多,懶惰,愚訥,固執(zhí),無能。 (Married for 30 Years: He has more and more bad points; Lazy, Ignorant, Useless, and Stupid.)
結(jié)婚40年:整個又呆又笨的糟老頭,下輩子說啥也不能嫁他。 (Married for 40 Years: What a dumb and idiotic old man, no matter what he says, i will never marry him in the next life.)
他去世了:這個死老頭子,害了我一生,撇下我就走了。 (When He Passed Away: Damn old fogey, ruined my life, and now he just left me here and left...)