An Unexamined Life Is Not Worth Living Happiness does not drop from the sky; it’s to be created by our hands. Just as Socrates, a great philosopher and ideologist said ‘The unexamined life is not worth living’. All things in their being are good for something, as contemporary university students, we must create a bright future for ourselves and by ourselves. Most importantly we should make our lives meaningful and contribute to our country. Living without an aim is like sailing without a compass; accordingly, an unexamined life is not worth living for us. Goals determine what we are going to be. For one thing, idiographic goals, which like lighthouses on the sea and lead voyages of people’s life, printout the specific destinations for us. A man, who has no lofty ideals, just likes the blind man riding a blind horse, and racing around without purpose, and life off course. For another, idiographic goals are the powers that stimulate people’s lives to go forward with achievements. Goals make people not content with the quo status, and inspire people to strive towards their future. As everyone knows goal is the hope that helps a man who is discouraged to match for the impulse of victory. In addition, goals encourage people to overcome the difficulties, and strive to achieve the bright side. Where there is no goal, there is no power, especially for the youth and the same to a society. Only holding specific aims, will we have motive to make great progress. Generally speaking, for a man is a man and master of his fate. Happiness does not drop from the sky; we must create it for ourselves and most importantly by ourselves. Living in 21st century, we have to develop our country relay on our nation at the ground of increasing trend of globalization. Either for a person or a nation, A strong man will struggle with the storms of fate, said by Thomas Addison. As some well—knowing saying, "great virtues have a huge capacity to contain things" and "to tolerate is a sign of greatness”. Only by making determination, grasping specific target, and taking action, can we live a meaningful and significant life and escape from an unexamined life.