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How siestas help memory

Sleepy heads

Feb 25th 2010 | SAN DIEGO | From The Economist print edition

Researchers say an afternoon nap prepares the brain to learn


MAD dogs and Englishmen, so the song has it, go out in the middaysun. And the business practices of England’s lineal descendant, America,will have you in the office from nine in the morning to five in theevening, if not longer. Much of the world, though, prefers to take asiesta. And research presented to the AAAS meeting in San Diego suggestsit may be right to do so. It has already been established that thosewho siesta are less likely to die of heart disease. Now, Matthew Walkerand his colleagues at the University of California, Berkeley, have foundthat they probably have better memory, too. A post-prandial snooze, DrWalker has discovered, sets the brain up for learning.


The role of sleep in consolidating memories that have already beencreated has been understood for some time. Dr Walker has been trying toextend this understanding by looking at sleep’s role in preparing thebrain for the formation of memories in the first place. He wasparticularly interested in a type of memory called episodic memory,which relates to specific events, places and times. This contrasts withprocedural memory, of the skills required to perform some sort ofmechanical task, such as driving. The theory he and his team wanted totest was that the ability to form new episodic memories deteriorateswith accrued wakefulness, and that sleep thus restores the brain’scapacity for efficient learning.


They asked a group of 39 people to take part in two learningsessions, one at noon and one at 6pm. On each occasion the participantstried to memorise and recall 100 combinations of pictures and names.After the first session they were assigned randomly to either a controlgroup, which remained awake, or a nap group, which had 100 minutes ofmonitored sleep.


Those who remained awake throughout the day became worse at learning.Those who napped, by contrast, actually improved their capacity tolearn, doing better in the evening than they had at noon. These findingssuggest that sleep is clearing the brain’s short-term memory and makingway for new information.


It is already well known that fact-based memories are storedtemporarily in an area called the hippocampus, a structure in the centreof the brain. But they do not stay there long. Instead, they are sentto the prefrontal cortex for longer-term storage. Electroencephalograms,which measure electrical activity in the brain, have shown that thismemory-refreshing capacity is related to a specific type of sleep calledStage 2 non-REM sleep.


The ideal nap, then, follows a cycle of between 90 and 100 minutes.The first 30 minutes is a light sleep that helps improve motorperformance. Then comes 30 minutes of stage 2 sleep, which refreshes thehippocampus. After this, between 60 and 90 minutes into the nap, comesrapid-eye-movement, or REM, sleep, during which dreaming happens. This,research suggests, is the time when the brain makes connections betweenthe new memories that have just been “downloaded” from the hippocampusand those that already exist—thus making new experiences relevant in awider context.


The benefits to memory of a nap, says Dr Walker, are so great thatthey can equal an entire night’s sleep. He warns, however, that nappingmust not be done too late in the day or it will interfere withnight-time sleep. Moreover, not everyone awakens refreshed from asiesta.


The grogginess that results from an unrefreshing siesta is termed“sleep inertia”. This happens when the brain is woken from a deep sleepwith its cells still firing at a slow rhythm and its temperature andblood flow decreased. Sara Mednick, from the University of California,San Diego, suggests that non-habitual nappers suffer from this moreoften than those who siesta regularly. It may be that those who have atendency to wake up groggy are choosing not to siesta in the firstplace. Perhaps, though, as in so many things, it is practice that makesperfect.



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