We're at a high-school BASKETBALL GAME. Teenage boys, mostly black, play a fast and furious game. One team, dressed in light blue and white uniforms, scores a basket. The CROWD goes wild.
Seated IN the bleachers, next to the high SCHOOL BAND, is agroup of about twenty teenage girls, dressed in short light blue and white uniforms that manage to be both revealing and chaste. Among them, Jane sits next to ANGELA HAYES, whom we recognize from the witness stand at the beginning. Jane stands and scans the bleachers.
ANGELAWho are you looking for?
JANEMy parents are coming tonight. They're trying to, you know, take an active interest in me.
ANGELAGross. I hate it when my mom does that.
JANEThey're such assholes. Why can't they just have their own lives?
Carolyn drives. LESTER is slumped IN the passenger seat.
LESTERWhat makes you so sure she wants us to be there? Did she ask us to come?
CAROLYNOf course not. She doesn't want us to know how important this is to her. But she's been practicing her steps for weeks.
LESTERWell, I bet you money she's going to resent this. And I'm missing the James Bond marathon on TNT.
CAROLYNLester, this is important. I'm sensing a real distance growing between you and Jane.
LESTERGrowing? She hates me.
CAROLYNShe's just willful.
LESTERShe hates you too.
Carolyn stares at him, unsure OF how to respond.
The uniformed girls we saw earlier are Now standing INformation on the gymnasium floor.
ANNOUNCER(over P.A.)And now, for your half-time entertainment, Rockwell High's award-winning Dancing Pantherettes!
IN the crowded stands, LESTER and Carolyn search FOR seats.
LESTERWe can leave right after this, right?
The HIGH SCHOOL BAND plays "TOP OF THE WORLD." On the gym floor, the girls perform synchronized dance steps, smiling energetically. They're well-rehearsed, but too young to carry off the ambitious Vegas routine they're attempting.
LESTER, watching from the stands, picks out his daughter.
His POV: JANE performs well, concentrating hard. Dancing nextto her is Angela; she moves awkwardly, grace obviously not being her strong point. Suddenly she looks right us and smiles, a lazy, insolent smile.
LESTER leans forward IN his seat.
His POV: We're focused on Angela now. Everything starts to SLOW DOWN, almost imperceptibly... the MUSIC acquires an eerie ECHO... and she keeps sneaking knowing looks at us...
We ZOOM slowly toward LESTER as He watches, transfixed.
His POV: The light on Angela is brighter than on the others, somehow, and her awkwardness gives way to a fluid grace. "TOP OF THE WORLD" FADES into dreamy, hypnotic TRIPHOP MUSIC. The light on Angela grows even stronger, and the other girls around her DISAPPEAR entirely...
LESTER is spellbound.
His POV: ANGELA looks directly at us Now, Dancing ONLY FORLester. Her movements take on a blatantly erotic edge as the MUSIC increases in intensity. She starts to seductively unzip her uniform, teasing us with an expression that's both innocent and knowing, then... she pulls her uniform OPEN and a profusion of RED ROSES spills forth... and we SMASH CUT TO:
ANGELA, fully clothed, is Once again surrounded By the othergirls. The HIGH SCHOOL BAND plays its last note, the Dancing Pantherettes strike their final showgirl pose, and the audience bursts into APPLAUSE.
Carolyn claps along with the rest OF the audience. LESTERjust sits there, unable to take his eyes off Angela.
The game is over. LESTER and Carolyn stand near the maindoor, as people trickle out of the gym.
CAROLYN(after a beat)Okay, I can't wait any longer. I've got a killer day tomorrow -
LESTER(emphatic)We don't leave without seeing her.
Carolyn gives him an odd look.
LESTER (cont'd)Hey, this was your idea. (then calls out)Janie!
JANE and ANGELA, IN street clothes, have just come out OF thegym. Jane rolls her eyes and crosses reluctantly toward her parents, followed by Angela.
LESTER (cont'd)You were really great, honey. Congratulations.
JANEI didn't win anything
LESTER(to Angela)Hi, I'm Lester. Jane's dad.
An awkward beat.
JANEThis is my friend Angela Hayes.
LESTEROkay, good to meet you. You were also good, tonight. Very... precise.
Alan Ball