


EXT. - Barrys lawn --- Helen and Julie are walking towards the house.
Helen -
Do you ever see Barry at school?
Julie -
It's a big campus. Are you sure he came back?
Helen -
Saw his car the other day at the gym.
Julie -
Did you guys break up?
Barry walks out on to the patio not pleased at seeing the two of them again.
Barry (not excited to see them)-
Hey. What are you two doing here?
Helen -
Hi Bare.
EXT. - Barrys patio --- they are discussing the letter.
Barry -
This is nothing. I know what you did last summer? Oooh, what a crock of shit.
Helen -
We need help.
Barry -
Yeah I'll say, you know what? You guys should check out a mirror once and a while, you two look like shit run over twice.
Helen -
You're a prick.
Julie -
We can't just ignore it.
Barry -
Come one Julie, how do you know this is even related? You did a lot of things last summer.
Julie -
Yeah well only one murder comes to mind.
Barry is extremly pissed that she mentions that night again.
Barry -
You shut the hell up! We didn't murder anyone.
Julie -
He was still alive when we dumped him in the water.
Helen -
Do we have to rehash this? It was an accident, the guy was in the middle of the road.
Julie -
His name was David Egan.
Barry -
Julie -
David Egan. He was found three weeks after we.... his body was caught in a shrimp net not far from millers dock. It was in the paper, I think the police called it an accidental drowning. You can call it an accident all you want but he died because of us that's certain.
Barry -
What about Ray? Have you showed this letter to him? What does he think?
Julie -
I haven't seen Ray since last summer, we broke up and last I heard he was working up north.
Barry -
Okay let's supposed someone was there that night, why send the letter one year later? Probably some crack fucking around....Max.
Julie -
Max? You think?
Barry -
Who else? He was there.
EXT. - Fish Plant --- Julie, Helen and Barry are walking towards the building.
Barry -
You two wait here.
Julie -
What are you gonna do?
Barry -
I know what I'm doing.
INT. - Fish Plant --- Max is working with some lobster pots. He notices Barry walking in.
Max -
Well go figure, I was just thinking to myself what ever happened to that Barry Cox?
Barry (being very polite) -
Hey Max. Hey listen can we talk for a sec? In private?
Max -
Oh what this isn't private enough for you?
Barry smirks and walks out back and Max follows him.
Max -
Yeah what?
Barry then grabs Max and pushes him into a block of ice holding him down.
Barry -
Look you shit we got your little letter.
Max -
What the hell are you talking about?
Barry -
Don't fuck with me Max, you saw us that night.
Max -
What the fuck are you on huh?
Barry grabs a large fish hook that was sitting on a block of ice and holds it up to Maxs face.
Max -
Jesus Christ.
Barry -
Listen I'm gonna say this once, I'll fucking kill your ass, I got no problem with that...
Max -
Oh get the fuck off me.
Barry -
You understand me?
Max -
Get off of me.
Max struggles with Barry and Barry cuts Max's arm with the hook and then walks away putting the hook back where he got it from. Max is laying on the floor wondering what just happened. He gets up and he is angry and grabs the hook yelling at Barry who is leaving.
Max -
Mother fucker. Don't you test me mother fucker, I'll call the cops on your college quaterback ass.
EXT. - Back on the street --- Barry is walking out where Julie and Helen have been waiting.
Julie -
So did he admit to the letter?
Barry keeps walking.
Barry -
He won't bother you anymore.
Helen -
What did you do?
Barry -
I took care of it okay?
Julie -
Barry -
I scared the shit out of him alright?
Stepping up from out of a boat is Ray. The old group of friends are reunited.
Barry -
Well I'll be damned.
Ray (to Julie) -
Barry -
So Ray grew up to be a fisherman huh?
Ray -
Yeah, almost a year now, I work on that one over there on the end.
Barry does not look where Ray has just pointed.
Barry -
That's nice. Have a nice life guys, I'm out of here.
Barry leaves.
Ray (to Julie) -
You got a minute?
Helen doesn't want to be intrude.
Helen -
I gotta get back to work, call me, we can get togeather.
Julie -
Yeah okay.
Helen leaves Ray and Julie alone to talk.
Julie -
We need to talk.
INT. - Fish Plant --- Ray and Julie are walking in discussing the letter.
Ray -
You think Max sent it?
Julie -
Barry does. I don't know.
Ray -
Well, you know how Max feels about you guys, look he's probably just screwing around, he doesn't have much else to do you know?
Julie -
Yeah maybe.
EXT. - On the wharf --- Ray and Julie are talking while he is working.
Ray -
So, how's school?
Julie -
So you're a fisherman?
Ray -
Yeah prophecy fullfilled right? I've become my father.
Julie -
I thought you didn't know your dad?
Ray -
Ah he worked the boats, that's all I do know about him.
Ray -
Look I thought a lot about last summer, I know you hold me responsible for what happened.
Julie -
I don't hold you responsible, no I'm responsible for my own actions and I don't blame you. But I don't want to know you either.
She runs away from a confused Ray leaving him there all alone.
INT. - Fish Plant - Max is cooking lobsters. he burns his finger and goes to get gloves. He sees a shadow through the steam from the boiling water and looks closer to see what it is and sees someone in a black slicker coming towards him and then the hook goes through his throat and dragging him across the table.
EXT - SouthPort street --- Barry is pulling up to the South Port Muscle.
INT. - Southport Muscle. --- Barry is working out, punching and kickboxing.
INT. - Locker Room --- Barry is taking tape off his hands and sees a shadow.
Barry -
INT. - Shower --- Barry is showering after his workout, he sees a shadow go past the door.
Barry -
INT. - Locker Room --- Barry sees a ploaroid picture sticking out of his locker, he looks at it, it's a picture of his car which is parked outside with "I Know" written on the picture. He looks in his locked and his jacket is missing.
Barry -
My fucking jacket.
He quickly gets dressed and runs out into the lobby where an old man working is reading the newspaper.
Barry -
Who else is here? anybody else working out?
Worker -
Just you and me pal.
Barry runs outdoor to see his car is being backed out of the parking lot, he chases after it.
Barry -
Hey! Hey! Fucker.
The car back into the end of the street with Barry chasing it, the car stops, Barry is looking directly at it.
Barry -
Max, you're fucking dead.
The headlights of the car come on and starts speeding towards Barry, he starts to run away but the car is right behind him. He is backed up against an old deserted building with nowhere to go, he is looking at the car trying to think of something to do, the car pauses and then rams into Barry who flips up onto the windsheild and the car pushes him through the building. The car stops and someone in a slicker gets out and is looking down at an injured Barry. Barry is screaming for help.
Barry -
Help me!!! help me!! somebody. What do you want????
The slicker-clad madman pulls out a big fishing hook.
Barry -
I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I swear we didn't mean it , please don't.
Screen fades to black.
Kevin Williamson

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By "Eshu Space".
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INT. - Southport hospital - Julie is getting off the elevator and sees Ray.
INT. - Barrys hospital room - the four former friends are all in there talking about what just happened.
Barry -
No for the fortieth fucking time I couldn't see his face.
Julie -
We have no choice here okay? Somebody tried to kill you last night, we have to go to the police.
Barry -
No he wasn't trying to kill me last night, if he wanted me dead he could've done it, he's just fucking with us.
Helen -
Who is?
Barry -
I don't know, some guy in a slicker.
Ray -
Well that narrows it down, this being a quaint little fishing village and all.
Barry -
Since you bring it up, we all know you have a slicker.
Ray -
You are not going to throw this on me.
Helen -
Come on you guys please don't do this.
Julie -
This isn't getting us anywhere.
Ray -
Look, maybe we should just come clean.
Barry -
No. No. We made a pact and we're keep it.
Julie -
Yeah but this is insane now Barry look at us, this secret's killing us.
Barry -
I'm not going to the police and you're not either.
Julie -
Barry please, we could put an end to it and maybe salvage some small fraction of a life.
Barry -
And how do we do that? Huh? There was no accident Julie it was murder, your words remember? Murder. I say we find the fuck who's doing this and have a little one on one.
Ray -
What like last night Bare?
Barry jumps to a sitting position in his bed.
Barry -
Fuck you man.
Helen -
No Barry's right, whosever doing this isn't going to the police, we could this guy, talk to him.
Barry -
How do we find him?
Helen -
Well it's got to be a friend or a family member of the guy we hit. What was his name??
Julie -
David Egan.
Helen -
Right...David Egan.
EXT. - Hospital --- Julie, Ray and Helen are walking through the hall ready to leave and they are discussing what they should do.
Ray -
Look I don't think we should give up on Max, it could still be him.
Julie -
Then find him Ray, prove Barry wrong, that's what you want isn't it?
Ray -
No, no, what I want is for you and me to just...
Julie -
Listen to me Ray okay, I want you to get something, there is no you and me.
Julie takes off down the stairs instead of waiting for the elevator. Ray and Helen look at each other and Helen follows Julie.
INT. - Julies house - Julie and Helen are looking up articles about David Egan on the internet.
Julie -
Okay I can access the local library online, I think we can cross-refrence and pull up all we need to know.
She finds what she is looking for and types in her querey.
Julie -
Egan, David.
A bunch of articles pop up on the screen.
Helen -
All these articles are about David Egan?
Julie -
Yeah or at least mention him, it should pull up anything with his name.
Wait, July 5th two years ago, what's this?
Julie start reading one outloud.
Julie -
Susie Willis died of drowning, she was trapped in a car after it skided out of control on the reefs near Dawsons beach, the driver David Egan was unharmed.
Helen -
I remember that wreck two summers ago.
Julie (still reading) -
Susie was engaged to David, they were gonna be married. Wait a second I remember he had her name tattooed on his arm, I saw it.
Julie pops up another article.
Julie -
Survived by his mother Claire and sister Melissa Egan of Marible County.
Helen -
They live in the sticks, what do you think?
Julie -
Whadda we got to lose??
EXT. - Marible County Road --- Julie and Helen are driving to the Egan house.
Helen is reading a map.
Helen -
Turn right.
Julie -
Helen -
Back there.
They back the car up to get to the road they are looking for and turn down it.
Helen -
What exactly is the plan? I mean are we just gonna ring the doorbell and say we killed your son and we were in the neighborhood so...
Julie -
Look I thought we would scope it out then play it by ear.
Helen -
Don't you think we should have some sort of a plan? Angela Landsbury always had a plan.
The car stops at a mailbox that has "Egan" written is bold letters.
EXT. - The Egans driveway --- Julie and Helen are walking towards the house.
Helen -
What if they're waiting for us? What if they recognize us? They could have a gun and shoot us dead.
Julie -
It's been a year Helen, they could have done that already.
Helen -
Yeah, Jodi Foster tried this and a skinner of a serial killer answered the door.
They get to the house and knock on the door twice and no one answers.
Helen -
Well it was a good try.
Julie is not satisfied, she walks around the side of the house and looks in a window.
Helen -
Adding breaking and entering to our crime spree?
A womans image appears in a old mirror that is sitting next to the house. The woman is Missy Egan.
Missy -
Can I help you?
Julie -
Oh, hi, our car stalled down the road and we were just wondering if maybe we could use your phone?
Kevin Williamson

This Free Ebook is Produced
By "Eshu Space".
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INT. - The Egan house ---
Missy -
Phone's over there.
Julie -
Oh thanks. Jody, will you call triple A?
Helen -
You got it, Angela.
Helen turns to go to the telephone and her face walks into a black fishing slicker and she screams. Julie just laughs to not look suspicious. Helen composses herself and goes to the phone.
Missy -
My name's Missy Egan. Are you girls from Mirable?
Julie -
No, Southport.
Missy -
Oh I went to Southport High.
Julie -
Yeah I knew you looked fimiliar, what year?
Missy -
Ah class of '88.
Julie -
Your name, Egan, it sounds very fimiliar, do you have a brother or something?
Missy -
I did but he was younger than me, David, younger.
Julie -
What class was he?
Missy -
Ah '92 but he's dead, he died last july.
Julie -
I'm so sorry.
Missy -
Julie -
Do you ah, do you live alone?
Missy -
Yeah, ah well my daddy died a long time ago and my mama she's in a home you know in Aurora because she didn't take, take too well to what happened with David. Things just haven't been the same since he died.
A long pause and then Helen walks over after her phone call.
Helen -
They're on their way.
Missy -
I could make you guys a cup of tea while you're waiting.
Helen -
Julie -
Yeah thanks, that's nice of you.
Missy smiles and walks into the kitchen. Helen and Julie are looking at pictures of David and Missy in happier times.
Helen -
You know I think I remember David, he had a friend right? what was his name?
Missy (from the kitchen) -
Helen -
Didn't he hang out with this guy, I mean they were really close, god what was his name.
Missy -
Oh, I don't know, I didn't know too many of Davids friends
Helen -
Missy -
But there, there was one guy, one guy, he stopped by not too long after Davids death and and he came to pay his respects.
Julie -
Missy -
Oh, yeah he was a really nice guy, he was cute and smart. And well we were sweet on each other for about two minutes, but it didn't work out you know. He never really said it but I think it hurt him to be around me.
Helen -
Where is this old friend now?
Missy -
Oh I don't know.
Helen -
Do you remember his name?
Missy -
Helen -
Did he have a last name?
Missy is looking up remembering her time with Billy Blue.
Missy -
Blue...Billy Blue
Julie -
Well you know what? We should probably wait back at the car.
Missy -
No don't be ridiculous, why don't... ah stay.
Julie -
No, I don't want to miss triple A.
Helen -
We apreciate the phone.
The begin to leave, Missy yells as they are leaving...
Missy -
Anytime you know, I don't get too many knocks on my door nowadays.
EXT.- Julies Car --- They have just left Missys house and Julie is upset.
Helen -
You okay?
Julie -
I wigged out I'm sorry. But being in his house and seeing his sister. God do you see what we've done?
Helen -
It was an accident.
Julie -
Helen we killed a man and then ruined the lives of everyone he knew.
Helen -
I don't think we're that powerful Julie, You're giving us way too much credit.
Missy runs up along side of the car and pounds on the window making Julie and Helen jump.
Missy -
Hey! You forgot your cigarettes.
Julie -
Thank you.
Missy -
Well I see you got this car started didn't ya?
Julie -
Yeah damndest thing, it started right up.
Missy -
Funny how that happens.
Julie drives away as Missy is still talking leaving Missy with a sinister look on her face.
EXT. - Helens house --- Julie and Helen are in the car still, Julie is dropping Helen off.
Helen -
So what now?
Julie -
Now we try and locate this Billy Blue.
Helen -
Maybe he wanted to die.
Julie -
Helen -
David Egan. His girlfriend was killed on that same road july 4th one year earlier,. Maybe he blammed himself, maybe he was sitting in the road waiting for us to hit him.
Julie -
Yeah if that'll help you sleep at night.
Helen -
What happened between us? We used to be best friends.
Julie -
We used to be a lot of things.
Helen -
I miss you.
No response from Julie. Helen sees that the feeling isn't mutual.
Helen -
Yeah. Well.
She gets out of the car and Julie drives away without saying a word.
INT. - Helens house - Helen walks into the living room and sees her father sitting watching TV.
Helen -
Hey Dad.
Her father is too wrapped up in the ball game to notice his daughter. She walks into the kitchen and pours a glass of diet coke while the killer is sneaking in the front door and working his way up the stairs. Helen finishes her drink and goes up to her bedrooom just in time to miss seeing who just went up before her.
She gets to her room but no one is there. She changes into her night clothes and looks at the crown that she will have to give back the next day. Suddenly a hand is moving towards her and touches her on the arm, she jumps and turns around, it's Elsa.
Elsa -
Hey is the washed up, dried out, has-been having a moment?
Helen -
What do you want?
Elsa -
We're doing inventory at the store tomorrow and I need you there by ten.
Helen sits on her bed brushing her hair.
Helen -
I can't, I'm in the parade tomorrow.
Elsa -
Well dad put me in charge of the store and I want you there by ten.
Helen -
The outgoing queen has to ride in the parade prior to the padgent, it's
tradition, there's nothing I can do about it.
Elsa -
You and your hair, it's so pathetic.
Helen -
You can leave now.
Elsa -
So very pathetic...
she says while shutting the door. Helen gets in bed and shuts the lights out.
INT. - Helens bedroom --- Helen is just waking up. She feels her crown on her head and begins to take it off, bunches of her hair come off with it. She starts to freak out and runs to the mirror and sees the word "SOON" written in bold letters on it and she screams loudly and smashes the mirror.
INT. - Julies house --- Julie picks up a ringing telephone.
Julie -
short pause.
Julie -
Oh my god.
She runs out of the house and jumops in her car and takes off. In the car she hears a noise coming from the back seat, there is nothing there, she stops the car and opens the trunk and sees the rotting corpse of Max being eaten by crabs, he is wearing Barrys jacket. She screams and slams the trunk thinking what to do and then takes off running.
INT. - Helens bedroom --- Barry is comforting Helen after her hellish ordeal.
Julie runs in the room.
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By "Eshu Space".
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