Your Forecast for Monday November 22, 2010 by Susan Miller
Aries March 21 to April 19
Emotional stability will prevail since you'll know you
can count on the structured temperament of a partner.
The moon will be in your third house of communication at
a perfect angle to Saturn, the planet of discipline, in
your relationship sector. It'll be easy to have a
straightforward conversation with someone close about a
subject you're both emotionally invested in. Expect the
perfect blend of rational thought backed up with
Taurus April 20 to May 20
It'll be a productive day at the office and you'll
surely utilize your talents in the most efficient way
possible. Perhaps you'll tackle a more detail-oriented
assignment, and if so, you'll feel a solid boost in
self-esteem as well as your ability to handle the task
at hand. In fact, an authority figure will likely be
impressed with your ability to structure this project as
well as your tenacity to see it through. Being reliable
will get you ahead.
Gemini May 21 to June 20
You'll have a fabulous opportunity to crystallize an
artistic endeavor. In fact, you'll be serious when it
comes to putting your unique stamp on this project and
will work as hard as necessary in order to see it
materialize. The moon will be in your first house at a
gorgeous link to Saturn in your fifth house of creative
self-expression. It'll be an ideal time to express your
feelings through your art.
Cancer June 21 to July 22
It'll be an ideal day to spend time with an elderly
relative or a family member who is ill or in a hospital.
You'll feel an enhanced sense of compassion toward this
person and will most likely serve as a stabilizing
influence to his or her mood. This act of kindness will
not go unnoticed because with the moon in your twelfth
house the heartfelt sentiments you extend out to others
will come back to you tenfold. They always do.
Leo July 23 to Aug. 22
It'll be a wonderful day to make a presentation in front
of a crowd. Your voice will be authoritative yet
nurturing. In fact, you'll be looked at as a natural
master when it comes to the topic you'll share with
others. The moon will be in your eleventh house of
groups, enhancing your opportunity to engage with
others. Today the moon will link up with Saturn in your
message sector. Make the most of your communication
Virgo Aug. 23 to Sept. 22
Expect attention from the boss or another VIP when it
comes to your abilities and how you're using them
professionally. In fact, it'll be an ideal day to ask
for more responsibility or even a salary increase. The
moon will be at the top of your chart, an indicator that
you'll be noticed. Today the moon will be at a friendly
angle to Saturn in your second house of income and
talents. You'll know that you're an invaluable asset.
Libra Sept. 23 to Oct. 22
This will be an ideal day to plan any overseas
traveling, engage in any correspondence with those in
foreign countries, or conduct international business.
The moon will be in your ninth house - the part of your
chart ruling everything international. Today the moon
will be at a brilliant angle to Saturn in your first
house of self. You'll be particularly structured in any
communication or planning that has to do with an
overseas matter. Make the most of it.
Scorpio Oct. 23 to Nov. 21
You'll have an edge when it comes to handling joint
financial or investment matters. In fact, if you need to
do any research about a money matter, today will be
ideal. The moon will be in your eighth house - the part
of your chart that rules other people's money. Today the
moon will connect favorably to Saturn in your hidden
twelfth house. You'll find a way to create structure out
of what was once elusive.
Sagittarius Nov. 22 to Dec. 21
This could be a wonderful day to plan a get-together
with friends that includes your spouse or partner.
You'll enjoy spending time with the pals you've both
known for the longest or the ones you know are most
responsible. Alternatively, you might decide to attend a
social function that combines a business opportunity. If
so, it'll likely be a successful blend of mixing
business with pleasure.
Capricorn Dec. 22 to Jan. 19
You'll have an extra productive day at the office and
you'll feel completely respected for your authority and
expertise. Even if you're not the boss, it'll be clear
that you're on your way up the ladder of career success.
The moon will be at a gorgeous angle to Saturn in your
tenth house. You'll have no trouble rolling up your
sleeves to do the work necessary to ensure your success.
But then again, you never do.
Aquarius Jan. 20 to Feb. 18
It's possible that a sweetheart will help you create a
more solid foundation in your beliefs. In fact, he or
she might become a mentor or even a spiritual advisor,
expanding your horizons but in a structured, rather than
carefree way. While it's true that you're a sign who
prefers to do his or her own thing, today you'll
appreciate and be more open to the perspective of
someone you love. An open mind and heart can get you
Pisces Feb. 19 to March 20
This will be an ideal day to work on any estate or
retirement planning with your financial advisor. It'll
also be a great day to communicate with a relative about
joint financial matters or about a real estate deal. The
moon will be in your fourth house of home and family.
Today it'll connect to Saturn, the planet of structure,
in your eighth house of shared resources. You'll make an
enduring and positive financial decision.
Your Forecast for Tuesday November 23, 2010 by Susan Miller
Aries March 21 to April 19
An active mind and the courage of a true leader will be
all you need to get you to a comfortable place. Your
career, family, and sense of self have all been under
re-evaluation, so what better time than now to begin?
Your natural ability to thrive will come to the rescue
today as you seek out new connections and innovative
projects. Perhaps an old business associate has a new
startup and you are just the person to fill the missing
piece. You should pay attention to all possibilities as
they may hold the nugget of gold you seek.
Taurus April 20 to May 20
This might be an interesting day when it comes to family
legal matters. You may be confronted with an estate
settlement or maybe a tax oversight. The best approach
will be that of honesty and research. You will want to
spend the time digging at the source of this until you
find an answer. Your curiosity might be piqued by the
prospect of money or the motivations of others for
money. Money does tend to shed insight on people's
Gemini May 21 to June 20
The Sun will be in your opposing sign of Sagittarius.
Oppositions bring a new energy to your world and light a
fire in your lofty mind. You could be struck by a
fantastic idea for your job that comes to you out of the
blue. Follow that strike of brilliance and see what
transpires. Your assertiveness will serve you well
today. You will be wise to act responsibly and with
balance, since the magic is always found in the middle
or through thoughtful diplomacy.
Cancer June 21 to July 22
Change will be underfoot and it will feel grand.
Relationships that once barred your entry to new worlds
will fade away and new opportunities will arise through
career prospects. Your motives will be well-founded by
helping others and the rewards will come through those
avenues. This would be a fantastic time to offer your
warmth to a community service of some sort. No one
provides a safe harbor like you and the gift of giving
is worth its weight in gold.
Leo July 23 to Aug. 22
You should expect a strong expressive urge during this
time. Both Mars, the planet of drive, and Mercury, the
planet of communication, will be visiting your fifth
house of creativity. You will have a natural flair with
words. What a great time to make a presentation or
speech or even to simply compose a powerful email. You
will be bold in your demeanor and that will shine
through your generosity. You'll know how to light up the
room today.
Virgo Aug. 23 to Sept. 22
This might be a time of great surprises. You might come
home from work and find concert tickets or a night on
the town waiting for you. The time will be perfect for
unexpected liaisons as well. You might finally get a
chance to hear from a certain someone who has been
catching your eye lately. All in all, it will be a
pleasant encounter. What could be more exciting than
something out of the blue?
Libra Sept. 23 to Oct. 22
Your authority could be challenged at some point during
the day. If you are a supervisor or a small business
owner, this could come in the form of an employee
discussion. This will be when your skills as a peace
maker come in handy. Your calm demeanor and sense of
fairness will prevail and the waters will soon be
calmed. Responsibility has its costs but the rewards
will be worth it in the end.
Scorpio Oct. 23 to Nov. 21
This will be a good day to do some background genealogy
work. A little research into your roots may prove to be
quite emotional, if not intriguing. It could be that you
discover a long-lost mystery about your past that could
prove to be quite surprising and unusual. You didn't
know that your uncle was an acrobat in a circus? Or a
distant cousin won a war medal? These and other similar
revelations are possibly to be found throughout your
Sagittarius Nov. 22 to Dec. 21
You will feel the surge of energy as the Sun settles
into Sagittarius. You will possess a great desire to be
heard. What a fantastic opportunity to make a sales
pitch or business proposal. Your audience will be all
ears and eager to understand your ideas. Look to your
roots for some of your ideas, as they may be found in
housing or matters of the family. Both Uranus and
Jupiter will be lighting up your fourth house of
Capricorn Dec. 22 to Jan. 19
You will want to take good care of yourself as the days
grow shorter. You will feel this naturally and put extra
effort into preventative routines. Exercise, a strong
diet, and other measures will work well for you over
this time. New and alternative methods for healing will
be high on your list of priorities lately. There is
magic hidden in new therapies. This will be an excellent
time to engage in them.
Aquarius Jan. 20 to Feb. 18
Your naturally active mind will be fully engaged with
topics of great depth. There will nothing boring or
simple about your interests today. Your view has always
been a global one and your quest for information about
how you fit in will dominate your entire thought
process. You will be moved by the presence of beauty
either through a casual glance at a public statue or
building or perhaps in the halls of a museum. This will
be a great day for seeking out cultural events.
Pisces Feb. 19 to March 20
This will be a good day to get some constructive work
done around your house or apartment. Perhaps you'll be
moving furniture or swapping items with one of your
siblings. Either way your focus will be on the home. It
will feel comfortable and easy to pursue these kinds of
activities. You should not be surprised if you have an
unusual encounter during your work. Maybe you will
discover a hidden secret while you are at task
Your Forecast for Wednesday November 24, 2010 by Susan Miller
Aries March 21 to April 19
As Mars, your ruler, approaches Mercury, planet of
ideas, words, and writing, it may be a favorable time to
plan your next big adventure. The desire for change and
a taste for freedom may propel you to distant lands or
put you back in the classroom. Either way, your mind may
be restless for new idea, so stay focused and use this
time to actively pursue your own truth. Tonight may
bring mixed emotions at home, where the need for
protocol will outweigh your getting your own way.
Taurus April 20 to May 20
This current planetary activity highlights the need for
teamwork and the ability to accept help from someone
close to you. A co-worker or employee may not be pulling
his weight, but instead of getting upset, you may be
surprised to find there has been a legitimate reason for
the behavior. The better you know and understand those
around, you the less stress you'll experience when
working as a group. Tonight, the moon in your third
house of siblings may rekindle an emotional connection
you have with a brother or sister.
Gemini May 21 to June 20
With Mercury, your sign ruler, and Mars, planet of
action and competition, in your relationship house,
these next few days might find you spoiling for a fight
with a personal or professional partner. Your words may
become heated, but remember, you can choose to express
yourself aggressively or assertively; you can be
judgmental or encouraging. Tonight, the moon in your
second house of income may bring to light the need to
update your budget and get your finances in order.
Cancer June 21 to July 22
With the Sun illuminating your sixth house of health,
you may be reminded to take better care of yourself.
Today, you may be acutely aware of your limitations, and
you will have the choice to accept them or begin
resistance training, either literally or figuratively.
Don't let the past dictate your future. An obligation
around your home or a parent may have been an excuse for
unhealthy lifestyle choices. This will be a favorable
time for changing old habits. Build your endurance now
in anticipation of the changes that will come next
Leo July 23 to Aug. 22
The Sun, your sign ruler, is now in fellow fire sign
Sagittarius, and this month may be a favorable time to
step out of your comfort zone and take a risk. That may
happen through a love affair, a financial investment, or
a creative endeavor. And with Mercury and Mars in this
same part of your chart, your vision of a better life
may propel you take a bigger gamble. Be optimistic, but
don't be naive. Tonight, the moon in your twelfth house
of solitude may find you reminiscing about the past or
meditating about the future.
Virgo Aug. 23 to Sept. 22
Today, you may be called on by a professional or social
club to become the treasurer, make a donation, or share
your talents to further its cause. With the Sun
illuminating your fourth house of home and family, this
next month may find you taking a special place among
your family members. And with Mercury, your ruler, and
Mars in this same part of the chart, you may be seen as
a leader, encourager, or zealot. Use your practical
thinking and common sense to help a family member see
the bigger picture, and you will have helped immensely.
Libra Sept. 23 to Oct. 22
As Venus, your ruler, moves out of Libra this week, it
will be time to turn your charm and friendly demeanor
into cash. Look for ways to work with others that can
help you further your own agenda. Over the next month,
you may have greater influence with a sibling and may
even have the opportunity to mentor, encourage, or teach
him or her. Tonight, the moon in your tenth house of
reputation may reveal your nurturing side to those
around you.
Scorpio Oct. 23 to Nov. 21
Now that the Sun has moved into your second house of
talents, this month is a favorable time to develop your
natural gifts. The Sun adds vitality, originality, and
authenticity, and here it will ask that you begin to
establish your unique voice, style, and signature in
your particular field. And with Mars and Mercury in this
same part of the chart, your quest for inspiration or
knowledge may unfold sooner than you anticipated.
Sagittarius Nov. 22 to Dec. 21
The Sun is now in your solar first house, and this may
boost your vitality, increase enthusiasm, and focus your
drive. And with Mercury and Mars in this same part of
your chart, you could be especially vocal about what
you're doing and where you're going. Take care to soften
the Mars energy and avoid being confrontational or
dogmatic. Tonight, you may be called upon to support a
friend, a social cause, or group.
Capricorn Dec. 22 to Jan. 19
Today, you may need to make a commitment to a new
business partner or client. You may also need to let him
think he's calling the shots - that's just fine. This
month, before your birthday, will be a favorable time to
review the last eleven months and check in with
yourself. Tonight, the moon in your seventh house of
relationships may find you caring for a partner or being
nurtured by one. Enjoy the intimacy, and try not to let
career concerns dampen the mood.
Aquarius Jan. 20 to Feb. 18
Now that the Sun has moved into your eleventh house of
groups, charities, and causes you may find yourself
drawn to a social organization this month that supports
a cause dear to your heart. And with Mercury and Mars in
this part of your chart you could become a very vocal
supporter. Your power of persuasion may be strong over
the next few days, so be careful and specific about what
you ask for. Tonight the moon in your sixth house of
routine may find you finally finishing your household
Pisces Feb. 19 to March 20
The Sun is now at the top of your chart and like a great
spotlight, it may help bring you the recognition you
deserve over the next month. And while Mars and Mercury
occupy this same part of your chart, you'll have no
hesitation about expressing yourself and sharing your
opinions with the world. You will be able to encourage,
inspire, and excite, but avoid judgmental or moralistic
tirades. Tonight, you may feel nostalgic, as the moon in
your fifth house may bring you in contact with your
children, a past love, or an old photograph.
Your Forecast for Thursday November 25, 2010 by Susan Miller
Aries March 21 to April 19
There will be no shortage of conversation and lively
debate around your dinner table. In fact, it's likely
that you'll share your opinions about everything, from
your political and cultural views to your spiritual
perspective. Mercury is now in your ninth house, which
stimulates your ability to express your big-picture
ideas. Because Mercury will rub elbows with Jupiter,
this tendency likely will expand. You'll surely be
intellectually stimulating.
Taurus April 20 to May 20
You might have plenty of ideas to help finance a new
dream, but take care not to let your enthusiasm run
rampant. Mercury will be in your eighth house of joint
resources, giving you a wonderful intellectual edge in
financial planning. Today, however, Mercury will be at a
tense angle to Jupiter. Because Jupiter will expand your
thoughts, it's possible that you'll approach many people
today about your ideas, and you might leave everyone's
head spinning. Slow down.
Gemini May 21 to June 20
You and a business partner might be overflowing with
ideas that will further your mutual career goals. The
two of you might be so excited with talking, however,
that you could forget to listen. Mercury will be in your
partnership sector, which is a great time to exchange
thoughts with someone close. Today, Mercury will link up
to Jupiter, now in your tenth house. This will expand
all communications related to your professional life.
Remember that success begins in the mind.
Cancer June 21 to July 22
With all the work on your plate today, you might find it
difficult to focus on completing one task at a time. Try
not to think of your complete to-do list. Instead, break
it down into manageable pieces and realize that if you
chip away at it, one project at a time, everything will
get done. Take your time, and don't rush through your
work now. You'll only give yourself more to do in the
long run.
Leo July 23 to Aug. 22
This wouldn't be a prudent day to get involved with any
financial risk or gamble. Although you'll likely be
thinking about a speculative opportunity and might even
find yourself talking and planning for one, hold off on
making a solid decision, if possible. You're likely to
feel overly confident about this venture and dive right
into it, without being rational or analytical. Exercise
caution when it comes to money. It's better to be safe
than sorry.
Virgo Aug. 23 to Sept. 22
There might be too much family involvement in your
personal business. You'll likely get an earful from
relatives about your relationship with your mate.
Although this advice might be well-intentioned, remember
that your clan shouldn't have the ultimate decision-
making power when it comes to your personal life. Be
true to your own feelings. Listen to the well-meaning
advice of your family, but know what to keep and what to
Libra Sept. 23 to Oct. 22
It's possible that you'll spend more than a fair amount
of time today involved with co-workers’ gossiping.
Mercury, the planet of communication, is now in your
message sector, which will make you even more chatty
than usual. Today, Mercury will be at a challenging
angle to Jupiter, now in your work sector. This will
expand your tendency to talk, and while it'll make for
stimulating conversation, you might say too much.
Remember to edit yourself.
Scorpio Oct. 23 to Nov. 21
You might overestimate your value today, which isn't
necessarily a bad thing but could lead to disappointment
if you don't get exactly what you ask for. Be confident
about your talents, and do not be ashamed to express
what you believe you're worth; just remember to keep a
realistic perspective. Your ego might become easily
inflated, especially because a sweetheart will likely
help feed it. Don't overdo it.
Sagittarius Nov. 22 to Dec. 21
You'll have plenty of ideas and thoughts to share with
relatives today, but take care not to overdo it with
expressing your opinions. While you'll be passionate
about what you believe, it might come across to a family
member as your being dogmatic or even self-righteous.
This likely won't be your intention, but in your zeal
you might overlook the fact that others have a different
Capricorn Dec. 22 to Jan. 19
Your imagination will be extra fertile and may be an
exciting playground to cultivate all sorts of
possibilities. Mercury is in your twelfth house, which
will give you more of an urge to daydream. Today,
Mercury will link up with Jupiter, now in your
communication sector. This will allow you to fantasize
and then express your dreams to the world. Whether or
not you manifest your dreams will be up to you.
Aquarius Jan. 20 to Feb. 18
This will be an exciting day to talk to friends about
your money-making ideas. In fact, you'll feel as if you
have plenty of social networking opportunities that will
help support your goals. It'll also be an ideal day to
use your communications talents in a group endeavor -
you'll serve as an inspiration. There's nothing wrong
with dreaming big; it's the only way you know how to
Pisces Feb. 19 to March 20
This could be a busy day in career matters. Expect a
vital conversation with the boss about your
contributions. If you're due to sign a contract or make
a negotiation in business, it's likely that you'll be
animated about the potential. Just remember to quiet
your excited mind long enough to focus on the details in
your agreement. Before you can enjoy the big picture,
you must create it one brush stroke at a time.
========================= ==
Your Forecast for Friday November 26, 2010 by Susan Miller
Aries March 21 to April 19
As the moon illuminates your house of romance,
creativity, and entertainment, you will be in the mood
to relax, to take the day off, and to do anything that
qualifies as play. You might look ahead by sitting down
to plan a trip to a place you've never been. The world
is full of options to explore. In 2011, with Jupiter in
Aries, your prospects will open up like a flower.
Taurus April 20 to May 20
An intriguing bit of family lore could come to light. By
interviewing a parent, a grandparent, or other close
relative about the past, you could learn more about what
the world was like before you were born. Not only will
you learn something fascinating, but the emotion you
share with your relative - laughter or sorrow, curiosity
or nostalgia - will strengthen your relationship. Also,
if you like do-it-yourself projects, this will be a fine
time to plunge into home improvement.
Gemini May 21 to June 20
A satisfying discussion with a significant other or
business colleague could lead to a fresh phase in your
partnership, starting as early as next week. Other
conversations, including one with a sibling or a
neighbor, will also have a positive outcome. This likely
will be an upbeat, productive day, perfect for returning
phone calls or electronic messages, gathering
information, running errands you might have been putting
off, and doing anything that involves writing.
Cancer June 21 to July 22
When the moon is in Leo, people often will be ready to
party. You will sense that vibration in the air, but you
will also feel a need to be practical. That could
translate into paying your bills, organizing your
office, or just cleaning up after Thanksgiving. Whatever
the specific task may be, you will be able to polish it
off with flair. Also, now that the Sun is in your health
sector, exercise will invigorate you.
Leo July 23 to Aug. 22
With the moon in Leo and the Sun in Sagittarius, a
compatible fire sign, you will have much to be thankful
for. If you get together with a cherished friend, a
child, or someone you are dating (or would like to),
your chances of having a wonderful time will be nearly
100 percent. By turning on your considerable charm, it
will work to your advantage to be a little demanding. In
short, this could be a marvelous weekend.
Virgo Aug. 23 to Sept. 22
For a few days every month, as the moon slips through
the most hidden part of chart, you may feel a profound
desire for peace and quiet. This will be a great weekend
to surrender to that feeling. It also will be an
important time to acknowledge your spiritual
inclinations and to clear space for them in your busy
life. Meditate or take a yoga class - you know what
works for you. Also, be sure to get enough sleep.
Libra Sept. 23 to Oct. 22
You will shine this weekend. With Venus in Libra and the
moon in the extroverted sign of Leo, you could be
juggling one invitation too many. People likely will be
attracted to you, and if you attend a group event,
whether a neighborhood potluck or committee meeting, you
could make friends and network successfully. Also, if
you are writing a proposal, it will go quite well -
unless you get distracted by friends.
Scorpio Oct. 23 to Nov. 21
Don't be shy. The moon at the zenith of your chart can
brighten your persona and encourage you to connect with
a leading member of your profession or a VIP of any
kind. Your best approach, should you interact with such
an individual, will be down-to-earth and pragmatic. Next
year could present excellent employment possibilities,
so if you have a chance to stir interest in your own
abilities, please do. You have much to offer.
Sagittarius Nov. 22 to Dec. 21
Take the long view of your life and plans, and be
confident. Three planets in Sagittarius will provide
celestial backup, and the moon in Leo, a fellow fire
sign, will perk up your spirits and enlarge your vision.
A serious-minded friend, maybe someone in a group or
organization, could help you prioritize, and you will
have fun doing it. You also could enjoy yourself if you
see a foreign movie, go to a poetry reading, or visit
with a friend from a distant location.
Capricorn Dec. 22 to Jan. 19
The waning moon could put you in an introspective state
of mind. You are nearing the end of a two-year Mars
cycle, and there will be much to ponder. For instance,
have you thought about altering your living arrangements
or relocating? Next year could bring a surprise move.
Also, your career responsibilities likely will increase,
as will your recognition. Nothing will happen right
away, but it's not too soon to contemplate the
Aquarius Jan. 20 to Feb. 18
You are a sociable person, and people will clamor to
spend time with you, starting with someone close to you
and including at least one person you know only
casually. This will be a terrific time to throw a party
(or go to one). You will mix and mingle with ease. After
Monday, when Venus enters the most public part of your
chart, your visibility and appeal will rise even more.
Pisces Feb. 19 to March 20
The next new moon, on December 5, will act as a powerful
spur for your career. Today, a harmonious aspect between
the Sun and the moon will give you the opportunity to
get a lot done, completing an assignment, or preparing
for an undertaking that is to come. You also might
impress a supervisor or other influential person.
Opportunities will be out there for you. Seek, and you
will find.
Your Forecast for Saturday November 27, 2010 by Susan Miller
Aries March 21 to April 19
You should expect major changes in the way you work.
This could be seen as life-changing, and you should view
it with openness and a willingness to see it as an
opportunity. It could mean a new job, a promotion, or a
new venture that only you will understand. You will be
driven to uncover new ways to make an income. These are
extremely diverse times, and they will require extremely
diverse methods from the right person. You are that
Taurus April 20 to May 20
The eighth house of sex, inheritances, and taxes will be
lit up by three planets for you. This will be a great
time to consult with a tax accountant or to review
anything legal. Wills, insurance policies, and
promissory notes all will be worthy of review at this
time. You will view it is as an opportunity to tie
together some loose ends and prepare for the future.
There can be great comfort in being ready.
Gemini May 21 to June 20
As Neptune moves through your tenth house of career, you
could be in an incredibly imaginative mood. Such a mood
will often bring great ideas and novel solutions to the
workplace. It could be something quite simple, but
valuable nonetheless, so pay attention to your impulses.
It will also be a good time to get across a few
important points to your significant other. Be mindful
of his or her feelings.
Cancer June 21 to July 22
It will important to keep your eye on your finances and
avoid schemes that appear to be more than they offer on
the surface. You might be out holiday shopping and come
across a deal that seems too good to be true; in most
cases it will be. Being forewarned will be important.
This would be a great time to mend a broken fence with
an old friend. Maybe you should make an effort to reach
out and change the situation.
Leo July 23 to Aug. 22
Those dreams that seem to catch you by surprise are
back, playing games with your head again. The trick will
be to find the truth within the illusion, as Neptune
will swish through your eighth house fantasy. You will
try to forge something out of your dreams and that will
be fruitful - as long as you remain sensible. Keep your
feet on the ground.
Virgo Aug. 23 to Sept. 22
Your checking account will seem to have a mind of its
own. Money will seem to float away, and this will be
your opportunity to pull back the reins on your
spending. This will not be a huge task because you are
attuned to details. Look over your bank statements, and
you will easily discover where the money has gone. Then,
you will simply need to rectify the situation.
Libra Sept. 23 to Oct. 22
If words and ideas were dollars, you'd be rich. Follow
your illustrious and imaginative thought patterns and
see what transpires. Your cerebral tendencies will work
overtime, and there will be gold in your thoughts. This
will be a great time to do something incredibly
different. Be sure you engage your family members, as
you will be able to mend fences with them.
Scorpio Oct. 23 to Nov. 21
Venus will be glancing over your shoulder today, and it
will feel like melted butter. You will have a great time
if you get out and enjoy tangible pleasures. This will
also be a great time for pursuing intellectual
challenges. Venus will bring answers for you - answers
for which you have been searching for quite some time.
This will be a very rewarding, pleasurable time for you.
Sagittarius Nov. 22 to Dec. 21
Wanderlust may have its hold on you, but that is nothing
new. A better question might be how you can continue to
follow your dreams when money may be tight. You might
turn to your fantasy world for inspiration and kick back
in your easy chair for some mental traveling. It might
not be what you envisioned, but it will have merit in
the long run. It will satisfy a very basic drive.
Capricorn Dec. 22 to Jan. 19
You will feel as if you are passing through a make-over
machine today, and you will become an entirely new you -
it will be exciting and perfect. Change can be daunting,
but once you push through that door and leave the past
behind, the future will look extremely bright. Just
remember to make sure that your future plans also
include helping the world move forward in some way.
Aquarius Jan. 20 to Feb. 18
Your view of the world will change, and change likely
will be a saving grace for you. You likely will find
that change leads to progress for you. Shake up your
world through action and service to others. This will be
a very positive time for you to get involved in new
organizations or movements. Whether this relates to
personal empowerment or political campaigns, it will
feel good to you, as long as it helps move people
Pisces Feb. 19 to March 20
There will be a great deal of activity in your career
zone. You will be singularly bold and forceful in your
role at work. You will be able to find just the right
words for a special moment - it will appear as if you
have been given a divine touch. Words will have great
power, and you will use them to great results. This will
be a time when you are especially astute and attuned to
your world and your place in it.