1. | participation | 2. | It means a renewal of the web industry, a mature streamlining of previously hodge-podge technologies under a single slick monicker, associated with stuff like AJAX. | 3. | elementally: seperating content from structure. oh, and using helvetica rounded for display types and logos... | 4. | interactive web applications, malliable to uers‘ whims and designed in sweet pastels or earth tones, rounded corners, sweet fades. | 5. | Cross-platform web applications, usually with an AJAX display interface. Underlying processing can be handled many ways, but response time for the user is quick (much quicker than the Java interfaces from a few years ago). | 6. | A bit overhyped at this point, but to me it means an evolution of the web as a resource for accessing online applications and collaboration tools. | 7. | not sure | 8. | a set of evolution of ther web around scalability, cost effectiveness, remixable data, open source mentality architectur of participation | 9. | Open source, API, convenience, and innovation. | 10. | The pendulum has swung back to the little guy for now. Now the big guys like Murduch have to buy the little guys like MySpace. Curious to see how the big guys will actually regain the upper hand technically beyond aquisitions. What moves does Microsoft have left to try to kill web 2.0? Is the public finally too smart to fall for trojan programs from Microsoft whose ultimate goal is the payment of high license fees down the road. | 11. | I‘m assuming this is Internet 2? | 12. | AJAX, rounded corners, user-customizable CSS interface...the layman‘s knowledge of it all. | 13. | Don‘t know - I‘ve just heard it. | 14. | a more interactive, functional approach of web for both personal/commercial application | 15. | it‘s a broad term...to me, it is an evolved form of web use - strategic business and economic application of the technology | 16. | Buzzword for productivity or networking web apps, often ones that use AJAX, Ruby on Rails etc. Doesn‘t really mean much, not that bothered about it... | 17. | Mostly hype. | 18. | It‘s not so much about the techniques, as I see it. The techiques (XmlHTTPRequests etc) have been here for years, but Web 2.0 hasn‘t. So for me Web 2.0 is more about how the web apps gets an experience closer to desktop applications and how it lets people collaborate and share information. | 19. | hype mostly - social networking/sharing via the web | 20. | Organic approach to creating web applications. End users dictate functionality--bottom up approach. | 21. | It‘s just a buzzword to help the web gain momentum. To me (a web developer) it means, well, nothing. I remember back in the day when they would describe web sites in terms of "generations". Now, I think they they are giving these generations version numbers (e.g. Web 2.0) | 22. | The ability to do online what used to be only desktop - collaboration, word processing, etc. | 23. | next generation of services for the Web - better, integrated web applications; use of technologies such as Ajax; web standards and so on... | 24. | Application-centered, highly responsive websites developed after 2002 that have replicated the functions of traditional desktop applications. | 25. | It means compatability and searchability. It also means ugly. Any strict Web 2.0 interface I‘ve seen looks sterile and uninviting - user-friendly, but definitely not inviting. | 26. | nothing | 27. | A fuzzy idea...maybe a bubble with lots of good ideas behind. (not only AJAX or Folksonomies...is a new strategy) | 28. | AJAX, Flash, slow wait times for interactivity, plastic buttons, instant gratification | 29. | new web apps. some aren‘t very useful and the term is slowly losing it‘s appeal as javascript is STILL a misfit when it comes to security, primarily in the league of cross-site integration and user-contributed material. | 30. | Zip. It doesn‘t mean a thing - and I work in an interactive development firm working on projects for companies like DreamWorks, Symbol Technologies, and AMD. While there‘s a solid foundation to it‘s meaning; but it‘s more of an evolution than a quick implementation/fix. | 31. | simple minded label created to try and explain the difference between overhyped companies in the late 90‘s versus overhyped companies in the 00‘s | 32. | 1. To use applications remotely via a web browser like you (used) to use applications locally on your PC. 2. To do stuff on the web rather than have the web tell you or sell you stuff. | 33. | Web applications that keep away from the cluttered developer-created application interfaces to more ergonomic and information-centered displays that minimize presentation to the useful features. | 34. | To me it refers to websites which embrace new collaborative or socially orientated ways of engaging the user and providing added useful content using new technologies | 35. | Next generation of the Web | 36. | I think of it as the move toward user generated content and extreme flexibility and quick iteratation, as demonstrated by things like wikis, myspace, mash ups, blogosphere, google maps, etc. But I‘m aware that others see it as more programming-based, referencing "Ajax" and such. | 37. | read/write web - the next level of interactivity | 38. | A new way of doing things... opensource, sharing, colaboration... etc. | 39. | Kind of a puffed-up way to say you‘re using ‘new‘ technologies such as ajax. More of a marketing term in my opinion. Then again, I could have missed something ... | 40. | overly buzzy, of course, but a great means of collectively referring to a bunch of very useful technologies and companies. | 41. | The second coming of "good" web technologies (apps). | 42. | Dynamic, standards compliant websites that either have a social angle or provide some level of customisation through modules or an API. | 43. | Semantic Web, integrated products and services sharing data - information based companies and services, the end of the monolith. | 44. | All the new AJAX stuff appearing on the web - it means online applications like Gmail Basecamp etc. and is the way forward for the net and the people who rely on it for their living. | 45. | Flickr, Basecamp etc | 46. | It means several different things ... or that‘s how I‘ve seen it used. I like best the ideas that Tim O‘Reilly discusses in his 2005 posting on "Design Patterns and Business Models for the Next Generation of Software." Ideas like the web as platform, harnessing collective intelligence/data as paramount (use of the tool/data adds structure and content which then builds on itself), end of the software release cycle (as seen by the end user ... rolling releases/constant small changes). Here‘s a link to his post (http://www.oreillynet.com/pub/a/oreilly/tim/news/2005/09/30/what-is-web-20.html). It‘s the first hit in Google for web 2.0. ... And no, I didn‘t hit Google before writing this. I had read this months ago. | 47. | technologies allowing web designers to create better web sites with more functionality (tools) for the end user - example of a Web 2.0 characteristic - immediate changes without having to refresh the whole page | 48. | Its meant to mean the new generation web but seems to apply to anything involving interaction, blogs, wikis ajax - dynamic applications. Its an idea rather than a standard at the moment | 49. | No software... just a browser, wherever, whenever! | 50. | That we are moving into a new, more intensive phase of web innovation, saturation, and use. | 51. | The new generation of sharing and connecting people and sites on the web. | 52. | it‘s a lot of blah blah blah. | 53. | Web 2.0 is the move from static web pages to collaborative and shared web applications and user experiences like BaseCamp, Blogs, Wikis etc. | 54. | Next Generation web,for example improved usability (using Ajax etc) & intelligent web services. It‘s the future :) | 55. | Faster applications Making Web almost like a Desktop | 56. | branding, slogan idea. (pessimistic side) optimistic side- social networking and the tools that integrate it. tools built on web standards. | 57. | Heard of it but means nothing! | 58. | It used to mean "Highly interactive web sites". Now it means "Best buzzword since Enterprise Solution" | 59. | I have studied this in some depth, but to me it first of all signifies a move from desktop applications for basic productivity to the web. Second, to me web2.0 applications feature Ajax technology as design element. This is not just emulating desktop applications but is a merge of web design with interactivity. One characteristic of this is "edit in place" which is best demonstrated in Backpack. The UI is not cluttered with links, buttons and controls but it appears as a simple published page. But when you hover over an element you can click to open it for editing or add more. This in-context, inplace editing of a page is the defining feature of Web2.0 applications. I think maybe I should put this in my blog! whtbrd.squarespace.com | 60. | People who know how to use Photoshop ;-). For me its interconnectivity between online services. (RSS, Tagging, etc.) | 61. | simplifying the web (and life), by solving common problems in the simplest fashion possible. | 62. | The new Web, with a focus on services, productivity, and sharing information rather than a narrow focus of sales alone. | 63. | The new web.. | 64. | to me it means usable, high quality, practical software and services delivered via http. To most it seems to merely mean stick some AJAX in your interface. | 65. | The interactive or social network web, where information flows both ways. I see Basecamp as being something that is web 2 in its approach. | 66. | The next step for the web ? Web based applications that look more like desktop apps - more hype than substance ? | 67. | Snazzy looking web-apps, they way they were always supposed to be | 68. | Collaboration, folksonomy, mashups | 69. | Rounded corners, Ajaxy fade effects, | 70. | Content being initially loaded on the first page hit, then all activity just updating information on my local PC until the data needs to be sent back, giving a more "Desktop" feel to the web. | 71. | Web-based tools that allow for easier sharing and collaboration. | 72. | Can‘t remember--just sounds familiar. | 73. | I have heard that term from web developers but I d/k what it means. A new version of the web? D/k. | 74. | Extendible Web Applications | 75. | It means your about to try and sell me something wrapped in a package that‘s meant to bring back the spirit and excitement of the dot com boom era. To me it‘s the used car salesman quote of the modern web era! Don‘t use it please! | 76. | For me it means the web providing applications and becoming truly interactive and usable - without loading software on my PC | 77. | the delivery of a service, which, at the point of contact with the user demonstrably shifts the power to the user | 78. | New wave of web applications and services - they have certain look as well as certain features, mindset and technologies - big fonts,gradients,tabs,tags,AJAX etc - somone did a good Ta-da list on their attributes - see also TechCrunch | 79. | Not sure really - but maybe web based applications? | 80. | Richer websites. Better interactivity. Apps that don‘t need upgrading (by the user). At last, a move of functionality and information management from the desktop to the network. | 81. | Better interfaces | 82. | applications that used to run on your computer are now hosted by some provider, you only need your browser to use them. the future of software for small companies. | 83. | It means what Basecamp is -- an app that is all web-based. | 84. | A buzzword to create a bit of hype, but ultimately a good thing because it will further define the internet and enable the internet to be a better, more usable, accessable and perhaps standards based experience. | 85. | lol.. nice one. Web 2.0 is a fancy term for good user interfaces on the web. web 2.0 = usability for users and developers. | 86. | It means that the broader world of media and interested observers need a catch-all term to use as a handle for all this "new" stuff.... :) | 87. | It‘s a buzzword that has no meaning to the latest style of applications that have appeared on the web. To tag an application with this is ridiculous. How far will it be before we dismiss this stupid term? Web 10.5 in 10 years? | 88. | A world free of its dependence on all things Microsoft! ;-) | 89. | easy sharing of data betwen web applicationsI think? | 90. | Branding to represent transactional versus one way web services eg wikis, blogs, etc. | 91. | Making desktop applications work on the web, so they can be used collaboratively and independent from geo location. | 92. | on one hand: more "semantic" web, can use data from one site on another site (or other thing). on the other hand: yet another buzzword | 93. | User interaction with 2nd generation web based facilities for collaboration and share...delivered via server side software and technologies!! | 94. | Useful web applications, that actually can solve things Easy communication | 95. | blogs, boards, pesonal opinions and sharing of information on a "personal" level | 96. | Ajax technologies and web services | 97. | For me, web 2.0 is the name for the change in how we perceive the internet; the change from static, one-sided information flow (server -* browser) to dynamic, interactive, reactive applications that through the power of Ajax, Ruby and whatnot combine the usability and customization of desktop apps with the power of the internet that is networking, instant availability of information and the possibility to keep an application up to date without any action required by the user. | 98. | Totally over hyped interest/focus regarding Ruby/Ajax powered apps and what a handful of people have built with them case of the Emperors new clothes *yawn | 99. | User-centric distributed value creation. Alignment of business and technology. | 100. | A new way of dealing with user experience. It entails making the web application more like a desktop application as well as a more community oriented approach. | 101. | Technologically it means a new combination of existing web technologies that enable us to develop new types of web applications. Sociologically it means the stronger involvement of the user within the production of content and the development of a new public with the means of new communication platforms. | 102. | Hype. Marketing buzzword. For the next generation of web development. | 103. | easy social applications | 104. | user generated content. real time site upadating. Modular sites. | 105. | New set of focussed and collaborative webapps that have a destinct objective without being "enterprise software" but solving simple and everyday tasks in a meaningful and simple way. | 106. | direct felt interactivity in web pages by client driven functionality coupled with asynchronous traffic to serverside | 107. | marketing bullshit about using smartly some old technology (css+js+dom) | 108. | AJAXifying and spicing up Web Applications with features that we already know from our Desktops. If Basecamp is defined as a Web 2.0 App then I‘m definitely a proponent of Web 2.0 but I‘m afraid that we‘ll mainly end up bloating the WWW with crappy and useless Outlook clones and solitaires. | 109. | Next generation web standard. | 110. | new generation of web-based software | 111. | convenience - writing code that can reflect changes on-the-fly without having to reload the page, allowing users to contribute like wikipedia, basically using the web as a platform that anyone can use rather than using it to allow certain people to serve content to other people who can‘t contribute back. Making the web two-way. | 112. | An Ajax(ish) based web service | 113. | A new generation of web applications, with cool stuff like ajax & tags. | 114. | Buzzzzzzz | 115. | An internet that is more dynamic and rich in experience. The Internet turns into more of a dynamic application where all our different interests and data integrate. | 116. | Websites that work a little more like desktop apps, and/or a little more like real life. | 117. | all kind of web related software. No local software but ‘web based‘. | 118. | Collective intelligence | 119. | AJAX? Really cool interactive web applications? | 120. | Survivors of the dot com boom. As well as old world ISP‘s and telco‘s that want to charge for access to so called "premium site content". | 121. | It means rounded corners, gradients, DHH, 37s, beta, and no clear revenue plan. | 122. | over used marketing term. I mean there is so much left to be discovered in web 1.5. | 123. | I know that this is not the standard definition, but to me: particularly those sites that are built to be web-resident in terms of data and functionality, and that do so with great, clean code and AJAX or modern, elegant interfaces. Also that enable strong, web-based collaboration. 2.0 for me: textdrive, strongspace, joyent, basecamp. | 124. | Interactive two way communication and applications mashed together to make better apps. | 125. | The salesmans are speaking =) Ajax is very powerful but Web 2.0 is bullshit. Lets talk about Internet and stop confusing normal users. | 126. | Applications originally intended for the desktop being available via the web. | 127. | not sure. I saw it in Seth Godin‘s blog. | 128. | User-generated content over the web. We create our own "spaces" over the web, they‘re not downloaded onto us. | 129. | No idea. | 130. | AJAX, Interactive Applications | 131. | the wisdom of the crowds | 132. | The new improved (and more useful) internet. | 133. | A new set of tools, styles, and attitudes toward the web. Dynamic controls, portable data, and lots of gradients. | 134. | interactive, quick-responding, clean websites usually geared to social purposes | 135. | When I hear Web 2.0 I think, "Oh, it must have a funny domain name, use XMLHttpRequest all over the place, and have cute JavaScript special effects." | 136. | I think of it as a higher functioning more interactive Web application style that provides better feed back and support for the task at hand than previous Web apps were able to do without binary and java app downloads. | 137. | the "new" web; more niche-oriented enabling small specialty-focused web sites to attract visitors interested in specific smaller niched topics/products versus the large I-offer-all-things behemoth sites | 138. | Suites of web-based applications and services that actually provide value to users and are based on credible business models. | 139. | HOTNESS! Look I have been a long time Flash freak because you could do things like that where plain HTML could not. But Flash is really not the best solution either... Web 2.0 is, we‘ll keep using Flash for the other stuff Flash is good at. Filling out forms this way(let‘s say adding a new category from the drop down menu) is just too slick. No more redirecting to another damn page or popup just for a stupid task. Keep it coming! | 140. | It means that there are a whole slew of sites being made that all look the same. | 141. | Mainly AJAX. | 142. | It is the software as a service revolution that hopefully will dethrone Microsoft and other lumbering software giants who have bloated code, miserable support, and ill-defined ideas of what their customers need to be effective. cheers, Mike | 143. | A new way of thinking about the web (meaning: it‘s not Ajax, but ajax is an enabler) | 144. | describes the on-going transition in software development from the web sites to web serving hosted applications. Overtime, Web-based applications may completely replace desktop software. | 145. | Web 2.0 is largley a conceit. It has to do with making web apps feel more like "regular" applications. New and better controls, perhaps AJAX enabled. There is a user-experience emphasis and community creation, folksonomies and whatnot. | 146. | An attempt to encapsulate (and, I‘d argue, postpone evolution beyond) the user empowerment movement facilitated by the interactivity of the web medium. | 147. | Buzzword encapsulating the rise of AJAX applications, higher standards support, more small web based applications (many of which are/were influenced/inspired by you guys), and what some people consider another bubble. | 148. | Stupid. :) Most people seem to use the term to lump together more ‘interactive‘ sites that use ajax to talk between servers. | 149. | Cool...like Google | 150. | Yes, I‘ve heard about it, and know what it is, but it has little meaning. Its a "buzz word" for marketing folks that has little substance. Kind of like "zesty" when talking about pasta sauce. We all know that as technology matures, its gets better (hopefully) and the focus of internet technology today is interactivity. | 151. | Fully-functioning online applications that can reasonably replace desktop apps. They‘re not just interactive -- they provide data persistence. | 152. | It‘s a meaningless term meant to define the undefineable. However, it usually pertains to: 1) the pure technical exercise of using AJAX 2) Having glossy buttons and lots of whitespace In reality, for the companies that truly understand what Web 2.0 is about, it means creating systems that use the above (or indeed any web technology) to create products and services that solve the traditional usability problems of online applications. | 153. | less clicking through layers, more work done within the page. flexible tools that can be purposed easily for various diverse needs. easy to get started. | 154. | I think it has something to do with a faster connection or interface. Not sure exactly but speed is in there somewhere. | 155. | Working on the Webtop as opposed to the Desktop. | 156. | A combination of technologies that give the Web user a more desktop application "feel" when using a Web site. | 157. | no frikin clue, but it must be better than web 1.x???? | 158. | Better built web-services that are designed for users to work and complete business on the ‘net. | 159. | user generated content, social networking, all things interactive with the web instead of just newspapers/magazines/tv/traditional media on the web. Taking advantage of the full capabilities of the web. | 160. | More sophisticated use of the web i.e. del.icio.us, AJAX, community-based stuff, collaboration. | 161. | That‘s just another muthafuckin‘ buzz word-n-shit yo!! | 162. | AOL is dead | 163. | Form me XHML & AJAX, and this site. | 164. | An overhyped term that means some component of AJAX or social software, or web companies built to flip, depending on who you talk to. | 165. | Making the web suck less. (Also, making javascript useful by putting business logic back on the server). Do I need to mention Ajax? | 166. | A newer more user friendly, realistic internet that offers an environment to develop better and more useful tools. Less hype more ingenuity and user friendly tools that actually expand ebusiness and eRecreation. Post internet bubble crash. The real deal. | 167. | new level of using web like platform for apllication and services, not only data mining | 168. | AJAX, Cool CSS, Nifty interfaces, where all websites are going | 169. | A way of using web technologies to get greater value out of our (relatively) new capacity to be connected to each other. | 170. | buzz. websites with certain features that websites didn‘t used to have. increased interactivity, ... | 171. | hype.. just like CRM. I suppose it means making the web more like a RIA with Ajax and the like. I don‘t really care, just build me a better basecamp.. | 172. | Not alot it is just a buzz word from what I have read. | 173. | BASECAMP :D!!!! THANKS FOR YOUR PRODUCT!!! BASECAMP IS WEB 2.0 :D!!! | 174. | Web-based applications founded on the thin/light-client model made possible by clever XHTML/CSS/JavaScript | 175. | Incorporating new technologies into the web such as AJAX, ORM, and moving web-applications towards behaving more like desktop applications by providing user-interaction... | 176. | "the new web".. more interactivity without the slow (obvious) client/server relationship | 177. | it refers to the newer, sleeker look and feel that many site‘s now employ. | 178. | next best thing for web :) | 179. | Ergonomic communications and information exchange on the web. | 180. | bad synonym for read/write web. alternatively, something you say to people so they will give you money ;) | 181. | web applications with responsive interfaces | 182. | its a buzzword | 183. | right now, absolutley nothing. it just sounds like marketing buzz. | 184. | its a buzz word... describes new ways to develop web apps. | 185. | Glossy button goodness | 186. | It‘s an umbrella term for a web site that features any two of the following: ajax, rails, or profitability. | 187. | more like a desktop application without entire page needing to refresh. hover interactions. much more user intereaction. | 188. | A very stupid marketing term that has some vague connection to AJAX applications, but that isn‘t always true. Some people reference the fact the smaller firms are controlling theses new types of apps not large companies as part of "Web 2.0". If I were you I wouldn‘t use the term. | 189. | Applications that run as if they are on your desktop. Drag and drop, etc. Web 2.0 is really just a buzzword, but to me if something is touted as web 2.0 it means the app offers new functionality and possibly more desktop-like functionality. I also think of AJAX apps when I hear web 2.0. | 190. | Yes, but I‘m not sure what it means. I guess the next generation of web -- perhaps indicating revolutionary or at least major change? | 191. | 2nd genereation of web applications and solutions - very much like basecamp - post 1999 web events... | 192. | Another way to sell more crap. | 193. | It means spending as little money as possible, running your company as lean as possible, and focusing the maority of your marketing efforts on the web to get the job done better than the comeptition. | 194. | The next stage... but that‘s all!!! | 195. | From a user‘s point of view it means user driven content or community influenced - and the user experience is a key enabler to this making it work - tools like AJAX help make this happen, but AJAX by itself is not web2.0. From a developers point of view it means a different approach to developing services (from long requirement and build cycles, to faster iterations) | 196. | Hype | 197. | Websites that act more like desktop applications, but also integrate sharing features that turn computing into a collaborative tool. Tagging, etc. | 198. | Not much, I know I‘ve heard it but I don‘t really understand it. | 199. | Efficient user interfaces. Minimal clicks to get things done. | 200. | Marketing | 201. | Next Gen WWW infrastructure | 202. | New definition of usability standards. Moving more local applications to web applications. Increased sharing of data and responsibilities due to increased access to information that allows workers to work anywhere. | 203. | web applications - and it seems that most web 2.0 apps make use of RoR and/or AJAX. | 204. | Just another buzz-word. Yawn. | 205. | Highly interactive, personalized social web interfaces | 206. | Pretty sites. No just kidding, community for one, as a developer RoR, there are so many others but community and software intelligence are the keys. | 207. | I think I saw it in one of your web pages - Does it mean the second coming of web entrepreneurs? | 208. | heard of it doesn‘t mean anything to me. | 209. | Pages can be dynamically updated based on user feedback, without reloading the whole page. VERY user-friendly. | 210. | over-hyped | 211. | asdf | 212. | overplayed | 213. | No sure | 214. | It represents the tangible and useful aspects and technologies of the WWW left behind in the crucible after the dot-com immolation. | 215. | RUBY BABY! | 216. | a new generation of web interaction. | 217. | sometimes hype / sometimes innovation | 218. | AJAX + SOA. | 219. | Hmmmm. The world is talking about Web Services and morphing SOA into WOA - Web Oriented Architecture. I think the popular answer to what is Web 2.0 is along the lines of Web Services. I am currently working with a startup, FifthWeb, (the people who told me about BaseCamp), and they are building some technology which will turn this on its head. Think Napster, Bit Torrent being enable for the commercial world. Supply/Value Chains in a peer to peer operation with no central hub/portal/website. that is where I believe the web is heading. Why do you ask? | 220. | A user centric web methodology simplifying complex processes through easy to use interfaces, making once complex applications easy to use. | 221. | life inside the static | 222. | Goddamn stupid-ass marketing term that I‘d prefer to never hear again. Tends to refer to AJAX-related technologies, ways to refresh page content without new page loads. Cool but over-used in some sites (Basecamp exempt). | 223. | Next gen web. Application using ajax, etc... to make the web more productive | 224. | marketing buzz-phrase! | 225. | The web + collaboration. | 226. | Three things: 1) AJAX et. al (more interactive interfaces, 2) Service Oriented Architectures - Web Services etc. for new types of applications and 3) social networking sites (linked-in et. al.). Term is seriously overused. | 227. | I believe it was in the context of a bigger, better, faster version of Web 1.0, as in an upgrade. | 228. | Clean interface, no major page refreshes when using controls (eg, Google maps) | 229. | O‘Reilly‘s definition. | 230. | high value applications instead of just services. | 231. | Hmmm...I hear something like that all the time in relation to anything that is next generation. Not sure if I have a specific definition of Web 2.0, though. | 232. | Marketing term. Hype. | 233. | "Just call it the Internet. That way, everyone will know what you mean." This article sums it up perfectly for me: http://www.slate.com/id/2138951/ | 234. | stuff that auto updates on the fly - some crazy stuff called ajax or something like that | 235. | Catch phrase residue from the .com time - I am working on Web 3.0.. email me if you have any other suggestion boxes: asturm@adamsonadvertising.com Thanks a billion - you guys rock! | 236. | a new development tendency | 237. | it means whatever you want it to mean. my fucking dog is web2.0, so are all those ajaxed, RoRed apps with bubble fonts and too many gradients. | 238. | A somewhat played out way to say a lot of things - I know different people mean different things when they say it - some mean AJAX or RoR. Others use Web 2.0 to reffer to a new breed of servicey web-apps that make $$$, rather than old-school e-com, etc. That‘s what I mean when I say it :) | 239. | Yes, we use it with our clients. For us it means websites focused on community / integration with other sites and services along with a touch of AJAX goodness. | 240. | Means we all got better at JavaScript | 241. | Web + Community (personalization) | 242. | lucida grande and web apps by cool companies. not a really second generation movement really, more a snapshot of a ongoing progression. | 243. | not sure | 244. | It‘s a buzzword, in vogue. It rarely means the same thing to two different people/companies. Mostly it seems to mean "37Signals-like" | 245. | Next generation social web | 246. | New-fangled technology ;-) | 247. | it means that people name things ____sonomy | 248. | It means 37 signals kicks my ass all over town!!! | 249. | it means some corporate is throwing around buzz words trying to impress me. Web 2.0 doesn‘t exist it more of a gradual improvement that a Versioned internet. | 250. | ajax and tagging is what i basically understand it to be - but i really think people should realize MySpace as Web 2.0 :) | 251. | Shift in design patterns for web developers where user interfaces are much richer and data, particularly shared data [across sites, applications, and users], plays a much larger role. | 252. | rich internet applications focused on the user experience | 253. | fast (ajax), simple (tags and lessIsMore), web hosted stuf (no more files in my pc!) | 254. | The new way of tagging, coding, developing, etc. Web content | 255. | New feeatures, like AJAX etc. that are becoming more commonplace for newer sites. | 256. | Hype and bluster, but some cool products well made. | 257. | Web Apps | 258. | Ajax. Not having to wait for the another page to load. | 259. | Bubble number 2 :). Seriosly, I think it has a great potential, but have yet to see a good business model. Perhaps you will enlighten me? :) | 260. | Idiots who‘ve been online for a year and don‘t remember what the web was like in 1995. | 261. | Now that we are a web-experienced culture, we can finally get past all the porn and start making use of the internet. | 262. | lots of buzz, lots of definitions, depending on what camp you sit in...even 37signals has been "anti-2.0 ish" at times, at least in your definitions. perhaps, the browser as a programmable experience, made richer through ajax, java, and ror. | 263. | No idea | 264. | more business less hype more connectivity | 265. | Don‘t know exactly. | 266. | Collaboration focused Rich UI interaction (minimal full page reloads) | 267. | Run screaming and shouting from it... *s* | 268. | the current version of the web or the way things are being done on it now | 269. | Using ajax like refreshes and eye candy. | 270. | two things, one using the internet as we have historically used networks, and 2, the internet infrastructure finally robust enough to deliver on the promise of web 1.0 | 271. | I‘ve heard some use it to refer to the "semantic web" (whatever that means), others mean basically Ajax, and still others are talking MySpace, Digg, LinkedIn, and the like with users commenting and connecting in new ways. | 272. | People constantly need to label things. the boom, the bubble, gen x, gen y. We look for similarities, and feel uncomfortable without a genre. To me, 2.0 is about empowering the user. Aside from the new technology, catering to the clients needs is nothing new. You guys really don‘t need that label, you‘ll be around long after ajax, or glassy buttons, because you focus on usability. | 273. | Dynamic html-based web applications. (I don‘t care about the user-generated content buzzword aspect of the term.) | 274. | It allows users to use the web more like a desktop environment instead of just another tool on the desktop. | 275. | I‘ve heard too many meanings...but to me, it‘s the drive towards usability rather than sacrificing user experience for a ‘pretty‘ design. | 276. | It means someone who had read Wired magazine a lot, or someone who is in to buzzwords. Translation - it‘s a bullshit, meaningless term. | 277. | It‘s turned into a vague buzzword but holds a certain value when trying to communicate and introduce forward-thinking web solutions. Although a bit silly, it sometime acts as the "club password" for those who want to present themselves as "in the know" (much like all the other web slang words) | 278. | the ability to do things without refreshing the page...a page which you can see anywhere, anytime, and share with others. | 279. | Ha Ha, good question. It means you hope to sell to Yahoo! Good luck to you. | 280. | A more open website concept. More interaction with the audience. | 281. | The first thing that comes to mind are people who use Ajax just for the sake of using Ajax! | 282. | Web 2.0 to me means a movement in people, companies and software towards a more service based, interactive, user driven online social sphere. | 283. | Mostly marketing. A snarky response might be "webapps that don‘t suck." | 284. | The shift to community based, collaborative web technologies with richer user interfaces. | 285. | Enables users to edit and control the content on a web page or site, facilitating collaboration with others. | 286. | If I distill it to any one thing, I‘d say it means "interactivity" -- but I think it‘s a marketing hype term. | 287. | Use of new tech in sites such as AJAX. Streamlining things and making things more web centered. | 288. | next generation of online colaboration environments. | 289. | simple, clean, web-based apps that replace pc-centric software | 290. | 90% of the references I‘ve seen are to rich client via stuff like ajax 10% are to semantic web / ontologies, etc. | 291. | interactive web sites & web services. Ie, partipatory sites rather than static ready-only sites. | 292. | Interactive websites and services | 293. | I think that the term Web 2.0 unifies several concepts and techniques (also technologies), which describe the next generation in the web development. I hope, that Web 2.0 will be the future standard for the people, who like web and want to create innovative and useful web applications and services. | 294. | yes...it‘s a new generation of web apps...mobile, wireless, easy to use with an invisible platform so users get the feeling that multiple apps are really one....community-based...loads of info sharing....all with the web as the real platform. | 295. | social or sharing based web applications, like www.empressr.com (one of mine) | 296. | Simple, easy to use and beautiful websites. Lots of AJAX and usually lots of color. It also means web based apps for me. The bad part is that I‘m somewhat tired of seeing similar looks everywhere, specially shadowed icons or titles. Finally it also means the word "beta" is mainstream now. | 297. | More native-app like appearance of web-sites, to be able to use web-apps like native running programs - with the extra plus of using multiple platform standards | 298. | Websites as applications rather than brochures | 299. | nothing, it has no consistent meaning which makes it hard to pin down...but i try to gather what people mean by it... | 300. | Improving our sites, tools, and communication by sharing data, using open formats, creating better interfaces (more app-like and less static HTML pages). It‘s an over-used term, but I do think the idea of improving the web is what‘s behind it. | 301. | A web application with certain attributes (you know the list). It‘s like saying "that car looks European" or "that table looks antique". | 302. | I think it describes what the internet is today in terms of design, web app functionality & uses, and website technology. | 303. | Same thing as Web 1.0 but with a viable business model. | 304. | It‘s a conference. :-) | 305. | Old technologies given new marketing names. And the return of web hype... | 306. | The new Internet | 307. | Fiber optic delivery for faster file transfer. | 308. | I think it means the next level of the WWW. | 309. | means new way of doing business online | 310. | Haha, in terms of business models, it mostly revolves around the concept of bootstrapping from the beginning, attempting to rely on ad revenue, running the organization more openly, and generally the concept of community instead of walled gardens. | 311. | Applications that take advantage of some of the more web web technologies (AJAX, RSS feeds, Web services interfaces, etc...) | 312. | Web sites that handle tasks traditionaly done by client-side apps. | 313. | At this point, it is pretty over-hyped. When I think of it in a basic form, I think of a modern web app using ajax, dynamic CSS, and real-time visual updates to the screen (ie, drag & drop, etc.) | 314. | Better interfaces, e.g. Ajaxy Community Collaboration "User Generated Content" | 315. | I have been following along through the blogashpere... means an open, collaborative web with a rich UI... or something like that. | 316. | 2nd Generation Web. The new internet forces. | 317. | overhyped. | 318. | less "submit" buttons and page reloads. | 319. | temporary hype that will soon be forgotten as we use the goods! | 320. | Ok I‘ll bite.. Seems like a way to group all the decent ideas that have come from web development over the last decade or more. Also seems like an over used and overly vague term that is now the target of much ridicule. Still it sounds kind of impressive when you first here it... | 321. | Applications run over the web using dynamic features such as AJAX. | 322. | Collective intelligence | 323. | User generated content and community aspects, seeing what user users have done/got with the software a la Flickr | 324. | Nothing really. | 325. | probably the same as you guys... :-) | 326. | The first time I heard it from someone, I had to ask what it meant. My understanding is that it is the "second generation" of the Web and the tools and typical uses that are available to users of the Web today. | 327. | useful, fully-functional applications delivered via the web. | 328. | I think it‘s a lame term. But if I had to define it, I would say its about current shift in the web paradigm that makes all users contributors, and perhaps less importantly, web sites more like desktop applications. | 329. | I associate it with two things: advanced desktop-like fucntionality with Ajax, or making parts of sites user-defined, be it through comments, reviews, or tagging. I think it‘s a crappy term that has a small bit of substance to it. | 330. | good luck on this one. Ok, off the top of my head: Social Software, collaborative online spaces and especially API‘s (computers talking to computers - web services mostly) | 331. | A new era in web development; from design to function. | 332. | ultimate consumer experience. giving the people what they want and making it easy for them get what they want/need. it means not only meeting expectations, but exceeding them. | 333. | MUST...HAVE....AJAX... ...TO DRIVE MY SUBTLE GRADIENTS... Seriously, Web 2.0 is an irritating buzzword, but when I think of it, I think of Basecamp, Blinksale, and Flickr, because those are the only web apps that I actually use all the time. And they‘re way better than any program could ever be, thanks to their inherent communicative abilities. | 334. | new web technologies | 335. | Post-hype web tools, web ideas, web businesses. The latest and greatest wave of web tools. | 336. | web sites that, behind the scenes, connect to other resources on the web without the user needing to deal with how. | 337. | Web applications that allow read/write interactions. Web applications that are highly dynamic, interactive, and allow user generated content. | 338. | updates without page loads | 339. | yes, it‘s a pumped-up term used by clueless startups to get VC funding | 340. | It means BETA ;-) | 341. | no more level field that is open to all. | 342. | New business technologies, based on corporate information easy sharing. In some cases - new browser technique. | 343. | Ajax and javascript centric pages with the intent to create a more application like experience for the end user. | 344. | It‘s a popular blog/ search tag and term for getting money out of ignorant investors. Don‘t mean much else. | 345. | a new superhighway with less spam/faster. | 346. | Anyone of the new-wave recent web apps. I guess characterized by AJAXish stuff with clean user interfaces. It seems like a bogus made up term to me though. | 347. | Easy management of dynamic web content. Very cool tools for presentation and web design. | 348. | is not only about technology (ajax,css) or simpler designs but a better philosophical approach to what web applications should be | 349. | marketing crap and AJAX | 350. | Is it here yet? | 351. | Great new term for Boardroom bingo. To me it means interactive applications on the web. | 352. | Pessimistically, it means "Internet Bubble 2.0." Optimistically, it means big, shiny buttons and AJAX and lots of betas and gradients and reflections, and so on and so forth. But not really. In reality, I‘m tiring of the term and I hope it falls out of style soon. I think that most of the world has no idea what Web 2.0 is, and when they hear it, they wonder how the hell they can upgrade to it from whatever their current version is. "Do I have Web XP or 2000? God, I hope it‘s not Web ME." If a company labels itself Web 2.0, I think it probably isn‘t. When a company builds stuff that works well, though, and maybe it works well because they‘re using some cool technology, that‘s what fits my definition of "Web 2.0." In fact, maybe we should just stop calling it "Web 2.0" and call it "good." | 353. | http://www.sethgunderson.com/archives/2006/03/web_20h_youve_g.html | 354. | Interactive, realtime updating websites utilizing AJAX, Flash, JavaScript, and CSS. | 355. | Software-as-a-service. Web-hosted replacements for what have traditionally been desktop applications. Ajax or not ;) | 356. | Tableless CSS, KISS, useability, Bubble 2.0, sharable data, social networks, good marketing for our industy - thanks to whomever actually coined it. | 357. | Take adventage of those things like XMLHttpRequest, which where there from several years ago, in order to make web app users to feel less boring. | 358. | it‘s generally useless due to meaning too many things to diffrent people. | 359. | Web page functionality that goes beyond a plain site. There is lot more with communities of users that can share different kinds of information easily | 360. | Mostly to me it means moving some application functions to the internets, so Ballmer gets less $ and it‘s easier to collaborate. | 361. | big text and rounded corners? really...to me it means the "interctive web"...where as web 1.0 could be the "lectureship web"...I think there are some smart people out there that have said this better...but that‘s my feeble attempt. | 362. | faster web apps using ajax | 363. | Primarily the integration of AJAX and related methods of making websites act more like desktop applications. | 364. | Web 2.0 means revising the tangled mess of non-interoperable 1.0 web code into something that real humans can interact with. That‘s all. If anybody tells you something different, it‘ll likely be marketing hype. Heh. | 365. | easy on-page interaction patterns. less re-loading. a site that anticipates what I want to do and lets me do it. | 366. | simple, clean, focused, colllaborate | 367. | Buzzword on the way out, beginning to see backlash, initially was a promising rallying cry for thinking different about what a web site is | 368. | Certain design style and streamlined functionality and coding. | 369. | AJAX, Ruby on Rails | 370. | Clean Design. Application-style functionality. Integrated applications. | 371. | it‘s the next generation of online software that more closely resembles desktop apps than online software... | 372. | A web site that uses AJAX to make dynamic pages that resemble networked computer shareware programs. | 373. | more interactivity | 374. | it means simplicity, functionality, clear design, information distribution. | 375. | Hype | 376. | AJAX, SOA, etc.... | 377. | no idea. | 378. | A Web 2.0 application gets out of the way of the user and just allows the software to be used. It is development with the end user in mind. | 379. | 2.0 is intuitive interfaces, and clean, simple design. | 380. | end user control - faster web interface experiences ajax - gui control - asp.net | 381. | Not sure. | 382. | AJAX enabled websites? | 383. | Of course. Gosh, it‘s everywhere. I‘ve given talks on the AJAX/behavioral impacts of the shift in technology. People say "Oh, like Google Maps?" or more recently "Oh, like Basecamp?" and I use you as posterboys for what‘s possible while keeping it light. As for the broader social networks / community / sharing, sure. It‘s big. | 384. | mishmash of technologies (Ruby on Rails, AJAX), a "look" (lots of whitespace, big helvetica, etc.), and a business model (user-created content) | 385. | sort of what Basecamp is already doing, but with a better interface for users to submit feature requests and perhaps an open source way for users to submit improvement mods. Open it up and people will improve it for you!!! | 386. | websites that look modern and are dynamic | 387. | open system social software websites/ and or ajax based sites - applications that feel like desktop applications but are web applications | 388. | profitable web-app, value not hype, AJAX, easy to use, no training, searchable, 37signals, blog, tagging, etc. | 389. | the next generation internet (?) | 390. | A more interactive web experience, where websites and tools operate more like a programs rather then a static site. Just like Basecamp! | 391. | Rich interfaces | 392. | blah, blah, blah. i‘m sick and tired of it. | 393. | 100 users + techCrunch post = 3 million in VC funding Double or nothing for rounded corners and a tag cloud. | 394. | Funny question. Pervasive communication from client to server without page refresh. | 395. | Sometimes it means nothing because it‘s a buzzword, but sometimes it‘s handy to abbreviate the concept of the web being used more for applications than marketing sites, specifically ones that use open-source/standards-compliant technologies. | 396. | User Centric Web Services | 397. | In a word: Ajax | 398. | Its an OVERUSED phrase. | 399. | the new way of doing stuff on the internet... more than just brochures, usefull stuff. -or- everything after the bubble burst. | 400. | dumb jargon. | 401. | Nothing - I really have no idea what it means. | 402. | From what I gather, people use the term to refer to a web with more user-contributed content and organization... a decentralization of sources. And lots of AJAX. | 403. | Small pieces, loosely joined. | 404. | No idea. But I‘ve heard it. | 405. | Just another catch phrase. | 406. | Lol, is it web two point oh, or is it as dvorak says web two. It actually only means this to me. It shows me that the specific app or site that I am looking at is current in terms of trends. This is important to me, because I never want to be more cutting edge than the professionals. | 407. | realtime database interactivity (Ajax). Also, it encompases an awareness of a wider scope of human activities that can occur on the Web. | 408. | Buzzword referring to making web apps behave more like desktop apps (and, hopefully, gain usability) by using various pre-existing technologies (e.g. javascript, etc.) in an awkward, hacked-together, difficult-to-code manner. | 409. | heard of yes, but not sure what it means. | 410. | It is a ridiculous term being used to describe the next generation of the internet. It falsely gives the impression that a switch will be flipped and the new internet is born. In fact, the new functionality of the web will be constantly evolving based on technology advancements added yesterday. Using a term like web 2.0 is a silly buzz word used by speakers trying to impress an audience. | 411. | convergence, and lack of documentation | 412. | next for the web...ajax | 413. | I understand it as the new standard for the internet. | 414. | I‘m still trying to figure this out. My working version goes something like "It‘s the evolution of web from being a one-way communication tool to being a fully interactive, user-controllable, customizable communication tool and business tool." If you know, please tell us! | 415. | The new and improved internet - you know, the one that slices my bread for me. | 416. | i do not know - I have heard the term (we are in web design - I am not the designer though - so I am not sure... | 417. | Use of AJAX on the site. Social Networking. Community management. Viral marketing. | 418. | a streamlined method for delivering content | 419. | A streamlined, smarter, more intuitive approach to Web design. | 420. | Web Standards. | 421. | Web apps that behave almost like desktop apps. | 422. | The advent of a more interactive and user-friendly web which includes web apps. | 423. | interativity, ajax, web is more like a desktop application now | 424. | USEFULLY: Websites as platforms for user content, rather than as content sources. Tags. Collaboration. Social apps. Ruby on Rails. Ajax. ANNOYINGLY: Rounded corners, big letters, gradients. | 425. | Part industry buzzword that everyone is using to seem hip and saavy, and part smart web pages (hey - wasn‘t that what java was all about?) | 426. | Non-bloated, easy to use software. Web 2.0 uses compact libraries to control mundane tasks to give applications flexibility and speed. | 427. | John Battelle and Tim O‘Reilly trying to scam money by organizing conferences. | 428. | Too long an answer ;) Ok, ok: Web 2.0, in a nutshell: A funny debate on the semantics behind a marketing term coined to describe the next evolution of the Internet as a collaborative medium and how people are using it as a tool as opposed to just an information resource. | 429. | No | 430. | A more sophisticated, faster version of the Web that uses more bandwidth. Of course, as a PR consultant, I‘m guessing it‘s more hype than anything at this point. | 431. | Over-hyped and annoying marketing term for a new use of old technologies. | 432. | A buzz word that makes a bunch of wannabes think they are changing the web. | 433. | Ajax. Ugly reflections and glassy graphics. Pointlessness. Despair. | 434. | Ajax and syndication providing social software on the web. Reflects ?Marshall McLuhan model of communication level 3 ‘many to many‘ Could be the solution to the electronic divide. As yet vague and undefined. I live amongst undergraduates, apologies. | 435. | The coming of public participation, most from users who cannot even create an HTML link tag. Ajax too : the ability to modify a page without reloading it. Successfully used in Basecamp with Milestones, to-dos a.s.o. | 436. | let‘s call it ajax and pretend it‘s new! but seriously, ideally it means that thought has been put into creating a more desktop-like experience in a browser-based application, which is becoming more feasible as connections get faster and more stable | 437. | F‘ing stupid name but I would expect that it means XHTML 1.0 strict compliance and using AJAX (another less than desirable name) to handle interface and data manipulation. | 438. | Ha! It keeps coming up and making me puke. It means money, confusion, buzz, and pulling the wool over client‘s eyes. At this point it also means *if you can‘t beat ‘em join ‘em*. You should make the answers to this available on svn.... | 439. | The term is a slightly obnoxious buzz phrase to indicate the less traditional development of web based sites and apps using a more advanced combination of various web based technologies. | 440. | Greater user/server interactivity. Web 1.0 is primarily information-based * Web 2.0 is based on functionality and useablity. | 441. | Simplified UI, more accessible by more people, starting to break out of the "book" metaphor. | 442. | To me, web 2.0 means the browser becomes the application. | 443. | platform | 444. | eye candy | 445. | MY VERSION: In the age of WEB 2.0: The internet/WEB/WWW is the computer and applications are going to be built on the WEB instead of the desktop OS. User content will be king and everything will be OPEN/FREE (aka GNU, etc) and there will be a whole lot of "mashups" with "longtails" that will cause the world to get even flater. THE UNOFFICAL OFFICAL DEFINATION: The concept of "Web 2.0" began with a conference brainstorming session between O‘Reilly and MediaLive International. Dale Dougherty, web pioneer and O‘Reilly VP, noted that far from having "crashed", the web was more important than ever, with exciting new applications and sites popping up with surprising regularity. What‘s more, the companies that had survived the collapse seemed to have some things in common. Could it be that the dot-com collapse marked some kind of turning point for the web, such that a call to action such as "Web 2.0" might make sense? We agreed that it did, and so the Web 2.0 was born. (Or at least the conferance by that name) | 446. | XML, better standards, interoperability on future types of web clients, cleaner code. | 447. | less work! | 448. | community - ability for people to actually use the next to connect. 37signals is def. a pioneer. | 449. | an overused buzzword, about newer web services that use ajax to dynamically update same page content | 450. | Quick, responsive sites with a simple user interface. | 451. | Well, that depends on who‘s using it. Today, it is so overused as a marketing term that it has about the same meaning "DHTML" did in 2000. Usually when I hear it, I think the person means a site that uses newer techniques like AJAX, CSS layout, etc., and has simplified, straightforward functionality and visual design. Either that, or they‘re trying to cause a stir and promote their site with the latest buzzword. | 452. | combining open APIs to define productive services in a application-like experience | 453. | an evolution to a more user friendly internet - more customized, less static applications that allow users to interact with information/content managemtent systems to suit their particular needs. | 454. | Marketing moniker that equates more to the 2nd round of capital influx than anything else. And the fertile launch and relaunch of many web services. | 455. | more capable web applications | 456. | The recent movement on the web toward user-generated, participatory content. Examples are flickr, wikis, metafilter. | 457. | It‘s a new term to get people excited about the possibility of what the web can offer again. Even though you could do all the things you could do now before. The dotcom days showed us that there was an awful lot you could do on the internet but unless you put some serious thought into the design and execution with a sound business plan it didn‘t matter. To some people Web 2.0 means "We are doing it right this time around". But who knows which sites/applications will prosper and which ones will fail. | 458. | To me it means user-centric, clean, text based web. Web that actually makes my life easier. | 459. | Hype! Beyond that it means more responsive, usage-focused, web-driven applications. | 460. | sites that utilize social networking, and ajax. | 461. | Rounded corners, big Arial type with tight kerning, gradients, and interactive applications relying on XMLHttpRequest | 462. | Users can edit the Web | 463. | Overused term to me, but it‘s trying to say that Web 1.0 was all about commerce, Web 2.0 is all about community and communication. | 464. | silly technorati jargon ;) | 465. | It means basecamp. It means forward thinking. It means interactivity and ease of use. It means 37 signals. | 466. | Good Coding Standards, Thourough knowledge of CSS and Accessibility Standards. Good clean design (although cliche). Friendly people and great ideas. | 467. | Web 2.0 first makes me think of AJAX, the ability to interact with a web application without constant browser refreshing. It also has a secondary meaning to me describing the look/feel/intent of the site. Web 2.0 sites in my opinion tend to be very clean, simple and also tend to focus on user interaction and communities. | 468. | the new generation of web applications that uses ruby on rails and/or ajax interface. such as google, gmail, flickr, basecamp.. etc | 469. | a buzz word for more usefull websites created by the first real internet generation marcialeilers@gmail.com | 470. | Actually your products personify Web 2.0 for me. | 471. | Next iteration of the Web, brought about by power of "fat pipes," bringing new levels of productivity, especially via Web-based apps. Term becoming way too hyped. | 472. | All of the dynamic page display (without page refresh) and the new style user interface | 473. | Websites that can be shaped by and are responsive to the needs and actions of those that use them - rather than those that programme or own them | 474. | It means a more refined web experience, usually with less or no page refreshes. Usually, it also makes me think of ruby and rails ;) | 475. | I code web2.0 apps, so it means ‘work‘ :) | 476. | the ability of a site‘s content to be determined by user habits. Personalization of content | 477. | A shift from passive display oriented pages to application style browser interfaces. It also refers to a certain "look" it seems but that will probably be redefined in teh next year. The focus on tasks vs browsing seems to be the main paradigm shift. | 478. | It‘s just a fancy new term for more sophisticated web sites that do things in HTML dynamically (like how you guys let us reorganize the tasks around on the fly). | 479. | Community that do real thing on the web | 480. | means an interface requiring less wait-time. | 481. | the movement of desktop software to web based software. | 482. | Web applications enabling a desktop-like user experience. Social networks. User-generated content. We are in the early days of what will literally be a revolution that will impact every aspect of society. Sounds far-fetched today, but this revolution is real. | 483. | Next generation of the Internet | 484. | a reappreciation of the value of content and function in the internet. | 485. | Interactive pages where the Submit/Redraw cycle is replaced with local redrawing of the part of the screen/form that needs to change. | 486. | Heard it - no idea what it means. | 487. | This is not where the Web is going but what I believe it was originally intended to do. | 488. | Interactivity, fast feedback (like gmail). | 489. | Ajaxy, easy to use, social, networking, online applications? | 490. | Essentially, the transition of personal data computing from the traditional desktop application to a wholly online paradigm. This would include not only document construction (ie, Word Online), but also storage of that document and - more importantly - collaboration with others on that document. | 491. | post bubble web concept which includes many portals offering web-apps. | 492. | nothing - it‘s meaningless hype | 493. | Web Pro is just around the corner. | 494. | I think its crap! Web 2.0 is just web development simplified. Its like any trend...its the "IN" thing. AJAX has been around forever and now because people are be coming more aware of usability and interface design incorporating AJAX they have to give it a new name! Its silly! | 495. | Geek buzzword (as compared to marketing buzzwords and phrases, such as "gaining visibility" - what the hell does that mean, really?!?). I take people less seriously when they use it in describing their new business. | 496. | Lots of not so useful web applications and a few stellar ones... | 497. | To me it‘s the latest set of web tools & apps. It as can sound a little bit like a buzz word. | 498. | It‘s the next level of web products that take operating system based applications and create a web presence oriented around usablity for the masses. | 499. | Please read our blog post on the subject: http://wearetrue.com/blog/?cat=10 | 500. | ajax and configurability | | |