The story of a 19-year-old mother strangling her 10-month-old son and even "broadcasting" it live to a QQ group has sparked heated discussions online. Apart from condemning the heartless mother, many are asking what has gone wrong with society, says an article in Beijing News. Excerpts:
The incident doesn't reflect a lone individual's case. It also mirrors the grim reality of the life of new-generation migrant workers, many of whom have unstable jobs, lead poor lives, are low on morale and thus lose faith in the future.
Many people who migrate from rural areas don't have any experience of farm work and long for a good life in cities only to have their dreams shattered. They become desperate and anxious because they cannot go back to farming either.
In fact, many of us are living in an age of anxiety, which is what the period of social transformation brings. In these times of uncertainty, only a few people can be certain of the future. As a result, many become indifferent to situations and events.
All those in the QQ group who "saw" the tragedy unfold should introspect why they were so indifferent to let it happen instead of calling police to stop the murder. We need to reflect on the social reasons behind the incident, too.
In this age of anxiety, if people confront the problems and extend a helping hand to others, they would not only prevent similar tragedies, but also help heal the wounds.