15:02, October 20, 2012
WASHINGTON, Oct. 19 (Xinhua) -- U.S. President Barack Obama was viewed by moreAmericans who watched the second presidential debate of this election cycle as thewinner of his second face-off with Republican challenger Mitt Romney, according to alatest Gallup poll released on Friday.
The poll found that more Americans believed Obama did a better job than Romney, by51 percent to 38 percent. The rating showed a sharp reversal from the first presidentialdebate for which Romney was regarded as a landslide winner by 72 percent.
The second presidential debate took place in Hofstra University, New York state onOctober 16 night, in the form of a town hall meeting where a group of undecided votersfrom the local area were selected to take part in and pose their questions to the twocandidates.
Romney's victory in the first debate was so decisive that even a plurality of Democratsregarded him as the winner. As for the second debate, Democrats overwhelminglyregarded Obama as the winner, by 88 percent to 4 percent. Republicans said their ownparty's nominee did better, by 78 percent to 9 percent. Independents gave the edge toObama, 54 percent to 33 percent.
It is too early to tell what impact the second debate will have on voters, which may alsobe difficult to assess given that the third debate is taking place just six days after thesecond, said Jeffrey Jones of Gallup.
The Gallup poll, conducted October 17 to 18, showed 76 percent of Americanswatched the debate, higher than the 66 percent who told Gallup in an October 4-5 pollthat they watched the first presidential debate on October 3.
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