) 08:19, February 21, 2013 Increases the bookmarktwitterfacebookSina MicroblogdiggGoogleDeliciousbuzzfriendfeedLinkedindiigoredditstumbleuponQzoneQQ Microblog Geng Bintao, born in 1992, from Shangqiu of Henan, on Feb.18, 2013. (Xinhua/Pei Xin)
Edited and translated by Huang Jin, People's Daily Online
Geng had worked on engine assembly in an auto factory at his hometown for half a year. He came to Shanghai to look for a job 3 days ago. After visiting several labor markets he found that assembler's salary didn't reach his expectations. He said besides the salary, he paid more attention to the working environment and break time. He would not consider a job in which you need to do constant overtime work or do harm to his health.
After the Spring Festival, it's the annual employment peak season in E China. Young migrant workers, especially post-90 generation, leave their homes to look for jobs in cities. Compared with their parents, they learn fast, eager to get respect and understanding and also desire to enjoy the comfortable life in city. But they also seem too "fragile" and picky on work: they don't want to do the hard works; they change jobs frequently; they can hardly save money..Let's focus on their expectations and ambitions on work in 2013.
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