Times Higher Education publishes World UniversityRankings
Xinhua) 09:33, October 03, 2013
Comments twitter facebook Sina Microblog reddit Times Higher Education magazine on Wednesday published its 2013-14 World UniversityRankings. It was another strong year in general for East Asian institutions, while U.S.universities continued to dominate the rankings.
The United States takes seven of the top 10 places, and it has 77 institutions in the top 200rankings. The California Institute of Technology retains its place at the top for the thirdconsecutive year, with Harvard University regaining second place, a position shared withOxford University. Stanford University slips from joint second to fourth.
Peking University of China ranked up one place to 45th, while Tsinghua University rosetwo places to joint 50th.
The University of Hong Kong is one of the few leading East Asian institutions not improvingits position, falling eight places to 43rd. However, the Hong Kong University of Science andTechnology (57th) and the Chinese University of Hong Kong (joint 109th) both makesignificant gains.
Japan solidified its position as Asia's leading country in the rankings, with a total of fivetop-200 universities. The University of Tokyo maintains its status as Asia's number oneand moves up four places to 23rd.
South Korea has four top 200 institutions.
"East Asian institutions' performance can mainly be attributed to the huge amounts ofinvestment being directed into higher education," Phil Baty, editor of Times HigherEducation Rankings, told Xinhua.
"Investment attracts the best faculty, allows for the provision of facilities to attract thebest students and permits the proliferation of world-class research papers."
Phil also said: "Perhaps the remaining barrier for further movement up the tables isembracing internationalization, with greater international research collaboration andnetworks, and greater recruitment of international faculty and students."
(Editor:LiXiang、Gao Yinan)
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Universities from Chinese mainland climb up worldrankings
) 09:21, October 03, 2013Email|
Comments twitter facebook Sina Microblog reddit Beijing, Oct.3 (People's Daily Online) -- Chinese mainland now has two world top-50universities in the prestigious Times Higher Education list while an elite group of U.S. andBritish “super-brands” continues to dominate the rankings.
According to the 2013-14 Times Higher Education World University Rankings publishedby the Times Higher Education magazine, The California Institute of Technology retains itsplace at the top for the third consecutive year, with Harvard University regaining secondplace, up from fourth a year earlier, a position shared with the UK’s University of Oxford.Stanford University slips from joint second to fourth.
The US continues to dominate, taking seven of the top 10 places. This year it has 77institutions in the rankings – one more than in 2012-13. It seems to have largely arrestedsigns of decline in recent years: of its top 200 institutions, 40 have risen up the tables, 33have fallen and four have retained their position.
East Asian institutions made strong progress in the global index of academic prestige.Peking University in China creeps up one place to 45th, while its close rival, TsinghuaUniversity, rises two places to joint 50th.
Top institutions in China, South Korea, Singapore and Japan make gains – Chinesemainland now has two top 50 universities, but Hong Kong’s flagship loses ground. HongKong lost a top 200 institution (City University of Hong Kong) this year and now has onlythree representatives.
"Chinese mainland continues its march up the rankings and can now boast two top 50representatives. " Phil Baty, editor of Times Higher Education Rankings, said in an email toPeople’s Daily Online.
"Both Peking and Tsinghua universities improve their positions and edge closer to the bestin the world. Both act as national flagship institutions, attracting global talent and inspiringothers."
He noted that the power shift from West to East is not as dramatic this year as the US andthe UK have both managed to arrest alarming falls at the national level. But the trend iscontinuing: the vast majority of continental Europe’s leading institutions have slipped,while those leading the East Asian nations have for the most part risen yet again.
The Times Higher Education World University Rankings used 13 separate performanceindicators to examine a university’s strengths against all its core missions – teaching,research, knowledge transfer and international outlook.
(Editor:LiXiang、Yao Chun)
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