Xinhua) 10:31, October 13, 2013
Comments twitter facebook Sina Microblog reddit Southwest China's Yunnan Province signed a memorandum supplement with Laos onSaturday to strengthen exchanges and cooperation in education, culture, health and media.
Under the supplement between the Yunnan Provincial Education Department and theMinistry of Education and Sports of Laos, the two sides will jointly produce TV programson Chinese language learning and the teaching of specialized subjects and professionalskills.
The programs will be broadcast on state TV in Laos. Yunnan will provide universityscholarships annually for 10 Lao students who will study at Kunming Medical University inthe next five years.
Zou Ping, deputy director of the Yunnan education department, said nearly 1,000 Laostudents currently study in Yunnan, which neighbors Laos.
Since Yunnan and Laos signed an education cooperation agreement in 2009, the two sideshave sped up cooperation, including increased exchange of students and the training ofinterpreters and translators.
Yunnan has some 13,000 learners of Lao language and 200 teaching staff members for thelanguage.
(Editor:HuangJin、Liang Jun)
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