Xinhua) 16:06, October 31, 2013
Comments twitter facebook Sina Microblog reddit QINGDAO, Oct. 31 -- Chinese scientists have completed genome sequencing of saccharinajaponica, whiteleg shrimp and Yesso scallop, opening possibilities for boosting quality andyield of the three species commonly harvested as seafood.
Scientists from the Ocean University of China and Sun Yat-sen University announced thediscoveries on Wednesday at a conference in the eastern city of Qingdao in ShandongProvince.
The genome of saccharina japonica, a type of kelp, is estimated to contain 35,725 geneswhich are larger than the genes of other eukaryotic algae, while Yesso scallop is estimatedto have 29,650 genes in its genome, according to scientists.
Chinese scientists have previously mapped the genomes of four marine creatures, includingoysters, large yellow croaker, grouper and tongue sole, which are widely cultivated in Chinafor food or industrial use.
Saccharina japonica has medicinal effects and can be used to develop new drugs. It alsocontains seaweed glue and carrageenan, which are used in industries like dyeing andtextiles, said Liu Tao with the Ocean University of China.
"Based on the study of their genome sequences, we may be able to improve the taste, yieldand nutritional value of kelp and scallops, and raise the disease-resistance of whitelegshrimp," Liu said.
(Editor:YaoChun、Liang Jun)
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