Xinhua) 20:48, November 20, 2013
Comments twitter facebook Sina Microblog reddit BEIJING, Nov. 20 (Xinhua) -- The All China Lawyers Association on Wednesdayestablished a committee to supervise lawyers' conduct and vowed to punish those whobreak laws and regulations.
The committee aims to improve lawyers' work style, uphold integrity and urge lawyers toabide by the law, said Vice Minister of Justice Zhao Dacheng at the committee'sinauguration meeting.
It was also formed to implement the spirit of the recent Third Plenary Session of the 18thCommunist Party of China Central Committee.
The document adopted by the plenum says, "Lawyers will play an important role inprotecting the legal rights and interests of citizens and corporations in line with the law,"and that their rights to practice will be protected while they will be punished formalpractice under improved systems.
The new committee will help draft policies and measures regarding improvement oflawyers' practice, advise the All China Lawyers Association on improving lawyers' workstyle, reflect the public's suggestions on lawyers' management, and supervise lawyers'practice, according to a statement released after Wednesday's meeting.
The committee currently has 13 members, including three working in the judicial sector,three grassroots members, two scholars and two lawyers; and it will invite moreoutstanding figures representing various walks of life to join, the statement said.
The committee will hold meetings to listen to its members' suggestions and organize themto visit lawyers' offices, it said, adding members should keep state, work and commercialsecrets and respect private details learned in their committee work.
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