) 14:11, January 07, 2014Email|
Comments twitter facebook Sina Microblog reddit China aims to improve the quality of human-centered urbanization and construct a "twohorizontal and three vertical" strategic pattern of urbanization, according to a proposalfrom the Central Urbanization Work Conference.
Experts express their views based on the conference communiqué: the key of ongoingurbanization should center on people and aim at hukou (household registration) reform.The driving force of China's future economic growth and urbanization depend on futureurban agglomerations.
Promote human-centered urbanization
The conference called for human-centered urbanization to improve the population qualityand the living standards of people in urban areas. The first priority is to urbanize in anorderly manner rural migrants who are long-term residents and "who have had and canmaintain stable employment and long-term residence in cities".
At the operational level, based on China's urbanization development requirements, themajor task is to solve the hukou problem for rural migrants who have already worked inurban areas, and improve their quality and their capacity to integrate into cities.
There exists a large gap between urban and rural areas in China. Li Shi, Dean of theInstitute of Income Distribution, Beijing Normal University, says that urbanization canhelp farmers become city dwellers and enjoy equal public services and social benefits,which will further reduce the gap between urban and rural areas.
Resolving the "semi-urbanization" problem has become a direct step on the path toaddress the overall issue. Data released by the National Bureau of Statistics shows thatChina's urbanization rate will reach 52.57 percent in 2012, while the urban population itselfmakes up only 35 percent of the total population.
The newly-released "China's income distribution research report" shows that there areabout 200 million migrants in China, whose education, health care and social security areseverely restricted by the current hukou system. The report points out that hukou reformis an important measure to narrow the income gap.
There should be different approaches to implementation tailored to different types of city.The conference called for the complete removal of hukou restrictions in towns and smallcities, the gradual easing of restrictions in medium cities, the setting of reasonableconditions for settling in larger cities, and strict controls on the size of the populations ofmegacities.
The conference also states that the urbanization of the agricultural population should fullyrespect the will of the farmers themselves, and formulate specific measures according tolocal conditions.
【1】 【2】(Editor:DuMingming、Huang Jin)
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