Xinhua) 10:26, July 07, 2014
Comments twitter facebook Sina Microblog reddit PYONGYANG, July 7 -- The Democratic People's Republic of Korea (DPRK) has called forending confrontation on the Korean Peninsula and improving north-south ties, the officialKCNA news agency reported on Monday.
The DPRK made a four-point proposal clarifying its principles and stances on easingtensions on the peninsula and achieving "independent reunification" of the nation, one daybefore the 20th anniversary of the death of former top leader Kim Il Sung.
The DPRK government called on both sides to end reckless hostility and confrontation andblaze a road toward reconciliation and unity, the KCNA quoted a statement as saying.
It described the current situation on the peninsula as "grave" when a single remark or tinyfriction may cause destruction of the nation as hostility and confrontation have reachedextremely high level.
The DPRK asked South Korea to make a bold decision to change its confrontational policyand suspend all kinds of north-targeted military exercises conducted with "outsiders."
The statement also urged both sides to reject dependence on "outsiders" and settle allissues through their own efforts.
"The north and south should never fall victim to outsiders keen on catching fish in troubledwaters through the division of Korea," it stressed.
The government also suggested both sides seek "reasonable reunification proposals."Fellow countrymen have been increasingly demanding reunification be achieved through a"federal formula" on the Korean peninsula where different ideologies and social systemsexist.
In the June 15 joint declaration, it added, both countries acknowledged that common pointsexist between the "low-level federation" system proposed by the DPRK and the"confederation" supported by South Korea.
"The north and south should specify the reunification proposals and make efforts to realizethem," the statement said.
The June 15 declaration was issued at a historic 2000 summit between late South KoreanPresident Kim Dae-jung and late DPRK leader Kim Jong Il. It led to a period ofrapprochement between the two sides that saw large scale bilateral cooperation and thepromotion of economic ties.
(Editor:Sun Zhao、Yao Chun)
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