CNTV) 08:42, August 14, 2014
Comments twitter facebook Sina Microblog reddit Artworks on China's countryside generate nostalgia. [Photo/CNTV]
China has been through tremendous change over the past decades, and there will be moreas the country keeps pushing forward the course of urbanization. Such transformation canbe seen prominently in the countryside. But some artists think there are things that shouldremain untouched.
This series of oil paintings have been creating a lot of buzz on the Internet. Many say thatthe images remind them of their hometown and evoke a sense of nostalgia.
The artist behind the works is Li Zijian, who grew up in a small village in Hunan province.Li says all his works are inspired by his memories.
"I went to live with some of my relatives when I was 4 years old. I don't remember manythings from that time, but I do remember how beautiful the village was. All the memoriesform pictures in my mind and naturally come alive on my paintings," Li Zijian said.
This photographer recorded his impressions through his lens. Jiao Bo is from ruralShandong. He left his hometown at an early age to study in the city. He recently finishedshooting a documentary.
"I come back every year and take a photo of my parents. And an idea gradually dawned onme. I thought that I should keep a record of the whole village as it's been changing over theyears. Although our country has achieved a lot, this is where we started from," Jiao Bosaid.
It took Jiao Bo and his 5-strong crew over a year to finish the documentary. He wantsmore people to see his work, and keep their own memories of their hometowns clear andconstant.
【1】【2】【3】【4】【5】(Editor:Sun Zhao、Zhang Qian)
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