Xinhua) 13:51, September 20, 2014
Comments twitter facebook Sina Microblog reddit UNITED NATIONS, Sept. 19 -- UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon announced Fridaythat he has established a UN mission to combat Ebola with the advance teams to bedeployed to West Africa by Monday.
In a statement issued by his spokesperson, Ban said the United Nations Mission for EbolaEmergency Response (UNMEER) will "provide the operational framework and unity ofpurpose to ensure the rapid, effective and coherent action necessary to stop the outbreak,to treat the infected, to ensure essential services, to preserve stability and to prevent thespread to countries currently unaffected."
"I have issued instructions that UNMEER advance teams deploy to the missionheadquarters in Ghana and to Guinea, Liberia and Sierra Leone by Monday," he said. Bansaid he will appoint a special representative to head the mission and accelerate support tothe countries and people most affected by the Ebola crisis.
According to the statement, UN System Senior Coordinator David Nabarro will providestrategic guidance to UNMEER. The mission will rely on the support of the entire UNsystem, in particular the critical technical expertise of the World Health Organization, andwill work closely with member states, regional organizations, civil society and the privatesector.
The announcement came after the unanimous adoption earlier in the day of a GeneralAssembly resolution on Ebola, in which the body agreed to harness capabilities andcompetencies across the UN system in a single, unified structure to ensure a rapid,effective, efficient and coherent response to the crisis.
On Thursday, the Security Council passed a resolution, which declared the Ebola virusoutbreak a threat to international peace and security.
Earlier this week, the world organization outlined a set of critical needs totaling almost 1billion U.S. dollars over the next six months.
The Ebola outbreak was first confirmed in Guinea on March 22 and soon spread toneighboring Liberia and Sierra Leone. Since the outbreak, the virus has killed at least2,600 people in West Africa and nearly twice as many have been infected, according to theWHO. The number of cases is doubling every three weeks.
(Editor:Du Mingming、Bianji)
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