) 16:37, November 04, 2015Email|
PrintPhoto from Weibo
Around ten young women wore very little when they gathered at Jianwai SOHO in downtown Beijing order to advertise a piece of social software on Nov. 3. The advertising slogans and QR Code of the social software were written on their hips and waists, which attracted a lot of people to take photos.
Jianwai SOHO’s property management agency said it had no idea the activity was planned and that it had reported it to the police. Some legal experts said the activity violated new advertising law.
The app advertised on the women’s bodies belongs to a Beijing-based company that was founded in March this year and is mainly engaged in technology development, transfer, design and software development.
The head of the property company said she was having dinner with her colleague when she found the young women. Her staff tried to ask them to leave, but they refused to go.
【1】【2】(For the latest China news, Please follow People's Daily on
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