The next step in the de-obfuscation process is to examine how we can safely analyze JavaScript that is difficult to handle using the previously discussed strategies. Our goal is to be able to run the script unchanged, which means that we cannot perform the cut-and-paste cleanup step outlined in Part I. There are several reasons why we might encounter this limitation:
Once again, we will use Mozilla's SpiderMonkey JavaScript engine ( as our command-line interpreter.
In order to run a potentially malicious script unchanged, we will have to supply definitions for the objects and variables that it uses to perform its function. This means that, if it uses browser-specific function calls, we have to supply a default implementation of that function that does something useful. If we control the implementation, we can also trap attempts to use the object in a malicious or deceptive way, and these trapped attempts can supply information to the researcher about the potential risk of a given script.
In our example, we supply a default implementation of the function call document.write. This consists of two parts:
In JavaScript everything is an object. Functions are objects, so the object declaration is basically a function that contains other functions (methods) and members (properties). In the simplest case we have the following, which contains one method and one property.
// declare the document class
function my_document
// a property (initialized to string)
// declare a globally-accessible document object
var document=new my_document();
This doesn't do a whole lot, yet. There are a couple of things of note that are different from common OO syntax. The body (block) of my_document is the constructor. Statements in the constructor are either property or method declarations, and can be in any order. JavaScript objects have no explicit destructor. By creating the document object before the target script runs, we therefore intercept all calls made by the script through our own object.
Let's cut to the chase. Our example document, as delivered to us straight from the web page, is a giant block of obfuscated JavaScript in between a script tag. Not exactly well-formed, but browsers will load it anyway. Here is how the document starts:
It goes on for some length in a similar fashion. The original document is split up into random-sized chunks. Each chunk is obfuscated using an aliased call to unescape()
to build the individual piece, then that piece is printed out with document.write. Our goal is to intercept all the calls to document.write and get our own copy of the decoded document, (and this is the important part) without changing/reformatting/editing the script in any way. As an added bonus the document is big-5 encoded (Chinese), so there are a few decoding issues we have to worry about if we want to view results at the terminal.
The my_document
object therefore needs the following things:
Given these requirements, here is the document object definition we end up with:
// declare our own document object
function my_document()
print("debug: my_document constructed");
// counters to keep track of our write implementation
this.write=function (string)
print("debug: called my_document::write ("
+string.length+" bytes)");
// only escape high chars (>7bit). all this does really is ensure that
// the string remains readable at the terminal if it contains unicode
// or raw octets.
for (var i=0;i<string.length;i++)
if (string.charCodeAt(i)>0x7f)
var state="";
for (var p in this)
var p_e=eval("this."+p);
state+=" "+p+" [Type:"+typeof(p_e)+"]\n";
if (typeof(p_e)=="string")
state+=" -Value: \""+unescape(p_e)+"\"\n";
print("debug: my_document::myd_dumpstate:");
this.myd_data=function ()
print("Decoded document");
print("Number of calls to document.write: "+this.m_write_called);
print("Total bytes written to document: "+this.m_write_bytes);
this.myd_reset=function ()
var document=new my_document();
This is saved to the file mystubs.js.
Two parts of the solution are in place: the document object to intercept the data from the script, and the script itself. Now, how do we access the results?
Make a new file called mypost.js. This is loaded after the first two parts into the command-line interpreter.
// post processing, run this file after the main js file is interpreted.
// print out results
So, here is the final order of loading and execution:
Note that the function my_document::myd_dumpstate
will tell us exactly what is inside the object when it is called. This is useful because the script can potentially set properties of a given object or attempt to override sensible defaults. This can be used for risk assessment (example: the script tried to redirect or fool the user by loading into location.href directly, or through some other obfuscated means).
Time to press the big red button. The command-line invocation to bring it all together, as outlined above:
$ js -f mystubs.js -f badscript.js -f mypost.js
After destruction of the surrounding countryside, here's what we end up with (content changed to protect the perhaps not-so-innocent):
debug: my_document constructed
debug: my_document::myd_dumpstate:
m_data [Type:string]
-Value: ""
m_write_called [Type:number]
m_write_bytes [Type:number]
write [Type:function]
myd_dumpstate [Type:function]
myd_data [Type:function]
myd_reset [Type:function]
debug: called my_document::write (96 bytes)
debug: called my_document::write (86 bytes)
debug: called my_document::write (20 bytes)
debug: called my_document::write (67 bytes)
debug: called my_document::write (86 bytes)
debug: called my_document::write (65 bytes)
debug: called my_document::write (13 bytes)
debug: called my_document::write (100 bytes)
debug: called my_document::write (21 bytes)
debug: called my_document::write (2 bytes)
debug: called my_document::write (9 bytes)
debug: called my_document::write (1 bytes)
debug: called my_document::write (11 bytes)
debug: called my_document::write (88 bytes)
debug: called my_document::write (85 bytes)
debug: called my_document::write (92 bytes)
debug: called my_document::write (94 bytes)
debug: called my_document::write (35 bytes)
debug: called my_document::write (26 bytes)
debug: called my_document::write (23 bytes)
debug: called my_document::write (44 bytes)
debug: called my_document::write (15 bytes)
debug: called my_document::write (5 bytes)
debug: called my_document::write (50 bytes)
debug: called my_document::write (35 bytes)
debug: called my_document::write (1 bytes)
debug: called my_document::write (62 bytes)
debug: called my_document::write (33 bytes)
Decoded document
Number of calls to document.write: 28
Total bytes written to document: 1265
<script language="Javascript">
var x = 0
var speed = 100
var text = "%u6B61%u8FCE%u5149%u81E8%uFF3F%u96C4%u4E4B%u7DB2%u9801
var course = 10
var text2 = text
function Scrollforward() {
window.status = text2.substring(0, text2.length)
if (course < text2.length) {
setTimeout("Scrollback()", speed)
}else {text2 = " " + text2
setTimeout("Scrollforward()", speed);
}}function Scrollback() {
window.status = text2.substring(x, text2.length)
if (text2.length - x == text.length) {text2 = text
x = 0
setTimeout("Scrollforward()", speed);}else {x++
setTimeout("Scrollback()", speed);}}Scrollforward()
<script LANGUAGE=javascript>
if (top.location != self.location)'');
// -->
<meta name="Keywords" content="%u96C4%u4E4B%u7DB2%u9801%uFF3F%u5225%u554F
<META HTTP-EQUIV="content-type" CONTENT="text/html; charset=big5">
<link rel="SHORTCUT ICON" href="-----.ico">
<link rel="Bookmark" href="-----.ico">
<FRAMESET cols="*,88" frameborder="no" border="0">
<frame name="pagetwo" src="ABC.html">
<frame name="pageone" src="CBA.html" SCROLLING="no" noresize>