~ An Hour With You~
The eyes of the stars,
See inside my heart,
Seeking they will see,
Forever you'll be a part.
I look to the stars in love,
I long for your safe return,
The stars look down tonight,
Seeing a heart's fire burn.
Oh, the eyes of the stars know,
For they enter to the depths of time,
Gathering secrets of sweet love,
Twinkling with knowledge sublime.
Sadly the eyes of the stars see,
What is hidden from my sight,
They know of a fallen hero,
See my future's darkening plight.
The heart beats on yet another day,
Pulsating love through the veins,
Clouds gather o'er the stars,
While teardrops fall like rain.
Storm clouds slowly gather,
The stars have dimmed their glow,
Forever the stars will lightly twinkle,
In love's honor of a fallen hero.
Gayle Davis?
June 13, 2005
E-mailMusic: "Eyes In The Starlight"
Composed by: Bill Sandy - Mystifying Music
Copyright 2002 - All Rights Reserved
Used With Permission
~ An Hour With You~
Let him kiss me with the kisses of his mouth -
for your love is more delightful than wine.
Pleasing is the fragrance of your perfumes;
your name is like perfume poured out.
No wonder the maidens love you!
Take me away with you - let us hurry!
Let the king bring me into his chambers.
Song Of Songs 1:2-4
I praise You beloved Jesus,
I give to You with all my heart,
I seek You in my daily life,
Of You fore'er to be a part.
I sing Hallelujahs and Glories,
In spirit I speak to You my Lord,
I reach out with all my heart,
I find fortitude beneath the sword.
Shower upon my soul, Christ Jesus,
Strengthen my resolve by the hour,
Emitting love's reflections Lord,
In an aura of heaven's sweet power.
With all my heart I beseech wisdom,
To live my life in a shadow of Your love,
Let me leave a path of benevolence,
Reverberating cynosure from above.
Gayle Davis?
June 18, 2005
E-mail Music: "God Hear My Prayer"
Composed and Sequenced by Jalal AliUsed With PermissionWebmistress~Ladygayle