根據(jù)現(xiàn)場(chǎng)實(shí)際需要做適當(dāng)修改后即可使用: 1.退出工作臺(tái) Option Explicit Private Declare Function FindWindow Lib "user32" Alias "FindWindowA" (ByVal lpClassName As String, ByVal lpWindowName As String) As Long Private Declare Function SendMessage& Lib "user32" Alias "SendMessageA" (ByVal hwnd As Long, ByVal wMsg As Long, ByVal wParam As Long, ByVal lParam As Any) Private Sub bmpExit_Click() Dim lResult As Long Dim iResult Dim hw&, cnt& hw& = FindWindow("iFix Startup", vbNullString)
If hw& = 0 Then MsgBox ("無(wú)法關(guān)閉演示系統(tǒng)。請(qǐng)使用 Windows任務(wù)管理器將工作臺(tái)關(guān)閉。") End If If hw& <> 0 Then cnt& = SendMessage(hw&, &H10, 0, 0&)
End Sub
Private Sub bmpGEFanucWebSite_Click() Dim lVar As Long Dim Result
lVar = GetFocus() ‘This shell function accesses the internet, and opens directly to the GE Fanuc Website Result = ShellExecute(lVar, "Open", "http:\\www.zidonghua.com.cn", vbNullString, vbNullString, 5) ‘error check; If the local node is not connected to the internet, display an error message If Result < 32 Then MsgBox "您需要連接服務(wù)器且具有互聯(lián)網(wǎng)瀏覽器來(lái)顯示自動(dòng)化網(wǎng)站。" End If End Sub
3.打開幫助文檔 Private Declare Function WinHelp Lib "user32" Alias "WinHelpA" (ByVal hwnd As Long, ByVal lpHelpFile As String, ByVal wCommand As Long, ByVal dwData As Long) As Long Private Sub txtHelpHelp_Click() Dim lngValue As Long Dim hwnd As Long ‘Open Help for the Open Picture Command form hwnd = GetFocus lngValue = WinHelp(hwnd, System.HelpPath & "\SampleSystem.hlp", &H1&, 1)
End Sub
4.關(guān)閉虛擬鍵盤(需要copy文件) Private Sub bmpStopKey_Click() Dim hw&, cnt& hw& = FindWindow("My-T-Mouse", vbNullString) If hw& <> 0 Then cnt& = SendMessage(hw&, &H10, 0, 0&) End Sub
5.打開虛擬鍵盤(需要copy文件) Private Sub bmpStartKey_Click() Dim hw& Dim d As Double
hw& = FindWindow("My-T-Mouse", vbNullString) If hw& = 0 Then d = Shell(System.BasePath & "\MYTSOFT.EXE", vbMinimizedFocus) End If End Sub
6.檢測(cè)機(jī)器分辨率 Public Function CheckScreenResIsAtLeast1024x768() As Boolean ‘Function: Return a True if the NT screen resolution is 1024 x 768 _ Only display the message box one time.
Dim sngWidth As Single, sngHeight As Single, sMessage As String Dim sTitle As String Static boolRunOnce As Boolean On Error GoTo HandleError CheckScreenResIsAtLeast1024x768 = False sngWidth = clsSreenInfo.WidthInPixels sngHeight = clsSreenInfo.HeightInPixels
If sngWidth >= 1024 And sngHeight >= 768 Then ‘if at least 1024 x 768 resolution CheckScreenResIsAtLeast1024x768 = True End If If Not CheckScreenResIsAtLeast1024x768 And Not boolRunOnce Then sTitle = "Your Screen Resolution is: " & CStr(sngWidth) & " x " & CStr(sngHeight) sMessage = "The sample system is best viewed at a screen resolution of at least " _ & "1024 x 768." & vbCrLf _ & "To change, go to the Windows Control Panel and modify the Display -> Settings" _ & " property." ‘We only want to show this dialog one time MsgBox sMessage, vbInformation, sTitle boolRunOnce = True End If
HandleError: ‘Exit here on error End Function
7.改變字體大小 Public Sub ChangeFontsIfBelow1024x768(objPic As Object) On Error Resume Next Dim sngWidth As Single, sngHeight As Single Dim clsSreenInfo As New ScreenInfo Dim DummyString As String Dim objChild As Object
sngWidth = clsSreenInfo.WidthInPixels sngHeight = clsSreenInfo.HeightInPixels
If Not (sngWidth >= 1024 And sngHeight >= 768) Then ‘if not at least 1024 x 768 resolution For Each objChild In objPic.ContainedObjects If objChild.ClassName = "OleObject" Then DummyString = objChild.Font.Size If Err.Number = 0 Then objChild.Font.Size = objChild.Font.Size - 2 End If Err.Clear End If If objChild.ContainedObjects.Count > 0 Then ChangeFontsIfBelow1024x768 objChild End If Next End If Set clsSreenInfo = Nothing End Sub
8.檢測(cè)機(jī)器顏色是不是32真彩 (由于字?jǐn)?shù)太多,代碼已刪除) 9.打開chm幫助指定頁(yè) Public Declare Function HTMLHelp Lib "hhctrl.ocx" Alias "HtmlHelpA" (ByVal hwnd As Long, ByVal lpHelpFile As String, ByVal wCommand As Long, dwData As Any) As Long Private Sub txtLearnAboutIt_Click() ‘Bring them to the specific Help docs page Dim aHelpFile As String Dim sSecondary As String
aHelpFile = System.HelpPath & "\DRW.chm>secondary" sSecondary = "DRW_Using_Tag_Status_and_Quick_Trend_Pictures.htm" Call HTMLHelp(0, aHelpFile, HH_DISPLAY_TOPIC, ByVal sSecondary) End Sub
10.切換當(dāng)前頁(yè)面的提示信息 Private Sub cmdToggleToolTips_MouseUp(ByVal Button As Integer, ByVal Shift As Integer, ByVal X As Single, ByVal Y As Single) On Error Resume Next ‘Function: Enable/Disable tool tips. _ Note that this function does not recurse through grouped objects -- it _ only looks at ‘main’ objects in the picture Dim obj As Object boolToolTipsControl.CurrentValue = Not boolToolTipsControl.CurrentValue For Each obj In Me.ContainedObjects obj.EnableTooltips = boolToolTipsControl.CurrentValue Next End Sub
11.彈出滑塊調(diào)節(jié)(模擬量) Private Sub TankBatchC3_Click() ‘The Comments below have been added automatically. ‘Any changes could cause adverse effects to the functionality ‘of the Script Authoring Experts. ‘WizardName=DataEntry On Error GoTo ErrorHandler If blnDataEntryFrmFlag <> True Then GetFormSlider Dim dblLow As Double Dim dblHigh As Double Dim blnFetch As Boolean dblLow = ReadValue("Fix32.THISNODE.IFIX1_BATCH_TANK3LEVEL.a_elo") dblHigh = ReadValue("Fix32.THISNODE.IFIX1_BATCH_TANK3LEVEL.a_ehi") If (dblHigh > 32767) Then MsgBox " The high limit cannot be greater than 32,767 for this type of Data Entry, Please choose another." Exit Sub End If blnFetch = True Slider.Slider1.min = CInt(dblLow) Slider.Slider1.max = CInt(dblHigh) Slider.GetTheVars a:=1, b:="Fix32.THISNODE.IFIX1_BATCH_TANK3LEVEL.F_CV" Slider.lblLow.Caption = dblLow Slider.lblHigh.Caption = dblHigh Slider.Show End If Exit Sub ErrorHandler: HandleError End Sub
12.彈出按鈕控制(數(shù)字量) Private Sub MixerGroup1_Click() ‘The Comments below have been added automatically. ‘Any changes could cause adverse effects to the functionality ‘of the Script Authoring Experts. ‘WizardName=DataEntry On Error GoTo ErrorHandler If blnDataEntryFrmFlag = True Then Exit Sub End If GetFormPushbutton Dim strOpenButton As String Dim strCloseButton As String Dim dblLow As Double Dim dblHigh As Double dblLow = 0 dblHigh = 1 strOpenButton = "關(guān)閉" strCloseButton = "打開" Pushbutton.GetTheVars a:=1, b:="Fix32.THISNODE.IFIX1_BATCH_TANK3AGITATE.F_CV" Pushbutton.cmdOpen.Caption = strOpenButton Pushbutton.cmdClose.Caption = strCloseButton Pushbutton.Show Exit Sub
ErrorHandler: HandleError End Sub
13.彈出梯度調(diào)節(jié)框 Private Sub TempGroupTank1_Click() ‘The Comments below have been added automatically. ‘Any changes could cause adverse effects to the functionality ‘of the Script Authoring Experts. ‘WizardName=DataEntry On Error GoTo ErrorHandler If blnDataEntryFrmFlag = True Then Exit Sub End If GetFormRamp Dim strFast As String Dim strSlow As String Dim blnFetch As Boolean Ramp.GetTheLimits High:=ReadValue("Fix32.THISNODE.IFIX1_BATCH_TANK1TEMP.a_ehi"), Low:=ReadValue("Fix32.THISNODE.IFIX1_BATCH_TANK1TEMP.a_elo") blnFetch = True Ramp.GetTheVars a:=1, b:="Fix32.THISNODE.IFIX1_BATCH_TANK1TEMP.F_CV" Ramp.FastSlow F:=10, s:=5 strFast = 10 strSlow = 5 Ramp.lblSlow = strSlow & "%" Ramp.lblFast = strFast & "%" Ramp.Show Exit Sub
ErrorHandler: HandleError End Sub
14.確認(rèn)報(bào)警控件中的所有報(bào)警 Private Sub cmdAcknowledgeAll_Click() ‘ Acknowledge all filtered alarms AlarmSummaryOCX1.AckAlarmPageEx End Sub
15.確認(rèn)所選報(bào)警 Private Sub cmdAcknowledgeSelected_Click() ‘ Acknowledge the alarm currently selected Dim sNode As String, sTag As String, boolTagSelected As Boolean boolTagSelected = AlarmSummaryOCX1.GetSelectedNodeTag(sNode, sTag) If boolTagSelected Then AcknowledgeAnAlarm sTag End Sub
16.啟用報(bào)警音效 Private Sub cmdToggleAlarmHorn_Click() ‘The Comments below have been added automatically. ‘Any changes could cause adverse effects to the functionality ‘of the Script Authoring Experts. ‘WizardName=AlarmHorn ‘Property1=optExpertTypeToggle
AlarmHornEnabledToggle End Sub
17.取消報(bào)警音效(靜音) Private Sub cmdSilenceHorn_Click() ‘The Comments below have been added automatically. ‘Any changes could cause adverse effects to the functionality ‘of the Script Authoring Experts. ‘WizardName=AlarmHorn ‘Property1=optExpertTypeSilence
AlarmHornSilence End Sub
18.在下拉菜單中選擇排序列(畫面加載時(shí)用additem加選報(bào)警列名) Private Sub cmbSortList_Change() ‘Resort the list If cmbSortList.Text <> "" Then AlarmSummaryOCX1.SortColumnName = cmbSortList.Text End If End Sub
19.報(bào)警控件中的升序 Private Sub optSortAscending_Click() AlarmSummaryOCX1.SortOrderAscending = True optSortDescending.Value = False End Sub
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