I was off to go back to work one evening and my two children were busy sewing things on the sewing machine.My eleven year old daughter was going to assist her older brother in making a little 1 .I left, and in a few hours 2 to find a mess in room.
Having had a long day, I was very short with my greeting to them and then I 3 the material my daughter had usedIt had been 4 to make a color coordinated baby blanket, and now had chunks cut out of almost 5 piece of fabricNot stopping to listen, I exploded at the children and explained how 6 I was at what had been done.
My daughter listened to me sheepisy(粲然一笑), not trying to defend herself 7 , but the pain could be seen written across her 8 .She retreated to her room 9 , and spent some time there alone 10 she came out to say good night and once again apologize for the 11 she had made.
A few hours later, as I was preparing to go to 12 , there on my bed lay a beautiful, litlle cushion made out of the forbidden fabric, 13 the words “I LOVE MOM”.Along side it was a note 14 again, and theinnocence in which she had taken the fabric
To this day, I still get 15 in my eyes when I think of how I 16 and still feel the pain of my actions.It was 17 who then sheepisy went to her and apologized profusely for my actions.I 18 with great pride the cushion on my bed, and use it as a constant 19 that nothing in this world is greater than a childs 20 .
1Acushion Bbed Ctoy Dmachine
2Aleft Bpassed Creturned Dspent
3Awatched Bnoticed Cruiled D缺內(nèi)容
4Asold Bcharged Cbrought Dpurchased
5Aevery Bboth Ceither Dnone
6Aangry Bglad Cpuzzled Dsurprised
7Aafter all Bin all Cat all Dfor all
8Asmile Bface Ceyes Dbody
9Ahappily Bunhappily Cquietly Dquickly
10Awhen Bif Csince Dbefore
11Amistake Bpromise Cwords Daction
12Aschool Bchurch Cbed Dwork
13Awith Bon Cin Dalong
14Aapologizing Bexplaining Csaying Dtelling
15Ashame Bshame Ctears Dpity
16Areacted Bresponsed Cinflunced Dacted
17Ashe Bher brother CI Dmy daughter
18Ahide Bsee Cdisplay Dwatch
19Aphoto Bgift Cmemory Dreminder
20Aeye Blove Cgift Dcusion
If I had a rose for every time I thought of you, Id be picking roses for a lifetime. Swedish Proverb
Mary had her own special kind of joy, and she knew exactly how to spread it arounDShe lifted children from 1 into laughter, love, and belonging.
Each time she found a new 2 for a child, she gave the family one of her little homemade paper roses.It had become a 3 for her, and the families didnt ever forget it.
One evening, Mary was 4 a meeting for adoptive parents.One of the 5 fathers stood up to introduce himself.But before he spoke, he reached into his coat pocket and held up a 6 ,red paper rose.
”Twenty years ago today, I felt alone and 7 .I didnt know the talents inside me or what was possible for me.
Then Mary 8 two wonderful people into my life.They taught me what it was like to feel 9 .They not only loved me 10 .They opened a world of 11 that I didnt know existedMy new parents told me, “Reach for your dreams!”
I did, and today Im 12 to be giving that chance to a child who 13 just like me.My mother gave me this little rose.By now, all of you 14 where she got it so long ago.
Mary sent me a new rose just yesterday.And my new rose 15 a new spring, a beautiful new 16 for my own little girl.It 17 me to show her what unconditional love is, and to teach her to reach for her own beautiful dreams.
Thank you, Mary, for the special little things like roses that 18 our lives together.And thank you for all youve done for me and so many families over the years!”
One brief event can send our spirits soaring or 19 us in quiet to ponder a new beginning. 20 it is also the very small things, like Marys roses, that tie together the meaningful things.
1Apoverty Bloneliness Cmisery Dsuffering
2Ahome Bplace Cschool Dlife
3Aglory Bfavor Chabit Dtradition
4Aorganizing Bplanning Chosting Dattending
5Anew Bgrateful Ckind Dactive
6Abroken Bfaded Ctreasured Ddried
7Atasteless Bpowerless Cpriceless Dwortess
8Adirected Bintroduced Cbrought Daccepted
9Aloved Bprotected Ccared Dcheered
10Asilently Bcontinuously Cunintentionally Dunconditionally
11Achanges Bpossibilities Cbeauties Driches
12Aeager Bwilling Cproud Dlucky
13Astarted out Bcame up Cturned out Dgrew up
14Aunderstand Bguess Ctell Dknow
15Areplaces Bsymbolizes Cequals Dcreates
16Achance Bmystery Cchallenge Dbeginning
17Areminds Bhelps Caccompanies Ddrives
18Afix Bclose Ctie Dgather
19Acauses Bpush Cput Dleave
20AYet BBesides CO(jiān)therwise DTherefore
November 16th was when Ryan and I went on our first date.We decided to go to Olive Garden for dinner and to the 1 afterwards.I loved 2 about every minute of it.A few people at Olive Garden 3 but we didnt care.We 4 good money to eat there, and we felt it was best to enjoy 5 .There was no outpouring of PDA so we didnt see the big deal.I only fed her a few foods, and we sat really 6 to each other.
The movie was wonderful, and Ryan 7 me for the first time when the time was right.I felt like I was 8 when I went home that night.I called her the next morning and told her I had a wonderful 9 and that she made my heart 10 so fast when she kissed me.
Monday at school was not the best of days 11 .Ryan held my hand on the way to lunch and a few guys 12 , “Dykes!(同性戀女子)” at us.Ryan let go, and we walked 13 humiliated(受辱).Every day Ryan and I would see boyfriends and girlfriends holding hands 14 even a second-glance from anyone.The minute Ryan and I 15 hands, we were 16 . Sometimes we are asked “Why are two fine girls like you not dating a 17 ? You scared of guys or something?”
I didnt know how to answer the question and 18 did Ryan.Were not 19 guys.We just dont want one.This wasnt a game.This was our 20 .
1Alunch Bmovies Ccar Dclass
2Ajust Bstill Ceven Dvery
3Awached Bnoticed Cglared Dstared
4Amade Bwasted Cpaid Dgot
5Aourselves Bthe film Cthe food Dmyself
6Afar Bhappily Dnext Dclose
7Aheld Bkissed Cloved Dliked
8Ain air Bon air Cin favour Don favour
9Aday Bmeal Ctime Dfilm
10Arace Bhurt Cthink Dlook
11Aalthough Bhowever Ctoo Dthough
12Asaid Bspoke Cyelled Dlooked
13Aliking Bfeeling Clooking Dmaking
14Awithout Bwith Cfor Deven
15Ashook Bheld Ctouched Dfelt
16Afound out Battended to Claughed at Dbroken down
17Agirl Bmanager Cdoctor Dguy
18Aeither Bso Cneither Dhardly
19Ascared of Bsure of Cgood at Dhelpful of
20Aanswer Blife Cattitude Dday
Youve probably heard the expression, “What you see is what you get.” Psychologists tell us that nothing 1 our life more than our self-image.We 2 like the person we see in the mirror.We are what we 3 we are.If you dont think youll be 4 , you wont.You cant be it if you cant see it.Your life is 5 to your vision.If you want to change your life, you must change your 6 of your life.
Arnold Schwarzenegger(阿諾德 施瓦辛格) was not that 7 in 1976 when he met with a newspaper reporter.The reporter asked Schwarzenegger: “ 8 youve retired from bodybuilding, what do you plan to do next?”Schwarzenegger answered very calmly and 9 : “Im going to be the No.1 movie star in Hollywood.” The reporter was shocked and 10 at Schwarzeneggers plan.At that time, it was very hard to 11 how this muscle-bound(肌肉結(jié)實的) bodybuilder, who was not a(an) 12 actor and who spoke 13 English with a strong Austrian accent, could ever 14 to be Hollywoods No.1 movie star!
So the reporter asked Schwarzenegger 15 he planned to make his dream come true, Schwarzenegger said: “Ill do it 16 way I became the No.1 bodybuilder in the worldWhat I do is 17 a vision of who I want to be, then I start living like that person in my 18 as if it were already true.” Sound almost childisy 19 , doesnt it? But it worked! Schwarzenegger did become the No.1 highest paid movie star in Hollywood! 20 : “If you can see it, you can be it.”
1Asuits Bcontrols Cimproves Dhelps
2Adress Bbehave Ctalk Dlive
3Athink Bencourage Clike Ddecide
4Ahealthy Blucky Csuccessful Dhappy
5Alimited Bstuck Creflected Ddevoted
6Avision Bway Cdirection Dpurpose
7Afamous Bwealthy Csmart Dpowerful
8AIn case BAs soon as CEven if DNow that
9Aproudly Bconfidently Chumorously Dcarefully
10Asatisfied Binspired Camused Dpuzzled
11Aprove Bimagine Ctell Dbelieve
12Aknown Baccepted Cexperienced Dprofessional
13Apoor Bexcellent Clittle Dmuch
14Astruggle Blike Chope Dlong
15Awhen Bwhy Chow Dwhere
16Athe only Banother Cthe same Da different
17Asee Bcreate Cdraw Dplan
18Amind Blife Ccareer Dbehaviour
19Aunrealistic Bfoolish Cfunny Dsimple
20ARepeat BRemember CListen DWatch
My ears are recently full of joyous remarks from my friends such as, “Oh, Beckham is so handsome, so cool, that I cant help falling in love with him!” or “What perfect skills he has!” Yeah, I 1 to some degree, though I sometimesdo want to 2 them how much they know about Beckham, apart from his 3 and how much they know about football apart from 4 goals.It seems funny that we are 5 for things, with which we are unfamiliar or about which we are 6 , but we all, my friends as well as I, consider this one of lifes 7 .
We need these pleasures to 8 our lives.But that doesnt 9 to craziness or nonsense.As an old saying goes: “Dont judge a book by its cover.” We 10 not judge anything from its appearance.We should all know, it is ones good 11 and great contribution that make one a star and unforgettable.Therefore wed better say 12 about Beckhams good looks.
If we close our eyes, falling in deep 13 , we can find that the things that move us to be really happy or sad have a 14 meaning.If we dont go deeper and are just satisfied with 15 things, sooner or later we will find that we have not really gained anything because our first 16 has blinded and misled us, and well remain ignorant 17 we realize that and make some changes.
It is believed that thinking and going deeper than before is 18 of great progress.If one day we are willing to go deeper into everything, no matter how much it 19 us, we will finally prove how much we have 20 up, how much more sensible, mature, and intelligent we have become.
1Alike Bagree Chope Dthink
2Aask Btell Cteach Ddoubt
3Askills Bfame Cteam Dappearance
4Akicking Bhitting Cscoring Dcontrolling
5Athankful Bcrazy Ccurious Danxious
6Auncertain Bunhappy Cdispleased Dcareful
7Aaims Bqualities Cpleasures Dtruths
8Akeep up Bbrighten up Cfind out Dbring about
9Acome Bincrease Camount Drise
10Adared Bwould Ccould Dshould
11Athinking Bcharacter Clooks Dability
12Amore Bsomething Cless Dnothing
13Alove Bsleep Csense Dthought
14Aclear Bpuzzling Cmoving Dvaluable
15Amaterial Bdeep Csurface Dpleasant
16Aconclusion Bexperience Clesson Dimpression
17Asince Balthough Cunless Dbefore
18Asign Bcause Cvalue Dwillingness
19Aworries Bpains Csatisfies Doffers
20Agiven Bsent Cbuilt Dgrown
Living ones life is really like driving on a highway.First, to make a good driving, the driver must carefully examine the 1 of his car, just as he cares for his health for a good life.Once he enters into the highway, he must 2 certain rules for his own safety.It also can be said that he must obey certain rules of 3 when living as a decent adult.For example, on the highway, he is 4 to keep a constant speed which can be compared with his 5 activities through his life.Neither driving nor living must be taken at too 6 a speed nor at too slow a speedIf he drives too 7 ,the police will give him a ticket, just as he will be arrested when he breaks the law. 8 too conservatively, he will be called an outofdate person 9 the others driving at the proper speedWhen he wants to change his lanes, he must give careful 10 to every direction of his car.It is sometimes 11 to change the way of life 12 he can be sure of completion by doing so.He 13 not make any unnecessary changing of lanes which gives him only danger.Finally, he must 14 where he is now by recognizing some 15 appearing now and then.If he takes the wrong way, he must return to the right as 16 as he can.But he may thus lose 17 andenergy both on the road and in life. 18 the whole, driving on a highway and living ones life are both hard work. 19 if he is careful and serious enough, 20 will provide him much pleasure.
1Aseat Bcondition Cpetrol Dpassenger
2Alisten to Bfind Cfollow Dinsist on
3Asociety Bschool Cgroup Dhighway
4Aglad Brequired Cmade Danxious
5Abroken Boutdoor Cgood Dcontinuous
6Alarge Bhigh Climited Dexpected
7Aspeedily Bslowly Corderly Dwillingly
8ADoing BActing CGoing DWorking
9Apersuading Bgetting Cinterrupting Drefusing
10Anotice Battention Csigns Dregards
11Adangerous Bworthy Cunfit Dtroublesome
12Aif Bwhen Cunless Dbecause
13Adare Bneed Cmay Dshould
14Athink Bdiscover Cprove Dlook
15Asigns Broads Cposters Dpeople
16Apossible Bsoon Cmuch Dhard
17Amoney Bluck Ctime Dtrust
18AIn BWith CAbout DO(jiān)n
19ATherefore BBut CAnd DThen
20Ait Bhe Cthey Dyou
(四) 說明文
There are several competing theories about how early humans are related to us today.Most widely 1 is the “Out of Africa” hypothesis.This holds that 2 humans evolved comepletely in Africa, then 3 across the world in two migration waves.The migration of H.erectus across Eurasia made up the first 4 .Later, our own 5 evolved in Africa and fanned out in a second wave 200,000 years ago.These new people totally 6 H.erectus in Asia and the Neanderthals in Europe.
7 of the multiregional hypothesis 8 believe that early humans started to leave Africa around 2 million years ago, and were 9 totally replaced by recent migrants.They believe these far-flung hominids 10 genes and interbred, slowly evolving into modern humans —- in many places, simultaneously.Through gene flow, modern 11 such as large brains gradually spread, it is suggestedSome fossils seem to support the multiregional hypothesis.H.erectus skulls in Asia, for example, have 12 flat cheek and nasal regions as people there today do.
Most-but not all-genetic evidence appears to 13 the Out of Africa hypothesis.There is surprisingly 14 variation in the mitochondrial DNA of different people today, which 15 that humans evolved recently from a small ancestral population. 16 , the variation of DNA in Africans is greater than 17 , suggesting that people have been evolving there for 18 .
We may all be descended (是……的后裔)from a single African woman-dubbed Mitochondrial Eve-within the 19 200,000 years.Male Y-chromosome DNA hints at a single male progenitor, too.Fewer than 50 people could have given 20 to the entire population of Europe, experts believe.
1Aknown Bpredicted Crecived Daccepted
2Amodern Bancient CEuropean DAsian
3Aspread Bextended Cstretched Dreached
4Aflow Battempt Cwave Dstory
5Amigration Bspecies Ctheories Dchoices
6Areplaced Bremoved Cabandoned Dabolished
7AScientists Bresearchers Copponents DAdvocates
8Aeven Binstead Cstill Dindeed
9Anever Bever Cnearly Dalmost
10Atansformed Bacquired Cexchanged Dcontained
11Acharacter Bcharacteristics Cstyle Dhead
12Aconsequently Bsimilarly Cabsolutely Deventually
13Aoppose Bprovide Cpromote Dback
14Agreat Bgradual Clittle Dmuch
15Asuggests Bconvinces Cdeclares Dstates
16AIn fact BIn addition CIn short DIn general
17Alife Ba while Clonger Dthe present
18Aelsewhere Beverywhere Canywhere Dsomewhere
19Aprimitive Bprevious Cactual Dlast
20Arise Bdecline Cway Dcontribution
One British school is finding that allowing children to listen to music or even to have the TV on while studying is helping improve grades. 1 your teenager starts a family quarrel by sitting in an armchair listening to music while doing his homework, why not 2 a simple experiment? 3 taking the heavy handed(嚴厲的)line of 4 him to his bedroom to get on with it 5 , let him do the homework the 6 he wants.You might well find that his essay is more sparkling than 7 hes done before.
According to the research of Millfield prep school, around 20% of youngsters 8 best with background music, 10% excel(突出)when allowed to 9 their work with short walks around the room while up to 80% can concentrate 10 if allowed to fiddle(用手撥弄)with a small object.
The research has advised the school to adopt a complete 11 approach, analyzing pupils to discover which learning style 12 them best-then letting them do their work listening to music or 13 lying down. 14 parents at first regarded the 15 as a layabouts(懶散閑蕩的人)deed but many are now applying it at 16 where children are also allowed to do their work 17 the television on.
”I 18 to work on the floor with music on low,” admits Susan, 13, a day girl.”At first my parents thought I was skiving (逃避),but my 19 persuaded them to look at my homework and when they saw it was okay, they 20 .”
1ANext time BThen CBefore long DIn case
2Atake Btry Cform Dallow
3AIn spite of BExcept for CIn place of DRather than
4Acausing Badvising Cordering Dpermitting
5Aquickly Bquietly Ccarefully Dattentively
6Aatmosphere Bway Cmethod Dmeans
7Aeverything Bsomething Cnothing Danything
8Awork Brelax Cthink Dprogress
9Abreak out Bbreak down Cbreak up Dbreak in
10Afaster Bdeeper Cbetter Dworse
11Anew Bspecial Ccommon Dinteresting
12Ainterests Baffects Csuits Dimproves
13Astill Bperhaps Calmost Deven
14ADoubtful BPuzzled CAngry DUnpleased
15Amove Bsuggestion Cresearch Dproblem
16Aschool Bclass Chome Dlast
17Awhile Bwhen Cas Dwith
18Acontinue Bhope Chate Dprefer
19Ateacher Bclassmate Cfriend Dneighbor
20Arefused Bagreed Cstopped Daccepted