


高考英語詞匯總復(fù)習 S字母開頭




sad adj. not happy,causing sorrow 難過的, 悲哀的

adv. sadly

sadness n.

ant. happy;glad

safe adj. free from harm or danger 安全的; 平安的

n. safety 安全 ,保險

ant. dangerous[來源:Z+xx+k.Com]

sail vi. travel on water by the action of wind on sails or on asteamboat, airship 張帆而行. 航行

n. sailing 航海航行     sailor   海員 水手   水兵

sale  n. an act of selling 買  出售

onsale 出售    vt.sell    n,salesgirl   salesman

salt  n. (u) a white substance found in earth and in sea water,used to preserve food 

adj. salty 鹽的  咸的   含鹽的

same adj. not another, just the same 同一的 同樣的

all thesame  仍然  還是

the same…as   同……一樣

sand n. (u) tinygrains of worn-down rocks  

n.(c ) 沙攤 海灘

sandwich n. two piecesof bread with cheese, meat between them 三名治

satisfy v. make somebody happy; please 使?jié)M意   滿足

adj. satisfied 滿意的

Saturday  n. the seventh day or the last day of the week , the daybefore Sunday 星期六

sauce n. a thick cooked liquid that is served with food to gave aparticula r taste  醬汁,調(diào)味汁.

save vt. keep or rescue from harm, danger, hurt, loss, etc; storeup救,援救,貯存.

say  v. speak, express 說,講,表達.

sayhello to sb.   向...問好

saygoodbye to sb. 向...告別

scene n. (in a play or film )any of the division; the backgroundfor the action of a play 一場,布景,場面.

School n. place forteaching and learning.學校,校舍.

afterschool   放學后

atschool   在學校

go toschool  上學

school-leaver 學校畢業(yè)生


sciencen. knowledge of facts and laws based upon observation andarranged in an orderly system.  科學

adj.scientific 科學的  n.scientist  科學家

scoldvt. find fault with.責罵,斥責.

scoren. a group of twenty record of points made in agame.二十,得分.

ph r. scoresof  許多,大量.

Scotsadj. Scottish, from or belonging to Scotland. 蘇格蘭人的.

screamn. & v. to let out a high,loud noise, shout, cry out, loud high sound made with yourvoice.尖叫.

screenn. a covered frame that hides, protects, orseparates幕,熒光屏

sea n.any large body of salt water, smaller than an ocean 海,海洋

by sea = on aship

seamann. a sailor on a ship or in the navy 海員,水手

seamanship 航海技術(shù)

seal n.a large sea animal that eats fish and live in coldarea  海豹

seashell n. the shell of some types of sea animal 海貝,貝殼


search v. try to find by looking, seek.搜查,探索.

n. an actof  搜查,探索.

in searchof  尋找,尋求.

season n. one of the four periods of year.季節(jié)

seaweed n. a common plant that grows in thesea.海草,海藻.

seat n. thing to sit on .座位.

have a seat坐下   take a seat 就座

vt.  causeor help to sit 使坐下

be seated 就座坐下

second num.next after the first  第二的

n. person orthing that is second 第二個(人,物) equal to 1/60 of a minute秒  second-hand 第二手的  舊的

secretadj. & n. kept from knowledge ofothers; known only to a few, sth. kept hidden or known only to afew  秘密的; 隱蔽的, 秘密

secretaryn. a person with the jobs of preparing letters, keepingrecords, arranging meetings, etc. for another 秘書;  書記

sectionn. one of the parts that sth. is divided into; group ofpeople 段; 部分; 部門

see vt.look at, understand, find, visit 看  理解  會見 看望

see sb.off   為某人送行

seed n.thing from which anything grows  種子

seekv. look for , try to get, ask for 玩弄;  試圖 ; 探尋

seizevt. take hold of suddenly, grasp, take byforce   奪取; 捉;  占有

seldomadv. rarely, not often  很少 ;不常

sellv. exchange for money or otherpayment   賣 

sell out賣完

semicirclen. half a circle  半圓

send v.cause to do, cause to be carried 派; 派遣; 發(fā)射; 寄發(fā)

send up 發(fā)射;把...送上去

send out發(fā)出;派遣


senioradj. older, having a higher position or rank 高級的較高的

sense n. good understanding and judgement, a feeling 感覺意識

make sense有意義.

sentence  n. a group of words that forms a statement, command,etc.

usu. contains a sub.and a verb句子

n.&vt. to give a punishment to , a punishment for a criminalfound guilty in court宣判 判決

make a sentence with…用 ...造句

Sentencesb.  to death.宣判某人死刑

Separate adj. apart, not joined ,not shared with another分離; 單獨的;獨立的

adv. separately 分離地 個別地 獨立地

vt. put apart,go apart, keep apart分開;分離;分隔

separate…from… 把...同...分開

separation n.分離 隔離

September n. the ninth month of the year九月

seriousadj. Thoughtful, grave, bad 嚴重的; 嚴肅的


servevt. work for or in 服務(wù); 服役

servant n. person employ in a household or any service仆人; 傭人;服務(wù)者

servicen. the act of serving.服役 服務(wù)

set n. a group of things 一套;一副;裝置;設(shè)備

a setof  一套

v.put  ,go down  , makeready  放  (日,月)落  準備

set…free 釋放

set…on fire放火燒

set an example樹立榜樣

set fire to 點火; 放火;引起

set off出發(fā);引爆

set out出發(fā);著手

set up 建立 創(chuàng)立豎立

settlev. determine, decide, arrange 決定;安排;安家

n.settlement  住宅區(qū); 部落

settler 移居者

settle down 安家;落戶

several adj. being more than two or three but notmany幾個;數(shù)個;個別的

sewv. fasten with stitches 縫紉;縫制

sex n.the activity in which a male and a female join the sexual organs tocreate a baby or for pleasure; female nature of a person 性;性別

shaden. slight darkness, sth. to reduce or blocklight  陰涼處; 樹陰

shadown. darkness caused by sth.; preventing light from entering aplace  陰影; 影子

shake v. to move upand down or from side to side with quick repeated movements 搖動;震動

shall v. aux. ( usedwith I and we to express the simple future) 將要 ( to make asuggestion or ask a question that you want other person to decide)……好嗎

shame n. painfulfeeling of having done something wrong, improper, or silly; adisgrace dishonor  羞愧 恥辱

It` s ashamethat…      What a shame!

shapen.& vt.  theappearance or form of sth. that is seen 形成;形狀

form ,take shape  造成某形; 成型

share n. vt. portion, part 部分; 份 use together, divide intoparts 分享;分擔

sharp adj. having athin edge or point of sth. that cuts things easily.( sound)   loud, short andsudden.(difference) clea r and definite鋒利的;尖的;清楚的;明顯的

shave v. to cut offhair very close to the skin , especially from the face剃; 刮( 胡須等)

sheep n. ( pl. sheep)a grass-eating farm animal that is kept for its wool and itsmeat 

sheet n. a large pieceof thin cotton that you put on a bed to lie on. a thin flatpiece of sth. such as paper, glass or metal床單;薄片;薄板

shelf n. a long flatnarrow board fixed to a wall for storing thingson  架子

shine v. send outlight, glow發(fā)光; 照耀to look bright and shiny使發(fā)光(亮)

ship n.& v. a large boat for carrying goods orpeople across the sea. to send

or carrysth. by ship船; 輪船; 運送

shirt n. garment forthe upper part of a man` s body  (男)襯衣

shock n. v.unexpected unpleasant feeling to make someone feel verysurprised

震動 沖擊震驚

shoe n. an outercovering for a person` s foot鞋

shopn. a store, aplace where things are sold商店

vi. to visit stores to lookat or buy sth.購物

shopassistant  售貨員

shopping  購物

shore n . the land along theedge of a large stretch of water岸

short adj. not long,not tall, to be insufficient短的; 矮的; 不足

shortwave   短波

should v. aux. used asa past form of shall, used to talk about duty, obligation andsimilar ideas 將; 應(yīng)該

shoulder n. the part of the body to which an arm orforeleg is attached肩膀

shoutv.& n. call or cry loudly andvigorously 呼; 喊; 叫

a longcall expressing anger 叫; 喊

shoutat     對…大聲叫

show v. let be seen, be in sight, point out ,make clear to顯露; 出現(xiàn);指示; 說明

show sb.around  領(lǐng)某人參觀

show sb.out    把…送出去

n. display,entertainment  展覽 表演 放映

onshow  展出

shower n. a short fallof rain, act of washing  陣雨; 淋浴

shutv. close  關(guān)閉

ant. Open

shutup  閉嘴 ; 住口

shy adj. bashful,uncomfortable in company  害羞; 膽小的


sickadj. in poor health, ill 患病的; 惡心的

syn.ill    ant. Healthy


side n. surface or line bounding athing   邊 ; 面

side byside  肩并肩地

by the side of…在……旁邊

sigh v. to breathe in or out to make a longsound  嘆氣

sight n. ability to see, act of seeing 視力  thingyou see  風景;  情景

phr. lose one` ssight  喪失視力

sign n. any mark used to mean, represent sth.; gesture intended to express an idea 符號;  手勢;  跡象

v. make agesture  做手勢  write name on  簽名

n.signature   簽名

silencen. absence of sound or noise寂靜;   無聲

adj.silent  無聲的; 無對話的

insilence   沉默地

silk n.fine thread produced by the silk worn and made into thread forsewing and into cloth   絲;絲綢

sillyadj. foolish, stupid, not clever傻的; 糊涂的

syn.foolish,stupid    Ant. bright, clever

silvern. a shiny, valuable metal used to make jewelry , coins,etc.銀

similaradj. almost thesame but not exactly the same類似的

adv.similarly  類似地

simpleadj. easy to do or understand容易的; 樸素的

adv. simply簡單地

since prep.adv. conj. from then till now自從…以來; 以后

because, as.由于;既然

sincerelyadv. in a sincere way真誠的


sing v.make music with the voice歌唱

n. singer 歌手;歌唱家

singleadj. only one 單獨的; 單一(個)的

sink v.go down沉 落下move lower; change worse沉落; 消沉

sistern. a female relative with the same parents姐妹

sit v.rest on a lower part of the body; be seated 坐

size n.amount of space; a thing takes up; one of a series ofmeasures  大小;  尺寸; 型號

situation n. location, place, circumstances 位置;  場所;  情形

skatevi. move on skates 滑冰

skilln. ability gained by practice, knowledge, etc.技能;  技巧

adj. skilled熟練的;  有技能的

skin n.the covering of the body in persons, animals, fruits,etc.  皮膚; 

skirtn. woman s or girl` s garment that hangs from thewaist. 

sky n.the covering over the world  天空

slave n. person who is the property of another 奴隸

slavery n. system of having slaves  奴隸制

sleep vi.& n. rest body and mind; the natural restingstate of unconsciousness of body 睡眠;  

adj.sleepy  欲睡的;   困倦的

go tosleep  入睡;  睡著

slightly adv. to aslight degree, a bit , rather 少許;  一點

adj. slight 輕微的;  少量的

slow adj.& adv. not fast orquick   behind time , notclever  慢的; 緩的;  不聰明

adv. slowly

ant.fast  ,quick

small adj. notlarge  little, not important 小的;  少的;  不重要的

ant.big  ,large

smart adj.intelligent  , quick,fashionable  靈巧;  伶俐的

smellv.& n. have or use the sense of nose,to notice, examine, discover, have an unpleasant smell,; sense ofsmelling  聞;  嗅; 散發(fā)氣味; 發(fā)出臭氣; 嗅覺;氣味

adj. smelly 有臭味的

smile vi. showpleasure, favor, kindness by an up ward curve of the mouth微笑

n. an expression of the facefor amusement, happiness微笑; 笑容

smooth adj. even, likeglass, silk or still water光滑的; 平滑的

adv. smoothly 平滑地

vt. smooth 使平滑

snake n. a long,slender crawling animal without limbs 蛇

snow n.&v. water frozen into white soft pieces, that fall from the skyin cold weather.   ( of snow )tofall雪; 下雪

so adv.( used todescribe how big, tall etc. or that.)

conj.(used to give the reason why something happens) 那么; 如此; 非常; 因此;所以


sothat  以致 以便 結(jié)果是

so asto  以便 為的是

so longas 只要

so/asfar as  (表示程度 范圍)就…盡…     遠至…

soap n. substance usedfor washing.肥皂

social adj. concerning humansociety and its organization or quality of people’slives.


socialism n. 社會主義

socialist adj. n.社會主義的(者)

sock  n. apiece of clothing made of soft material that you wear on yourfoot


soft  adj.not hard, not rough, gentle and without much force軟的;光滑的


Ant.hard. rough

soil n. the top covering ofthe earth in which plants grow, gound土地; 土壤

soldier n. man serving in anarmy.士兵 戰(zhàn)士

solid  adj. n. not liquid or gas.固體 固態(tài) 固體的

solve  v. tofind or provide a way of dealing with a problem, work out,settle


some adj.certain, but not known or  named, a number of,any某些; 若干; 少許; 任何一個

pron. a certainnumber or quantity若干; 少數(shù)

somebody/someone pron.某人; 有人

something pron.   某事某物

sometimes adv.有時

somewhere adv.某處 在某處

son n.a male child 兒子

song n.something to sing歌

soon adv. in a short time, early 不久;  早; 

as soonas   一……就……

sooner or later遲早

sorryadj. feeling pity, regret , sympathy 抱歉;  遺憾

sort n. kind , class , person or thing of a certain kind orquality 種類;  類別

soul n. the spiritual part of a person, energy of mind orfeeling  靈魂; 精華;  心靈

sound n. v. what is or may be heard, a sensation inthe ear,; seem when heard  聲音聽起來

soup n.liquid cooked food often containing small pieces of meat orvegetables 湯

southn. adj. direction to the right as one faces therising sun; belonging to the south part; towards the south南;南方;南方的;在南方

southernadj. 南方的; 南部的

sow v.plant or scatter seeds on a piece of ground 播種

space n. unlimited room or place expending in all direction太空;空間

inspace  在空間

spaceship   宇宙飛船

spareadj. not needed for use, free空閑的; 多余的

spare time

speakv. Say words ,talk; make  a speech說話

specialadj. of a particular kind, not ordinary or usual.

特別的 特殊的專門的


speech n. a talk, the ability to speak 講話 演講

speed  n. rate of movement; distance divided by time oftravel速度

speedup  加快速度

spellv. to name in order to form ( a word ) 拼寫

spelling n.拼寫; 拼寫法

spend  v. to give out in payment, to pass or use.渡過 花費(時間金錢)

syn.lost , take

spend … onsth.

spend … in doingsth.

spirit n. a person apart from the body, one’s mind or soul,ghost  精神 妖怪 精靈

adj. spiritual精神的

splendidadj. brilliant, very good輝煌的 壯麗的 極好的


splitv. divide into groups or m ore parts, break ortear   撕開;切開

spokenadj. the form of language that you speak rather than write口語的

stormn. a strong wind with rain, snow or thunder or lightening風暴;狂暴天氣

storyn. account of some happening or group of happening.故事小說

straightadj. & adv. in a straight form orposition.直的 直地

strangeadj. unusual and queer, not known, seen, or heard of before奇怪的; 陌生的

stranger n.陌生人

strengthn. power, quality of being strong力量; 力氣; 強力

vt. strengthen加強 增強

strictadj. severe嚴格的

adv.strictly 嚴格地

be strictwith   對…要求嚴格

strikev. hit, beat打; 擊; 敲

n. a time whenno work is done because of disagreement ,as over pay or workingconditions  罷工

strongadj. having much force or power健壯的; 強大的; 堅固的

strongly  adv.  強烈的

strength    n.   力量

strengthen vt.   增強

strugglen. & v. a hard fight or bodilyeffort  斗爭; 奮斗              

to make violentmovement when fighting against a person or thing 斗爭

struggleagainst  同…… 作斗爭

struggle to one’sfeet 努力站起來

studio n. a room where TV and radio programs are made and broadcast工作室; 演播室

studyv. try to learn, examine carefully學習;  研究

n. effort tolearn by reading or thinking, a room to st udy in 讀書;  書房;  學習

stupid adj. not clever , not interesting 愚蠢的 無趣味的

subject n. something thought about, discussed, studied, etc.科目;學科

succeed v. turn out well, have success , come nextafter  成功; 繼續(xù)    succeed indoing something 干……成功

success n.成功  successfuladj.   successfullyadv.

such adj. adv. of that kind, of the kind 這樣的;  那樣的;  那么

pron. such aperson or thing  這樣的人( 事)

such as…例如……

suck vt. to draw into the mouth by using the tongue, lips andmuscles at the side of the mouth  舔食

suddenadj. happening, done, etc. unexpectedly 突然的

adv.suddenly 突然地

suffer v. have or feel pain, grief, etc.受苦 遭受

n.suffering    痛苦 苦難

sufferfrom   遭受

sugarn. a sweet substance obtained chiefly from sugar cane orsugar beets糖

suggestv. to say or write ( an idea to be considered ) togive signs of建議; 暗示


suit n. set of clothes  衣服

v. besuitable, be fit for 適合


suitable adj.合適的

suitcase n. a largebox with handle, used for carrying things when youtravel  手提箱; 衣箱

summary n. a shortstatement that gives the main information aboutsth.   摘要; 概要

summer n. the warmestseason of year.夏天

sunburnt adj. havingskin that is red and painful for spending too much in thesun  曬黑的

sun n. the brightestobject in the sky 太陽

Sunday n. the firstday of the present week星期天

sunglasses n. darkglasses that you wear to protect your eyes when the sun isbright  太陽鏡

sunrise n. the time when the sun first appears inthe morning  日出

sunshine n. a wordmeaning the light and heat that comes from the sun陽光;  日光

sunny adj. having brightsunlight   晴朗的; 陽光充足的

sunset n. the time of the day when the sun disappears and nightbegins  日落

supper n. an evening meal 晚餐

supply n. & v. quantityready for use, stock  供給物;儲藏量                   

furnish,provide , make up for  供給; 供應(yīng); 補充

support v. holdup, keep up, help , provide shelter, clothing,etc.  支持; 支撐;  維持

suppose v.consider as possible, think  假定 以為

syn.think  feel  guess

sure adj. free from doubt, confident, safe  確實的;無疑的; 一定的

be sureto do something  一定做……

makesure  務(wù)必; 務(wù)請

surface n. the outside ofanything  表面


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