


英語作文寫作基礎 如何寫出好句子

一. 教學內容:

1. 學會運用復合句

(1)Children grow older. They prefer to be more independent ratherthan be at the mercy of their parents.
When children grow older, they prefer to be more independent ratherthan be at the mercy of their parents.
(2)I was very excited . I couldn’t express myself inwords.
I was so excited that I couldn’t express myself in words.
(3)We will have a further discussion. We draw a finalconclusion.
We will have a further discussion before we draw a finalconclusion.
(4)The economy in this area is developing rapidly. The qualitiesof some citizens are still not satisfactory.
Although the economy in this area is developing rapidly, thequalities of some citizens are still not satisfactory.
(5)You are allowed to drive my car . You should drive carefullyand slowly.
You are allowed to drive my car on condition that/ as long as youshould drive  carefully and slowly.
(6)The teacher had read my composition. He gave me hisopinion. 
After the teacher had read my composition, he gave me hisopinion.  
(7)You have got the secret. Please don’t spread it inpublic.
If you have got the secret, please don’t spread it inpublic.
(8)They arrived at the farm. They were welcomed by thefarmers. 
The moment/As soon as they arrived at the farm, they were welcomedby the farmers. 
(9)The International Red Cross is an organization. Its purpose isto help the sick and the needy.
The International Red Cross is an organization whose purpose is tohelp the sick and the needy.
(10)I decided to find a job.  I could earn themoney.
I decided to find a job so that I could earn the money.

  2. 學會運用非謂語動詞

(1)Most of the artists who had been invited to the party werefrom South Africa.
Most of the artists invited to the party were from SouthAfrica.
(2)The prices of the computers which are being shown here arestill unknown.
The prices of the computers being shown here are stillunknown.
(3)After he had been deserted by his guide, he couldn’t find hisway through the jungle.
Having been deserted by his guide, he couldn’t find his waythrough the jungle.
(4)Nowadays the old people often do morning exercises in the parkin order that they could keep healthy.
Nowadays the old people often do morning exercises in the park tokeep healthy.
(5)The church was built in 1829. It is the oldest Europeanstructure .  
The church built in 1829 is the oldest European structure.  
(6)Jane was disturbed by the noise. She turned off theradio. 
Disturbed by the noise, Jane turned off theradio. 
(7)Gary was tired. He decided to go tobed.   
Being tired, Gary decided to go to bed. 
(8)As I felt hungry, I decided to walk to the shop and buy somefood.
Feeling hungry, I decided to walk to the shop and buy somefood.
(9)I sent him an e-mail and hoped to get further informationabout SARS.
I sent him an e-mail, hoping to get further information aboutSARS.
(10)As soon as I entered the classroom, I found all my classmateswere busy studying
Entering the classroom, I found all my classmates were busystudying

3. 學會句式的變化
1. It was not long before he had to leave for another place.
Before long , he was forced to move on.
2. The room is so small that we can’t put the piano in it.
The room is too small for us to  put the pianoin.
3. By chance I met an old friend of mine that day.
I happened to meet an old friend of mine that day.
It happened that I met an old friend of mine that day.
4. That was because we were not careful enough.
That was because of our carelessness.
5. The people were in deep sorrow when they heard this sadnews.
The people were in deep sorrow at this sad news .
6. If you won’t do it, I’ll get Tom to do it.
If you won’t do it, I’ll make/ have  Tomdo  it.
7. We think that it is our duty to take care of these youngtrees.
We think  it our duty to take care of these youngtrees.
8. When I was a child, I often played here.
As a boy, I used to play here.
9. I have never seen such a beautiful suit before.
    I have neverseen  so beautiful a suit before.
10. If it doesn’t rain, we’ll hold the sports meet.
    Unless itrains, we’ll hold the sports meet.
11. Do you mind if I smoke here?
Do you mind my/me smoking here?
12. I was walking aimlessly through the street when I saw atailor’s shop.
I was wandering through the street when I caught sight of atailor’s shop.
13. Hearing the news, he hurried home.
After / When he heard the news, he went home in a hurry.
14. He never hesitates to help others.
He always helps others without any hesitation.
15. The young man came in, who was holding a book in hishand.
The young man came in, holding/with a book in his hand.
16. Liberation brought about a complete change in his life.
It was  liberation  that broughtabout a complete change in his life.
17. The windows need cleaning.
The windows need to be cleaned.
18. I don’t think he will apologize to me.
I don’t think he will  make an apology tome.
19. It seemed that they were talking about somethingimportant.  
They seemed to be talking about something important.
20. It’s time for us to discuss this problem.
It’s time that we  should discuss/ discussed thisproblem.
21. You’ re very kind to say so.
It ’s very kind of you to say so.
22. The foreign visitors were warmly welcomed at the airport.
The foreign visitors were given a warm welcome at theairport.
23. As I was coughing badly, the doctor told me to stopsmoking.
The doctor advised me to give up smoking, for I was coughingbadly.
24. With the help of the map, we found the place without anytrouble.
With the help of the map, we had no trouble  infinding the place.
25. As I was tired out, I went to sleep soon.
    Being tiredout, I fell asleep soon.
26. I told him to go to school and at last he took my advice.
    At last Ipersuaded him to go to school.
27. People said he would invite Mr. Brown to dinner
It was said that he would invite Mr. Brown to dinner.
    He was saidto  invite Mr. Brown to dinner.
28. Good pronunciation is very important.
    Goodpronunciation is of great importance.
29. I ran to school so quickly that I could hardly breathe when Ireached there.
    I ran toschool so quickly that I was quite  out of breathwhen I reached there.
30. I didn’t finish reading the novel until yesterday.
    Itwas  not until yesterday that I finished readingthe novel.
    Not untilyesterday did I  finish reading the novel.
31. Although he was quite young, he did it very well.
    Quiteyoung  as he was , he did it very well.
32. She had to sell her house. That was the only way out forher.
    She hadno  choice but to  sell herhouse.
33. He went to study at a college at the age of 18.
    When he was18, he went to study at a college.
34. What surprised me greatly was to find she was such a fineswimmer.
    To my greatsurprise, I found she was such a fine swimmer.
35. “Mary, do you agree with me?” John asked.
    John askedMary  if /whether she  agreedwith him.
36. My brother has been in the army for three years.
    It is threeyears  since my brother joined  the army.
    Mybrother  joined the army threeyears  ago.
37. She said to me, “Don’t forget to ring him up tomorrowmorning.”
    She told menot to forget to ring him up the next morning.
38. We left early so that we shouldn’t be late for themeeting.
    We startedout early in order not to be late for the meeting.
39. Look round before you cross the street.
    Look roundbefore/ when/ while crossing the street.
40. Work hard and you will succeed.
If you  work hard, you will succeed.
41. She suddenly began to cry.
    She burstinto  tears.
42. she is too young to go to school.
    She isn’told enough to go to school.
43. It is not polite to make others be laughed at.
    It is notpolite to make fun of others.
44. Mathilde would rather not go to the palace ball unless she gotsome jewelry.
    Mathildewould rather stay at home than go to the palace ball if shecouldn’t get any jewelry.
45. It is better for you to give up drinking.
    You hadbetter give up drinking.
46. It is not necessary for you to worry about him.
    You need notworry about him.
    There is noneed to worry about him.
47. As he was very poor, he couldn’t go to college.
    His povertyprevented him from going to college.
48. The enemy soldier ,who was full of fear, kept trembling
    The enemysoldier , full of fear, kept trembling.
49. He has formed the habit of sleeping early and getting upearly.
    He has madeit a rule to sleep early and get up early.
    He has gotused to sleeping early and getting up early.
50. We often hear her sing English songs in her spare time.
    She is oftenheard  to  sing English songs inher spare time.

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