Communication and Interaction
Parents and carers of children with an ASD often feel unableto communicate and interact with their child and are unsure of how to do so.This guide gives useful information on achieving this.
Communication happens when one person sends a message toanother person either verbally or non-verbally. Interaction happens when twopeople, for example, an adult and a child, respond to one another - a two-waycommunication.
Most children with an ASD (autistic spectrum disorder) willhave difficulty interacting with others. This is because in order to besuccessful at interaction the child needs to respond to others when they areapproached by them or be able to initiate interactions. Although many childrenwith an ASD are able to do this when they want something, they tend not to useinteraction to show people things or to be sociable.
It is important to remember that communication andinteraction do not have to involve the use of language and speech. Manychildren with an ASD are delayed
in their use oflanguage and shy away from using speech. Therefore, other methods ofcommunication need to be established before speech and language will follow.
The way in which the child communicates needs to be observedin order to develop their communicative strengths and needs. For example, ifthe child is not using any sound or speech, rather than communicating with themthrough words, try using gesture. The child with an ASD may use some of thefollowing to communicate with others: crying, taking the adults hand to theobject they desire, looking at the object they desire, reaching, using picturesand echolalia.
Echolalia is the repetition of other people's words and is acommon feature of the child with an ASD. Initially when the child usesecholalia it is likely that they are repeating words that they do notunderstand and are doing so with no communicative intent. However, echolalia isa good sign as it shows that the child's communication isdeveloping - in time,the child will begin to use the repeated words and phrases to communicate somethingsignificant. For example, the child may memorise the words that were said tothem when they were asked if they would like a drink, and use them later, in adifferent situation, to ask a question of their own.
Being successful in communication with the child with an ASD,does not only involve an understanding of how they communicate but alsorequires an understanding of why they communicate. In understanding the purposeof the child's communication you can help the child find more ways and morereasons to communicate.
There are two main different types of communication:
Pre-intentional Communication: this is when the child says ordoes things without intending them to affect those around them. This type ofcommunication can be used by the child to calm themselves, focus themselves oras a reaction to an upsetting/fun experience.
Intentional Communication: this is when the child says ordoes things with the purpose of sending a message to another person. This typeof communication can be used to protest about what they are being asked to doand to make requests.
Intentional communication is easier for the child once theyhave learnt that their actions have an effect on other people - the move frompre-intentional communication to intentional communication is a big step forthe child with an ASD.
Sussman (1999) believes that it is helpful to view childrenwith an ASD as being on a continuum in terms of their intentionalcommunication, at one end of the continuum are children who communicate mainlyto get the things they want, 'at the other end are children whocommunicate for many reasons, such as to ask questions, comment on something orto be sociable'.
The four different stages of communication
(as defined by The HanenProgramme)
The stage of communication that the child has reached dependson three things:
Their ability to interact with another person
How and why they communicate
Their understanding.
Stage one - the own agenda stage
A child at this stage of communication will appearuninterested in the people around them and will tend to play alone. Theircommunication will be mainly pre-intentional. The majority of children firstdiagnosed with an ASD are at this stage.
Stage two - the requester stage
At this stage the child has begun to realisethat their actions have an affect on other people. They are likely tocommunicate to the adult their wants and what they enjoy, by pulling themtowards objects, areas or games.
Stage three - the early communicator stage
At this stage the child's interactions willbegin to increase in length and become more intentional. The child may alsobegin to echo some of the things that they hear to communicate their needs.Gradually the child will begin to point to things that they want to show theadult and begin to shift their gaze this is a sign that child is beginning toengage in a two-way interaction.
Stage four - the partner stage
When the child reaches this stage they havebecome a more effective communicator. The child will be using speech to talk andwill be able to carry out a simple conversation. While the child may appearconfident and capable when using communication in familiar environments (eg athome), they may struggle when they enter unfamiliar territory (eg at a newnursery or school). It is in this situation that they may use memorised phrasesand can often appear to be ignoring their communication partner by speakingover them and ignoring the rules of turn taking.
Ways that adults can affect the communication ofa child with ASD
Take on the role of a helper and teacher
When the child is unable to communicate theirneeds it is tempting to help them by constantly doing things for them. Forexample, fetching their shoes and tying their shoelaces. However, by doing thisthe opportunities for the child to show that they can do such things forthemselves are reduced. When the childis at the Own Agenda Stage it is particularly difficult to decipher how much todo for the child. In this instance it is appropriate to ask the child if theyneed help, wait and then ask a second time before adding the help.
Instead of letting the child do their own thing,encourage them to do things with others
It is tempting to believe that the child ismerely showing their independence when they show no interest in interactingwith the adult. However, it is important that the child does learn to interactand is not just left to their own devices. In this instance the key is topersevere with joining in with whatever activity the child is engaged in,whether this is playing with a piece of string or taking toys in and out of thetoy box. If the child shows anger and aggression when this is tried, stillpersevere. Anger is a type of interaction and is better than no interaction atall. As this interaction is continued with the child they may begin to realizein time that interaction with another person can be fun.
Slow down the pace and give the child a chanceto communicate
Caring for a child with an ASD can be hard workand time consuming. There is often the temptation to rush the child when theyare performing daily tasks such as eating breakfast and getting dressed. Achild with ASD will benefit from an extra few minutes extra time when engagedin these tasks to help them understand what is happening around them and tothink about what they can say during these activities.
When playing with the child take on the role ofa partner rather than a leader
As the child becomes more capable atcommunicating, they need less direction - if they are given too many questionsand suggestions it can become difficult for them to initiate their ownconversations. It is important to follow the child's lead and respond to whatthey do.
Present the child with feedback
It is important to reward the child when theyattempt to understand and communicate. By doing this you can increase the likelihoodthat they will try and do it again. By using simple descriptive praise thatcomment on what the child has achieved, the child can make a connection betweentheir own actions and your specific words.
Giving the child with ASD a reason tocommunicate
If the child with ASD has no difficulty gettingwhat they want, they will have no reason to communicate and interact.Therefore, on many occasions the adult will need to engineer a situation inorder to create a communicative opportunity for the child and encourageinteraction.
Encouraging requests
This can be achieved by placing the child'sfavorite toy/food/video in a place where the child can see it but is unable toreach it, for example, a high shelf. Alternatively, place the child's favoriteobject in a container, which the child finds difficult to open such as an oldice-cream tub or an old jam jar. This will encourage the child to ask for helpand result in an interaction between adult and child.
Give the child a toy that is difficult tooperate
Wind up toys and games that need to be squeezedto make them work will be difficult for the child to operate alone but willalso interest the child. Once the childhas been given the toy/game, allow them some time to establish how to use it.When the child becomes frustrated at their inability to work the toy/game, theadult can step in and help them. Examples of this type of toy includeJack-in-the-boxes, spinning tops and music boxes.
Give thechild a toy that is 'high interest'
Balloons andbubbles are high interest toys and can be easily adapted to involve two people.Simple games such as blowing up a balloon and then letting it go so that itflies up in the air may appeal to the child. Blowing up the balloon part wayand waiting for a response from the child before blowing it up to its fullcapacity is also a clever way to enhance interaction between adult andchild. A similar thing can be achievedwith bubbles - blow a few bubbles towards the child, once their attention hasbeen captured, close the container and wait for a response from them before youblow any more.
Give thingsto the child gradually
If the childis given everything that they wants they will have no reason to ask the adultfor anything else. By staggering how much food/how many toys are given to thechild they are provided with opportunities to interact by expressing theirwants and needs. For example, if the child wants a biscuit, break it into smallpieces, initially give them one piece and then gradually given them more oncethey have communicated a request for it.
Let thechild decide when to end an activity
Once thechild is engaged in an activity with the adult, carry on with that activityuntil the child indicates that they have had enough. Look out for facialgrimaces or the child pushing away the activity. This way, the child is forcedto communicate that they are ready to finish the activity. If the child doesnot use language to indicate they have finished, accompany their form ofcommunication with words such as had enough and stop to encourage their languagedevelopment.
Increasinginteraction by following the child's lead
Followingthe child's lead rather than directing them will enable them to learn tocommunicate while they do things with another person, hence increasing theirinteraction. The child that leads is more likely to pay attention to theactivity, more likely to focus on the same thing as the adult and will learnhow to make choices for themselves.
Imitatingthe child's actions and words will help the child become involved in two-wayinteractions. If the child bangs the spoon on the table, and the adult does thesame, it is likely that the child will pay attention to the adult. This ideacan also be used with sounds that the child makes or with the child's sensorybehaviors, for example, hand flapping and spinning. Once the child has established that theadult is imitating her actions, they may begin to imitate back. This createsthe opportunity for the adult to add something new to the exchange for thechild to duplicate.
When thechild with an ASD is disinterested in playing with any of the toys presented,or prefers to line toys up rather then play with them, there are stillcommunication and interaction opportunities available. For example, if thechild is lining up their cars in a row, the adult can join in the activity byhanding the child the cars one by one. This way, the adult plays a part in thegame and the child has to include them in what they are doing. If the child isonly interested in throwing the toys on the floor, the adult could use a basketto collect them before giving them back to them, thus establishing a pattern ofinteraction and communication with the child.
Ways thatadults can help a child with ASD understand what is said to them
A child withan ASD will find processing information a difficult thing to do. This is because they may find it difficultto understand the world around them. Even when the child with an ASD doesunderstand a situation, they may not understand the words that go with thatsituation. Sometimes it is easy to assume that the child understands what isbeing said to them because they appear to follow instructions. However, thelikelihood is that the child will know what to do when instructions are givenin certain contexts because they have done it numerous times previously.
There areseveral ways in which to enhance a child's comprehension of what people aresaying to them.
Say less andsay it slowly
The adultcan limit the amount of words they use to communicate with the child but stillcommunicate the relevant information. Use key words that are specific to thecontext of the situation, repeat and stress them and use gesture, such aspointing, to accompany them. Sussman (1999) uses the following rhyme as areminder of how an adult make it easier for a child with an ASD to understandthem:
'Say lessand stress, go slow and show!'
Ifthe child has only recently begun to use speech as a means of communication,the adult should use single words to communicate with them. For example,labellingfavourite toys and food.When using this method of communicationit is important to label things when they are immediately given to the child.If the child's attention has shifted onto the something else, the word willlose its meaning.
Pausing in between spoken words and phrases canalso help the child with an ASD to understand what is said to them. The adultshould use pauses to give the child time to process what has been said to themand to give them an opportunity to think of a response.
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