To set up your computer to use Offline Files
- Open My Computer.
- On the Tools menu, click Folder Options.
- Click the Offline Files tab, select the Enable Offline Files check box, and then do one of the following:
- To do a full synchronization, select the Synchronize all offline files before logging off check box.
- To do a quick synchronization, clear the Synchronize all offline files before logging off check box.
- To do a full synchronization, select the Synchronize all offline files before logging off check box.
- To open My Computer, click Start, and then click My Computer.
- A full synchronization ensures that you have the most current versions of every network file that has been made available offline. A quick synchronization ensures that you have complete versions of all of your offline files, but they might not be the most current versions.
- Enable Offline Files is controlled through Group Policy, as is Amount of disk space to use for temporary offline files. To adjust these settings, you must have the appropriate administrative credentials.
- By default, Offline Files is enabled in Windows XP Professional. However, by default, Offline Files is not enabled in the Windows Server 2003 family because Terminal Services is not compatible with Offline Files. To enable Offline Files on a server running Windows Server 2003 , right-click My Computer, and then click properties. In the System properties dialog box, click the Remote tab. Under Remote Desktop, clear the Allow users to connect remotely to this computer check box, click OK, and then follow the steps in this procedure.
- Even if your computer is configured to use Offline Files, you must still select the network files and folders that you want to make available offline.
- To view a list of all of the network files that are available offline, in the Folder Options dialog box, click the Offline Files tab, click View Files, and view the files in the Offline Files Folder.
Information about functional differences
- Your server might function differently based on the version and edition of the operating system that is installed, your account permissions, and your menu settings. For more information, see Viewing Help on the Web.

設(shè)置好了上面的選項,并確認保存設(shè)置退出以后,用戶就可以在局域網(wǎng)中使用脫機文件夾了。在網(wǎng)絡(luò)中打開您回家工作需要的文件或文件夾,然后在該文件或文件夾上單擊右鍵,選中“允許脫機使用”命令,確認同步后,文件夾或者文件上將出現(xiàn)一個 符號,表明已經(jīng)可以脫機使用了,是不是很簡單呢?
