| | | | Congratulations; you‘ve successfully downloaded Google Notebook. Here are some tips to help you start using it: - From your browser window‘s status bar (see below), you can open and close the mini Google Notebook by clicking the Google Notebook icon.
- You can instantly add clippings of web content to your notebook by right-clicking on the desired content and selecting "Note this" from the menu.
Adding clippings of any Google search result is even easier – just click "Note this" after each result.
- Want to give it a try? Right-click the following sample text and image and add them to your Google Notebook:
RSI is no small matter. It accounts for 34% of all lost-workday injury and illness — and costs almost $20 billion annually, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics. The National Academy of Sciences has concluded that an estimated $50 billion is lost by businesses every year from sick leave, decreased productivity and medical costs linked to repetitive stress disorders. The Academy has published two reports since 1998 which directly link repetitive motion to workplace injury. The damage sustained from RSI is due to structural changes in the muscle fiber as well as due to decreased blood flow. Nerves can also be involved. The immobile tissue and surrounding inflammation compress the nerve which can cause numbness or tingling and eventually weakness if the nerve is damaged severely. | - You can organize your Google Notebook from the full-page view by either selecting "Go to full page view" from the Actions menu of the mini Google Notebook in your browser, or by going directly here.